Commit 044d38a0 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

expanded cv::threshold parallelization to other threading frameworks; fixed…

expanded cv::threshold parallelization to other threading frameworks; fixed potential bug with unprocessed bottom of the image; fixed build problem in stitching
parent e365726c
......@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ getThreshVal_Otsu_8u( const Mat& _src )
return max_val;
class ThresholdRunner
class ThresholdRunner : public ParallelLoopBody
ThresholdRunner(Mat _src, Mat _dst, int _nStripes, double _thresh, double _maxval, int _thresholdType)
......@@ -676,10 +676,11 @@ public:
thresholdType = _thresholdType;
void operator () ( const BlockedRange& range ) const
void operator () ( const Range& range ) const
int row0 = std::min(cvRound(range.begin() * src.rows / nStripes), src.rows);
int row1 = std::min(cvRound(range.end() * src.rows / nStripes), src.rows);
int row0 = std::min(cvRound(range.start * src.rows / nStripes), src.rows);
int row1 = range.end >= nStripes ? src.rows :
std::min(cvRound(range.end * src.rows / nStripes), src.rows);
printf("Size = (%d, %d), range[%d,%d), row0 = %d, row1 = %d\n",
......@@ -756,12 +757,10 @@ double cv::threshold( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, double thresh, double m
return thresh;
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, nStripes),
ThresholdRunner(src, dst, nStripes, (uchar)ithresh, (uchar)imaxval, type));
thresh = ithresh;
maxval = imaxval;
else if( src.depth() == CV_16S )
......@@ -785,21 +784,18 @@ double cv::threshold( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, double thresh, double m
return thresh;
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, nStripes),
ThresholdRunner(src, dst, nStripes, (short)ithresh, (short)imaxval, type));
thresh = ithresh;
maxval = imaxval;
else if( src.depth() == CV_32F )
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, nStripes),
ThresholdRunner(src, dst, nStripes, (float)thresh, (float)maxval, type));
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );
parallel_for_(Range(0, nStripes),
ThresholdRunner(src, dst, nStripes, thresh, maxval, type));
return thresh;
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
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