Commit 0e77c797 authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

doc'd gpu bitwise, meanShift code

parent 4e23f37f
%\section{Per-element Operations}
\section{Per-element Operations}
%\section{Matrix Reductions}
%can't make cvCppFunc work with underscore (even as \_)
Performs per-element bitwise inversion.
%\section{Image Processing}
\cvdefCpp{void bitwise\_not(const GpuMat\& src, GpuMat\& dst,\par
const GpuMat\& mask=GpuMat());\newline
void bitwise\_not(const GpuMat\& src, GpuMat\& dst,\par
const GpuMat\& mask, const Stream\& stream);}
\cvarg{src}{Source matrix.}
\cvarg{dst}{Destination matrix. Will have the same size and type as \texttt{src}.}
\cvarg{mask}{Optional operation mask. 8-bit single channel image.}
\cvarg{stream}{Stream for asynchronous version.}
Performs per-element bitwise disjunction of two matrixes.
\cvdefCpp{void bitwise\_or(const GpuMat\& src1, const GpuMat\& src2, GpuMat\& dst,\par
const GpuMat\& mask=GpuMat());\newline
void bitwise\_or(const GpuMat\& src1, const GpuMat\& src2, GpuMat\& dst,\par
const GpuMat\& mask, const Stream\& stream);}
\cvarg{src1}{The first source matrix.}
\cvarg{src2}{The second source matrix. It must have the same size and type as \texttt{src1}.}
\cvarg{dst}{Destination matrix. Will have the same size and type as \texttt{src1}.}
\cvarg{mask}{Optional operation mask. 8-bit single channel image.}
\cvarg{stream}{Stream for asynchronous version.}
Performs per-element bitwise conjunction of two matrixes.
\cvdefCpp{void bitwise\_and(const GpuMat\& src1, const GpuMat\& src2, GpuMat\& dst,\par
const GpuMat\& mask=GpuMat());\newline
void bitwise\_and(const GpuMat\& src1, const GpuMat\& src2, GpuMat\& dst,\par
const GpuMat\& mask, const Stream\& stream);}
\cvarg{src1}{The first source matrix.}
\cvarg{src2}{The second source matrix. It must have the same size and type as \texttt{src1}.}
\cvarg{dst}{Destination matrix. Will have the same size and type as \texttt{src1}.}
\cvarg{mask}{Optional operation mask. 8-bit single channel image.}
\cvarg{stream}{Stream for asynchronous version.}
Performs per-element bitwise "exclusive or" of two matrixes.
\cvdefCpp{void bitwise\_xor(const GpuMat\& src1, const GpuMat\& src2, GpuMat\& dst,\par
const GpuMat\& mask=GpuMat());\newline
void bitwise\_xor(const GpuMat\& src1, const GpuMat\& src2, GpuMat\& dst,\par
const GpuMat\& mask, const Stream\& stream);}
\cvarg{src1}{The first source matrix.}
\cvarg{src2}{The second source matrix. It must have the same size and type as \texttt{src1}.}
\cvarg{dst}{Destination matrix. Will have the same size and type as \texttt{src1}.}
\cvarg{mask}{Optional operation mask. 8-bit single channel image.}
\cvarg{stream}{Stream for asynchronous version.}
\section{Image Processing}
Performs mean-shift filtering.
\cvdefCpp{void meanShiftFiltering(const GpuMat\& src, GpuMat\& dst,\par
int sp, int sr,\par
TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX\_ITER\par
+ TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1));}
\cvarg{src}{Source image. Only 8UC4 images are supported for now.}
\cvarg{dst}{Destination image. Will have the same size and type as \texttt{src}. Each pixel \texttt{(x,y)} of the destination image will contain color of converged point started from \texttt{(x,y)} pixel of the source image.}
\cvarg{sp}{Spatial window radius.}
\cvarg{sr}{Color window radius.}
\cvarg{criteria}{Termination criteria. See \cross{TermCriteria}.}
Performs mean-shift procedure and stores information about converged points in two images..
\cvdefCpp{void meanShiftProc(const GpuMat\& src, GpuMat\& dstr, GpuMat\& dstsp,\par
int sp, int sr,\par
TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX\_ITER\par
+ TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1));}
\cvarg{src}{Source image. Only 8UC4 images are supported for now.}
\cvarg{dstr}{Destination image. Will have the same size and type as \texttt{src}. Each pixel \texttt{(x,y)} of the destination image will contain color of converged point started from \texttt{(x,y)} pixel of the source image.}
\cvarg{dstsp}{16SC2 matrix, which will contain coordinates of converged points and have the same size as \texttt{src}.}
\cvarg{sp}{Spatial window radius.}
\cvarg{sr}{Color window radius.}
\cvarg{criteria}{Termination criteria. See \cross{TermCriteria}.}
\section{Object Detection}
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