Commit 0f1a0a98 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #2951 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_ipp_filter2d

parents e79ceb4b e8f5c2fc
......@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ void cv::Laplacian( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int ksize,
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
if ((ksize == 3 || ksize == 5) && ((borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0 || !_src.isSubmatrix()) &&
((stype == CV_8UC1 && ddepth == CV_16S) || (ddepth == CV_32F && stype == CV_32FC1)))
((stype == CV_8UC1 && ddepth == CV_16S) || (ddepth == CV_32F && stype == CV_32FC1)) && !ocl::useOpenCL())
int iscale = saturate_cast<int>(scale), idelta = saturate_cast<int>(delta);
bool floatScale = std::fabs(scale - iscale) > DBL_EPSILON, needScale = iscale != 1;
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