Commit 0d19fa07 authored by atalaman's avatar atalaman Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #16062 from TolyaTalamanov:at/add-default-initlization-for-primitives

G-API: Add default initialization for primitives

* Add ctors for primitives

* Add description for constructors
parent b8ef2036
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
......@@ -96,6 +97,31 @@ struct freetype_font
struct Text
* @brief Text constructor
* @param text_ The text string to be drawn
* @param org_ The bottom-left corner of the text string in the image
* @param ff_ The font type, see #HersheyFonts
* @param fs_ The font scale factor that is multiplied by the font-specific base size
* @param color_ The text color
* @param thick_ The thickness of the lines used to draw a text
* @param lt_ The line type. See #LineTypes
* @param bottom_left_origin_ When true, the image data origin is at the bottom-left corner. Otherwise, it is at the top-left corner
Text(const std::string& text_,
const cv::Point& org_,
int ff_,
double fs_,
const cv::Scalar& color_,
int thick_ = 1,
int lt_ = cv::LINE_8,
bool bottom_left_origin_ = false) :
text(text_), org(org_), ff(ff_), fs(fs_),
color(color_), thick(thick_), lt(lt_), bottom_left_origin(bottom_left_origin_)
std::string text; //!< The text string to be drawn
cv::Point org; //!< The bottom-left corner of the text string in the image
......@@ -117,6 +143,22 @@ struct Text
struct FText
* @brief FText constructor
* @param text_ The text string to be drawn
* @param org_ The bottom-left corner of the text string in the image
* @param fh_ The height of text
* @param color_ The text color
FText(const std::wstring& text_,
const cv::Point& org_,
int fh_,
const cv::Scalar& color_) :
text(text_), org(org_), fh(fh_), color(color_)
std::wstring text; //!< The text string to be drawn
cv::Point org; //!< The bottom-left corner of the text string in the image
......@@ -132,11 +174,31 @@ struct FText
struct Rect
* @brief Rect constructor
* @param rect_ Coordinates of the rectangle
* @param color_ The bottom-left corner of the text string in the image
* @param thick_ The thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like #FILLED, mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle
* @param lt_ The type of the line. See #LineTypes
* @param shift_ The number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Rect(const cv::Rect& rect_,
const cv::Scalar& color_,
int thick_ = 1,
int lt_ = cv::LINE_8,
int shift_ = 0) :
rect(rect_), color(color_), thick(thick_), lt(lt_), shift(shift_)
cv::Rect rect; //!< Coordinates of the rectangle
cv::Scalar color; //!< The rectangle color or brightness (grayscale image)
int thick; //!< The thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like #FILLED, mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle
int lt; //!< The type of the line. See #LineTypes
int shift; //!< The number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
......@@ -146,12 +208,34 @@ struct Rect
struct Circle
* @brief Circle constructor
* @param center_ The center of the circle
* @param radius_ The radius of the circle
* @param color_ The color of the circle
* @param thick_ The thickness of the circle outline, if positive. Negative values, like #FILLED, mean that a filled circle is to be drawn
* @param lt_ The Type of the circle boundary. See #LineTypes
* @param shift_ The Number of fractional bits in the coordinates of the center and in the radius value
Circle(const cv::Point& center_,
int radius_,
const cv::Scalar& color_,
int thick_ = 1,
int lt_ = cv::LINE_8,
int shift_ = 0) :
center(center_), radius(radius_), color(color_), thick(thick_), lt(lt_), shift(shift_)
cv::Point center; //!< The center of the circle
int radius; //!< The radius of the circle
cv::Scalar color; //!< The color of the circle
int thick; //!< The thickness of the circle outline, if positive. Negative values, like #FILLED, mean that a filled circle is to be drawn
int lt; //!< The Type of the circle boundary. See #LineTypes
int shift; //!< The Number of fractional bits in the coordinates of the center and in the radius value
......@@ -161,12 +245,34 @@ struct Circle
struct Line
* @brief Line constructor
* @param pt1_ The first point of the line segment
* @param pt2_ The second point of the line segment
* @param color_ The line color
* @param thick_ The thickness of line
* @param lt_ The Type of the line. See #LineTypes
* @param shift_ The number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Line(const cv::Point& pt1_,
const cv::Point& pt2_,
const cv::Scalar& color_,
int thick_ = 1,
int lt_ = cv::LINE_8,
int shift_ = 0) :
pt1(pt1_), pt2(pt2_), color(color_), thick(thick_), lt(lt_), shift(shift_)
cv::Point pt1; //!< The first point of the line segment
cv::Point pt2; //!< The second point of the line segment
cv::Scalar color; //!< The line color
int thick; //!< The thickness of line
int lt; //!< The Type of the line. See #LineTypes
int shift; //!< The number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
......@@ -176,9 +282,25 @@ struct Line
struct Mosaic
* @brief Mosaic constructor
* @param mos_ Coordinates of the mosaic
* @param cellSz_ Cell size (same for X, Y). Note: mos size must be multiple of cell size
* @param decim_ Decimation (0 stands for no decimation)
Mosaic(const cv::Rect& mos_,
int cellSz_,
int decim_) :
mos(mos_), cellSz(cellSz_), decim(decim_)
cv::Rect mos; //!< Coordinates of the mosaic
int cellSz; //!< Cell size (same for X, Y). Note: mosaic size must be a multiple of cell size
int decim; //!< Decimation (0 stands for no decimation)
......@@ -188,9 +310,25 @@ struct Mosaic
struct Image
* @brief Mosaic constructor
* @param org_ The bottom-left corner of the image
* @param img_ Image to draw
* @param alpha_ Alpha channel for image to draw (same size and number of channels)
Image(const cv::Point& org_,
const cv::Mat& img_,
const cv::Mat& alpha_) :
org(org_), img(img_), alpha(alpha_)
cv::Point org; //!< The bottom-left corner of the image
cv::Mat img; //!< Image to draw
cv::Mat alpha; //!< Alpha channel for image to draw (same size and number of channels)
......@@ -198,11 +336,31 @@ struct Image
struct Poly
* @brief Mosaic constructor
* @param points_ Points to connect
* @param color_ The line color
* @param thick_ The thickness of line
* @param lt_ The Type of the line. See #LineTypes
* @param shift_ The number of fractional bits in the point coordinate
Poly(const std::vector<cv::Point>& points_,
const cv::Scalar& color_,
int thick_ = 1,
int lt_ = cv::LINE_8,
int shift_ = 0) :
points(points_), color(color_), thick(thick_), lt(lt_), shift(shift_)
std::vector<cv::Point> points; //!< Points to connect
cv::Scalar color; //!< The line color
int thick; //!< The thickness of line
int lt; //!< The Type of the line. See #LineTypes
int shift; //!< The number of fractional bits in the point coordinate
using Prim = util::variant
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