Commit 04abffeb authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov


parent 8603c58f
......@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ cornerEigenValsVecs( const Mat& src, Mat& eigenv, int block_size,
int depth = src.depth();
double scale = (double)(1 << ((aperture_size > 0 ? aperture_size : 3) - 1)) * block_size;
if( aperture_size < 0 )
scale *= 2.;
scale *= 2.0;
if( depth == CV_8U )
scale *= 255.;
scale = 1./scale;
scale *= 255.0;
scale = 1.0/scale;
CV_Assert( src.type() == CV_8UC1 || src.type() == CV_32FC1 );
......@@ -381,15 +381,15 @@ static bool ocl_cornerMinEigenValVecs(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blo
const char * const cornerType[] = { "CORNER_MINEIGENVAL", "CORNER_HARRIS", 0 };
float scale = (float)(1 << ((aperture_size > 0 ? aperture_size : 3) - 1)) * block_size;
double scale = (double)(1 << ((aperture_size > 0 ? aperture_size : 3) - 1)) * block_size;
if (aperture_size < 0)
scale *= 2.0f;
scale *= 2.0;
if (depth == CV_8U)
scale *= 255.0f;
scale = 1.0f / scale;
scale *= 255.0;
scale = 1.0 / scale;
UMat Dx, Dy;
if (!extractCovData(_src, Dx, Dy, depth, scale, aperture_size, borderType))
if (!extractCovData(_src, Dx, Dy, depth, (double)scale, aperture_size, borderType))
return false;
ocl::Kernel cornelKernel("corner", ocl::imgproc::corner_oclsrc,
......@@ -472,6 +472,48 @@ void cv::cornerHarris( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, int ksi
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( src.size(), CV_32FC1 );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
#if defined HAVE_IPP && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
int type = src.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
if ( (ksize == 3 || ksize == 5) && (type == CV_8UC1 || type == CV_32FC1) &&
(borderTypeNI == BORDER_CONSTANT || borderTypeNI == BORDER_REPLICATE) && cn == 1 && (!src.isSubmatrix() || isolated) )
IppiSize roisize = { src.cols, src.rows };
IppiMaskSize masksize = ksize == 5 ? ippMskSize5x5 : ippMskSize3x3;
IppDataType datatype = type == CV_8UC1 ? ipp8u : ipp32f;
Ipp32s bufsize = 0;
double scale = (double)(1 << ((ksize > 0 ? ksize : 3) - 1)) * blockSize;
if (ksize < 0)
scale *= 2.0;
if (depth == CV_8U)
scale *= 255.0;
scale = std::pow(scale, -4.0f);
if (ippiHarrisCornerGetBufferSize(roisize, masksize, blockSize, datatype, cn, &bufsize) >= 0)
Ipp8u * buffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufsize);
IppiDifferentialKernel filterType = ksize > 0 ? ippFilterSobel : ippFilterScharr;
IppiBorderType borderTypeIpp = borderTypeNI == BORDER_CONSTANT ? ippBorderConst : ippBorderRepl;
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
if (depth == CV_8U)
status = ippiHarrisCorner_8u32f_C1R((const Ipp8u *), (int)src.step, (Ipp32f *), (int)dst.step, roisize,
filterType, masksize, blockSize, (Ipp32f)k, (Ipp32f)scale, borderTypeIpp, 0, buffer);
else if (depth == CV_32F)
status = ippiHarrisCorner_32f_C1R((const Ipp32f *), (int)src.step, (Ipp32f *), (int)dst.step, roisize,
filterType, masksize, blockSize, (Ipp32f)k, (Ipp32f)scale, borderTypeIpp, 0, buffer);
if (status >= 0)
cornerEigenValsVecs( src, dst, blockSize, ksize, HARRIS, k, borderType );
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