Commit 0de8ed10 authored by Alexander Mordvintsev's avatar Alexander Mordvintsev

demo description url parsing

parent 5b00763b
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import Tkinter as tk
from ScrolledText import ScrolledText
from glob import glob
from common import splitfn
import webbrowser
#from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed
#ipshell = IPShellEmbed()
......@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ class App:
def on_link(self, url):
print url
def on_demo_select(self, evt):
name = self.demos_lb.get( self.demos_lb.curselection()[0] )
......@@ -101,28 +103,31 @@ class App:
s = s.rstrip()
if i == 0 and not s:
sn = len(s)
if s and s == '='*sn:
if s and s == '='*len(s):
text.tag_add('header1', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
elif s and s == '-'*sn:
elif s and s == '-'*len(s):
text.tag_add('header2', 'end-2l', 'end-1l')
text.insert('end', s+'\n')
def format_line(self, s):
text = self.text
pos, n = 0, len(s)
while pos < n:
next = s.find('http://', pos)
if next < 0:
next = n
test.insert(tk.END, s[pos:next])
pos = next
#text.insert(tk.END, "click here!", linker.add('http://asdfsdaf'))
def add_link(start, end, url):
for tag in self.linker.add(url):
text.tag_add(tag, start, end)
self.match_text(r'http://\S+', add_link)
def match_text(self, pattern, tag_proc):
text = self.text
text.mark_set('matchPos', '1.0')
count = tk.IntVar()
while True:
match_index =, 'matchPos', count=count, regexp=True, stopindex='end')
if not match_index: break
end_index = text.index( "%s+%sc" % (match_index, count.get()) )
text.mark_set('matchPos', end_index)
if callable(tag_proc):
tag_proc(match_index, end_index, text.get(match_index, end_index))
text.tag_add(tag_proc, match_index, end_index)
def run(self):
Simple example of stereo image matching and point cloud generation.
Resulting .ply file cam be easily viewed using MeshLab (
Resulting .ply file cam be easily viewed using MeshLab ( )
import numpy as np
Multiscale Turing Patterns generator.
Inspired by
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