Commit 0119e855 authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov

fixed cv::mixChannels OpenCL version

parent 1c3bfae2
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#define DECLARE_INPUT_MAT(i) \
__global const uchar * src##i##ptr, int src##i##_step, int src##i##_offset,
__global const uchar * dst##i##ptr, int dst##i##_step, int dst##i##_offset,
__global uchar * dst##i##ptr, int dst##i##_step, int dst##i##_offset,
#define PROCESS_ELEM(i) \
int src##i##_index = mad24(src##i##_step, y, x * (int)sizeof(T) * scn##i + src##i##_offset); \
__global const T * src##i = (__global const T *)(src##i##ptr + src##i##_index); \
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