:param trainDescs: Training set of descriptors.It is not added to train descriptors collection stored in the class object.
:param trainDescs: Training set of descriptors.It is not added to train descriptors collection stored in the class object.
:param trainIdx: ``trainIdx.at<int>(i, j)`` is the index of j-th training descriptor which is close enough to i-th query descriptor. If ``trainIdx`` is empty, it is created with the size ``queryDescs.rows x trainDescs.rows``. When the matrix is pre-allocated, it can have less than ``trainDescs.rows`` columns. Then the function will return as many matches for each query descriptors as fit into the matrix.
:param nMatches: ``nMatches.at<unsigned int>(0, i)`` contains the number of matching descriptors for the i-th query descriptor. The value can be larger than ``trainIdx.cols`` - it means that the function could not store all the matches since it did not have enough memory.
:param distance: ``distance.at<int>(i, j)`` is the distance between the j-th match for the j-th query descriptor and the this very query descriptor. The matrix will have ``CV_32FC1`` type and the same size as ``trainIdx``.
:param distance: ``distance.at<int>(i, j)`` Distance between the j-th match for the j-th query descriptor and this very query descriptor. The matrix has the ``CV_32FC1`` type and the same size as ``trainIdx``.
:param srcType: Input image type. Supports ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC4``.
:param dstType: Output image type. Supports only the same as source type.
:param dstType: Output image type. It supports only the same as the source type.
:param ksize: Kernel size.
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ gpu::boxFilter
:param dst: Output image type. The size and type is the same as ``src``.
:param ddepth: Output image depth. If -1, the output image will have the same depth as the input one. The only values allowed here are ``CV_8U`` and -1.
:param ddepth: Output image depth. If -1, the output image has the same depth as the input one. The only values allowed here are ``CV_8U`` and -1.
:param ksize: Kernel size.
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ gpu::blur
:param src: Input image. ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC4`` source types are supported.
:param dst: Output image type. The size and type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Output image type with the same size and type as ``src`` .
:param ksize: Kernel size.
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ gpu::erode
:param src: Source image. Only ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC4`` types are supported.
:param dst: Destination image. The size and type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the same size and type as ``src`` .
:param kernel: Structuring element used for dilation. If ``kernel=Mat()``, a 3x3 rectangular structuring element is used.
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ gpu::dilate
:param src: Source image. ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC4`` source types are supported.
:param dst: Destination image. The size and type is the same as ``src``.
:param dst: Destination image with the same size and type as ``src``.
:param kernel: Structuring element used for dilation. If ``kernel=Mat()``, a 3x3 rectangular structuring element is used.
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ gpu::morphologyEx
:param src: Source image. ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC4`` source types are supported.
:param dst: Destination image. The size and type is the same as ``src``
:param dst: Destination image with the same size and type as ``src``
:param op: Type of morphological operation. The following types are possible:
:param dst: Destination image. The size and type is the same as ``src`` has.
:param dst: Destination image with the same size and type as ``src``.
:param ksize: Gaussian kernel size. ``ksize.width`` and ``ksize.height`` can differ but they both must be positive and odd. If they are zeros, they are computed from ``sigmaX`` and ``sigmaY`` .
:param src: Source image. Only ``CV_8UC4`` images are supported for now.
:param dst: Destination image containing the color of mapped points. The size and type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image containing the color of mapped points. It has the same size and type as ``src`` .
:param sp: Spatial window radius.
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ gpu::meanShiftProc
:param dstr: Destination image containing the color of mapped points. The size and type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dstsp: Destination image containing the position of mapped points. The size is the same as ``src``. The type is ``CV_16SC2``.
:param dstsp: Destination image containing the position of mapped points. The size is the same as ``src`` size. The type is ``CV_16SC2``.
:param sp: Spatial window radius.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ gpu::meanShiftSegmentation
:param src: Source image. Only ``CV_8UC4`` images are supported for now.
:param dst: Segmented image. The size and type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Segmented image with the same size and type as ``src`` .
:param sp: Spatial window radius.
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ gpu::mulSpectrums
:param a: First spectrum.
:param b: Second spectrum. The size and type is the same as ``a`` .
:param b: Second spectrum with the same size and type as ``a`` .
:param c: Destination spectrum.
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ gpu::mulAndScaleSpectrums
:param a: First spectrum.
:param b: Second spectrum. The size and type is the same as ``a`` .
:param b: Second spectrum with the same size and type as ``a`` .
:param c: Destination spectrum.
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ gpu::matchTemplate
:param image: Source image. ``CV_32F`` and ``CV_8U`` depth images (1..4 channels) are supported for now.
:param templ: Template image. The size and type is the same as ``image`` .
:param templ: Template image with the size and type the same as ``image`` .
:param result: Map containing comparison results ( ``CV_32FC1`` ). If ``image`` is *W x H* and ``templ`` is *w x h*, then ``result`` must be *W-w+1 x H-h+1*.
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ gpu::remap
:param src: Source image. Only ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC3`` source types are supported.
:param dst: Destination image. The size is the same as ``xmap`` . The type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the size the same as ``xmap`` and the type the same as ``src`` .
:param xmap: X values. Only ``CV_32FC1`` type is supported.
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ gpu::cvtColor
:param src: Source image with ``CV_8U``, ``CV_16U``, or ``CV_32F`` depth and 1, 3, or 4 channels.
:param dst: Destination image. The size and depth is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the same size and depth as ``src`` .
:param code: Color space conversion code. For details, see :func:`cvtColor` . Conversion to/from Luv and Bayer color spaces is not supported.
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ gpu::threshold
:param src: Source array (single-channel). ``CV_64F`` depth is not supported.
:param dst: Destination array. The size and type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination array with the same size and type as ``src`` .
:param thresh: Threshold value.
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ gpu::resize
:param src: Source image. Supports the ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC4`` types.
:param dst: Destination image. The size is ``dsize`` (when it is non-zero) or the size is computed from ``src.size()``, ``fx``, and ``fy`` . The type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the same type as ``src`` . The size is ``dsize`` (when it is non-zero) or the size is computed from ``src.size()``, ``fx``, and ``fy`` .
:param dsize: Destination image size. If it is zero, it is computed as:
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ gpu::warpAffine
:param src: Source image. Supports ``CV_8U``, ``CV_16U``, ``CV_32S``, or ``CV_32F`` depth and 1, 3, or 4 channels.
:param dst: Destination image. The size is ``dsize`` . The type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the same type as ``src`` . The size is ``dsize`` .
:param M: *2x3* transformation matrix.
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ gpu::warpPerspective
:param src: Source image. Supports ``CV_8U``, ``CV_16U``, ``CV_32S``, or ``CV_32F`` depth and 1, 3, or 4 channels.
:param dst: Destination image. The size is ``dsize`` . The type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the same type as ``src`` . The size is ``dsize`` .
:param M: *3x3* transformation matrix.
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ gpu::rotate
:param src: Source image. Supports ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC4`` types.
:param dst: Destination image. The size is ``dsize`` . The type is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the same type as ``src`` . The size is ``dsize`` .
:param dsize: Size of the destination image.
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ gpu::copyMakeBorder
:param src: Source image. ``CV_8UC1``, ``CV_8UC4``, ``CV_32SC1``, and ``CV_32FC1`` types are supported.
:param dst: Destination image. The type is the same as ``src`` . The size is ``Size(src.cols+left+right, src.rows+top+bottom)`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the same type as ``src`` . The size is ``Size(src.cols+left+right, src.rows+top+bottom)`` .
:param top, bottom, left, right: Number of pixels in each direction from the source image rectangle to extrapolate. For example: ``top=1, bottom=1, left=1, right=1`` mean that 1 pixel-wide border needs to be built.
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ gpu::rectStdDev
:param sqr: Squared source image. Only the ``CV_32FC1`` type is supported.
:param dst: Destination image. The type and size is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image with the same type and size as ``src`` .
Histogram of Oriented Gradients [Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs. Histogram of oriented gradients for human detection. 2005.] descriptor and detector.
Provides a histogram of Oriented Gradients [Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs. Histogram of oriented gradients for human detection. 2005.] descriptor and detector.
struct CV_EXPORTS HOGDescriptor
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ gpu::HOGDescriptor
Interfaces of all methods are kept similar to the ``CPU HOG`` descriptor and detector analogues as much as possible.
Interfaces of all methods are kept similar to the ``CPU HOG`` descriptor and detector analogues as much as possible.