Commit 121fa049 authored by Rostislav Vasilikhin's avatar Rostislav Vasilikhin

srgb support added

parent 5ea1c722
......@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ protected:
int fwd_code, inv_code;
bool test_cpp;
int hue_range;
bool srgb;
......@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ CV_ColorCvtBaseTest::CV_ColorCvtBaseTest( bool _custom_inv_transform, bool _allo
test_cpp = false;
hue_range = 0;
blue_idx = 0;
srgb = false;
inplace = false;
......@@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ void CV_ColorCvtBaseTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( int test_case_idx,
cn = (cvtest::randInt(rng) & 1) + 3;
blue_idx = cvtest::randInt(rng) & 1 ? 2 : 0;
srgb = (cvtest::randInt(rng) & 1) != 0;
types[INPUT][0] = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, cn);
types[OUTPUT][0] = types[REF_OUTPUT][0] = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 3);
......@@ -1004,6 +1007,16 @@ void CV_ColorXYZTest::convert_row_abc2bgr_32f_c3( const float* src_row, float* d
//// rgb <=> L*a*b*
static inline float applyGamma(float x)
return x <= 0.04045f ? x*(1.f/12.92f) : (float)std::pow((double)(x + 0.055)*(1./1.055), 2.4);
static inline float applyInvGamma(float x)
return x <= 0.0031308 ? x*12.92f : (float)(1.055*std::pow((double)x, 1./2.4) - 0.055);
class CV_ColorLabTest : public CV_ColorCvtBaseTest
......@@ -1026,10 +1039,20 @@ void CV_ColorLabTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( int test_case_idx, vector<
CV_ColorCvtBaseTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( test_case_idx, sizes, types );
if( blue_idx == 0 )
fwd_code = CV_LBGR2Lab, inv_code = CV_Lab2LBGR;
if( blue_idx == 0 )
fwd_code = CV_BGR2Lab, inv_code = CV_Lab2BGR;
fwd_code = CV_RGB2Lab, inv_code = CV_Lab2RGB;
fwd_code = CV_LRGB2Lab, inv_code = CV_Lab2LRGB;
if( blue_idx == 0 )
fwd_code = CV_LBGR2Lab, inv_code = CV_Lab2LBGR;
fwd_code = CV_LRGB2Lab, inv_code = CV_Lab2LRGB;
......@@ -1065,6 +1088,16 @@ void CV_ColorLabTest::convert_row_bgr2abc_32f_c3(const float* src_row, float* ds
float G = src_row[x + 1];
float B = src_row[x];
R = std::min(std::max(R, 0.f), 1.f);
G = std::min(std::max(G, 0.f), 1.f);
B = std::min(std::max(B, 0.f), 1.f);
if (srgb)
R = applyGamma(R);
G = applyGamma(G);
B = applyGamma(B);
float X = (R * M[0] + G * M[1] + B * M[2]) / Xn;
float Y = R * M[3] + G * M[4] + B * M[5];
float Z = (R * M[6] + G * M[7] + B * M[8]) / Zn;
......@@ -1139,6 +1172,16 @@ void CV_ColorLabTest::convert_row_abc2bgr_32f_c3( const float* src_row, float* d
float G = M[3] * X + M[4] * Y + M[5] * Z;
float B = M[6] * X + M[7] * Y + M[8] * Z;
R = std::min(std::max(R, 0.f), 1.f);
G = std::min(std::max(G, 0.f), 1.f);
B = std::min(std::max(B, 0.f), 1.f);
if (srgb)
R = applyInvGamma(R);
G = applyInvGamma(G);
B = applyInvGamma(B);
dst_row[x] = B;
dst_row[x + 1] = G;
dst_row[x + 2] = R;
......@@ -1169,10 +1212,20 @@ void CV_ColorLuvTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( int test_case_idx, vector<
CV_ColorCvtBaseTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( test_case_idx, sizes, types );
if( blue_idx == 0 )
fwd_code = CV_LBGR2Luv, inv_code = CV_Luv2LBGR;
if( blue_idx == 0 )
fwd_code = CV_BGR2Luv, inv_code = CV_Luv2BGR;
fwd_code = CV_RGB2Luv, inv_code = CV_Luv2RGB;
fwd_code = CV_LRGB2Luv, inv_code = CV_Luv2LRGB;
if( blue_idx == 0 )
fwd_code = CV_LBGR2Luv, inv_code = CV_Luv2LBGR;
fwd_code = CV_LRGB2Luv, inv_code = CV_Luv2LRGB;
......@@ -1224,6 +1277,16 @@ void CV_ColorLuvTest::convert_row_bgr2abc_32f_c3( const float* src_row, float* d
float g = src_row[j+1];
float b = src_row[j];
r = std::min(std::max(r, 0.f), 1.f);
g = std::min(std::max(g, 0.f), 1.f);
b = std::min(std::max(b, 0.f), 1.f);
if( srgb )
r = applyGamma(r);
g = applyGamma(g);
b = applyGamma(b);
float X = r*M[0] + g*M[1] + b*M[2];
float Y = r*M[3] + g*M[4] + b*M[5];
float Z = r*M[6] + g*M[7] + b*M[8];
......@@ -1309,6 +1372,17 @@ void CV_ColorLuvTest::convert_row_abc2bgr_32f_c3( const float* src_row, float* d
float g = M[3]*X + M[4]*Y + M[5]*Z;
float b = M[6]*X + M[7]*Y + M[8]*Z;
r = std::min(std::max(r, 0.f), 1.f);
g = std::min(std::max(g, 0.f), 1.f);
b = std::min(std::max(b, 0.f), 1.f);
if( srgb )
r = applyInvGamma(r);
g = applyInvGamma(g);
b = applyInvGamma(b);
dst_row[j] = b;
dst_row[j+1] = g;
dst_row[j+2] = r;
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