Commit 17bdc29d authored by ozantonkal's avatar ozantonkal

setShapePose and getShapePose implementations

parent fd6eeac6
......@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ namespace temp_viz
void showCylinder(const String &id, const Point3f &pt_on_axis, const Point3f &axis_direction, double radius, int num_sides, const Color &color = Color(255,255,255));
void showCircle(const String &id, const Point3f &pt, double radius, const Color &color = Color(255,255,255));
Affine3f getShapePose(const String &id);
bool setShapePose(const String &id, const Affine3f &pose);
bool addPlane (const ModelCoefficients &coefficients, const String &id = "plane");
bool addPlane (const ModelCoefficients &coefficients, double x, double y, double z, const String &id = "plane");
bool removeCoordinateSystem (const String &id = "coordinate");
......@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ public:
void showCube (const String &id, const Point3f &pt1, const Point3f &pt2, const Color &color);
void showCylinder (const String &id, const Point3f &pt_on_axis, const Point3f &axis_direction, double radius, int num_sides, const Color &color);
void showCircle (const String &id, const Point3f &pt, double radius, const Color &color);
Affine3f getShapePose (const String &id);
bool setShapePose (const String &id, const Affine3f &pose);
bool addPolygon(const cv::Mat& cloud, const Color& color, const std::string &id = "polygon");
bool addArrow (const cv::Point3f &pt1, const cv::Point3f &pt2, const Color& color, bool display_length, const std::string &id = "arrow");
......@@ -422,6 +424,7 @@ private:
//void convertToVtkMatrix (const Eigen::Matrix4f &m, vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> &vtk_matrix);
void convertToVtkMatrix (const cv::Matx44f& m, vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> &vtk_matrix);
void convertToCvMatrix (const vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> &vtk_matrix, cv::Matx44f &m);
/** \brief Convert origin and orientation to vtkMatrix4x4
* \param[in] origin the point cloud origin
......@@ -108,6 +108,16 @@ void temp_viz::Viz3d::showCircle(const String &id, const Point3f &pt, double rad
impl_->showCircle(id, pt, radius, color);
cv::Affine3f temp_viz::Viz3d::getShapePose(const String &id)
return impl_->getShapePose(id);
bool temp_viz::Viz3d::setShapePose(const String &id, const Affine3f &pose)
return impl_->setShapePose(id, pose);
bool temp_viz::Viz3d::removeCoordinateSystem (const String &id)
return impl_->removeCoordinateSystem(id);
......@@ -477,6 +477,51 @@ void temp_viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::showCircle (const String &id, const Point3f &pt,
cv::Affine3f temp_viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::getShapePose (const String &id)
// Get the shape with the id and return the pose
ShapeActorMap::iterator am_it = shape_actor_map_->find (id);
bool exists = (am_it != shape_actor_map_->end());
if (!exists)
std::cout << "[getShapePose] A shape with id " << id << " does not exist!" << std::endl;
return Affine3f();
vtkLODActor* actor = vtkLODActor::SafeDownCast (am_it->second);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> matrix = actor->GetUserMatrix();
Matx44f pose_mat;
convertToCvMatrix(matrix, pose_mat);
Affine3f pose;
pose.matrix = pose_mat;
return pose;
bool temp_viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setShapePose (const String &id, const Affine3f &pose)
ShapeActorMap::iterator am_it = shape_actor_map_->find (id);
bool exists = (am_it != shape_actor_map_->end());
if (!exists)
return false;
vtkLODActor* actor = vtkLODActor::SafeDownCast (am_it->second);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> matrix = vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4>::New ();
convertToVtkMatrix (pose.matrix, matrix);
actor->SetUserMatrix (matrix);
actor->Modified ();
return (true);
bool temp_viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::addPolygonMesh (const Mesh3d& mesh, const Mat& mask, const std::string &id)
CV_Assert( == CV_32FC3 && == 1 && !mesh.polygons.empty ());
......@@ -1335,6 +1335,13 @@ void temp_viz::convertToVtkMatrix (const cv::Matx44f &m, vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatr
vtk_matrix->SetElement (i, k, m (i, k));
void temp_viz::convertToCvMatrix (const vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> &vtk_matrix, cv::Matx44f &m)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
m(i,k) = vtk_matrix->GetElement (i, k);
void temp_viz::convertToEigenMatrix (const vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> &vtk_matrix, Eigen::Matrix4f &m)
......@@ -92,20 +92,21 @@ TEST(Viz_viz3d, accuracy)
int col_blue = 0;
int col_green = 0;
int col_red = 0;
v.showCircle("circle1", cv::Point3f(0,0,0), fabs(1.0f), temp_viz::Color(0,255,0));
// Creating new point cloud with id cloud1
cv::Affine3f cloudPosition(angle_x, angle_y, angle_z, cv::Vec3f(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z));
v.showPointCloud("cloud1", cloud, temp_viz::Color(col_blue, col_green, col_red), cloudPosition);
v.showLine("line1", cv::Point3f(0.0,0.0,0.0), cv::Point3f(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) , temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
v.showLine("line2", cv::Point3f(0.0,0.0,0.0), cv::Point3f(1.0f-pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) , temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
v.showLine("line3", cv::Point3f(0.0,0.0,0.0), cv::Point3f(pos_x, 1.0f-pos_y, pos_z) , temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
v.showLine("line4", cv::Point3f(0.0,0.0,0.0), cv::Point3f(pos_x, pos_y, 1.0f-pos_z) , temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
v.showPlane("plane1", cv::Vec4f(pos_x*pos_y,pos_y,pos_z,pos_x+pos_y*pos_z), temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
v.showCube("cube1", cv::Point3f(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z), cv::Point3f(pos_x+0.5, pos_y+0.5, pos_z+0.5), temp_viz::Color(255,150,50));
v.showCylinder("cylinder1", cv::Point3f(0,0,0), cv::Point3f(pos_x, 1.0, 1.0), 0.5, 5*pos_x+3, temp_viz::Color(0,255,0));
v.showCircle("circle1", cv::Point3f(0,0,0), fabs(pos_x), temp_viz::Color(0,255,0));
// v.showPointCloud("cloud1", cloud, temp_viz::Color(col_blue, col_green, col_red), cloudPosition);
// v.showLine("line1", cv::Point3f(0.0,0.0,0.0), cv::Point3f(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) , temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
// v.showLine("line2", cv::Point3f(0.0,0.0,0.0), cv::Point3f(1.0f-pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) , temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
// v.showLine("line3", cv::Point3f(0.0,0.0,0.0), cv::Point3f(pos_x, 1.0f-pos_y, pos_z) , temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
// v.showLine("line4", cv::Point3f(0.0,0.0,0.0), cv::Point3f(pos_x, pos_y, 1.0f-pos_z) , temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
// v.showPlane("plane1", cv::Vec4f(pos_x*pos_y,pos_y,pos_z,pos_x+pos_y*pos_z), temp_viz::Color(255-col_blue, 255-col_green, 255-col_red));
// v.showCube("cube1", cv::Point3f(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z), cv::Point3f(pos_x+0.5, pos_y+0.5, pos_z+0.5), temp_viz::Color(255,150,50));
// v.showCylinder("cylinder1", cv::Point3f(0,0,0), cv::Point3f(pos_x, 1.0, 1.0), 0.5, 5*pos_x+3, temp_viz::Color(0,255,0));
v.setShapePose("circle1", cloudPosition);
angle_x += 0.1f;
angle_y -= 0.1f;
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