test_detectors.cpp 9.71 KB
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#include "test_precomp.hpp"

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

class CV_DetectorsTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
    void run(int);
    template <class T> bool testDetector(const Mat& img, const T& detector, vector<KeyPoint>& expected);

    void LoadExpected(const string& file, vector<KeyPoint>& out);

CV_DetectorsTest::~CV_DetectorsTest() {}

void getRotation(const Mat& img, Mat& aff, Mat& out)
    Point center(img.cols/2, img.rows/2);
    aff = getRotationMatrix2D(center, 30, 1);
    warpAffine( img, out, aff, img.size());

void getZoom(const Mat& img, Mat& aff, Mat& out)
    const double mult = 1.2;

    aff.create(2, 3, CV_64F);
    double *data = aff.ptr<double>();
    data[0] = mult; data[1] =    0; data[2] = 0;
    data[3] =    0; data[4] = mult; data[5] = 0;

    warpAffine( img, out, aff, img.size());

void getBlur(const Mat& img, Mat& aff, Mat& out)
    aff.create(2, 3, CV_64F);
    double *data = aff.ptr<double>();
    data[0] = 1; data[1] = 0; data[2] = 0;
    data[3] = 0; data[4] = 1; data[5] = 0;

    GaussianBlur(img, out, Size(5, 5), 2);

void getBrightness(const Mat& img, Mat& aff, Mat& out)
    aff.create(2, 3, CV_64F);
    double *data = aff.ptr<double>();
    data[0] = 1; data[1] = 0; data[2] = 0;
    data[3] = 0; data[4] = 1; data[5] = 0;

    add(img, Mat(img.size(), img.type(), Scalar(15)), out);

void showOrig(const Mat& img, const vector<KeyPoint>& orig_pts)

    Mat img_color;
    cvtColor(img, img_color, CV_GRAY2BGR);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < orig_pts.size(); ++i)
        circle(img_color, orig_pts[i].pt, (int)orig_pts[i].size/2, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0));

    namedWindow("O"); imshow("O", img_color);

void show(const string& name, const Mat& new_img, const vector<KeyPoint>& new_pts, const vector<KeyPoint>& transf_pts)

    Mat new_img_color;
    cvtColor(new_img, new_img_color, CV_GRAY2BGR);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < transf_pts.size(); ++i)
        circle(new_img_color, transf_pts[i].pt, (int)transf_pts[i].size/2, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));

    for(size_t i = 0; i < new_pts.size(); ++i)
        circle(new_img_color, new_pts[i].pt, (int)new_pts[i].size/2, CV_RGB(0, 0, 255));

    namedWindow(name + "_T"); imshow(name + "_T", new_img_color);

struct WrapPoint
    const double* R;
    WrapPoint(const Mat& rmat) : R(rmat.ptr<double>()) { };

    KeyPoint operator()(const KeyPoint& kp) const
        KeyPoint res = kp;
        res.pt.x = static_cast<float>(kp.pt.x * R[0] + kp.pt.y * R[1] + R[2]);
        res.pt.y = static_cast<float>(kp.pt.x * R[3] + kp.pt.y * R[4] + R[5]);
        return res;

struct sortByR { bool operator()(const KeyPoint& kp1, const KeyPoint& kp2) { return norm(kp1.pt) < norm(kp2.pt); } };

template <class T> bool CV_DetectorsTest::testDetector(const Mat& img, const T& detector, vector<KeyPoint>& exp)
    vector<KeyPoint> orig_kpts;
    detector(img, orig_kpts);

    typedef void (*TransfFunc )(const Mat&, Mat&, Mat& FransfFunc);
    const TransfFunc transfFunc[] = { getRotation, getZoom, getBlur, getBrightness };
    //const string names[] =  { "Rotation", "Zoom", "Blur", "Brightness" };
    const size_t case_num = sizeof(transfFunc)/sizeof(transfFunc[0]);

    vector<Mat> affs(case_num);
    vector<Mat> new_imgs(case_num);

    vector< vector<KeyPoint> > new_kpts(case_num);
    vector< vector<KeyPoint> > transf_kpts(case_num);

    //showOrig(img, orig_kpts);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < case_num; ++i)
        transfFunc[i](img, affs[i], new_imgs[i]);
        detector(new_imgs[i], new_kpts[i]);
        transform(orig_kpts.begin(), orig_kpts.end(), back_inserter(transf_kpts[i]), WrapPoint(affs[i]));
        //show(names[i], new_imgs[i], new_kpts[i], transf_kpts[i]);

    const float thres = 3;
    const float nthres = 3;

    vector<KeyPoint> result;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < orig_kpts.size(); ++i)
        const KeyPoint& okp = orig_kpts[i];
        int foundCounter = 0;
        for(size_t j = 0; j < case_num; ++j)
            const KeyPoint& tkp = transf_kpts[j][i];

            size_t k = 0;

            for(; k < new_kpts[j].size(); ++k)
                if (norm(new_kpts[j][k].pt - tkp.pt) < nthres && fabs(new_kpts[j][k].size - tkp.size) < thres)

            if (k != new_kpts[j].size())

        if (foundCounter == (int)case_num)

    sort(result.begin(), result.end(), sortByR());
    sort(exp.begin(), exp.end(), sortByR());

    if (result.size() != exp.size())
      return false;

    int foundCounter1 = 0;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < exp.size(); ++i)
        const KeyPoint& e = exp[i];
        size_t j = 0;
        for(; j < result.size(); ++j)
            const KeyPoint& r = result[i];
            if (norm(r.pt-e.pt) < nthres && fabs(r.size - e.size) < thres)
        if (j != result.size())

    int foundCounter2 = 0;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i)
        const KeyPoint& r = result[i];
        size_t j = 0;
        for(; j < exp.size(); ++j)
            const KeyPoint& e = exp[i];
            if (norm(r.pt-e.pt) < nthres && fabs(r.size - e.size) < thres)
        if (j != exp.size())
    //showOrig(img, result); waitKey();

    const float errorRate = 0.9f;
    if (float(foundCounter1)/exp.size() < errorRate || float(foundCounter2)/result.size() < errorRate)
        ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISMATCH);
        return false;
    return true;

struct SurfNoMaskWrap
    const SURF& detector;
    SurfNoMaskWrap(const SURF& surf) : detector(surf) {}
    SurfNoMaskWrap& operator=(const SurfNoMaskWrap&);
    void operator()(const Mat& img, vector<KeyPoint>& kpts) const { detector(img, Mat(), kpts); }

void CV_DetectorsTest::LoadExpected(const string& file, vector<KeyPoint>& out)
    Mat mat_exp;
    FileStorage fs(file, FileStorage::READ);
    if (fs.isOpened())
        read( fs["ResultVectorData"], mat_exp, Mat() );
        out.resize(mat_exp.cols / sizeof(KeyPoint));
        copy(mat_exp.ptr<KeyPoint>(), mat_exp.ptr<KeyPoint>() + out.size(), out.begin());
        ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA);

void CV_DetectorsTest::run( int /*start_from*/ )
    Mat img = imread(string(ts->get_data_path()) + "shared/graffiti.png", 0);

    if (img.empty())
        ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA );

    Mat to_test(img.size() * 2, img.type(), Scalar(0));
    Mat roi = to_test(Rect(img.rows/2, img.cols/2, img.cols, img.rows));
    GaussianBlur(to_test, to_test, Size(3, 3), 1.5);

    vector<KeyPoint> exp;
    LoadExpected(string(ts->get_data_path()) + "detectors/surf.xml", exp);
    if (exp.empty())

    if (!testDetector(to_test, SurfNoMaskWrap(SURF(1536+512+512, 2)), exp))

    LoadExpected(string(ts->get_data_path()) + "detectors/star.xml", exp);
    if (exp.empty())

    if (!testDetector(to_test, StarDetector(45, 30, 10, 8, 5), exp))

    ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::OK);

TEST(Features2d_Detectors, regression) { CV_DetectorsTest test; test.safe_run(); }