Commit 0a19b070 authored by LaurentBerger's avatar LaurentBerger

Use @snippet

parent 421c5dee
......@@ -21,133 +21,27 @@ Explanation
Here is the general structure of the program:
- You can give full path to an image in command line
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
@snippet histo3D.cpp command_line_parser
if (parser.has("help"))
return 0;
String nomFic = parser.get<String>(0);
Mat img;
if (nomFic.length() != 0)
img = imread(nomFic, IMREAD_COLOR);
if (img.empty())
cout << "Image does not exist!";
return 0;
or without path, a synthetic image is generated with pixel values are a gaussian distribution center(60+/-10,40+/-5,50+/-20) in first quadrant,
or without path, a synthetic image is generated with pixel values are a gaussian distribution @ref cv::RNG::fill center(60+/-10,40+/-5,50+/-20) in first quadrant,
(160+/-20,10+/-5,50+/-10) in second quadrant, (90+/-10,100+/-20,50+/-20) in third quadrant, (100+/-10,10+/-5,150+/-40) in last quadrant.
img = Mat(512,512,CV_8UC3);
RNG r;
r.fill(img(Rect(0, 0, 256, 256)), RNG::NORMAL, Vec3b(60, 40, 50), Vec3b(10, 5, 20));
r.fill(img(Rect(256, 0, 256, 256)), RNG::NORMAL, Vec3b(160, 10, 50), Vec3b(20, 5, 10));
r.fill(img(Rect(0, 256, 256, 256)), RNG::NORMAL, Vec3b(90, 100, 50), Vec3b(10, 20, 20));
r.fill(img(Rect(256, 256, 256, 256)), RNG::NORMAL, Vec3b(100, 10, 150), Vec3b(10, 5, 40));
Image tridimensional histogram is calculated using opencv calcHist and normalize between 0 and 100.
float hRange[] = { 0, 256 };
const float* etendu[] = { hRange, hRange,hRange };
int hBins = 32;
int tailleHist[] = { hBins, hBins , hBins };
int canaux[] = { 2, 1,0 };
calcHist(&img, 1, canaux, Mat(), h.histogram, 3, tailleHist, etendu, true, false);
normalize(h.histogram, h.histogram, 100.0/(, 0, cv::NormTypes::NORM_MINMAX, -1, cv::Mat());
channel are 2, 1 and 0 to synchronise color with Viz axis color in objetc viz::WCoordinateSystem.
@snippet histo3D.cpp synthetic_image
Image tridimensional histogram is calculated using opencv @ref cv::calcHist and @ref cv::normalize between 0 and 100.
@snippet histo3D.cpp calchist_for_histo3d
channel are 2, 1 and 0 to synchronise color with Viz axis color in objetc cv::viz::WCoordinateSystem.
A slidebar is inserted in image window. Init slidebar value is 90, it means that only histogram cell greater than 9/100000.0 (23 pixels for an 512X512 pixels) will be display.
AddSlidebar("threshold","Image",0,100,h.seuil,&h.seuil, UpdateThreshold,&h);
We are ready to open a viz window with a callback function to capture keyboard event in viz window. Using Viz::spinonce enable keyboard event to be capture in imshow window too.
h.fen3D = new viz::Viz3d("3D Histogram");
while (h.code!=27)
if (h.status)
if (h.code!=27)
h.code= waitKey(30);
The function DrawHistogram3D processes histogram Mat to display it in a Viz window. Number of plan, row and column in three dimensional Mat ca be found using this code :
int planSize = h.histogram.step1(0);
int cols = h.histogram.step1(1);
int rows = planSize / cols;
int plans = / planSize;
if (h.nbWidget==0)
h.fen3D->showWidget("Axis", viz::WCoordinateSystem(10));
To get histogram value at a specific location we use at method with three arguments k, i and j where k is plane number, i row number and j column number.
for (int k = 0; k < plans; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
double x =<float>(k, i, j);
if (x >= h.threshold)
double r=std::max(x/h.maxH,0.1);
viz::WCube s(Point3d(k - r / 2, i - r / 2, j - r / 2), Point3d(k + r / 2, i + r / 2, j + r / 2), false, viz::Color(j / double(plans) * 255, i / double(rows) * 255, k / double(cols) * 255));
h.fen3D->showWidget(format("I3d%d", h.nbWidget++), s);
@snippet histo3D.cpp slide_bar_for_thresh
We are ready to open a viz window with a callback function to capture keyboard event in viz window. Using @ref cv::viz::Viz3d::spinOnce enable keyboard event to be capture in @ref cv::imshow window too.
@snippet histo3D.cpp manage_viz_imshow_window
The function DrawHistogram3D processes histogram Mat to display it in a Viz window. Number of plan, row and column in (three dimensional Mat)[] can be found using this code :
@snippet histo3D.cpp get_cube_size
To get histogram value at a specific location we use @ref cv::Mat::at(int i0,int i1, int i2) method with three arguments k, i and j where k is plane number, i row number and j column number.
@snippet histo3D.cpp get_cube_values
- Callback function
Principle are as mouse callback function. Key code pressed is in field code of class viz::KeyboardEvent.
void KeyboardViz3d(const viz::KeyboardEvent &w, void *t)
Histo3DData *x=(Histo3DData *)t;
if (w.action)
cout << "you pressed "<< w.symbol<< " in viz window "<<x->fen3D->getWindowName()<<"\n";
x->code= w.code;
switch (w.code) {
case '/':
x->threshold *= 0.9;
case '*':
x->status = true;
x->threshold *= 1.1;
if (x->status)
cout << x->threshold << "\n";
Principle are as mouse callback function. Key code pressed is in field code of class @ref cv::viz::KeyboardEvent.
@snippet histo3D.cpp viz_keyboard_callback
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ void KeyboardViz3d(const viz::KeyboardEvent &w, void *t);
void DrawHistogram3D(Histo3DData &h)
//! [get_cube_size]
int planSize = h.histogram.step1(0);
int cols = h.histogram.step1(1);
int rows = planSize / cols;
......@@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ void DrawHistogram3D(Histo3DData &h)
if (h.nbWidget==0)
h.fen3D->showWidget("Axis", viz::WCoordinateSystem(10));
//! [get_cube_size]
//! [get_cube_values]
for (int k = 0; k < plans; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
......@@ -55,9 +58,10 @@ void DrawHistogram3D(Histo3DData &h)
//! [get_cube_values]
h.status = false;
//! [viz_keyboard_callback]
void KeyboardViz3d(const viz::KeyboardEvent &w, void *t)
Histo3DData *x=(Histo3DData *)t;
......@@ -80,6 +84,7 @@ void KeyboardViz3d(const viz::KeyboardEvent &w, void *t)
//! [viz_keyboard_callback]
void AddSlidebar(String sliderName, String windowName, int sliderMin, int sliderMax, int defaultSlider, int *sliderVal, void(*f)(int, void *), void *r)
......@@ -101,6 +106,7 @@ void UpdateThreshold(int , void * r)
int main (int argc,char **argv)
//! [command_line_parser]
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if (parser.has("help"))
......@@ -119,6 +125,8 @@ int main (int argc,char **argv)
return 0;
//! [command_line_parser]
//! [synthetic_image]
img = Mat(512,512,CV_8UC3);
......@@ -129,6 +137,8 @@ int main (int argc,char **argv)
r.fill(img(Rect(0, 256, 256, 256)), RNG::NORMAL, Vec3b(90, 100, 50), Vec3b(10, 20, 20));
r.fill(img(Rect(256, 256, 256, 256)), RNG::NORMAL, Vec3b(100, 10, 150), Vec3b(10, 5, 40));
//! [synthetic_image]
//! [calchist_for_histo3d]
Histo3DData h;
......@@ -141,11 +151,14 @@ int main (int argc,char **argv)
calcHist(&img, 1, channel, Mat(), h.histogram, 3, histSize, etendu, true, false);
normalize(h.histogram, h.histogram, 100.0/(, 0, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());
//! [calchist_for_histo3d]
//! [slide_bar_for_thresh]
AddSlidebar("threshold","Image",0,100,h.seuil,&h.seuil, UpdateThreshold,&h);
//! [slide_bar_for_thresh]
//! [manage_viz_imshow_window]
h.fen3D = new viz::Viz3d("3D Histogram");
......@@ -158,6 +171,7 @@ int main (int argc,char **argv)
if (h.code!=27)
h.code= waitKey(30);
//! [manage_viz_imshow_window]
return 0;
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