Commit 1a43ed98 authored by Konstantin Matskevich's avatar Konstantin Matskevich


parent af1084eb
......@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@ OCL_PERF_TEST_P(StereoBMFixture, StereoBM, ::testing::Combine(OCL_PERF_ENUM(32,
Ptr<StereoBM> bm = createStereoBM( n_disp, winSize );
OCL_TEST_CYCLE() bm->compute(left, right, disp);
......@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf : enable
////////////////////////////////////////// stereoBM //////////////////////////////////////////////
......@@ -50,28 +48,28 @@
#define MAX_VAL 32767
void calcDisp(__local short * cost, __global short * disp, int uniquenessRatio/*, int textureTreshold, short textsum*/,
int mindisp, int ndisp, int w, __local int * bestDisp, __local int * bestCost, int d, int x, int y, int cols, int rows, int wsz2)
void calcDisp(__local short * cost, __global short * disp, int uniquenessRatio, int mindisp, int ndisp, int w,
__local int * bestDisp, __local int * bestCost, int d, int x, int y, int cols, int rows, int wsz2)
short FILTERED = (mindisp - 1)<<4;
int best_disp = *bestDisp, best_cost = *bestCost, best_disp_back = ndisp - best_disp - 1;
short c = cost[0];
int thresh = best_cost + (best_cost * uniquenessRatio/100);
bool notUniq = ( (cost[0] <= thresh) && (d < (best_disp_back - 1) || d > (best_disp_back + 1) ) );
bool notUniq = ( (c <= thresh) && (d < (best_disp_back - 1) || d > (best_disp_back + 1) ) );
*bestCost = FILTERED;
// best_disp = (textsum < textureTreshold) ? FILTERED : best_disp;
if( *bestCost != FILTERED && x < cols-wsz2-mindisp && y < rows-wsz2 && d == best_disp_back)
int y3 = (best_disp_back > 0) ? cost[-w] : cost[w],
y2 = cost[0],
y2 = c,
y1 = (best_disp_back < ndisp-1) ? cost[w] : cost[-w];
int d = y3+y1-2*y2 + abs(y3-y1);
disp[0] = (short)(((best_disp_back + mindisp)*256 + (d != 0 ? (y3-y1)*256/d : 0) + 15) >> 4);
int d_aprox = y3+y1-2*y2 + abs(y3-y1);
disp[0] = (short)(((best_disp_back + mindisp)*256 + (d_aprox != 0 ? (y3-y1)*256/d_aprox : 0) + 15) >> 4);
......@@ -111,23 +109,25 @@ short calcCostBorder(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar * righ
short calcCostInside(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar * rightptr, int x, int y,
int wsz2, int cols, int d, short cost_up_left, short cost_up, short cost_left, int winsize)
int wsz2, int cols, int d, short cost_up_left, short cost_up, short cost_left,
int winsize)
__global const uchar * left, * right;
int idx = mad24(y-wsz2-1, cols, x-wsz2-1);
left = leftptr + idx;
right = rightptr + (idx - d);
int idx2 = winsize*cols;
uchar corrner1 = abs(left[0] - right[0]),
corrner2 = abs(left[winsize] - right[winsize]),
corrner3 = abs(left[(winsize)*cols] - right[(winsize)*cols]),
corrner4 = abs(left[(winsize)*cols + winsize] - right[(winsize)*cols + winsize]);
corrner3 = abs(left[idx2] - right[idx2]),
corrner4 = abs(left[idx2 + winsize] - right[idx2 + winsize]);
return cost_up + cost_left - cost_up_left + corrner1 -
corrner2 - corrner3 + corrner4;
__kernel void stereoBM_opt(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar * rightptr, __global uchar * dispptr,
__kernel void stereoBM(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar * rightptr, __global uchar * dispptr,
int disp_step, int disp_offset, int rows, int cols, int mindisp, int ndisp,
int preFilterCap, int textureTreshold, int uniquenessRatio, int sizeX, int sizeY, int winsize)
......@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ __kernel void stereoBM_opt(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar
int gy = get_global_id(1)*sizeY;
int lz = get_local_id(2);
int nthread = lz/ndisp;// only 0 or 1
int d = lz%ndisp;// 1 .. ndisp
int nthread = lz/ndisp;
int d = lz%ndisp;
int wsz2 = wsz/2;
__global short * disp;
......@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ __kernel void stereoBM_opt(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar
left = leftptr + idx;
right = rightptr + (idx - d);
short costdiff = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < winsize; j++)
costdiff += abs( left[0] - right[0] );
......@@ -197,8 +196,8 @@ __kernel void stereoBM_opt(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar
int dispIdx = mad24(gy, disp_step, disp_offset + gx*(int)sizeof(short));
disp = (__global short *)(dispptr + dispIdx);
calcDisp(cost, disp, uniquenessRatio, //textureTreshold, textsum,
mindisp, ndisp, 2*sizeY, best_disp + 1, best_cost+1, d, x, y, cols, rows, wsz2);
calcDisp(cost, disp, uniquenessRatio, mindisp, ndisp, 2*sizeY,
best_disp + 1, best_cost+1, d, x, y, cols, rows, wsz2);
lx = 1 - nthread;
......@@ -222,9 +221,9 @@ __kernel void stereoBM_opt(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar
cost[2*nthread-1], winsize) :
calcCostInside(leftptr, rightptr, x, y, wsz2, cols, d,
cost[0], cost[1], cost[-1], winsize);
cost[0] = tempcost;
atomic_min(best_cost + nthread, tempcost);
cost[0] = tempcost;
atomic_min(best_cost + nthread, tempcost);
if(best_cost[nthread] == tempcost)
......@@ -233,8 +232,9 @@ __kernel void stereoBM_opt(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar
int dispIdx = mad24(gy+ly, disp_step, disp_offset + (gx+lx)*(int)sizeof(short));
disp = (__global short *)(dispptr + dispIdx);
calcDisp(cost, disp, uniquenessRatio, //textureTreshold, textsum,
mindisp, ndisp, 2*sizeY, best_disp + nthread, best_cost + nthread, d, x, y, cols, rows, wsz2);
calcDisp(cost, disp, uniquenessRatio, mindisp, ndisp, 2*sizeY,
best_disp + nthread, best_cost + nthread, d, x, y, cols, rows, wsz2);
calcNewCoordinates(&lx, &ly, nthread);
......@@ -243,68 +243,6 @@ __kernel void stereoBM_opt(__global const uchar * leftptr, __global const uchar
#ifdef SIZE
__kernel void stereoBM_BF(__global const uchar * left, __global const uchar * right, __global uchar * dispptr,
int disp_step, int disp_offset, int rows, int cols, int mindisp, int ndisp,
int preFilterCap, int winsize, int textureTreshold, int uniquenessRatio)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
int wsz2 = winsize/2;
short FILTERED = (mindisp - 1)<<4;
if(x < cols && y < rows )
int dispIdx = mad24(y, disp_step, disp_offset + x*(int)sizeof(short) );
__global short * disp = (__global short*)(dispptr + dispIdx);
disp[0] = FILTERED;
if( (x > mindisp+ndisp+wsz2-2) && (y > wsz2-1) && (x < cols-wsz2-mindisp) && (y < rows - wsz2))
int cost[SIZE];
int textsum = 0;
for(int d = mindisp; d < ndisp+mindisp; d++)
cost[(ndisp-1) - (d - mindisp)] = 0;
for(int i = -wsz2; i < wsz2+1; i++)
for(int j = -wsz2; j < wsz2+1; j++)
textsum += (d == mindisp) ? abs( left[ (y+i) * cols + x + j] - preFilterCap ) : 0;
cost[(ndisp-1) - (d - mindisp)] += abs(left[(y+i) * cols + x+j] - right[(y+i) * cols + x+j-d] );
int best_disp = -1, best_cost = INT_MAX;
for(int d = ndisp + mindisp - 1; d > mindisp-1; d--)
best_cost = (cost[d-mindisp] < best_cost) ? cost[d-mindisp] : best_cost;
best_disp = (best_cost == cost[d-mindisp]) ? (d) : best_disp;
int thresh = best_cost + (best_cost * uniquenessRatio/100);
for(int d = mindisp; (d < ndisp + mindisp) && (uniquenessRatio > 0); d++)
best_disp = ( (cost[d-mindisp] <= thresh) && (d < best_disp-1 || d > best_disp + 1) ) ? FILTERED : best_disp;
disp[0] = textsum < textureTreshold ? (FILTERED) : (best_disp == FILTERED) ? (short)(best_disp) : (short)(best_disp);
if( best_disp != FILTERED )
int y1 = (best_disp > mindisp) ? cost[best_disp-mindisp-1] : cost[best_disp-mindisp+1],
y2 = cost[best_disp-mindisp],
y3 = (best_disp < mindisp+ndisp-1) ? cost[best_disp-mindisp+1] : cost[best_disp-mindisp-1];
int _d = y3+y1-2*y2 + abs(y3-y1);
disp[0] = (short)(((ndisp - (best_disp-mindisp) - 1 + mindisp)*256 + (_d != 0 ? (y3-y1)*256/_d : 0) + 15) >> 4);
/////////////////////////////////////// Norm Prefiler ////////////////////////////////////////////
......@@ -735,9 +735,9 @@ struct PrefilterInvoker : public ParallelLoopBody
StereoBMParams* state;
static bool ocl_stereobm_opt( InputArray _left, InputArray _right,
static bool ocl_stereobm( InputArray _left, InputArray _right,
OutputArray _disp, StereoBMParams* state)
int ndisp = state->numDisparities;
int mindisp = state->minDisparity;
int wsz = state->SADWindowSize;
......@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ static bool ocl_stereobm_opt( InputArray _left, InputArray _right,
int sizeX = std::max(11, 27 - ocl::Device::getDefault().maxComputeUnits() ), sizeY = sizeX-1, N = ndisp*2;
ocl::Kernel k("stereoBM_opt", ocl::calib3d::stereobm_oclsrc, cv::format("-D csize=%d -D wsz=%d", (2*sizeY)*ndisp, wsz) );
ocl::Kernel k("stereoBM", ocl::calib3d::stereobm_oclsrc, cv::format("-D csize=%d -D wsz=%d", (2*sizeY)*ndisp, wsz) );
return false;
......@@ -781,42 +781,6 @@ static bool ocl_stereobm_opt( InputArray _left, InputArray _right,
return, globalThreads, localThreads, false);
static bool ocl_stereobm_bf(InputArray _left, InputArray _right,
OutputArray _disp, StereoBMParams* state)
ocl::Kernel k("stereoBM_BF", ocl::calib3d::stereobm_oclsrc, cv::format("-D SIZE=%d", state->numDisparities ) );
return false;
UMat left = _left.getUMat(), right = _right.getUMat();
_disp.create(_left.size(), CV_16S);
UMat disp = _disp.getUMat();
size_t globalThreads[3] = { left.cols, left.rows, 1 };
int idx = 0;
idx = k.set(idx, ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(left));
idx = k.set(idx, ocl::KernelArg::PtrReadOnly(right));
idx = k.set(idx, ocl::KernelArg::WriteOnly(disp));
idx = k.set(idx, state->minDisparity);
idx = k.set(idx, state->numDisparities);
idx = k.set(idx, state->preFilterCap);
idx = k.set(idx, state->SADWindowSize);
idx = k.set(idx, state->textureThreshold);
idx = k.set(idx, state->uniquenessRatio);
return, globalThreads, NULL, false);
static bool ocl_stereo(InputArray _left, InputArray _right,
OutputArray _disp, StereoBMParams* state)
//if(ocl::Device::getDefault().localMemSize() > state->numDisparities * state->numDisparities * sizeof(short) )
return ocl_stereobm_opt(_left, _right, _disp, state);
// return ocl_stereobm_bf(_left, _right, _disp, state);
struct FindStereoCorrespInvoker : public ParallelLoopBody
FindStereoCorrespInvoker( const Mat& _left, const Mat& _right,
......@@ -950,18 +914,20 @@ public:
int FILTERED = (params.minDisparity - 1) << DISPARITY_SHIFT;
if(ocl::useOpenCL() && disparr.isUMat())
if(ocl::useOpenCL() && disparr.isUMat() && params.textureThreshold == 0)
UMat left, right;
CV_Assert(ocl_prefiltering(leftarr, rightarr, left, right, &params));
CV_Assert(ocl_stereo(left, right, disparr, &params));
if( params.speckleRange >= 0 && params.speckleWindowSize > 0 )
filterSpeckles(disparr.getMat(), FILTERED, params.speckleWindowSize, params.speckleRange, slidingSumBuf);
if (dtype == CV_32F)
disparr.getUMat().convertTo(disparr, CV_32FC1, 1./(1 << DISPARITY_SHIFT), 0);
if(ocl_prefiltering(leftarr, rightarr, left, right, &params))
if(ocl_stereobm(left, right, disparr, &params))
if( params.speckleRange >= 0 && params.speckleWindowSize > 0 )
filterSpeckles(disparr.getMat(), FILTERED, params.speckleWindowSize, params.speckleRange, slidingSumBuf);
if (dtype == CV_32F)
disparr.getUMat().convertTo(disparr, CV_32FC1, 1./(1 << DISPARITY_SHIFT), 0);
Mat left0 = leftarr.getMat(), right0 = rightarr.getMat();
......@@ -81,26 +81,11 @@ OCL_TEST_P(StereoBMFixture, StereoBM)
Ptr<StereoBM> bm = createStereoBM( n_disp, winSize);
// bm->setMinDisparity(15);
long t1 = clock();
OCL_OFF(bm->compute(left, right, disp));
long t2 = clock();
OCL_ON(bm->compute(uleft, uright, udisp));
long t3 = clock();
std::cout << (double)(t2-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " " << (double)(t3-t2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl;
Mat t; absdiff(disp, udisp, t);
for(int i = 0; i<t.rows; i++)
for(int j = 0; j< t.cols; j++)
// if(<short>(i,j) > 0)
if(i == 5 && j == 36)
printf("%d %d cv: %d ocl: %d\n", i, j,<short>(i,j), udisp.getMat(ACCESS_READ).at<short>(i,j) );
/* imshow("diff.png", t*100);
imshow("cv.png", disp*100);
imshow("ocl.png", udisp.getMat(ACCESS_READ)*100);
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