Minor update for example-gpu-super_resolution

* Remove "simple" flow estimation from help (because it was disabled by 653bca8b)
* Add `flush` after printing iteration number for better UX
parent 87c27a07
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
"{ s scale | 4 | Scale factor }"
"{ i iterations | 180 | Iteration count }"
"{ t temporal | 4 | Radius of the temporal search area }"
"{ f flow | farneback | Optical flow algorithm (farneback, simple, tvl1, brox, pyrlk) }"
"{ f flow | farneback | Optical flow algorithm (farneback, tvl1, brox, pyrlk) }"
"{ g gpu | false | CPU as default device, cuda for CUDA }"
"{ h help | false | Print help message }"
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
for (int i = 0;; ++i)
cout << '[' << setw(3) << i << "] : ";
cout << '[' << setw(3) << i << "] : " << flush;
Mat result;
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