\cvarg{keypoints1}{Keypoints from first sourse image.}
\cvarg{keypoints2}{Keypoints from second sourse image.}
\cvarg{matches}{Matches from first image to second one, i.e. keypoints1[i] has corresponding point keypoints2[matches[i]]}
\cvarg{mask}{Mask determining which matches will be drawn. If mask is empty all matches will be drawn. }
\cvarg{outImg}{Output image. Its content depends on \texttt{flags} value what is drawn in output image. See below possible \texttt{flags} bit values. }
\cvarg{matchColor}{Color of matches (lines and connected keypoints). If \texttt{matchColor}==Scalar::all(-1) color will be generated randomly.}
\cvarg{singlePointColor}{Color of single keypoints (circles), i.e. keypoints not having the matches. If \texttt{singlePointColor}==Scalar::all(-1) color will be generated randomly.}
\cvarg{flags}{Each bit of \texttt{flags} sets some feature of drawing. Possible \texttt{flags} bit values is defined by DrawMatchesFlags, see below. }
struct DrawMatchesFlags
enum{ DEFAULT = 0, // Output image matrix will be created (Mat::create),
// i.e. existing memory of output image will be reused.
// Two source image, matches and single keypoints will be drawn.
DRAW_OVER_OUTIMG = 1, // Output image matrix will not be created (Mat::create).
// Matches will be drawn on existing content
// of output image.
NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS = 2 // Single keypoints will not be drawn.