Commit 01e351de authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

refactored downhill simplex implementation a bit; hopefully, fixed the bug with…

refactored downhill simplex implementation a bit; hopefully, fixed the bug with random failures in the tests
parent a33d7928
......@@ -1475,13 +1475,15 @@ Mat_<_Tp> Mat_<_Tp>::operator()( const Range* ranges ) const
template<typename _Tp> inline
_Tp* Mat_<_Tp>::operator [](int y)
return (_Tp*)ptr(y);
CV_DbgAssert( 0 <= y && y < rows );
return (_Tp*)(data + y*step.p[0]);
template<typename _Tp> inline
const _Tp* Mat_<_Tp>::operator [](int y) const
return (const _Tp*)ptr(y);
CV_DbgAssert( 0 <= y && y < rows );
return (const _Tp*)(data + y*step.p[0]);
template<typename _Tp> inline
......@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
/*#define dprintf(x) printf x
#define print_matrix(x) print(x)*/
#define dprintf(x)
#define print_matrix(x)
......@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ Downhill Simplex method in OpenCV dev 3.0.0 getting this error:
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (dims <= 2 && data && (unsigned)i0 < (unsigned)(s ize.p[0] * size.p[1])
&& elemSize() == (((((DataType<_Tp>::type) & ((512 - 1) << 3)) >> 3) + 1) << ((((sizeof(size_t)/4+1)16384|0x3a50)
>> ((DataType<_Tp>::typ e) & ((1 << 3) - 1))2) & 3))) in cv::Mat::at,
>> ((DataType<_Tp>::typ e) & ((1 << 3) - 1))2) & 3))) in Mat::at,
file C:\builds\master_PackSlave-w in32-vc12-shared\opencv\modules\core\include\opencv2/core/mat.inl.hpp, line 893
****Problem and Possible Fix*********************************************************************************************************
......@@ -135,275 +138,279 @@ multiple lines in three dimensions as not all lines intersect in three dimension
namespace cv
class DownhillSolverImpl : public DownhillSolver
class DownhillSolverImpl : public DownhillSolver
void getInitStep(OutputArray step) const;
void setInitStep(InputArray step);
Ptr<Function> getFunction() const;
void setFunction(const Ptr<Function>& f);
TermCriteria getTermCriteria() const;
void setTermCriteria(const TermCriteria& termcrit);
double minimize(InputOutputArray x);
Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function> _Function;
TermCriteria _termcrit;
Mat _step;
Mat_<double> buf_x;
inline void createInitialSimplex(Mat_<double>& simplex,Mat& step);
inline double innerDownhillSimplex(cv::Mat_<double>& p,double MinRange,double MinError,int& nfunk,
const Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function>& f,int nmax);
inline double tryNewPoint(Mat_<double>& p,Mat_<double>& y,Mat_<double>& coord_sum,const Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function>& f,int ihi,
double fac,Mat_<double>& ptry);
double DownhillSolverImpl::tryNewPoint(
Mat_<double>& p,
Mat_<double>& y,
Mat_<double>& coord_sum,
const Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function>& f,
int ihi,
double fac,
Mat_<double>& ptry
void getInitStep(OutputArray step) const { _step.copyTo(step); }
void setInitStep(InputArray step)
int ndim=p.cols;
int j;
double fac1,fac2,ytry;
// set dimensionality and make a deep copy of step
Mat m = step.getMat();
dprintf(("m.cols=%d\nm.rows=%d\n", m.cols, m.rows));
CV_Assert( std::min(m.cols, m.rows) == 1 && m.type() == CV_64FC1 );
if( m.rows == 1 )
transpose(m, _step);
Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function> getFunction() const { return _Function; }
void setFunction(const Ptr<Function>& f) { _Function=f; }
TermCriteria getTermCriteria() const { return _termcrit; }
void setTermCriteria( const TermCriteria& termcrit )
CV_Assert( termcrit.type == (TermCriteria::MAX_ITER + TermCriteria::EPS) &&
termcrit.epsilon > 0 &&
termcrit.maxCount > 0 );
double minimize( InputOutputArray x_ )
dprintf(("hi from minimize\n"));
CV_Assert( !_Function.empty() );
dprintf(("termcrit:\n\ttype: %d\n\tmaxCount: %d\n\tEPS: %g\n",_termcrit.type,_termcrit.maxCount,_termcrit.epsilon));
Mat x = x_.getMat();
Mat_<double> simplex;
createInitialSimplex(x, simplex, _step);
int count = 0;
double res = innerDownhillSimplex(simplex,_termcrit.epsilon, _termcrit.epsilon,
count, _Function, _termcrit.maxCount);
dprintf(("%d iterations done\n",count));
for (j=0;j<ndim;j++)
if( !x.empty() )
Mat simplex_0m(x.rows, x.cols, CV_64F, simplex.ptr<double>());
simplex_0m.convertTo(x, x.type());
if (ytry < y(ihi))
for (j=0;j<ndim;j++)
coord_sum(j) += ptry(j)-p(ihi,j);
int x_type = x_.fixedType() ? x_.type() : CV_64F;
simplex.row(0).convertTo(x_, x_type);
return res;
Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function> _Function;
TermCriteria _termcrit;
Mat _step;
return ytry;
inline void updateCoordSum(const Mat_<double>& p, Mat_<double>& coord_sum)
int i, j, m = p.rows, n = p.cols;
double* coord_sum_ = coord_sum.ptr<double>();
CV_Assert( coord_sum.cols == n && coord_sum.rows == 1 );
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
coord_sum_[j] = 0.;
for( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
const double* p_i = p.ptr<double>(i);
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
coord_sum_[j] += p_i[j];
inline void createInitialSimplex( const Mat& x0, Mat_<double>& simplex, Mat& step )
int i, j, ndim = step.cols;
Mat x = x0;
if( x0.empty() )
x = Mat::zeros(1, ndim, CV_64F);
CV_Assert( (x.cols == 1 && x.rows == ndim) || (x.cols == ndim && x.rows == 1) );
CV_Assert( x.type() == CV_32F || x.type() == CV_64F );
simplex.create(ndim + 1, ndim);
Mat simplex_0m(x.rows, x.cols, CV_64F, simplex.ptr<double>());
x.convertTo(simplex_0m, CV_64F);
double* simplex_0 = simplex.ptr<double>();
const double* step_ = step.ptr<double>();
for( i = 1; i <= ndim; i++ )
double* simplex_i = simplex.ptr<double>(i);
for( j = 0; j < ndim; j++ )
simplex_i[j] = simplex_0[j];
simplex_i[i-1] += 0.5*step_[i-1];
for( j = 0; j < ndim; j++ )
simplex_0[j] -= 0.5*step_[j];
dprintf(("this is simplex\n"));
Performs the actual minimization of MinProblemSolver::Function f (after the initialization was done)
Performs the actual minimization of MinProblemSolver::Function f (after the initialization was done)
The matrix p[ndim+1][1..ndim] represents ndim+1 vertices that
form a simplex - each row is an ndim vector.
On output, nfunk gives the number of function evaluations taken.
The matrix p[ndim+1][1..ndim] represents ndim+1 vertices that
form a simplex - each row is an ndim vector.
On output, nfunk gives the number of function evaluations taken.
double DownhillSolverImpl::innerDownhillSimplex(
cv::Mat_<double>& p,
double MinRange,
double MinError,
int& nfunk,
const Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function>& f,
int nmax
double innerDownhillSimplex( Mat_<double>& p,double MinRange,double MinError, int& nfunk,
const Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function>& f, int nmax )
int ndim=p.cols;
double res;
int i,ihi,ilo,inhi,j,mpts=ndim+1;
double error, range,ysave,ytry;
Mat_<double> coord_sum(1,ndim,0.0),buf(1,ndim,0.0),y(1,ndim+1,0.0);
int i, j, ndim = p.cols;
Mat_<double> coord_sum(1, ndim), buf(1, ndim), y(1, ndim+1);
double* y_ = y.ptr<double>();
nfunk = 0;
y(i) = f->calc(p[i]);
for( i = 0; i <= ndim; i++ )
y_[i] = f->calc(p[i]);
nfunk = ndim+1;
updateCoordSum(p, coord_sum);
for (;;)
/* find highest (worst), next-to-worst, and lowest
(best) points by going through all of them. */
ihi = y(0)>y(1) ? (inhi=1,0) : (inhi=0,1);
for (i=0;i<mpts;i++)
(best) points by going through all of them. */
int ilo = 0, ihi, inhi;
if( y_[0] > y_[1] )
ihi = 0; inhi = 1;
if (y(i) <= y(ilo))
if (y(i) > y(ihi))
ihi = 1; inhi = 0;
for( i = 0; i <= ndim; i++ )
double yval = y_[i];
if (yval <= y_[ilo])
ilo = i;
if (yval > y_[ihi])
inhi = ihi;
ihi = i;
else if (y(i) > y(inhi) && i != ihi)
else if (yval > y_[inhi] && i != ihi)
inhi = i;
CV_Assert( ilo != ihi && ilo != inhi && ihi != inhi );
dprintf(("this is y on iteration %d:\n",nfunk));
/* check stop criterion */
double error = fabs(y_[ihi] - y_[ilo]);
double range = 0;
for( j = 0; j < ndim; j++ )
double min = p(0,i);
double max = p(0,i);
double d;
double minval, maxval;
minval = maxval = p(0, j);
for( i = 1; i <= ndim; i++ )
if( min > p(j,i) ) min = p(j,i);
if( max < p(j,i) ) max = p(j,i);
double pval = p(i, j);
minval = std::min(minval, pval);
maxval = std::max(maxval, pval);
d = fabs(max-min);
if(range < d) range = d;
range = std::max(range, fabs(maxval - minval));
if(range <= MinRange || error <= MinError)
{ /* Put best point and value in first slot. */
for (i=0;i<ndim;i++)
if( range <= MinRange || error <= MinError || nfunk >= nmax )
/* Put best point and value in first slot. */
std::swap(y(0), y(ilo));
for( j = 0; j < ndim; j++ )
std::swap(p(0, j), p(ilo, j));
if (nfunk >= nmax){
dprintf(("nmax exceeded\n"));
return y(ilo);
nfunk += 2;
/*Begin a new iteration. First, reflect the worst point about the centroid of others */
ytry = tryNewPoint(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,-1.0,buf);
if (ytry <= y(ilo))
{ /*If that's better than the best point, go twice as far in that direction*/
ytry = tryNewPoint(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,2.0,buf);
double ylo = y_[ilo], ynhi = y_[inhi];
/* Begin a new iteration. First, reflect the worst point about the centroid of others */
double ytry = tryNewPoint(p, y, coord_sum, f, ihi, -1.0, buf);
if( ytry <= ylo )
/* If that's better than the best point, go twice as far in that direction */
ytry = tryNewPoint(p, y, coord_sum, f, ihi, 2.0, buf);
else if (ytry >= y(inhi))
{ /* The new point is worse than the second-highest, but better
than the worst so do not go so far in that direction */
ysave = y(ihi);
ytry = tryNewPoint(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,0.5,buf);
else if( ytry >= ynhi )
/* The new point is worse than the second-highest,
do not go so far in that direction */
double ysave = y(ihi);
ytry = tryNewPoint(p, y, coord_sum, f, ihi, 0.5, buf);
if (ytry >= ysave)
{ /* Can't seem to improve things. Contract the simplex to good point
in hope to find a simplex landscape. */
for (i=0;i<mpts;i++)
/* Can't seem to improve things. Contract the simplex to good point
in hope to find a simplex landscape. */
for( i = 0; i <= ndim; i++ )
if (i != ilo)
for (j=0;j<ndim;j++)
p(i,j) = coord_sum(j) = 0.5*(p(i,j)+p(ilo,j));
for( j = 0; j < ndim; j++ )
p(i,j) = 0.5*(p(i,j) + p(ilo,j));
nfunk += ndim;
updateCoordSum(p, coord_sum);
} else --(nfunk); /* correct nfunk */
else --(nfunk); /* correct nfunk */
dprintf(("this is simplex on iteration %d\n",nfunk));
} /* go to next iteration. */
res = y(0);
return res;
return y(0);
void DownhillSolverImpl::createInitialSimplex(Mat_<double>& simplex,Mat& step){
for(int i=1;i<=step.cols;++i)
simplex(i,i-1)+= 0.5*<double>(0,i-1);
simplex.row(0) -= 0.5*step;
dprintf(("this is simplex\n"));
double DownhillSolverImpl::minimize(InputOutputArray x){
dprintf(("hi from minimize\n"));
dprintf(("termcrit:\n\ttype: %d\n\tmaxCount: %d\n\tEPS: %g\n",_termcrit.type,_termcrit.maxCount,_termcrit.epsilon));
inline double tryNewPoint(Mat_<double>& p, Mat_<double>& y, Mat_<double>& coord_sum,
const Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function>& f, int ihi,
double fac, Mat_<double>& ptry)
int j, ndim = p.cols;
Mat x_mat=x.getMat();
double fac1 = (1.0 - fac)/ndim;
double fac2 = fac1 - fac;
double* p_ihi = p.ptr<double>(ihi);
double* ptry_ = ptry.ptr<double>();
double* coord_sum_ = coord_sum.ptr<double>();
Mat_<double> proxy_x;
for( j = 0; j < ndim; j++ )
ptry_[j] = coord_sum_[j]*fac1 - p_ihi[j]*fac2;
Mat_<double> proxy(_step.cols,1,buf_x.ptr<double>());
double ytry = f->calc(ptry_);
if (ytry < y(ihi))
y(ihi) = ytry;
for( j = 0; j < ndim; j++ )
p_ihi[j] = ptry_[j];
updateCoordSum(p, coord_sum);
int count=0;
int ndim=_step.cols;
Mat_<double> simplex=Mat_<double>(ndim+1,ndim,0.0);
return ytry;
double res = innerDownhillSimplex(
simplex,_termcrit.epsilon, _termcrit.epsilon, count,_Function,_termcrit.maxCount);
dprintf(("%d iterations done\n",count));
// both minRange & minError are specified by termcrit.epsilon;
// In addition, user may specify the number of iterations that the algorithm does.
Ptr<DownhillSolver> DownhillSolver::create( const Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function>& f,
InputArray initStep, TermCriteria termcrit )
Ptr<DownhillSolver> DS = makePtr<DownhillSolverImpl>();
return DS;
Mat(x_mat.rows, 1, CV_64F, proxy_x.ptr<double>()).copyTo(x);
return res;
Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function> DownhillSolverImpl::getFunction()const{
return _Function;
void DownhillSolverImpl::setFunction(const Ptr<Function>& f){
TermCriteria DownhillSolverImpl::getTermCriteria()const{
return _termcrit;
void DownhillSolverImpl::setTermCriteria(const TermCriteria& termcrit){
CV_Assert(termcrit.type==(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS) && termcrit.epsilon>0 && termcrit.maxCount>0);
// both minRange & minError are specified by termcrit.epsilon; In addition, user may specify the number of iterations that the algorithm does.
Ptr<DownhillSolver> DownhillSolver::create(const Ptr<MinProblemSolver::Function>& f, InputArray initStep, TermCriteria termcrit){
Ptr<DownhillSolver> DS = makePtr<DownhillSolverImpl>();
return DS;
void DownhillSolverImpl::getInitStep(OutputArray step)const{
void DownhillSolverImpl::setInitStep(InputArray step){
//set dimensionality and make a deep copy of step
Mat m=step.getMat();
CV_Assert(MIN(m.cols,m.rows)==1 && m.type()==CV_64FC1);
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