video_parser.cpp 5.79 KB
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#include "precomp.hpp"


cv::cudacodec::detail::VideoParser::VideoParser(VideoDecoder* videoDecoder, FrameQueue* frameQueue) :
    videoDecoder_(videoDecoder), frameQueue_(frameQueue), unparsedPackets_(0), hasError_(false)
    std::memset(&params, 0, sizeof(CUVIDPARSERPARAMS));

    params.CodecType              = videoDecoder->codec();
    params.ulMaxNumDecodeSurfaces = videoDecoder->maxDecodeSurfaces();
    params.ulMaxDisplayDelay      = 1; // this flag is needed so the parser will push frames out to the decoder as quickly as it can
    params.pUserData              = this;
    params.pfnSequenceCallback    = HandleVideoSequence;    // Called before decoding frames and/or whenever there is a format change
    params.pfnDecodePicture       = HandlePictureDecode;    // Called when a picture is ready to be decoded (decode order)
    params.pfnDisplayPicture      = HandlePictureDisplay;   // Called whenever a picture is ready to be displayed (display order)

    cuSafeCall( cuvidCreateVideoParser(&parser_, &params) );

bool cv::cudacodec::detail::VideoParser::parseVideoData(const unsigned char* data, size_t size, bool endOfStream)
    std::memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(CUVIDSOURCEDATAPACKET));

    if (endOfStream)
        packet.flags |= CUVID_PKT_ENDOFSTREAM;

    packet.payload_size = static_cast<unsigned long>(size);
    packet.payload = data;

    if (cuvidParseVideoData(parser_, &packet) != CUDA_SUCCESS)
        hasError_ = true;
        return false;

    const int maxUnparsedPackets = 15;

    if (unparsedPackets_ > maxUnparsedPackets)
        hasError_ = true;
        return false;

    if (endOfStream)

    return !frameQueue_->isEndOfDecode();

int CUDAAPI cv::cudacodec::detail::VideoParser::HandleVideoSequence(void* userData, CUVIDEOFORMAT* format)
    VideoParser* thiz = static_cast<VideoParser*>(userData);

    thiz->unparsedPackets_ = 0;

    if (format->codec         != thiz->videoDecoder_->codec()       ||
        format->coded_width   != thiz->videoDecoder_->frameWidth()  ||
        format->coded_height  != thiz->videoDecoder_->frameHeight() ||
        format->chroma_format != thiz->videoDecoder_->chromaFormat())
        FormatInfo newFormat;

        newFormat.codec = static_cast<Codec>(format->codec);
        newFormat.chromaFormat = static_cast<ChromaFormat>(format->chroma_format);
        newFormat.width = format->coded_width;
        newFormat.height = format->coded_height;

        catch (const cv::Exception&)
            thiz->hasError_ = true;
            return false;

    return true;

int CUDAAPI cv::cudacodec::detail::VideoParser::HandlePictureDecode(void* userData, CUVIDPICPARAMS* picParams)
    VideoParser* thiz = static_cast<VideoParser*>(userData);

    thiz->unparsedPackets_ = 0;

    bool isFrameAvailable = thiz->frameQueue_->waitUntilFrameAvailable(picParams->CurrPicIdx);

    if (!isFrameAvailable)
        return false;

    if (!thiz->videoDecoder_->decodePicture(picParams))
        thiz->hasError_ = true;
        return false;

    return true;

int CUDAAPI cv::cudacodec::detail::VideoParser::HandlePictureDisplay(void* userData, CUVIDPARSERDISPINFO* picParams)
    VideoParser* thiz = static_cast<VideoParser*>(userData);

    thiz->unparsedPackets_ = 0;


    return true;

#endif // HAVE_NVCUVID