test_fitellipse.cpp 2.37 KB
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
// Copyright (C) 2016, Itseez, Inc, all rights reserved.

#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

// return true if point lies inside ellipse
static bool check_pt_in_ellipse(const Point2f& pt, const RotatedRect& el) {
    Point2f to_pt = pt - el.center;
    double pt_angle = atan2(to_pt.y, to_pt.x);
    double el_angle = el.angle * CV_PI / 180;
    double x_dist = 0.5 * el.size.width * cos(pt_angle + el_angle);
    double y_dist = 0.5 * el.size.height * sin(pt_angle + el_angle);
    double el_dist = sqrt(x_dist * x_dist + y_dist * y_dist);
    return norm(to_pt) < el_dist;

// Return true if mass center of fitted points lies inside ellipse
static bool fit_and_check_ellipse(const vector<Point2f>& pts) {
    RotatedRect ellipse = fitEllipse(pts);

    Point2f mass_center;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) {
        mass_center += pts[i];
    mass_center /= (float)pts.size();

    return check_pt_in_ellipse(mass_center, ellipse);

TEST(Imgproc_FitEllipse_Issue_4515, DISABLED_accuracy) {
    vector<Point2f> pts;
    pts.push_back(Point2f(327, 317));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(328, 316));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(329, 315));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(330, 314));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(331, 314));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(332, 314));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(333, 315));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(333, 316));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(333, 317));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(333, 318));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(333, 319));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(333, 320));


TEST(Imgproc_FitEllipse_Issue_6544, DISABLED_accuracy) {
    vector<Point2f> pts;
    pts.push_back(Point2f(924.784f, 764.160f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(928.388f, 615.903f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(847.4f,   888.014f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(929.406f, 741.675f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(904.564f, 825.605f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(926.742f, 760.746f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(863.479f, 873.406f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(910.987f, 808.863f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(929.145f, 744.976f));
    pts.push_back(Point2f(917.474f, 791.823f));
