fft.cpp 12 KB
//  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
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//  copy or use the software.
//                           License Agreement
//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Multicoreware, Inc., all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// @Authors
//    Peng Xiao, pengxiao@multicorewareinc.com
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
//   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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//   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
//     and/or other oclMaterials provided with the distribution.
//   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
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#include <iomanip>
#include "precomp.hpp"

using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::ocl;

#if !defined HAVE_CLAMDFFT
void cv::ocl::dft(const oclMat&, oclMat&, Size, int)
    CV_Error(Error::StsNotImplemented, "OpenCL DFT is not implemented");
namespace cv { namespace ocl {
    void fft_teardown();
void cv::ocl::fft_teardown(){}
#include "clAmdFft.h"
namespace cv
    namespace ocl
        void fft_setup();
        void fft_teardown();
        enum FftType
            C2R = 1, // complex to complex
            R2C = 2, // real to opencl HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED
            C2C = 3  // opencl HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED to real
        struct FftPlan
            clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle;
            FftPlan& operator=(const FftPlan&);
            FftPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type);
            inline clAmdFftPlanHandle getPlanHandle() { return plHandle; }

            const Size dft_size;
            const int src_step, dst_step;
            const int flags;
            const FftType type;
        class PlanCache
            friend class std::auto_ptr<PlanCache>;
            static std::auto_ptr<PlanCache> planCache;

            bool started;
            std::vector<FftPlan *> planStore;
            clAmdFftSetupData *setupData;
            friend void fft_setup();
            friend void fft_teardown();

            static PlanCache* getPlanCache()
                if( NULL == planCache.get())
                    planCache.reset(new PlanCache());
                return planCache.get();
            // return a baked plan->
            // if there is one matched plan, return it
            // if not, bake a new one, put it into the planStore and return it.
            static FftPlan* getPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type);

            // remove a single plan from the store
            // return true if the plan is successfully removed
            // else
            static bool removePlan(clAmdFftPlanHandle );
std::auto_ptr<PlanCache> PlanCache::planCache;

void cv::ocl::fft_setup()
    PlanCache& pCache = *PlanCache::getPlanCache();
    pCache.setupData = new clAmdFftSetupData;
    openCLSafeCall(clAmdFftInitSetupData( pCache.setupData ));
    pCache.started = true;
void cv::ocl::fft_teardown()
    PlanCache& pCache = *PlanCache::getPlanCache();
    delete pCache.setupData;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < pCache.planStore.size(); i ++)
        delete pCache.planStore[i];
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftTeardown( ) );
    pCache.started = false;

// bake a new plan
cv::ocl::FftPlan::FftPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type)
    : plHandle(0), dft_size(_dft_size), src_step(_src_step), dst_step(_dst_step), flags(_flags), type(_type)

    bool is_1d_input	= (_dft_size.height == 1);
    int is_row_dft		= flags & DFT_ROWS;
    int is_scaled_dft   = flags & DFT_SCALE;
    int is_inverse		= flags & DFT_INVERSE;

    //clAmdFftResultLocation	place;
    clAmdFftLayout			inLayout;
    clAmdFftLayout			outLayout;
    clAmdFftDim				dim = is_1d_input || is_row_dft ? CLFFT_1D : CLFFT_2D;

    size_t batchSize		 = is_row_dft ? dft_size.height : 1;
    size_t clLengthsIn[ 3 ]  = {1, 1, 1};
    size_t clStridesIn[ 3 ]  = {1, 1, 1};
    //size_t clLengthsOut[ 3 ] = {1, 1, 1};
    size_t clStridesOut[ 3 ] = {1, 1, 1};
    clLengthsIn[0]			 = dft_size.width;
    clLengthsIn[1]			 = is_row_dft ? 1 : dft_size.height;
    clStridesIn[0]			 = 1;
    clStridesOut[0]			 = 1;

    case C2C:
        inLayout        = CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED;
        outLayout       = CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED;
        clStridesIn[1]  = src_step / (2*sizeof(float));
        clStridesOut[1] = clStridesIn[1];
    case R2C:
        inLayout        = CLFFT_REAL;
        outLayout       = CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED;
        clStridesIn[1]  = src_step / sizeof(float);
        clStridesOut[1] = dst_step / (2*sizeof(float));
    case C2R:
        inLayout        = CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED;
        outLayout       = CLFFT_REAL;
        clStridesIn[1]  = src_step / (2*sizeof(float));
        clStridesOut[1] = dst_step / sizeof(float);
        //std::runtime_error("does not support this convertion!");
        std::cout << "Does not support this convertion!" << std::endl;
        throw std::exception();

    clStridesIn[2]  = is_row_dft ? clStridesIn[1]  : dft_size.width * clStridesIn[1];
    clStridesOut[2] = is_row_dft ? clStridesOut[1] : dft_size.width * clStridesOut[1];

    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftCreateDefaultPlan( &plHandle, *(cl_context*)getoclContext(), dim, clLengthsIn ) );

    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetResultLocation( plHandle, CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE ) );
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetLayout( plHandle, inLayout, outLayout ) );
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanBatchSize( plHandle, batchSize ) );

    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanInStride  ( plHandle, dim, clStridesIn ) );
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanOutStride ( plHandle, dim, clStridesOut ) );
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanDistance  ( plHandle, clStridesIn[ dim ], clStridesOut[ dim ]) );

    float scale_ = is_scaled_dft ? 1.f / _dft_size.area() : 1.f;
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftSetPlanScale  ( plHandle, is_inverse ? CLFFT_BACKWARD : CLFFT_FORWARD, scale_ ) );

    //ready to bake
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftBakePlan( plHandle, 1, (cl_command_queue*)getoclCommandQueue(), NULL, NULL ) );
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftDestroyPlan( &plHandle ) );

    : started(false),
      planStore(std::vector<cv::ocl::FftPlan *>()),


FftPlan* cv::ocl::PlanCache::getPlan(Size _dft_size, int _src_step, int _dst_step, int _flags, FftType _type)
    PlanCache& pCache = *PlanCache::getPlanCache();
    std::vector<FftPlan *>& pStore = pCache.planStore;
    // go through search
    for(size_t i = 0; i < pStore.size(); i ++)
        FftPlan *plan = pStore[i];
            plan->dft_size.width == _dft_size.width &&
            plan->dft_size.height == _dft_size.height &&
            plan->flags == _flags &&
            plan->src_step == _src_step &&
            plan->dst_step == _dst_step &&
            plan->type == _type
            return plan;
    // no baked plan is found
    FftPlan *newPlan = new FftPlan(_dft_size, _src_step, _dst_step, _flags, _type);
    return newPlan;

bool cv::ocl::PlanCache::removePlan(clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle)
    PlanCache& pCache = *PlanCache::getPlanCache();
    std::vector<FftPlan *>& pStore = pCache.planStore;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < pStore.size(); i ++)
        if(pStore[i]->getPlanHandle() == plHandle)
            pStore.erase(pStore.begin() + i);
            delete pStore[i];
            return true;
    return false;

void cv::ocl::dft(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, Size dft_size, int flags)
    if(dft_size == Size(0, 0))
        dft_size = src.size();
    // check if the given dft size is of optimal dft size
    CV_Assert(dft_size.area() == getOptimalDFTSize(dft_size.area()));

    // the two flags are not compatible
    CV_Assert( !((flags & DFT_SCALE) && (flags & DFT_ROWS)) );

    // similar assertions with cuda module
    CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_32F || src.type() == CV_32FC2);

    //bool is_1d_input	= (src.rows == 1);
    //int is_row_dft		= flags & DFT_ROWS;
    //int is_scaled_dft		= flags & DFT_SCALE;
    int is_inverse			= flags & DFT_INVERSE;
    bool is_complex_input	= src.channels() == 2;
    bool is_complex_output	= !(flags & DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);

    // We don't support real-to-real transform
    CV_Assert(is_complex_input || is_complex_output);
    FftType type = (FftType)(is_complex_input << 0 | is_complex_output << 1);

    case C2C:
        dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, CV_32FC2);
    case R2C:
        dst.create(src.rows, src.cols / 2 + 1, CV_32FC2);
    case C2R:
        CV_Assert(dft_size.width / 2 + 1 == src.cols && dft_size.height == src.rows);
        dst.create(src.rows, dft_size.width, CV_32FC1);
        //std::runtime_error("does not support this convertion!");
        std::cout << "Does not support this convertion!" << std::endl;
        throw std::exception();
    clAmdFftPlanHandle plHandle = PlanCache::getPlan(dft_size, src.step, dst.step, flags, type)->getPlanHandle();

    //get the buffersize
    size_t buffersize = 0;
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftGetTmpBufSize(plHandle, &buffersize ) );

    //allocate the intermediate buffer
    // TODO, bind this with the current FftPlan
    cl_mem clMedBuffer = NULL;
    if (buffersize)
        cl_int medstatus;
        clMedBuffer = clCreateBuffer ( (cl_context)src.clCxt->oclContext(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, buffersize, 0, &medstatus);
        openCLSafeCall( medstatus );
    cl_command_queue clq = (cl_command_queue)src.clCxt->oclCommandQueue();
    openCLSafeCall( clAmdFftEnqueueTransform( plHandle,
        is_inverse ? CLFFT_BACKWARD : CLFFT_FORWARD,
        0, NULL, NULL,
        (cl_mem *)&src.data, (cl_mem *)&dst.data, clMedBuffer ) );
    openCLSafeCall( clFinish(clq) );
