Commit 10fde1ca authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

disabled 64f IPP DFT; added IPP Gaussian filter; added IPP GetRectSubPix; added…

disabled 64f IPP DFT; added IPP Gaussian filter; added IPP GetRectSubPix; added IPP BilateralFilter (temporarily disabled)
parent 2911b121
......@@ -138,9 +138,14 @@ endfunction()
# This is auxiliary function called from set_ipp_variables()
# to set IPP_LIBRARIES variable in IPP 7.x style
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function(set_ipp_new_libraries _LATEST_VERSION)
set(IPP_PREFIX "ipp")
set(IPP_SUFFIX "_l") # static not threaded libs suffix
set(IPP_SUFFIX "") # static not threaded libs suffix
set(IPP_THRD "_t") # static threaded libs suffix
set(IPPCORE "core") # core functionality
set(IPPSP "s") # signal processing
......@@ -199,7 +204,9 @@ function(set_ipp_variables _LATEST_VERSION)
# set INCLUDE and LIB folders
if (IPP_X64)
if (APPLE)
elseif (IPP_X64)
if(NOT EXISTS ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib/intel64)
message(SEND_ERROR "IPP EM64T libraries not found")
......@@ -212,7 +219,7 @@ function(set_ipp_variables _LATEST_VERSION)
# set IPP_LIBRARIES variable (7.x lib names)
message(STATUS "IPP libs: ${IPP_LIBRARIES}")
......@@ -1458,6 +1458,10 @@ static void CCSIDFT_64f( const double* src, double* dst, int n, int nf, int* fac
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* IppDFTGetSizeFunc)(int, int, IppHintAlgorithm, int*, int*, int*);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL* IppDFTInitFunc)(int, int, IppHintAlgorithm, void*, uchar*);
void cv::dft( InputArray _src0, OutputArray _dst, int flags, int nonzero_rows )
......@@ -1483,7 +1487,7 @@ void cv::dft( InputArray _src0, OutputArray _dst, int flags, int nonzero_rows )
int factors[34];
bool inplace_transform = false;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
void *spec_r = 0, *spec_c = 0;
AutoBuffer<uchar> ippbuf;
int ipp_norm_flag = !(flags & DFT_SCALE) ? 8 : inv ? 2 : 1;
......@@ -1543,52 +1547,39 @@ void cv::dft( InputArray _src0, OutputArray _dst, int flags, int nonzero_rows )
spec = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
if( len*count >= 64 ) // use IPP DFT if available
if( depth == CV_32F && len*count >= 64 ) // use IPP DFT if available
int ipp_sz = 0;
int specsize=0, initsize=0, worksize=0;
IppDFTGetSizeFunc getSizeFunc = 0;
IppDFTInitFunc initFunc = 0;
if( real_transform && stage == 0 )
if( depth == CV_32F )
if( spec_r )
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTFree_R_32f( (IppsDFTSpec_R_32f*)spec_r ));
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTInitAlloc_R_32f(
(IppsDFTSpec_R_32f**)&spec_r, len, ipp_norm_flag, ippAlgHintNone ));
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTGetBufSize_R_32f( (IppsDFTSpec_R_32f*)spec_r, &ipp_sz ));
getSizeFunc = (IppDFTGetSizeFunc)ippsDFTGetSize_R_32f,
initFunc = (IppDFTInitFunc)ippsDFTInit_R_32f;
if( spec_r )
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTFree_R_64f( (IppsDFTSpec_R_64f*)spec_r ));
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTInitAlloc_R_64f(
(IppsDFTSpec_R_64f**)&spec_r, len, ipp_norm_flag, ippAlgHintNone ));
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTGetBufSize_R_64f( (IppsDFTSpec_R_64f*)spec_r, &ipp_sz ));
spec = spec_r;
getSizeFunc = (IppDFTGetSizeFunc)ippsDFTGetSize_R_64f,
initFunc = (IppDFTInitFunc)ippsDFTInit_R_64f;
if( depth == CV_32F )
if( spec_c )
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTFree_C_32fc( (IppsDFTSpec_C_32fc*)spec_c ));
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTInitAlloc_C_32fc(
(IppsDFTSpec_C_32fc**)&spec_c, len, ipp_norm_flag, ippAlgHintNone ));
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTGetBufSize_C_32fc( (IppsDFTSpec_C_32fc*)spec_c, &ipp_sz ));
getSizeFunc = (IppDFTGetSizeFunc)ippsDFTGetSize_C_32fc,
initFunc = (IppDFTInitFunc)ippsDFTInit_C_32fc;
if( spec_c )
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTFree_C_64fc( (IppsDFTSpec_C_64fc*)spec_c ));
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTInitAlloc_C_64fc(
(IppsDFTSpec_C_64fc**)&spec_c, len, ipp_norm_flag, ippAlgHintNone ));
IPPI_CALL( ippsDFTGetBufSize_C_64fc( (IppsDFTSpec_C_64fc*)spec_c, &ipp_sz ));
getSizeFunc = (IppDFTGetSizeFunc)ippsDFTGetSize_C_64fc,
initFunc = (IppDFTInitFunc)ippsDFTInit_C_64fc;
spec = spec_c;
if( getSizeFunc(len, ipp_norm_flag, ippAlgHintNone, &specsize, &initsize, &worksize) >= 0 )
ippbuf.allocate(specsize + initsize + 64);
spec = alignPtr(&ippbuf[0], 32);
uchar* initbuf = alignPtr((uchar*)spec + specsize, 32);
if( initFunc(len, ipp_norm_flag, ippAlgHintNone, spec, initbuf) < 0 )
spec = 0;
sz += worksize;
sz += ipp_sz;
......@@ -1862,24 +1853,6 @@ void cv::dft( InputArray _src0, OutputArray _dst, int flags, int nonzero_rows )
src = dst;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
if( spec_c )
if( depth == CV_32F )
ippsDFTFree_C_32fc( (IppsDFTSpec_C_32fc*)spec_c );
ippsDFTFree_C_64fc( (IppsDFTSpec_C_64fc*)spec_c );
if( spec_r )
if( depth == CV_32F )
ippsDFTFree_R_32f( (IppsDFTSpec_R_32f*)spec_r );
ippsDFTFree_R_64f( (IppsDFTSpec_R_64f*)spec_r );
......@@ -519,6 +519,12 @@ typedef CvStatus (CV_STDCALL *CvGetRectSubPixFunc)( const void* src, int src_ste
int dst_step, CvSize win_size,
CvPoint2D32f center );
typedef CvStatus (CV_STDCALL *CvIPPGetRectSubPixFunc)( const void* src, int src_step,
CvSize src_size, void* dst,
int dst_step, CvSize win_size,
CvPoint2D32f center,
CvPoint* minpt, CvPoint* maxpt );
CV_IMPL void
cvGetRectSubPix( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr, CvPoint2D32f center )
......@@ -556,6 +562,18 @@ cvGetRectSubPix( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr, CvPoint2D32f center )
//if( dst_size.width > src_size.width || dst_size.height > src_size.height )
// CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "destination ROI must be smaller than source ROI" );
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
CvPoint minpt, maxpt;
int srctype = CV_MAT_TYPE(src->type), dsttype = CV_MAT_TYPE(dst->type);
CvIPPGetRectSubPixFunc ippfunc =
srctype == CV_8UC1 && dsttype == CV_8UC1 ? (CvIPPGetRectSubPixFunc)ippiCopySubpixIntersect_8u_C1R :
srctype == CV_8UC1 && dsttype == CV_32FC1 ? (CvIPPGetRectSubPixFunc)ippiCopySubpixIntersect_8u32f_C1R :
srctype == CV_32FC1 && dsttype == CV_32FC1 ? (CvIPPGetRectSubPixFunc)ippiCopySubpixIntersect_32f_C1R : 0;
if( ippfunc && ippfunc(src->data.ptr, src->step, src_size, dst->data.ptr,
dst->step, dst_size, center, &minpt, &maxpt) >= 0 )
if( CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ( src, dst ))
......@@ -856,6 +856,22 @@ void cv::GaussianBlur( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size ksize,
#if defined HAVE_IPP && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
if(src.type() == CV_32FC1 && sigma1 == sigma2 && ksize.width == ksize.height && sigma1 != 0.0 )
IppiSize roi = {src.cols, src.rows};
int bufSize = 0;
ippiFilterGaussGetBufferSize_32f_C1R(roi, ksize.width, &bufSize);
AutoBuffer<uchar> buf(bufSize+128);
if( ippiFilterGaussBorder_32f_C1R((const Ipp32f *), (int)src.step,
(Ipp32f *), (int)dst.step,
roi, ksize.width, (Ipp32f)sigma1,
(IppiBorderType)borderType, 0.0,
alignPtr(&buf[0],32)) >= 0 )
Ptr<FilterEngine> f = createGaussianFilter( src.type(), ksize, sigma1, sigma2, borderType );
f->apply( src, dst );
......@@ -1888,6 +1904,29 @@ bilateralFilter_8u( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int d,
radius = MAX(radius, 1);
d = radius*2 + 1;
#if 0 && defined HAVE_IPP && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
if(cn == 1)
IppiSize kernel = {d, d};
IppiSize roi={src.cols, src.rows};
int bufsize=0;
ippiFilterBilateralGetBufSize_8u_C1R( ippiFilterBilateralGauss, roi, kernel, &bufsize);
AutoBuffer<uchar> buf(bufsize+128);
IppiFilterBilateralSpec *pSpec = (IppiFilterBilateralSpec *)alignPtr(&buf[0], 32);
ippiFilterBilateralInit_8u_C1R( ippiFilterBilateralGauss, kernel, sigma_color*sigma_color, sigma_space*sigma_space, 1, pSpec );
Mat tsrc;
const Mat* psrc = &src;
if( == )
psrc = &tsrc;
if( ippiFilterBilateral_8u_C1R(psrc->data, (int)psrc->step[0],, (int)dst.step[0],
roi, kernel, pSpec) >= 0 )
Mat temp;
copyMakeBorder( src, temp, radius, radius, radius, radius, borderType );
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