Commit 00e91fd3 authored by Piotr Semenov's avatar Piotr Semenov Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Fix that corrects the OpenCV's random access iterator distance: d(x,y) = -d(y,x)

parent afc62f07
......@@ -3439,7 +3439,7 @@ ptrdiff_t operator - (const MatConstIterator& b, const MatConstIterator& a)
if( a.m != b.m )
return INT_MAX;
if( a.sliceEnd == b.sliceEnd )
return (b.ptr - a.ptr)/b.elemSize;
return (b.ptr - a.ptr)/static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(b.elemSize);
return b.lpos() - a.lpos();
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