Commit 0bde00a8 authored by Leonid Beynenson's avatar Leonid Beynenson

Changed CommandLineParser to make it less verbose

when it is unrequired.
parent 858f4371
......@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ static void from_str(const string& str, int type, void* dst)
else if( type == Param::STRING )
ss >> *(string*)dst;
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "unknown/unsupported parameter type");
throw cv::Exception(CV_StsBadArg, "unknown/unsupported parameter type", __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (
string err_msg = "can not convert: [" + str +
+ "] to [" + get_type_name(type) + "]";
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, err_msg);
throw cv::Exception(CV_StsBadArg, err_msg, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
......@@ -417,14 +417,15 @@ vector<string> CommandLineParser::Impl::split_range_string(const string& _str, c
if (begin == true)
throw cv::Exception(CV_StsParseError,
string("error in split_range_string(")
+ str
+ string(", ")
+ string(1, fs)
+ string(", ")
+ string(1, ss)
+ string(")")
+ string(")"),
__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__
begin = true;
......@@ -436,14 +437,15 @@ vector<string> CommandLineParser::Impl::split_range_string(const string& _str, c
if (begin == false)
throw cv::Exception(CV_StsParseError,
string("error in split_range_string(")
+ str
+ string(", ")
+ string(1, fs)
+ string(", ")
+ string(1, ss)
+ string(")")
+ string(")"),
__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__
begin = false;
......@@ -459,14 +461,15 @@ vector<string> CommandLineParser::Impl::split_range_string(const string& _str, c
if (begin == true)
throw cv::Exception(CV_StsParseError,
string("error in split_range_string(")
+ str
+ string(", ")
+ string(1, fs)
+ string(", ")
+ string(1, ss)
+ string(")")
+ string(")"),
__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__
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