Commit 1b842c47 authored by Ilija Puaca's avatar Ilija Puaca

Updated version of libwebp to 0.6.0. Removed iOS from build exceptions for libwebp

parent 3450528f
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ project(${WEBP_LIBRARY})
file(GLOB lib_srcs dec/*.c dsp/*.c enc/*.c mux/*.c utils/*.c webp/*.c)
file(GLOB lib_hdrs dec/*.h dsp/*.h enc/*.h mux/*.h utils/*.h webp/*.h)
file(GLOB lib_srcs dec/*.c demux/*.c dsp/*.c enc/*.c mux/*.c utils/*.c webp/*.c)
file(GLOB lib_hdrs dec/*.h demux/*.h dsp/*.h enc/*.h mux/*.h utils/*.h webp/*.h)
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += alpha_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += alphai_dec.h
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += buffer_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += common_dec.h
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += vp8_dec.h
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += frame_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += idec_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += io_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += quant_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += tree_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += vp8_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += vp8i_dec.h
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += vp8l_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += vp8li_dec.h
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += webp_dec.c
libwebpdecode_la_SOURCES += webpi_dec.h
libwebpdecodeinclude_HEADERS =
libwebpdecodeinclude_HEADERS += ../webp/decode.h
libwebpdecodeinclude_HEADERS += ../webp/types.h
noinst_HEADERS =
noinst_HEADERS += ../webp/format_constants.h
libwebpdecodeincludedir = $(includedir)/webp
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alpha-plane decompression.
// Author: Skal (
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "./vp8i.h"
#include "./vp8li.h"
#include "../utils/filters.h"
#include "../utils/quant_levels_dec.h"
#include "../webp/format_constants.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
// Decodes the compressed data 'data' of size 'data_size' into the 'output'.
// The 'output' buffer should be pre-allocated and must be of the same
// dimension 'height'x'width', as that of the image.
// Returns 1 on successfully decoding the compressed alpha and
// 0 if either:
// error in bit-stream header (invalid compression mode or filter), or
// error returned by appropriate compression method.
static int DecodeAlpha(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
int width, int height, uint8_t* output) {
int pre_processing;
int rsrv;
int ok = 0;
int method;
const uint8_t* const alpha_data = data + ALPHA_HEADER_LEN;
const size_t alpha_data_size = data_size - ALPHA_HEADER_LEN;
assert(width > 0 && height > 0);
assert(data != NULL && output != NULL);
if (data_size <= ALPHA_HEADER_LEN) {
return 0;
method = (data[0] >> 0) & 0x03;
filter = (data[0] >> 2) & 0x03;
pre_processing = (data[0] >> 4) & 0x03;
rsrv = (data[0] >> 6) & 0x03;
if (method < ALPHA_NO_COMPRESSION ||
filter >= WEBP_FILTER_LAST ||
rsrv != 0) {
return 0;
if (method == ALPHA_NO_COMPRESSION) {
const size_t alpha_decoded_size = height * width;
ok = (alpha_data_size >= alpha_decoded_size);
if (ok) memcpy(output, alpha_data, alpha_decoded_size);
} else {
ok = VP8LDecodeAlphaImageStream(width, height, alpha_data, alpha_data_size,
if (ok) {
WebPUnfilterFunc unfilter_func = WebPUnfilters[filter];
if (unfilter_func != NULL) {
// TODO(vikas): Implement on-the-fly decoding & filter mechanism to decode
// and apply filter per image-row.
unfilter_func(width, height, width, output);
if (pre_processing == ALPHA_PREPROCESSED_LEVELS) {
ok = DequantizeLevels(output, width, height);
return ok;
const uint8_t* VP8DecompressAlphaRows(VP8Decoder* const dec,
int row, int num_rows) {
const int width = dec->pic_hdr_.width_;
const int height = dec->pic_hdr_.height_;
if (row < 0 || num_rows < 0 || row + num_rows > height) {
return NULL; // sanity check.
if (row == 0) {
// Decode everything during the first call.
if (!DecodeAlpha(dec->alpha_data_, (size_t)dec->alpha_data_size_,
width, height, dec->alpha_plane_)) {
return NULL; // Error.
dec->is_alpha_decoded_ = 1;
// Return a pointer to the current decoded row.
return dec->alpha_plane_ + row * width;
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
} // extern "C"
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alpha-plane decompression.
// Author: Skal (
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "./alphai_dec.h"
#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
#include "./vp8li_dec.h"
#include "../dsp/dsp.h"
#include "../utils/quant_levels_dec_utils.h"
#include "../utils/utils.h"
#include "../webp/format_constants.h"
// ALPHDecoder object.
// Allocates a new alpha decoder instance.
static ALPHDecoder* ALPHNew(void) {
ALPHDecoder* const dec = (ALPHDecoder*)WebPSafeCalloc(1ULL, sizeof(*dec));
return dec;
// Clears and deallocates an alpha decoder instance.
static void ALPHDelete(ALPHDecoder* const dec) {
if (dec != NULL) {
dec->vp8l_dec_ = NULL;
// Decoding.
// Initialize alpha decoding by parsing the alpha header and decoding the image
// header for alpha data stored using lossless compression.
// Returns false in case of error in alpha header (data too short, invalid
// compression method or filter, error in lossless header data etc).
static int ALPHInit(ALPHDecoder* const dec, const uint8_t* data,
size_t data_size, const VP8Io* const src_io,
uint8_t* output) {
int ok = 0;
const uint8_t* const alpha_data = data + ALPHA_HEADER_LEN;
const size_t alpha_data_size = data_size - ALPHA_HEADER_LEN;
int rsrv;
VP8Io* const io = &dec->io_;
assert(data != NULL && output != NULL && src_io != NULL);
dec->output_ = output;
dec->width_ = src_io->width;
dec->height_ = src_io->height;
assert(dec->width_ > 0 && dec->height_ > 0);
if (data_size <= ALPHA_HEADER_LEN) {
return 0;
dec->method_ = (data[0] >> 0) & 0x03;
dec->filter_ = (WEBP_FILTER_TYPE)((data[0] >> 2) & 0x03);
dec->pre_processing_ = (data[0] >> 4) & 0x03;
rsrv = (data[0] >> 6) & 0x03;
if (dec->method_ < ALPHA_NO_COMPRESSION ||
dec->filter_ >= WEBP_FILTER_LAST ||
dec->pre_processing_ > ALPHA_PREPROCESSED_LEVELS ||
rsrv != 0) {
return 0;
// Copy the necessary parameters from src_io to io
WebPInitCustomIo(NULL, io);
io->opaque = dec;
io->width = src_io->width;
io->height = src_io->height;
io->use_cropping = src_io->use_cropping;
io->crop_left = src_io->crop_left;
io->crop_right = src_io->crop_right;
io->crop_top = src_io->crop_top;
io->crop_bottom = src_io->crop_bottom;
// No need to copy the scaling parameters.
if (dec->method_ == ALPHA_NO_COMPRESSION) {
const size_t alpha_decoded_size = dec->width_ * dec->height_;
ok = (alpha_data_size >= alpha_decoded_size);
} else {
assert(dec->method_ == ALPHA_LOSSLESS_COMPRESSION);
ok = VP8LDecodeAlphaHeader(dec, alpha_data, alpha_data_size);
return ok;
// Decodes, unfilters and dequantizes *at least* 'num_rows' rows of alpha
// starting from row number 'row'. It assumes that rows up to (row - 1) have
// already been decoded.
// Returns false in case of bitstream error.
static int ALPHDecode(VP8Decoder* const dec, int row, int num_rows) {
ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec = dec->alph_dec_;
const int width = alph_dec->width_;
const int height = alph_dec->io_.crop_bottom;
if (alph_dec->method_ == ALPHA_NO_COMPRESSION) {
int y;
const uint8_t* prev_line = dec->alpha_prev_line_;
const uint8_t* deltas = dec->alpha_data_ + ALPHA_HEADER_LEN + row * width;
uint8_t* dst = dec->alpha_plane_ + row * width;
assert(deltas <= &dec->alpha_data_[dec->alpha_data_size_]);
if (alph_dec->filter_ != WEBP_FILTER_NONE) {
assert(WebPUnfilters[alph_dec->filter_] != NULL);
for (y = 0; y < num_rows; ++y) {
WebPUnfilters[alph_dec->filter_](prev_line, deltas, dst, width);
prev_line = dst;
dst += width;
deltas += width;
} else {
for (y = 0; y < num_rows; ++y) {
memcpy(dst, deltas, width * sizeof(*dst));
prev_line = dst;
dst += width;
deltas += width;
dec->alpha_prev_line_ = prev_line;
} else { // alph_dec->method_ == ALPHA_LOSSLESS_COMPRESSION
assert(alph_dec->vp8l_dec_ != NULL);
if (!VP8LDecodeAlphaImageStream(alph_dec, row + num_rows)) {
return 0;
if (row + num_rows >= height) {
dec->is_alpha_decoded_ = 1;
return 1;
static int AllocateAlphaPlane(VP8Decoder* const dec, const VP8Io* const io) {
const int stride = io->width;
const int height = io->crop_bottom;
const uint64_t alpha_size = (uint64_t)stride * height;
assert(dec->alpha_plane_mem_ == NULL);
dec->alpha_plane_mem_ =
(uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(alpha_size, sizeof(*dec->alpha_plane_));
if (dec->alpha_plane_mem_ == NULL) {
return 0;
dec->alpha_plane_ = dec->alpha_plane_mem_;
dec->alpha_prev_line_ = NULL;
return 1;
void WebPDeallocateAlphaMemory(VP8Decoder* const dec) {
assert(dec != NULL);
dec->alpha_plane_mem_ = NULL;
dec->alpha_plane_ = NULL;
dec->alph_dec_ = NULL;
// Main entry point.
const uint8_t* VP8DecompressAlphaRows(VP8Decoder* const dec,
const VP8Io* const io,
int row, int num_rows) {
const int width = io->width;
const int height = io->crop_bottom;
assert(dec != NULL && io != NULL);
if (row < 0 || num_rows <= 0 || row + num_rows > height) {
return NULL; // sanity check.
if (!dec->is_alpha_decoded_) {
if (dec->alph_dec_ == NULL) { // Initialize decoder.
dec->alph_dec_ = ALPHNew();
if (dec->alph_dec_ == NULL) return NULL;
if (!AllocateAlphaPlane(dec, io)) goto Error;
if (!ALPHInit(dec->alph_dec_, dec->alpha_data_, dec->alpha_data_size_,
io, dec->alpha_plane_)) {
goto Error;
// if we allowed use of alpha dithering, check whether it's needed at all
if (dec->alph_dec_->pre_processing_ != ALPHA_PREPROCESSED_LEVELS) {
dec->alpha_dithering_ = 0; // disable dithering
} else {
num_rows = height - row; // decode everything in one pass
assert(dec->alph_dec_ != NULL);
assert(row + num_rows <= height);
if (!ALPHDecode(dec, row, num_rows)) goto Error;
if (dec->is_alpha_decoded_) { // finished?
dec->alph_dec_ = NULL;
if (dec->alpha_dithering_ > 0) {
uint8_t* const alpha = dec->alpha_plane_ + io->crop_top * width
+ io->crop_left;
if (!WebPDequantizeLevels(alpha,
io->crop_right - io->crop_left,
io->crop_bottom - io->crop_top,
width, dec->alpha_dithering_)) {
goto Error;
// Return a pointer to the current decoded row.
return dec->alpha_plane_ + row * width;
return NULL;
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alpha decoder: internal header.
// Author: Urvang (
#include "./webpi_dec.h"
#include "../utils/filters_utils.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct VP8LDecoder; // Defined in dec/vp8li.h.
typedef struct ALPHDecoder ALPHDecoder;
struct ALPHDecoder {
int width_;
int height_;
int method_;
int pre_processing_;
struct VP8LDecoder* vp8l_dec_;
VP8Io io_;
int use_8b_decode_; // Although alpha channel requires only 1 byte per
// pixel, sometimes VP8LDecoder may need to allocate
// 4 bytes per pixel internally during decode.
uint8_t* output_;
const uint8_t* prev_line_; // last output row (or NULL)
// internal functions. Not public.
// Deallocate memory associated to dec->alpha_plane_ decoding
void WebPDeallocateAlphaMemory(VP8Decoder* const dec);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif /* WEBP_DEC_ALPHAI_H_ */
......@@ -13,14 +13,10 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "./vp8i.h"
#include "./webpi.h"
#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
#include "./webpi_dec.h"
#include "../utils/utils.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
// WebPDecBuffer
......@@ -37,6 +33,11 @@ static int IsValidColorspace(int webp_csp_mode) {
return (webp_csp_mode >= MODE_RGB && webp_csp_mode < MODE_LAST);
// strictly speaking, the very last (or first, if flipped) row
// doesn't require padding.
(uint64_t)(STRIDE) * ((HEIGHT) - 1) + (WIDTH)
static VP8StatusCode CheckDecBuffer(const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
int ok = 1;
const WEBP_CSP_MODE mode = buffer->colorspace;
......@@ -46,33 +47,41 @@ static VP8StatusCode CheckDecBuffer(const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
ok = 0;
} else if (!WebPIsRGBMode(mode)) { // YUV checks
const WebPYUVABuffer* const buf = &buffer->u.YUVA;
const uint64_t y_size = (uint64_t)buf->y_stride * height;
const uint64_t u_size = (uint64_t)buf->u_stride * ((height + 1) / 2);
const uint64_t v_size = (uint64_t)buf->v_stride * ((height + 1) / 2);
const uint64_t a_size = (uint64_t)buf->a_stride * height;
const int uv_width = (width + 1) / 2;
const int uv_height = (height + 1) / 2;
const int y_stride = abs(buf->y_stride);
const int u_stride = abs(buf->u_stride);
const int v_stride = abs(buf->v_stride);
const int a_stride = abs(buf->a_stride);
const uint64_t y_size = MIN_BUFFER_SIZE(width, height, y_stride);
const uint64_t u_size = MIN_BUFFER_SIZE(uv_width, uv_height, u_stride);
const uint64_t v_size = MIN_BUFFER_SIZE(uv_width, uv_height, v_stride);
const uint64_t a_size = MIN_BUFFER_SIZE(width, height, a_stride);
ok &= (y_size <= buf->y_size);
ok &= (u_size <= buf->u_size);
ok &= (v_size <= buf->v_size);
ok &= (buf->y_stride >= width);
ok &= (buf->u_stride >= (width + 1) / 2);
ok &= (buf->v_stride >= (width + 1) / 2);
ok &= (y_stride >= width);
ok &= (u_stride >= uv_width);
ok &= (v_stride >= uv_width);
ok &= (buf->y != NULL);
ok &= (buf->u != NULL);
ok &= (buf->v != NULL);
if (mode == MODE_YUVA) {
ok &= (buf->a_stride >= width);
ok &= (a_stride >= width);
ok &= (a_size <= buf->a_size);
ok &= (buf->a != NULL);
} else { // RGB checks
const WebPRGBABuffer* const buf = &buffer->u.RGBA;
const uint64_t size = (uint64_t)buf->stride * height;
const int stride = abs(buf->stride);
const uint64_t size = MIN_BUFFER_SIZE(width, height, stride);
ok &= (size <= buf->size);
ok &= (buf->stride >= width * kModeBpp[mode]);
ok &= (stride >= width * kModeBpp[mode]);
ok &= (buf->rgba != NULL);
static VP8StatusCode AllocateBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
const int w = buffer->width;
......@@ -83,7 +92,7 @@ static VP8StatusCode AllocateBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
if (!buffer->is_external_memory && buffer->private_memory == NULL) {
if (buffer->is_external_memory <= 0 && buffer->private_memory == NULL) {
uint8_t* output;
int uv_stride = 0, a_stride = 0;
uint64_t uv_size = 0, a_size = 0, total_size;
......@@ -135,9 +144,35 @@ static VP8StatusCode AllocateBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
return CheckDecBuffer(buffer);
VP8StatusCode WebPFlipBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
if (buffer == NULL) {
if (WebPIsRGBMode(buffer->colorspace)) {
WebPRGBABuffer* const buf = &buffer->u.RGBA;
buf->rgba += (buffer->height - 1) * buf->stride;
buf->stride = -buf->stride;
} else {
WebPYUVABuffer* const buf = &buffer->u.YUVA;
const int H = buffer->height;
buf->y += (H - 1) * buf->y_stride;
buf->y_stride = -buf->y_stride;
buf->u += ((H - 1) >> 1) * buf->u_stride;
buf->u_stride = -buf->u_stride;
buf->v += ((H - 1) >> 1) * buf->v_stride;
buf->v_stride = -buf->v_stride;
if (buf->a != NULL) {
buf->a += (H - 1) * buf->a_stride;
buf->a_stride = -buf->a_stride;
return VP8_STATUS_OK;
VP8StatusCode WebPAllocateDecBuffer(int w, int h,
const WebPDecoderOptions* const options,
WebPDecBuffer* const out) {
VP8StatusCode status;
if (out == NULL || w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
......@@ -154,18 +189,28 @@ VP8StatusCode WebPAllocateDecBuffer(int w, int h,
h = ch;
if (options->use_scaling) {
if (options->scaled_width <= 0 || options->scaled_height <= 0) {
int scaled_width = options->scaled_width;
int scaled_height = options->scaled_height;
if (!WebPRescalerGetScaledDimensions(
w, h, &scaled_width, &scaled_height)) {
w = options->scaled_width;
h = options->scaled_height;
w = scaled_width;
h = scaled_height;
out->width = w;
out->height = h;
// Then, allocate buffer for real
return AllocateBuffer(out);
// Then, allocate buffer for real.
status = AllocateBuffer(out);
if (status != VP8_STATUS_OK) return status;
// Use the stride trick if vertical flip is needed.
if (options != NULL && options->flip) {
status = WebPFlipBuffer(out);
return status;
......@@ -182,8 +227,9 @@ int WebPInitDecBufferInternal(WebPDecBuffer* buffer, int version) {
void WebPFreeDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* buffer) {
if (buffer != NULL) {
if (!buffer->is_external_memory)
if (buffer->is_external_memory <= 0) {
buffer->private_memory = NULL;
......@@ -210,8 +256,45 @@ void WebPGrabDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const src, WebPDecBuffer* const dst) {
VP8StatusCode WebPCopyDecBufferPixels(const WebPDecBuffer* const src_buf,
WebPDecBuffer* const dst_buf) {
assert(src_buf != NULL && dst_buf != NULL);
assert(src_buf->colorspace == dst_buf->colorspace);
dst_buf->width = src_buf->width;
dst_buf->height = src_buf->height;
if (CheckDecBuffer(dst_buf) != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
if (WebPIsRGBMode(src_buf->colorspace)) {
const WebPRGBABuffer* const src = &src_buf->u.RGBA;
const WebPRGBABuffer* const dst = &dst_buf->u.RGBA;
WebPCopyPlane(src->rgba, src->stride, dst->rgba, dst->stride,
src_buf->width * kModeBpp[src_buf->colorspace],
} else {
const WebPYUVABuffer* const src = &src_buf->u.YUVA;
const WebPYUVABuffer* const dst = &dst_buf->u.YUVA;
WebPCopyPlane(src->y, src->y_stride, dst->y, dst->y_stride,
src_buf->width, src_buf->height);
WebPCopyPlane(src->u, src->u_stride, dst->u, dst->u_stride,
(src_buf->width + 1) / 2, (src_buf->height + 1) / 2);
WebPCopyPlane(src->v, src->v_stride, dst->v, dst->v_stride,
(src_buf->width + 1) / 2, (src_buf->height + 1) / 2);
if (WebPIsAlphaMode(src_buf->colorspace)) {
WebPCopyPlane(src->a, src->a_stride, dst->a, dst->a_stride,
src_buf->width, src_buf->height);
return VP8_STATUS_OK;
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
} // extern "C"
int WebPAvoidSlowMemory(const WebPDecBuffer* const output,
const WebPBitstreamFeatures* const features) {
assert(output != NULL);
return (output->is_external_memory >= 2) &&
WebPIsPremultipliedMode(output->colorspace) &&
(features != NULL && features->has_alpha);
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions and macros common to encoding and decoding
// Author: Skal (
// intra prediction modes
enum { B_DC_PRED = 0, // 4x4 modes
B_TM_PRED = 1,
B_VE_PRED = 2,
B_HE_PRED = 3,
B_RD_PRED = 4,
B_VR_PRED = 5,
B_LD_PRED = 6,
B_VL_PRED = 7,
B_HD_PRED = 8,
B_HU_PRED = 9,
NUM_BMODES = B_HU_PRED + 1 - B_DC_PRED, // = 10
// Luma16 or UV modes
B_PRED = NUM_BMODES, // refined I4x4 mode
// special modes
// Probabilities
NUM_TYPES = 4, // 0: i16-AC, 1: i16-DC, 2:chroma-AC, 3:i4-AC
NUM_CTX = 3,
#endif // WEBP_DEC_COMMON_H_
......@@ -11,11 +11,7 @@
// Author: Skal (
#include "./vp8i.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
static WEBP_INLINE int clip(int v, int M) {
return v < 0 ? 0 : v > M ? M : v;
......@@ -104,12 +100,11 @@ void VP8ParseQuant(VP8Decoder* const dec) {
m->uv_mat_[0] = kDcTable[clip(q + dquv_dc, 117)];
m->uv_mat_[1] = kAcTable[clip(q + dquv_ac, 127)];
m->uv_quant_ = q + dquv_ac; // for dithering strength evaluation
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
} // extern "C"
......@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
// Author: Skal (
#include "vp8i.h"
#include "./vp8i_dec.h"
#include "../utils/bit_reader_inl_utils.h"
#if !defined(__arm__) && !defined(_M_ARM) && !defined(__aarch64__)
// using a table is ~1-2% slower on ARM. Prefer the coded-tree approach then.
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
......@@ -33,61 +33,12 @@ static const int8_t kYModesIntra4[18] = {
// inter prediction modes
enum {
LEFT4 = 0, ABOVE4 = 1, ZERO4 = 2, NEW4 = 3,
static const int8_t kYModesInter[8] = {
-DC_PRED, 1,
2, 3,
static const int8_t kMBSplit[6] = {
-3, 1,
-2, 2,
-0, -1
static const int8_t kMVRef[8] = {
static const int8_t kMVRef4[6] = {
-LEFT4, 1,
-ABOVE4, 2,
// Default probabilities
// Inter
static const uint8_t kYModeProbaInter0[4] = { 112, 86, 140, 37 };
static const uint8_t kUVModeProbaInter0[3] = { 162, 101, 204 };
static const uint8_t kMVProba0[2][NUM_MV_PROBAS] = {
{ 162, 128, 225, 146, 172, 147, 214, 39,
156, 128, 129, 132, 75, 145, 178, 206,
239, 254, 254 },
{ 164, 128, 204, 170, 119, 235, 140, 230,
228, 128, 130, 130, 74, 148, 180, 203,
236, 254, 254 }
// Paragraph 13.5
static const uint8_t
// genereated using vp8_default_coef_probs() in entropy.c:129
{ { { 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128 },
{ 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128 },
{ 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128 }
......@@ -328,28 +279,38 @@ static const uint8_t kBModesProba[NUM_BMODES][NUM_BMODES][NUM_BMODES - 1] = {
void VP8ResetProba(VP8Proba* const proba) {
memset(proba->segments_, 255u, sizeof(proba->segments_));
memcpy(proba->coeffs_, CoeffsProba0, sizeof(CoeffsProba0));
memcpy(proba->mv_, kMVProba0, sizeof(kMVProba0));
memcpy(proba->ymode_, kYModeProbaInter0, sizeof(kYModeProbaInter0));
memcpy(proba->uvmode_, kUVModeProbaInter0, sizeof(kUVModeProbaInter0));
// proba->bands_[][] is initialized later
void VP8ParseIntraMode(VP8BitReader* const br, VP8Decoder* const dec) {
uint8_t* const top = dec->intra_t_ + 4 * dec->mb_x_;
static void ParseIntraMode(VP8BitReader* const br,
VP8Decoder* const dec, int mb_x) {
uint8_t* const top = dec->intra_t_ + 4 * mb_x;
uint8_t* const left = dec->intra_l_;
// Hardcoded 16x16 intra-mode decision tree.
dec->is_i4x4_ = !VP8GetBit(br, 145); // decide for B_PRED first
if (!dec->is_i4x4_) {
VP8MBData* const block = dec->mb_data_ + mb_x;
// Note: we don't save segment map (yet), as we don't expect
// to decode more than 1 keyframe.
if (dec->segment_hdr_.update_map_) {
// Hardcoded tree parsing
block->segment_ = !VP8GetBit(br, dec->proba_.segments_[0])
? VP8GetBit(br, dec->proba_.segments_[1])
: 2 + VP8GetBit(br, dec->proba_.segments_[2]);
} else {
block->segment_ = 0; // default for intra
if (dec->use_skip_proba_) block->skip_ = VP8GetBit(br, dec->skip_p_);
block->is_i4x4_ = !VP8GetBit(br, 145); // decide for B_PRED first
if (!block->is_i4x4_) {
// Hardcoded 16x16 intra-mode decision tree.
const int ymode =
VP8GetBit(br, 156) ? (VP8GetBit(br, 128) ? TM_PRED : H_PRED)
: (VP8GetBit(br, 163) ? V_PRED : DC_PRED);
dec->imodes_[0] = ymode;
memset(top, ymode, 4 * sizeof(top[0]));
memset(left, ymode, 4 * sizeof(left[0]));
block->imodes_[0] = ymode;
memset(top, ymode, 4 * sizeof(*top));
memset(left, ymode, 4 * sizeof(*left));
} else {
uint8_t* modes = dec->imodes_;
uint8_t* modes = block->imodes_;
int y;
for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
int ymode = left[y];
......@@ -358,10 +319,10 @@ void VP8ParseIntraMode(VP8BitReader* const br, VP8Decoder* const dec) {
const uint8_t* const prob = kBModesProba[top[x]][ymode];
// Generic tree-parsing
int i = 0;
do {
int i = kYModesIntra4[VP8GetBit(br, prob[0])];
while (i > 0) {
i = kYModesIntra4[2 * i + VP8GetBit(br, prob[i])];
} while (i > 0);
ymode = -i;
// Hardcoded tree parsing
......@@ -376,15 +337,24 @@ void VP8ParseIntraMode(VP8BitReader* const br, VP8Decoder* const dec) {
(!VP8GetBit(br, prob[8]) ? B_HD_PRED : B_HU_PRED)));
top[x] = ymode;
*modes++ = ymode;
memcpy(modes, top, 4 * sizeof(*top));
modes += 4;
left[y] = ymode;
// Hardcoded UVMode decision tree
dec->uvmode_ = !VP8GetBit(br, 142) ? DC_PRED
: !VP8GetBit(br, 114) ? V_PRED
: VP8GetBit(br, 183) ? TM_PRED : H_PRED;
block->uvmode_ = !VP8GetBit(br, 142) ? DC_PRED
: !VP8GetBit(br, 114) ? V_PRED
: VP8GetBit(br, 183) ? TM_PRED : H_PRED;
int VP8ParseIntraModeRow(VP8BitReader* const br, VP8Decoder* const dec) {
int mb_x;
for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < dec->mb_w_; ++mb_x) {
ParseIntraMode(br, dec, mb_x);
return !dec->br_.eof_;
......@@ -526,18 +496,13 @@ static const uint8_t
static const uint8_t MVUpdateProba[2][NUM_MV_PROBAS] = {
{ 237, 246, 253, 253, 254, 254, 254, 254,
254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 250, 250,
252, 254, 254 },
{ 231, 243, 245, 253, 254, 254, 254, 254,
254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 251, 251,
254, 254, 254 }
// Paragraph 9.9
static const int kBands[16 + 1] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7,
0 // extra entry as sentinel
// Paragraph 9.9
void VP8ParseProba(VP8BitReader* const br, VP8Decoder* const dec) {
VP8Proba* const proba = &dec->proba_;
int t, b, c, p;
......@@ -545,47 +510,19 @@ void VP8ParseProba(VP8BitReader* const br, VP8Decoder* const dec) {
for (b = 0; b < NUM_BANDS; ++b) {
for (c = 0; c < NUM_CTX; ++c) {
for (p = 0; p < NUM_PROBAS; ++p) {
if (VP8GetBit(br, CoeffsUpdateProba[t][b][c][p])) {
proba->coeffs_[t][b][c][p] = VP8GetValue(br, 8);
const int v = VP8GetBit(br, CoeffsUpdateProba[t][b][c][p]) ?
VP8GetValue(br, 8) : CoeffsProba0[t][b][c][p];
proba->bands_[t][b].probas_[c][p] = v;
for (b = 0; b < 16 + 1; ++b) {
proba->bands_ptr_[t][b] = &proba->bands_[t][kBands[b]];
dec->use_skip_proba_ = VP8Get(br);
if (dec->use_skip_proba_) {
dec->skip_p_ = VP8GetValue(br, 8);
if (!dec->frm_hdr_.key_frame_) {
int i;
dec->intra_p_ = VP8GetValue(br, 8);
dec->last_p_ = VP8GetValue(br, 8);
dec->golden_p_ = VP8GetValue(br, 8);
if (VP8Get(br)) { // update y-mode
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
proba->ymode_[i] = VP8GetValue(br, 8);
if (VP8Get(br)) { // update uv-mode
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
proba->uvmode_[i] = VP8GetValue(br, 8);
// update MV
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < NUM_MV_PROBAS; ++k) {
if (VP8GetBit(br, MVUpdateProba[i][k])) {
const int v = VP8GetValue(br, 7);
proba->mv_[i][k] = v ? v << 1 : 1;
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
} // extern "C"
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "../webp/decode.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ static WEBP_INLINE int VP8InitIo(VP8Io* const io) {
return VP8InitIoInternal(io, WEBP_DECODER_ABI_VERSION);
// Start decoding a new picture. Returns true if ok.
// Decode the VP8 frame header. Returns true if ok.
// Note: 'io->data' must be pointing to the start of the VP8 frame header.
int VP8GetHeaders(VP8Decoder* const dec, VP8Io* const io);
// Decode a picture. Will call VP8GetHeaders() if it wasn't done already.
......@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ WEBP_EXTERN(int) VP8LGetInfo(
const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, // data available so far
int* const width, int* const height, int* const has_alpha);
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
......@@ -16,13 +16,12 @@
#define WEBP_DEC_VP8LI_H_
#include <string.h> // for memcpy()
#include "./webpi.h"
#include "../utils/bit_reader.h"
#include "../utils/color_cache.h"
#include "../utils/huffman.h"
#include "../webp/format_constants.h"
#include "./webpi_dec.h"
#include "../utils/bit_reader_utils.h"
#include "../utils/color_cache_utils.h"
#include "../utils/huffman_utils.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -41,13 +40,10 @@ struct VP8LTransform {
uint32_t *data_; // transform data.
typedef struct {
} HTreeGroup;
typedef struct {
int color_cache_size_;
VP8LColorCache color_cache_;
VP8LColorCache saved_color_cache_; // for incremental
int huffman_mask_;
int huffman_subsample_bits_;
......@@ -55,11 +51,12 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t *huffman_image_;
int num_htree_groups_;
HTreeGroup *htree_groups_;
HuffmanCode *huffman_tables_;
} VP8LMetadata;
typedef struct {
typedef struct VP8LDecoder VP8LDecoder;
struct VP8LDecoder {
VP8StatusCode status_;
VP8LDecodeState action_;
VP8LDecodeState state_;
VP8Io *io_;
......@@ -70,10 +67,16 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t *argb_cache_; // Scratch buffer for temporary BGRA storage.
VP8LBitReader br_;
int incremental_; // if true, incremental decoding is expected
VP8LBitReader saved_br_; // note: could be local variables too
int saved_last_pixel_;
int width_;
int height_;
int last_row_; // last input row decoded so far.
int last_pixel_; // last pixel decoded so far. However, it may
// not be transformed, scaled and
// color-converted yet.
int last_out_row_; // last row output so far.
VP8LMetadata hdr_;
......@@ -85,18 +88,26 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t *rescaler_memory; // Working memory for rescaling work.
WebPRescaler *rescaler; // Common rescaler for all channels.
} VP8LDecoder;
// internal functions. Not public.
struct ALPHDecoder; // Defined in dec/alphai.h.
// in vp8l.c
// Decodes a raw image stream (without header) and store the alpha data
// into *output, which must be of size width x height. Returns false in case
// of error.
int VP8LDecodeAlphaImageStream(int width, int height, const uint8_t* const data,
size_t data_size, uint8_t* const output);
// Decodes image header for alpha data stored using lossless compression.
// Returns false in case of error.
int VP8LDecodeAlphaHeader(struct ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec,
const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size);
// Decodes *at least* 'last_row' rows of alpha. If some of the initial rows are
// already decoded in previous call(s), it will resume decoding from where it
// was paused.
// Returns false in case of bitstream error.
int VP8LDecodeAlphaImageStream(struct ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec,
int last_row);
// Allocates and initialize a new lossless decoder instance.
VP8LDecoder* VP8LNew(void);
......@@ -117,7 +128,7 @@ void VP8LDelete(VP8LDecoder* const dec);
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
......@@ -14,19 +14,22 @@
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "../utils/rescaler.h"
#include "./decode_vp8.h"
#include "../utils/rescaler_utils.h"
#include "./vp8_dec.h"
// WebPDecParams: Decoding output parameters. Transient internal object.
typedef struct WebPDecParams WebPDecParams;
typedef int (*OutputFunc)(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p);
typedef int (*OutputRowFunc)(WebPDecParams* const p, int y_pos);
typedef int (*OutputAlphaFunc)(const VP8Io* const io, WebPDecParams* const p,
int expected_num_out_lines);
typedef int (*OutputRowFunc)(WebPDecParams* const p, int y_pos,
int max_out_lines);
struct WebPDecParams {
WebPDecBuffer* output; // output buffer.
......@@ -35,12 +38,12 @@ struct WebPDecParams {
int last_y; // coordinate of the line that was last output
const WebPDecoderOptions* options; // if not NULL, use alt decoding features
// rescalers
WebPRescaler scaler_y, scaler_u, scaler_v, scaler_a;
WebPRescaler* scaler_y, *scaler_u, *scaler_v, *scaler_a; // rescalers
void* memory; // overall scratch memory for the output work.
OutputFunc emit; // output RGB or YUV samples
OutputFunc emit_alpha; // output alpha channel
OutputAlphaFunc emit_alpha; // output alpha channel
OutputRowFunc emit_alpha_row; // output one line of rescaled alpha values
......@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ void WebPResetDecParams(WebPDecParams* const params);
typedef struct {
const uint8_t* data; // input buffer
size_t data_size; // input buffer size
int have_all_data; // true if all data is known to be available
size_t offset; // offset to main data chunk (VP8 or VP8L)
const uint8_t* alpha_data; // points to alpha chunk (if present)
size_t alpha_data_size; // alpha chunk size
......@@ -93,23 +97,36 @@ int WebPIoInitFromOptions(const WebPDecoderOptions* const options,
// dimension / etc.). If *options is not NULL, also verify that the options'
// parameters are valid and apply them to the width/height dimensions of the
// output buffer. This takes cropping / scaling / rotation into account.
// Also incorporates the options->flip flag to flip the buffer parameters if
// needed.
VP8StatusCode WebPAllocateDecBuffer(int width, int height,
const WebPDecoderOptions* const options,
WebPDecBuffer* const buffer);
// Flip buffer vertically by negating the various strides.
VP8StatusCode WebPFlipBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const buffer);
// Copy 'src' into 'dst' buffer, making sure 'dst' is not marked as owner of the
// memory (still held by 'src').
// memory (still held by 'src'). No pixels are copied.
void WebPCopyDecBuffer(const WebPDecBuffer* const src,
WebPDecBuffer* const dst);
// Copy and transfer ownership from src to dst (beware of parameter order!)
void WebPGrabDecBuffer(WebPDecBuffer* const src, WebPDecBuffer* const dst);
// Copy pixels from 'src' into a *preallocated* 'dst' buffer. Returns
// VP8_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM if the 'dst' is not set up correctly for the copy.
VP8StatusCode WebPCopyDecBufferPixels(const WebPDecBuffer* const src,
WebPDecBuffer* const dst);
// Returns true if decoding will be slow with the current configuration
// and bitstream features.
int WebPAvoidSlowMemory(const WebPDecBuffer* const output,
const WebPBitstreamFeatures* const features);
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
libwebpdemux_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdemux_la_SOURCES += anim_decode.c demux.c
libwebpdemuxinclude_HEADERS =
libwebpdemuxinclude_HEADERS += ../webp/demux.h
libwebpdemuxinclude_HEADERS += ../webp/mux_types.h
libwebpdemuxinclude_HEADERS += ../webp/types.h
libwebpdemux_la_LIBADD = ../
libwebpdemux_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-info 2:2:0
libwebpdemuxincludedir = $(includedir)/webp
pkgconfig_DATA = libwebpdemux.pc
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
Name: libwebpdemux
Description: Library for parsing the WebP graphics format container
Requires: libwebp >= 0.2.0
Cflags: -I${includedir}
Libs: -L${libdir} -lwebpdemux
#include "winres.h"
#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
#ifdef _DEBUG
FILEOS 0x40004L
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904b0"
VALUE "CompanyName", "Google, Inc."
VALUE "FileDescription", "libwebpdemux DLL"
VALUE "FileVersion", "0.3.2"
VALUE "InternalName", "libwebpdemux.dll"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 2017"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "libwebpdemux.dll"
VALUE "ProductName", "WebP Image Demuxer"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "0.3.2"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
#endif // English (United States) resources
common_HEADERS = ../webp/types.h
commondir = $(includedir)/webp
COMMON_SOURCES += alpha_processing.c
COMMON_SOURCES += alpha_processing_mips_dsp_r2.c
COMMON_SOURCES += common_sse2.h
COMMON_SOURCES += dec_clip_tables.c
COMMON_SOURCES += dec_mips32.c
COMMON_SOURCES += dec_mips_dsp_r2.c
COMMON_SOURCES += filters.c
COMMON_SOURCES += filters_mips_dsp_r2.c
COMMON_SOURCES += lossless.c
COMMON_SOURCES += lossless.h
COMMON_SOURCES += lossless_common.h
COMMON_SOURCES += lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c
COMMON_SOURCES += mips_macro.h
COMMON_SOURCES += rescaler.c
COMMON_SOURCES += rescaler_mips32.c
COMMON_SOURCES += rescaler_mips_dsp_r2.c
COMMON_SOURCES += upsampling.c
COMMON_SOURCES += upsampling_mips_dsp_r2.c
COMMON_SOURCES += yuv_mips32.c
COMMON_SOURCES += yuv_mips_dsp_r2.c
ENC_SOURCES += argb.c
ENC_SOURCES += argb_mips_dsp_r2.c
ENC_SOURCES += cost.c
ENC_SOURCES += cost_mips32.c
ENC_SOURCES += cost_mips_dsp_r2.c
ENC_SOURCES += enc.c
ENC_SOURCES += enc_mips32.c
ENC_SOURCES += enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
ENC_SOURCES += lossless_enc.c
ENC_SOURCES += lossless_enc_mips32.c
ENC_SOURCES += lossless_enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
libwebpdsp_avx2_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdsp_avx2_la_SOURCES += enc_avx2.c
libwebpdsp_avx2_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdsp_avx2_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(AVX2_FLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_sse41_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdspdecode_sse41_la_SOURCES += alpha_processing_sse41.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse41_la_SOURCES += dec_sse41.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse41_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_sse41_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(SSE41_FLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_SOURCES += alpha_processing_sse2.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_SOURCES += dec_sse2.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_SOURCES += filters_sse2.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_SOURCES += lossless_sse2.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_SOURCES += rescaler_sse2.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_SOURCES += upsampling_sse2.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_SOURCES += yuv_sse2.c
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_sse2_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_sse2_la_CFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_sse2_la_CFLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_SOURCES += alpha_processing_neon.c
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_SOURCES += dec_neon.c
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_SOURCES += filters_neon.c
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_SOURCES += lossless_neon.c
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_SOURCES += neon.h
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_SOURCES += rescaler_neon.c
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_SOURCES += upsampling_neon.c
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_neon_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_neon_la_CFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_neon_la_CFLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_SOURCES += dec_msa.c
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_SOURCES += filters_msa.c
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_SOURCES += lossless_msa.c
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_SOURCES += msa_macro.h
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_SOURCES += rescaler_msa.c
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_SOURCES += upsampling_msa.c
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_msa_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_msa_la_CFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_msa_la_CFLAGS)
libwebpdsp_sse2_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdsp_sse2_la_SOURCES += argb_sse2.c
libwebpdsp_sse2_la_SOURCES += cost_sse2.c
libwebpdsp_sse2_la_SOURCES += enc_sse2.c
libwebpdsp_sse2_la_SOURCES += lossless_enc_sse2.c
libwebpdsp_sse2_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdsp_sse2_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(SSE2_FLAGS)
libwebpdsp_sse2_la_LIBADD =
libwebpdsp_sse41_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdsp_sse41_la_SOURCES += enc_sse41.c
libwebpdsp_sse41_la_SOURCES += lossless_enc_sse41.c
libwebpdsp_sse41_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdsp_sse41_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(SSE41_FLAGS)
libwebpdsp_sse41_la_LIBADD =
libwebpdsp_neon_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdsp_neon_la_SOURCES += enc_neon.c
libwebpdsp_neon_la_SOURCES += lossless_enc_neon.c
libwebpdsp_neon_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdsp_neon_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(NEON_FLAGS)
libwebpdsp_neon_la_LIBADD =
libwebpdsp_msa_la_SOURCES =
libwebpdsp_msa_la_SOURCES += enc_msa.c
libwebpdsp_msa_la_SOURCES += lossless_enc_msa.c
libwebpdsp_msa_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdsp_msa_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
libwebpdsp_msa_la_LIBADD =
noinst_HEADERS =
noinst_HEADERS += ../dec/vp8_dec.h
noinst_HEADERS += ../webp/decode.h
libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS =
libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS += $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdsp_la_LDFLAGS = -lm
libwebpdsp_la_LIBADD =
libwebpdsp_la_LIBADD +=
libwebpdsp_la_LIBADD +=
libwebpdsp_la_LIBADD +=
libwebpdsp_la_LIBADD +=
libwebpdspdecode_la_SOURCES = $(COMMON_SOURCES)
libwebpdspdecode_la_CPPFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_la_CPPFLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_la_LDFLAGS = $(libwebpdsp_la_LDFLAGS)
libwebpdspdecode_la_LIBADD =
libwebpdspdecode_la_LIBADD +=
libwebpdspdecode_la_LIBADD +=
libwebpdspdecode_la_LIBADD +=
libwebpdspdecode_la_LIBADD +=
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilities for processing transparent channel.
// Author(s): Branimir Vasic (
// Djordje Pesut (
#include "./dsp.h"
#if defined(WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2)
static int DispatchAlpha(const uint8_t* alpha, int alpha_stride,
int width, int height,
uint8_t* dst, int dst_stride) {
uint32_t alpha_mask = 0xffffffff;
int i, j, temp0;
for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
uint8_t* pdst = dst;
const uint8_t* palpha = alpha;
for (i = 0; i < (width >> 2); ++i) {
int temp1, temp2, temp3;
__asm__ volatile (
"ulw %[temp0], 0(%[palpha]) \n\t"
"addiu %[palpha], %[palpha], 4 \n\t"
"addiu %[pdst], %[pdst], 16 \n\t"
"srl %[temp1], %[temp0], 8 \n\t"
"srl %[temp2], %[temp0], 16 \n\t"
"srl %[temp3], %[temp0], 24 \n\t"
"and %[alpha_mask], %[alpha_mask], %[temp0] \n\t"
"sb %[temp0], -16(%[pdst]) \n\t"
"sb %[temp1], -12(%[pdst]) \n\t"
"sb %[temp2], -8(%[pdst]) \n\t"
"sb %[temp3], -4(%[pdst]) \n\t"
: [temp0]"=&r"(temp0), [temp1]"=&r"(temp1), [temp2]"=&r"(temp2),
[temp3]"=&r"(temp3), [palpha]"+r"(palpha), [pdst]"+r"(pdst),
: "memory"
for (i = 0; i < (width & 3); ++i) {
__asm__ volatile (
"lbu %[temp0], 0(%[palpha]) \n\t"
"addiu %[palpha], %[palpha], 1 \n\t"
"sb %[temp0], 0(%[pdst]) \n\t"
"and %[alpha_mask], %[alpha_mask], %[temp0] \n\t"
"addiu %[pdst], %[pdst], 4 \n\t"
: [temp0]"=&r"(temp0), [palpha]"+r"(palpha), [pdst]"+r"(pdst),
: "memory"
alpha += alpha_stride;
dst += dst_stride;
__asm__ volatile (
"ext %[temp0], %[alpha_mask], 0, 16 \n\t"
"srl %[alpha_mask], %[alpha_mask], 16 \n\t"
"and %[alpha_mask], %[alpha_mask], %[temp0] \n\t"
"ext %[temp0], %[alpha_mask], 0, 8 \n\t"
"srl %[alpha_mask], %[alpha_mask], 8 \n\t"
"and %[alpha_mask], %[alpha_mask], %[temp0] \n\t"
: [temp0]"=&r"(temp0), [alpha_mask]"+r"(alpha_mask)
return (alpha_mask != 0xff);
static void MultARGBRow(uint32_t* const ptr, int width, int inverse) {
int x;
const uint32_t c_00ffffff = 0x00ffffffu;
const uint32_t c_ff000000 = 0xff000000u;
const uint32_t c_8000000 = 0x00800000u;
const uint32_t c_8000080 = 0x00800080u;
for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
const uint32_t argb = ptr[x];
if (argb < 0xff000000u) { // alpha < 255
if (argb <= 0x00ffffffu) { // alpha == 0
ptr[x] = 0;
} else {
int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, alpha;
__asm__ volatile (
"srl %[alpha], %[argb], 24 \n\t"
"replv.qb %[temp0], %[alpha] \n\t"
"and %[temp0], %[temp0], %[c_00ffffff] \n\t"
"beqz %[inverse], 0f \n\t"
"divu $zero, %[c_ff000000], %[alpha] \n\t"
"mflo %[temp0] \n\t"
"0: \n\t"
"andi %[temp1], %[argb], 0xff \n\t"
"ext %[temp2], %[argb], 8, 8 \n\t"
"ext %[temp3], %[argb], 16, 8 \n\t"
"mul %[temp1], %[temp1], %[temp0] \n\t"
"mul %[temp2], %[temp2], %[temp0] \n\t"
"mul %[temp3], %[temp3], %[temp0] \n\t"
" %[temp1], %[temp2], %[temp1] \n\t"
"addu %[temp3], %[temp3], %[c_8000000] \n\t"
"addu %[temp1], %[temp1], %[c_8000080] \n\t"
" %[temp3], %[argb], %[temp3] \n\t"
" %[temp1], %[temp3], %[temp1] \n\t"
: [temp0]"=&r"(temp0), [temp1]"=&r"(temp1), [temp2]"=&r"(temp2),
[temp3]"=&r"(temp3), [alpha]"=&r"(alpha)
: [inverse]"r"(inverse), [c_00ffffff]"r"(c_00ffffff),
[c_8000000]"r"(c_8000000), [c_8000080]"r"(c_8000080),
[c_ff000000]"r"(c_ff000000), [argb]"r"(argb)
: "memory", "hi", "lo"
ptr[x] = temp1;
// Entry point
extern void WebPInitAlphaProcessingMIPSdspR2(void);
WEBP_TSAN_IGNORE_FUNCTION void WebPInitAlphaProcessingMIPSdspR2(void) {
WebPDispatchAlpha = DispatchAlpha;
WebPMultARGBRow = MultARGBRow;
#else // !WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2
#endif // WEBP_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2
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