Commit 0441e577 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

undone experimental modifications in findExtrinsicCameraParams2.

parent fa245e5f
......@@ -1279,10 +1279,10 @@ CV_IMPL void cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2( const CvMat* objectPoints,
_RRt = cvMat( 3, 4, CV_64F, LV + 11*12 );
cvGetCols( &_RRt, &_RR, 0, 3 );
cvGetCol( &_RRt, &_tt, 3 );
if( cvDet(&_RR) < 0 )
cvScale( &_RRt, &_RRt, -1 );
sc = cvNorm(&_RR);
cvSVD( &_RR, &matW, &matU, &matV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_U_T + CV_SVD_V_T );
if( W[0]*W[1]*W[2] < 0 )
sc = -sc;
cvGEMM( &matU, &matV, 1, 0, 0, &matR, CV_GEMM_A_T );
cvScale( &_tt, &_t, cvNorm(&matR)/sc );
cvRodrigues2( &matR, &_r );
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