Commit 0369431e authored by Jun Zhao's avatar Jun Zhao

opencl/cvtclr_dx: fix not compile-time constants issue.

fix the "initializing global variables with values that are not
compile-time constants" issue in Intel SDK for OpenCL. The root cause
is when initializing global variables with value, the variable need is
compile-time constants.

Thanks Zheng, Yang <>,
Chodor, Jaroslaw <> give a help.
Signed-off-by: 's avatarLiu,Kaixuan <>
Signed-off-by: 's avatarJun Zhao <>
parent 047764f4
......@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ float c_YUV2RGBCoeffs_420[5] =
static __constant float CV_8U_MAX = 255.0f;
static __constant float CV_8U_HALF = 128.0f;
static __constant float BT601_BLACK_RANGE = 16.0f;
static __constant float CV_8U_SCALE = 1.0f / 255.0f;
static __constant float d1 = BT601_BLACK_RANGE / CV_8U_MAX;
static __constant float d2 = CV_8U_HALF / CV_8U_MAX;
static const __constant float CV_8U_MAX = 255.0f;
static const __constant float CV_8U_HALF = 128.0f;
static const __constant float BT601_BLACK_RANGE = 16.0f;
static const __constant float CV_8U_SCALE = 1.0f / 255.0f;
static const __constant float d1 = BT601_BLACK_RANGE / CV_8U_MAX;
static const __constant float d2 = CV_8U_HALF / CV_8U_MAX;
#define NCHANNELS 3
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