• Alexander Alekhin's avatar
    ts: refactor OpenCV tests · 4a297a24
    Alexander Alekhin authored
    - removed tr1 usage (dropped in C++17)
    - moved includes of vector/map/iostream/limits into ts.hpp
    - require opencv_test + anonymous namespace (added compile check)
    - fixed norm() usage (must be from cvtest::norm for checks) and other conflict functions
    - added missing license headers
test_opencl.cpp 4.73 KB
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "../test_precomp.hpp"

#include <opencv2/core/ocl.hpp>

namespace opencv_test { namespace {

static void testOpenCLKernel(cv::ocl::Kernel& k)
    cv::UMat src(cv::Size(4096, 2048), CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar::all(100));
    cv::UMat dst(src.size(), CV_8UC1);
    size_t globalSize[2] = {(size_t)src.cols, (size_t)src.rows};
    size_t localSize[2] = {8, 8};
    int64 kernel_time = k.args(
            cv::ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnlyNoSize(src), // size is not used (similar to 'dst' size)
        ).runProfiling(2, globalSize, localSize);
    ASSERT_GE(kernel_time, (int64)0);
    std::cout << "Kernel time: " << (kernel_time * 1e-6) << " ms" << std::endl;
    cv::Mat res, reference(src.size(), CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar::all(105));
    EXPECT_EQ(0, cvtest::norm(reference, res, cv::NORM_INF));

TEST(OpenCL, support_binary_programs)
    cv::ocl::Context ctx = cv::ocl::Context::getDefault();
    if (!ctx.ptr())
        throw cvtest::SkipTestException("OpenCL is not available");
    cv::ocl::Device device = cv::ocl::Device::getDefault();
    if (!device.compilerAvailable())
        throw cvtest::SkipTestException("OpenCL compiler is not available");
    std::vector<char> program_binary_code;

    cv::String module_name; // empty to disable OpenCL cache

    { // Generate program binary from OpenCL C source
        static const char* opencl_kernel_src =
"__kernel void test_kernel(__global const uchar* src, int src_step, int src_offset,\n"
"                          __global uchar* dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,\n"
"                          int c)\n"
"   int x = get_global_id(0);\n"
"   int y = get_global_id(1);\n"
"   if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)\n"
"   {\n"
"       int src_idx = y * src_step + x + src_offset;\n"
"       int dst_idx = y * dst_step + x + dst_offset;\n"
"       dst[dst_idx] = src[src_idx] + c;\n"
"   }\n"
        cv::ocl::ProgramSource src(module_name, "simple", opencl_kernel_src, "");
        cv::String errmsg;
        cv::ocl::Program program(src, "", errmsg);
        ASSERT_TRUE(program.ptr() != NULL);
        cv::ocl::Kernel k("test_kernel", program);
        std::cout << "Program binary size: " << program_binary_code.size() << " bytes" << std::endl;

    cv::ocl::Kernel k;

    { // Load program from binary (without sources)
        cv::ocl::ProgramSource src = cv::ocl::ProgramSource::fromBinary(module_name, "simple_binary", (uchar*)&program_binary_code[0], program_binary_code.size(), "");
        cv::String errmsg;
        cv::ocl::Program program(src, "", errmsg);
        ASSERT_TRUE(program.ptr() != NULL);
        k.create("test_kernel", program);


TEST(OpenCL, support_SPIR_programs)
    cv::ocl::Context ctx = cv::ocl::Context::getDefault();
    if (!ctx.ptr())
        throw cvtest::SkipTestException("OpenCL is not available");
    cv::ocl::Device device = cv::ocl::Device::getDefault();
    if (!device.isExtensionSupported("cl_khr_spir"))
        throw cvtest::SkipTestException("'cl_khr_spir' extension is not supported by OpenCL device");
    std::vector<char> program_binary_code;
    cv::String fname = cv::format("test_kernel.spir%d", device.addressBits());
    std::string full_path = cvtest::findDataFile(std::string("opencl/") + fname);

        std::fstream f(full_path.c_str(), std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
        size_t pos = (size_t)f.tellg();
        f.seekg(0, std::fstream::end);
        size_t fileSize = (size_t)f.tellg();
        std::cout << "Program SPIR size: " << fileSize << " bytes" << std::endl;
        f.seekg(pos, std::fstream::beg);
        f.read(&program_binary_code[0], fileSize);

    cv::String module_name; // empty to disable OpenCL cache

    cv::ocl::Kernel k;

    { // Load program from SPIR format
        cv::ocl::ProgramSource src = cv::ocl::ProgramSource::fromSPIR(module_name, "simple_spir", (uchar*)&program_binary_code[0], program_binary_code.size(), "");
        cv::String errmsg;
        cv::ocl::Program program(src, "", errmsg);
        ASSERT_TRUE(program.ptr() != NULL);
        k.create("test_kernel", program);


}} // namespace