Commit 01bd4961 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

Merge pull request #3081 from akarsakov:small_fixes

parents 28f3a44e 713ddb89
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ OCL_PERF_TEST_P(DftFixture, Dft, ::testing::Combine(Values(C2C, R2R, C2R, R2C),
const Size srcSize = get<1>(params);
int flags = get<2>(params);
int in_cn, out_cn;
int in_cn = 0, out_cn = 0;
switch (dft_type)
case R2R: flags |= cv::DFT_REAL_OUTPUT; in_cn = 1; out_cn = 1; break;
......@@ -781,8 +781,9 @@ void cv::gemm( InputArray matA, InputArray matB, double alpha,
InputArray matC, double beta, OutputArray _matD, int flags )
CV_OCL_RUN(ocl::haveAmdBlas() && matA.dims() <= 2 && matB.dims() <= 2 && matC.dims() <= 2 && _matD.isUMat(),
ocl_gemm(matA, matB, alpha, matC, beta, _matD, flags))
CV_OCL_RUN(ocl::haveAmdBlas() && matA.dims() <= 2 && matB.dims() <= 2 && matC.dims() <= 2 && _matD.isUMat() &&
matA.cols() > 20 && matA.rows() > 20 && matB.cols() > 20, // since it works incorrect for small sizes
ocl_gemm(matA, matB, alpha, matC, beta, _matD, flags))
const int block_lin_size = 128;
......@@ -90,14 +90,15 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(Gemm,
void generateTestData()
Size ARoiSize = randomSize(1, MAX_VALUE);
// set minimum size to 20, since testing less sizes doesn't make sense
Size ARoiSize = randomSize(20, MAX_VALUE);
Border ABorder = randomBorder(0, use_roi ? MAX_VALUE : 0);
randomSubMat(A, A_roi, ARoiSize, ABorder, type, -11, 11);
if (atrans)
ARoiSize = Size(ARoiSize.height, ARoiSize.width);
Size BRoiSize = randomSize(1, MAX_VALUE);
Size BRoiSize = randomSize(20, MAX_VALUE);
if (btrans)
BRoiSize.width = ARoiSize.width;
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void Core_EigenTest_32::run(int) { check_full(CV_32FC1); }
void Core_EigenTest_64::run(int) { check_full(CV_64FC1); }
: eps_val_32(1e-3f), eps_vec_32(1e-2f),
: eps_val_32(1e-3f), eps_vec_32(12e-3f),
eps_val_64(1e-4f), eps_vec_64(1e-3f), ntests(100) {}
Core_EigenTest::~Core_EigenTest() {}
......@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
#define OUT_OF_RANGE -1
// for identical rounding after dividing on different platforms
#define ROUNDING_EPS 0.000001f
#if histdims == 1
__kernel void calcLUT(__global const uchar * histptr, int hist_step, int hist_offset, int hist_bins,
......@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ __kernel void calcLUT(__global const uchar * histptr, int hist_step, int hist_of
float lb = ranges[0], ub = ranges[1], gap = (ub - lb) / hist_bins;
value -= lb;
int bin = convert_int_sat_rtn(value / gap);
int bin = convert_int_sat_rtn(value / gap + ROUNDING_EPS);
if (bin >= hist_bins)
lut[x] = OUT_OF_RANGE;
......@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ __kernel void calcLUT(int hist_bins, __global int * lut, int lut_offset,
float lb = ranges[0], ub = ranges[1], gap = (ub - lb) / hist_bins;
value -= lb;
int bin = convert_int_sat_rtn(value / gap);
int bin = convert_int_sat_rtn(value / gap + ROUNDING_EPS);
lut[x] = bin >= hist_bins ? OUT_OF_RANGE : bin;
......@@ -939,7 +939,8 @@ void cv::boxFilter( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
if (normalize && !src.isSubmatrix() && ddepth == sdepth &&
(/*ippBorderType == BORDER_REPLICATE ||*/ /* returns ippStsStepErr: Step value is not valid */
ippBorderType == BORDER_CONSTANT) && ocvAnchor == ippAnchor )
ippBorderType == BORDER_CONSTANT) && ocvAnchor == ippAnchor &&
dst.cols != ksize.width && dst.rows != ksize.height) // returns ippStsMaskSizeErr: mask has an illegal value
Ipp32s bufSize = 0;
IppiSize roiSize = { dst.cols, dst.rows }, maskSize = { ksize.width, ksize.height };
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