Commit 0ba3b06e authored by orestis's avatar orestis

SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s [1, 2, 1]

NEON speedup: 4.1
Auto-vect speedup: 2.25
parent 79f77045
......@@ -2207,6 +2207,129 @@ struct FilterVec_32f
#elif CV_NEON
struct SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s
SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s() { smallValues = false; }
SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s( const Mat& _kernel, int _symmetryType )
kernel = _kernel;
symmetryType = _symmetryType;
smallValues = true;
int k, ksize = kernel.rows + kernel.cols - 1;
for( k = 0; k < ksize; k++ )
int v = kernel.ptr<int>()[k];
if( v < SHRT_MIN || v > SHRT_MAX )
smallValues = false;
int operator()(const uchar* src, uchar* _dst, int width, int cn) const
//Uncomment the two following lines when runtime support for neon is implemented.
// if( !checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_NEON) )
// return 0;
int i = 0, _ksize = kernel.rows + kernel.cols - 1;
int* dst = (int*)_dst;
bool symmetrical = (symmetryType & KERNEL_SYMMETRICAL) != 0;
const int* kx = kernel.ptr<int>() + _ksize/2;
if( !smallValues )
return 0;
src += (_ksize/2)*cn;
width *= cn;
if( symmetrical )
if( _ksize == 1 )
return 0;
if( _ksize == 3 )
if( kx[0] == 2 && kx[1] == 1 )
uint16x8_t zq = vdupq_n_u16(0);
for( ; i <= width - 8; i += 8, src += 8 )
uint8x8_t x0, x1, x2;
x0 = vld1_u8( (uint8_t *) (src - cn) );
x1 = vld1_u8( (uint8_t *) (src) );
x2 = vld1_u8( (uint8_t *) (src + cn) );
uint16x8_t y0, y1, y2;
y0 = vaddl_u8(x0, x2);
y1 = vshll_n_u8(x1, 1);
y2 = vaddq_u16(y0, y1);
uint16x8x2_t str;
str.val[0] = y2; str.val[1] = zq;
vst2q_u16( (uint16_t *) (dst + i), str );
else if( kx[0] == -2 && kx[1] == 1 )
return 0;
return 0;
else if( _ksize == 5 )
if( kx[0] == -2 && kx[1] == 0 && kx[2] == 1 )
return 0;
return 0;
if( _ksize == 3 )
if( kx[0] == 0 && kx[1] == 1 )
return 0;
return 0;
else if( _ksize == 5 )
return 0;
return i;
Mat kernel;
int symmetryType;
bool smallValues;
typedef RowNoVec RowVec_16s32f;
typedef RowNoVec RowVec_32f;
typedef SymmRowSmallNoVec SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s;
typedef SymmRowSmallNoVec SymmRowSmallVec_32f;
typedef ColumnNoVec SymmColumnVec_32s8u;
typedef ColumnNoVec SymmColumnVec_32f16s;
typedef ColumnNoVec SymmColumnVec_32f;
typedef SymmColumnSmallNoVec SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s;
typedef SymmColumnSmallNoVec SymmColumnSmallVec_32f;
typedef FilterNoVec FilterVec_8u;
typedef FilterNoVec FilterVec_8u16s;
typedef FilterNoVec FilterVec_32f;
typedef RowNoVec RowVec_8u32s;
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