opencv_cheatsheet.tex 32.6 KB
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%    The OpenCV cheatsheet structure:
%    opencv data structures
%        point, rect
%        matrix
%    creating matrices
%        from scratch
%        from previously allocated data: plain arrays, vectors
%        converting to/from old-style structures
%    element access, iteration through matrix elements
%    copying & shuffling matrix data
%        copying & converting the whole matrices
%        extracting matrix parts & copying them
%        split, merge & mixchannels
%        flip, transpose, repeat
%    matrix & image operations:
%        arithmetics & logic
%        matrix multiplication, inversion, determinant, trace, SVD
%        statistical functions
%    basic image processing:
%        image filtering with predefined & custom filters
%        example: finding local maxima
%        geometrical transformations, resize, warpaffine, perspective & remap.
%        color space transformations
%        histograms & back projections
%        contours
%    i/o:
%        displaying images
%        saving/loading to/from file (XML/YAML & image file formats)
%        reading videos & camera feed, writing videos
%    operations on point sets:
%        findcontours, bounding box, convex hull, min area rect,
%            transformations, to/from homogeneous coordinates
%        matching point sets: homography, fundamental matrix, rigid transforms
%    3d:
%        camera calibration, pose estimation.
%        uncalibrated case
%        stereo: rectification, running stereo correspondence, obtaining the depth.
%    feature detection:
%        features2d toolbox
%    object detection:
%        using a classifier running on a sliding window: cascadeclassifier + hog.
%        using salient point features: features2d -> matching
%    statistical data processing:
%        clustering (k-means),
%        classification + regression (SVM, boosting, k-nearest),
%        compressing data (PCA)

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% multicol parameters
% These lengths are set only within the two main columns

     \Large{\textbf{OpenCV 2.4 Cheat Sheet (C++)}} \\
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{letterpaper}/\texttt{a4paper} \ }

%\section{Filesystem Concepts}
 %               @{}p{\linewidth-\the\MyLen}@{}}
%\texttt{\href{}{package}}   & The lowest level of ROS software organization. \\
%\texttt{\href{}{manifest}}  & Description of a ROS package. \\
%\texttt{\href{}{stack}} & Collections of ROS packages that form a higher-level library. \\
%\texttt{\href{ Manifest}{stack manifest}}  & Description of a ROS stack.

\emph{The OpenCV C++ reference manual is here: \url{}. Use \textbf{Quick Search} to find descriptions of the particular functions and classes}

\section{Key OpenCV Classes}
\texttt{\href{\#Point_}{Point\_}} & Template 2D point class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Point3_}{Point3\_}} & Template 3D point class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Size_}{Size\_}} & Template size (width, height) class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Vec}{Vec}} & Template short vector class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Matx}{Matx}} & Template small matrix class \\
\texttt{\href{\#Scalar_}{Scalar}} & 4-element vector \\
\texttt{\href{\#Rect_}{Rect}} & Rectangle \\
\texttt{\href{\#Range}{Range}} & Integer value range \\
\texttt{\href{\#Mat}{Mat}} & 2D or multi-dimensional dense array (can be used to store matrices, images, histograms, feature descriptors, voxel volumes etc.)\\
\texttt{\href{\#sparsemat}{SparseMat}} & Multi-dimensional sparse array \\
\texttt{\href{\#Ptr}{Ptr}} & Template smart pointer class

\section{Matrix Basics}

\textbf{Cr}\=\textbf{ea}\=\textbf{te}\={} \textbf{a matrix} \\
\> \texttt{Mat image(240, 320, CV\_8UC3);} \\

\textbf{[Re]allocate a pre-declared matrix}\\
\> \texttt{image.\href{\#mat-create}{create}(480, 640, CV\_8UC3);}\\

\textbf{Create a matrix initialized with a constant}\\
\> \texttt{Mat A33(3, 3, CV\_32F, Scalar(5));} \\
\> \texttt{Mat B33(3, 3, CV\_32F); B33 = Scalar(5);} \\
\> \texttt{Mat C33 = Mat::ones(3, 3, CV\_32F)*5.;} \\
\> \texttt{Mat D33 = Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV\_32F) + 5.;} \\

\textbf{Create a matrix initialized with specified values}\\
\> \texttt{double a = CV\_PI/3;} \\
\> \texttt{Mat A22 = (Mat\_<float>(2, 2) <<} \\
\> \> \texttt{cos(a), -sin(a), sin(a), cos(a));} \\
\> \texttt{float B22data[] = \{cos(a), -sin(a), sin(a), cos(a)\};} \\
\> \texttt{Mat B22 = Mat(2, 2, CV\_32F, B22data).clone();}\\

\textbf{Initialize a random matrix}\\
\> \texttt{\href{\#randu}{randu}(image, Scalar(0), Scalar(256)); }\textit{// uniform dist}\\
\> \texttt{\href{\#randn}{randn}(image, Scalar(128), Scalar(10)); }\textit{// Gaussian dist}\\

\textbf{Convert matrix to/from other structures}\\
\>\textbf{(without copying the data)}\\
\> \texttt{Mat image\_alias = image;}\\
\> \texttt{float* Idata=new float[480*640*3];}\\
\> \texttt{Mat I(480, 640, CV\_32FC3, Idata);}\\
\> \texttt{vector<Point> iptvec(10);}\\
\> \texttt{Mat iP(iptvec); }\textit{// iP -- 10x1 CV\_32SC2 matrix}\\
\> \texttt{IplImage* oldC0 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(320,240),16,1);}\\
\> \texttt{Mat newC = cvarrToMat(oldC0);}\\
\> \texttt{IplImage oldC1 = newC; CvMat oldC2 = newC;}\\

\textbf{... (with copying the data)}\\
\> \texttt{Mat newC2 = cvarrToMat(oldC0).clone();}\\
\> \texttt{vector<Point2f> ptvec = Mat\_<Point2f>(iP);}\\

\textbf{Access matrix elements}\\
\> \texttt{<float>(i,j) =<float>(j,i)+1;}\\
\> \texttt{Mat dyImage(image.size(), image.type());}\\
\> \texttt{for(int y = 1; y < image.rows-1; y++) \{}\\
\> \> \texttt{Vec3b* prevRow = image.ptr<Vec3b>(y-1);}\\
\> \> \texttt{Vec3b* nextRow = image.ptr<Vec3b>(y+1);}\\
\> \> \texttt{for(int x = 0; y < image.cols; x++)}\\
\> \> \> \texttt{for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++)}\\
\> \> \> \texttt{<Vec3b>(y,x)[c] =}\\
\> \> \> \texttt{    saturate\_cast<uchar>(}\\
\> \> \> \texttt{       nextRow[x][c] - prevRow[x][c]);}\\
\> \texttt{\} }\\
\> \texttt{Mat\_<Vec3b>::iterator it = image.begin<Vec3b>(),}\\
\> \> \texttt{itEnd = image.end<Vec3b>();}\\
\> \texttt{for(; it != itEnd; ++it)}\\
\> \> \texttt{(*it)[1] \textasciicircum{}= 255;}\\


\section{Matrix Manipulations: Copying, Shuffling, Part Access}
\texttt{\href{\#mat-copyto}{src.copyTo(dst)}} & Copy matrix to another one \\
\texttt{\href{\#mat-convertto}{src.convertTo(dst,type,scale,shift)}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Scale and convert to another datatype \\
\texttt{\href{\#mat-clone}{m.clone()}} & Make deep copy of a matrix \\
\texttt{\href{\#mat-reshape}{m.reshape(nch,nrows)}} & Change matrix dimensions and/or number of channels without copying data \\

\texttt{\href{\#mat-col}{m.col(i)}} & Take a matrix row/column \\

\texttt{\href{\#mat-colrange}{m.colRange(Range(j1,j2))}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Take a matrix row/column span \\

\texttt{\href{\#mat-diag}{m.diag(i)}} & Take a matrix diagonal \\

\texttt{\href{\#Mat}{m(Range(i1,i2),Range(j1,j2)), m(roi)}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Take a submatrix \\

\texttt{\href{\#repeat}{m.repeat(ny,nx)}} & Make a bigger matrix from a smaller one \\

\texttt{\href{\#flip}{flip(src,dst,dir)}} & Reverse the order of matrix rows and/or columns \\

\texttt{\href{\#split}{split(...)}} & Split multi-channel matrix into separate channels \\

\texttt{\href{\#merge}{merge(...)}} & Make a multi-channel matrix out of the separate channels \\

\texttt{\href{\#mixchannels}{mixChannels(...)}} & Generalized form of split() and merge() \\

\texttt{\href{\#randshuffle}{randShuffle(...)}} & Randomly shuffle matrix elements \\


Exa\=mple 1. Smooth image ROI in-place\\
\>\texttt{Mat imgroi = image(Rect(10, 20, 100, 100));}\\
\>\texttt{GaussianBlur(imgroi, imgroi, Size(5, 5), 1.2, 1.2);}\\
Example 2. Somewhere in a linear algebra algorithm \\
\>\texttt{m.row(i) += m.row(j)*alpha;}\\
Example 3. Copy image ROI to another image with conversion\\
\>\texttt{Rect r(1, 1, 10, 20);}\\
\>\texttt{Mat dstroi = dst(Rect(0,10,r.width,r.height));}\\
\>\texttt{src(r).convertTo(dstroi, dstroi.type(), 1, 0);}\\

\section{Simple Matrix Operations}

OpenCV implements most common arithmetical, logical and
other matrix operations, such as


-- correspondingly, addition, subtraction, element-wise multiplication ... comparison of two matrices or a matrix and a scalar.

Exa\=mple. \href{}{Alpha compositing} function:\\
\texttt{void alphaCompose(const Mat\& rgba1,}\\
\> \texttt{const Mat\& rgba2, Mat\& rgba\_dest)}\\
\texttt{\{ }\\
\> \texttt{Mat a1(rgba1.size(), rgba1.type()), ra1;}\\
\> \texttt{Mat a2(rgba2.size(), rgba2.type());}\\
\> \texttt{int mixch[]=\{3, 0, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3\};}\\
\> \texttt{mixChannels(\&rgba1, 1, \&a1, 1, mixch, 4);}\\
\> \texttt{mixChannels(\&rgba2, 1, \&a2, 1, mixch, 4);}\\
\> \texttt{subtract(Scalar::all(255), a1, ra1);}\\
\> \texttt{bitwise\_or(a1, Scalar(0,0,0,255), a1);}\\
\> \texttt{bitwise\_or(a2, Scalar(0,0,0,255), a2);}\\
\> \texttt{multiply(a2, ra1, a2, 1./255);}\\
\> \texttt{multiply(a1, rgba1, a1, 1./255);}\\
\> \texttt{multiply(a2, rgba2, a2, 1./255);}\\
\> \texttt{add(a1, a2, rgba\_dest);}\\



-- various statistics of matrix elements.


-- the classical math functions.


-- the algebraic functions + SVD class.


-- discrete Fourier and cosine transformations


For some operations a more convenient \href{\#matrix-expressions}{algebraic notation} can be used, for example:
\texttt{Mat}\={} \texttt{delta = (J.t()*J + lambda*}\\
\>\texttt{Mat::eye(J.cols, J.cols, J.type()))}\\
implements the core of Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm.

\section{Image Processsing}


\texttt{\href{\#filter2d}{filter2D()}} & Non-separable linear filter \\

\texttt{\href{\#sepfilter2d}{sepFilter2D()}} & Separable linear filter \\

\texttt{\href{\#blur}{boxFilter()}},  \texttt{\href{\#gaussianblur}{GaussianBlur()}},
& Smooth the image with one of the linear or non-linear filters \\

\texttt{\href{\#sobel}{Sobel()}},  \texttt{\href{\#scharr}{Scharr()}}
& Compute the spatial image derivatives \\
\texttt{\href{\#laplacian}{Laplacian()}} & compute Laplacian: $\Delta I = \frac{\partial ^ 2 I}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial ^ 2 I}{\partial y^2}$  \\

\texttt{\href{\#erode}{erode()}}, \texttt{\href{\#dilate}{dilate()}} & Morphological operations \\


Exa\=mple. Filter image in-place with a 3x3 high-pass kernel\\
\> (preserve negative responses by shifting the result by 128):\\
\texttt{filter2D(image, image, image.depth(), (Mat\_<float>(3,3)<<}\\
\> \texttt{-1, -1, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1), Point(1,1), 128);}\\

\subsection{Geometrical Transformations}

\texttt{\href{\#resize}{resize()}} & Resize image \\

\texttt{\href{\#getrectsubpix}{getRectSubPix()}} & Extract an image patch \\

\texttt{\href{\#warpaffine}{warpAffine()}} & Warp image affinely\\

\texttt{\href{\#warpperspective}{warpPerspective()}} & Warp image perspectively\\

\texttt{\href{\#remap}{remap()}} & Generic image warping\\

\texttt{\href{\#convertmaps}{convertMaps()}} & Optimize maps for a faster remap() execution\\


Example. Decimate image by factor of $\sqrt{2}$:\\
\texttt{Mat dst; resize(src, dst, Size(), 1./sqrt(2), 1./sqrt(2));}

\subsection{Various Image Transformations}


\texttt{\href{\#cvtcolor}{cvtColor()}} & Convert image from one color space to another \\

\texttt{\href{\#threshold}{threshold()}}, \texttt{\href{\#adaptivethreshold}{adaptivethreshold()}} & Convert grayscale image to binary image using a fixed or a variable threshold \\

\texttt{\href{\#floodfill}{floodFill()}} & Find a connected component using region growing algorithm\\

\texttt{\href{\#integral}{integral()}} & Compute integral image \\

 & build distance map or discrete Voronoi diagram for a binary image. \\

 & marker-based image segmentation algorithms.
 See the samples \texttt{\href{}{watershed.cpp}} and \texttt{\href{}{grabcut.cpp}}.




\texttt{\href{\#calchist}{calcHist()}} & Compute image(s) histogram \\

\texttt{\href{\#calcbackproject}{calcBackProject()}} & Back-project the histogram \\

\texttt{\href{\#equalizehist}{equalizeHist()}} & Normalize image brightness and contrast\\

\texttt{\href{\#comparehist}{compareHist()}} & Compare two histograms\\


Example. Compute Hue-Saturation histogram of an image:\\
\texttt{Mat hsv, H;}\\
\texttt{cvtColor(image, hsv, CV\_BGR2HSV);}\\
\texttt{int planes[]=\{0, 1\}, hsize[] = \{32, 32\};}\\
\texttt{calcHist(\&hsv, 1, planes, Mat(), H, 2, hsize, 0);}\\

See \texttt{\href{}{contours2.cpp}} and \texttt{\href{}{squares.cpp}}
samples on what are the contours and how to use them.

\section{Data I/O}

\href{\#xml-yaml-file-storages-writing-to-a-file-storage}{XML/YAML storages} are collections (possibly nested) of scalar values, structures and heterogeneous lists.

\textbf{Wr}\=\textbf{iting data to YAML (or XML)}\\
\texttt{// Type of the file is determined from the extension}\\
\texttt{FileStorage fs("test.yml", FileStorage::WRITE);}\\
\texttt{fs << "i" << 5 << "r" << 3.1 << "str" << "ABCDEFGH";}\\
\texttt{fs << "mtx" << Mat::eye(3,3,CV\_32F);}\\
\texttt{fs << "mylist" << "[" << CV\_PI << "1+1" <<}\\
\>\texttt{"\{:" << "month" << 12 << "day" << 31 << "year"}\\
\>\texttt{<< 1969 << "\}" << "]";}\\
\texttt{fs << "mystruct" << "\{" << "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 <<}\\
\>\texttt{"width" << 100 << "height" << 200 << "lbp" << "[:";}\\
\texttt{const uchar arr[] = \{0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1\};}\\
\texttt{fs.writeRaw("u", arr, (int)(sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])));}\\
\texttt{fs << "]" << "\}";}

\emph{Scalars (integers, floating-point numbers, text strings), matrices, STL vectors of scalars and some other types can be written to the file storages using \texttt{<<} operator}

\textbf{Re}\=\textbf{ading the data back}\\
\texttt{// Type of the file is determined from the content}\\
\texttt{FileStorage fs("test.yml", FileStorage::READ);}\\
\texttt{int i1 = (int)fs["i"]; double r1 = (double)fs["r"];}\\
\texttt{string str1 = (string)fs["str"];}\\

\texttt{Mat M; fs["mtx"] >> M;}\\

\texttt{FileNode tl = fs["mylist"];}\\
\texttt{CV\_Assert(tl.type() == FileNode::SEQ \&\& tl.size() == 3);}\\
\texttt{double tl0 = (double)tl[0]; string tl1 = (string)tl[1];}\\

\texttt{int m = (int)tl[2]["month"], d = (int)tl[2]["day"];}\\
\texttt{int year = (int)tl[2]["year"];}\\

\texttt{FileNode tm = fs["mystruct"];}\\

\texttt{Rect r; r.x = (int)tm["x"], r.y = (int)tm["y"];}\\
\texttt{r.width = (int)tm["width"], r.height = (int)tm["height"];}\\

\texttt{int lbp\_val = 0;}\\
\texttt{FileNodeIterator it = tm["lbp"].begin();}\\

\texttt{for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++, ++it)}\\
\>\texttt{lbp\_val |= ((int)*it) << k;}\\

\emph{Scalars are read using the corresponding FileNode's cast operators. Matrices and some other types are read using \texttt{>>} operator. Lists can be read using FileNodeIterator's.}

\textbf{Wr}\=\textbf{iting and reading raster images}\\
\texttt{\href{\#imwrite}{imwrite}("myimage.jpg", image);}\\
\texttt{Mat image\_color\_copy = \href{\#imread}{imread}("myimage.jpg", 1);}\\
\texttt{Mat image\_grayscale\_copy = \href{\#imread}{imread}("myimage.jpg", 0);}\\

\emph{The functions can read/write images in the following formats: \textbf{BMP (.bmp), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), TIFF (.tif, .tiff), PNG (.png), PBM/PGM/PPM (.p?m), Sun Raster (.sr), JPEG 2000 (.jp2)}. Every format supports 8-bit, 1- or 3-channel images. Some formats (PNG, JPEG 2000) support 16 bits per channel.}

\textbf{Re}\=\textbf{ading video from a file or from a camera}\\
\texttt{VideoCapture cap;}\\
\texttt{if(argc > 1)[1])); else};\\
\texttt{Mat frame; namedWindow("video", 1);}\\
\texttt{for(;;) \{}\\
\>\texttt{cap >> frame; if(! break;}\\
\>\texttt{imshow("video", frame); if(waitKey(30) >= 0) break;}\\
\texttt{\} }

\section{Simple GUI (highgui module)}


\texttt{\href{\#namedwindow}{namedWindow(winname,flags)}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Create named highgui window \\

\texttt{\href{\#destroywindow}{destroyWindow(winname)}} & \ \ \ Destroy the specified window \\

\texttt{\href{\#imshow}{imshow(winname, mtx)}} & Show image in the window \\

\texttt{\href{\#waitkey}{waitKey(delay)}} & Wait for a key press during the specified time interval (or forever). Process events while waiting. \emph{Do not forget to call this function several times a second in your code.} \\

\texttt{\href{\#createtrackbar}{createTrackbar(...)}} & Add trackbar (slider) to the specified window \\

\texttt{\href{\#setmousecallback}{setMouseCallback(...)}} & \ \ Set the callback on mouse clicks and movements in the specified window \\


See \texttt{\href{}{camshiftdemo.cpp}} and other \href{}{OpenCV samples} on how to use the GUI functions.

\section{Camera Calibration, Pose Estimation and Depth Estimation}


\texttt{\href{\#calibratecamera}{calibrateCamera()}} & Calibrate camera from several views of a calibration pattern. \\

\texttt{\href{\#findchessboardcorners}{findChessboardCorners()}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ Find feature points on the checkerboard calibration pattern. \\

\texttt{\href{\#solvepnp}{solvePnP()}} & Find the object pose from the known projections of its feature points. \\

\texttt{\href{\#stereocalibrate}{stereoCalibrate()}} & Calibrate stereo camera. \\

\texttt{\href{\#stereorectify}{stereoRectify()}} & Compute the rectification transforms for a calibrated stereo camera.\\

\texttt{\href{\#initundistortrectifymap}{initUndistortRectifyMap()}} & \ \ \ \ \ \ Compute rectification map (for \texttt{remap()}) for each stereo camera head.\\

\texttt{\href{\#StereoBM}{StereoBM}}, \texttt{\href{\#StereoSGBM}{StereoSGBM}} & The stereo correspondence engines to be run on rectified stereo pairs.\\

\texttt{\href{\#reprojectimageto3d}{reprojectImageTo3D()}} & Convert disparity map to 3D point cloud.\\

\texttt{\href{\#findhomography}{findHomography()}} & Find best-fit perspective transformation between two 2D point sets. \\


To calibrate a camera, you can use \texttt{\href{}{calibration.cpp}} or
\texttt{\href{\_calib.cpp}{stereo\_calib.cpp}} samples.
To get the disparity maps and the point clouds, use
\texttt{\href{\_match.cpp}{stereo\_match.cpp}} sample.

\section{Object Detection}

                \texttt{\href{\#matchtemplate}{matchTemplate}} & Compute proximity map for given template.\\

\texttt{\href{\#cascadeclassifier}{CascadeClassifier}} & Viola's Cascade of Boosted classifiers using Haar or LBP features. Suits for detecting faces, facial features and some other objects without diverse textures. See \texttt{\href{}{facedetect.cpp}}\\

\texttt{{HOGDescriptor}} & N. Dalal's object detector using Histogram-of-Oriented-Gradients (HOG) features. Suits for detecting people, cars and other objects with well-defined silhouettes. See \texttt{\href{}{peopledetect.cpp}}\\


%    feature detection:
%        features2d toolbox
%    object detection:
%        using a classifier running on a sliding window: cascadeclassifier + hog.
%        using salient point features: features2d -> matching
%    statistical data processing:
%        clustering (k-means),
%        classification + regression (SVM, boosting, k-nearest),
%        compressing data (PCA)
