extract_macros.py 5.44 KB
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#! /usr/bin/env python
This script extracts macros functions from the OpenCV headers and attempts to generate
standard C function prototypes.  Type information is missing in the macros, so SWIG 
cannot generate C code for them unless we provide this.  

import sys, re

ARG_MAP = { 
    "img":"CvArr *", 
    "image":"IplImage *", 
    "elem_ptr":"void *",
    "edge":"CvGraphEdge *",
    "vertex":"CvGraphVtx *",
    "contour":"CvSeq *",
    "vtx":"CvGraphVtx *",
    "hist":"CvHistogram *",
    "ptr":"void *",
    "arr":"CvArr *",
    "header":"CvMat *",
    "src":"CvArr *",
    "src1":"CvArr *",
    "src2":"CvArr *",
    "src3":"CvArr *",
    "dst":"CvArr *",
    "set":"CvSet *",
    "node":"CvSparseNode *",
    "storage":"CvMemStorage *",
    "new_dims": "int",
    "new_sizes": "int *",
    "A":"CvArr *",
    "B":"CvArr *",
    "C":"CvArr *",
    "graph":"CvGraph *",
#    "b":"double",
    "deltas":"double *",
    "haar":"void *",
#    "contour":"const void*",  # handled as a special case in cvshadow
    "CV_NEXT_GRAPH_EDGE":"CvGraphEdge *",

# special cases
    #"CV_MAKETYPE":"",  # SWIG 1.3.29 doesn't like this one for some indeterminant reason
    "CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR_FAST":"void * CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR_FAST(CvMat mat,int row,int col,int pix_size);",
    "CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR":"void * CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR(CvMat mat,int row,int col);",
    "CV_NODE_VAL":"void * CV_NODE_VAL(CvSparseMat* mat,CvSparseNode * node);",
    "CV_NODE_IDX":"int * CV_NODE_IDX(CvSparseMat* mat,CvSparseNode * node);",
    "CV_READ_CHAIN_POINT":"void CV_READ_CHAIN_POINT(CvPoint _pt, CvChainPtReader reader);",
    "CV_SUBDIV2D_NEXT_EDGE":"CvQuadEdge2D* CV_SUBDIV2D_NEXT_EDGE(CvSubdiv2DEdge edge);",
    "cvFree":"void cvFree(void ** ptr);",


print """
// This file is automatically generated from the extract_macros.py script found in the 'utils'
// subdirectory of the OpenCV distribution.  If the generated function prototypes are missing or 
// incorrect, it is likely that a name->type mapping will have to be added to the script 

print "// This file was generated from the following header files: "
print "// %s" % "\n// ".join(sys.argv[1:])

def determine_return_type(name, arguments):
    if RET_MAP.has_key( name ):
        return RET_MAP[name]
    if name.find("_IS_")>=0 or \
       name.find("_HAS_")>=0 or \
       name.find("_KIND")>=0 or \
       name.find("_ARE_")>=0 or \
       name.find("_SIZE")>=0 or \
       name.find("Idx")>=0 or \
       name.find("Count")>=0 or \
       (name.find("TYPE")>=0 and not name.find("TYPES")>=0):
        return "int"
    if re.match( r"CV_(?:8|16|32|64)(?:U|S|F)C", name ):
        return "int"
    if len(arguments) is 1 and arguments[0].startswith("double"):
        return "double"
    if name.find("_PTR")>=0:
        return "void *"
    if name.endswith("POINT"):
        return "CvPoint"
    return "void"

for m in MACROS:
    print MACROS[m]

for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
    f = open( fn, "r" )
    in_define = False
    for l in f.xreadlines():
        m = re.match( r"^#define\s+((?:CV_|IPL_|cv)\w+)\s*\(([_, a-zA-Z0-9]*)\)\s*(.*)", l )

        if m and not m.group(1).endswith("FIELDS") and not MACROS.has_key(m.group(1)):
            macro_name = m.group(1)
            args = m.group(2).strip().split(",")
            # assign return type
            ret=determine_return_type( macro_name, args )

            # assign type to each argument
            no_args = len(args) is 0
            typed_args = []
            ignore = False
            for arg in args:
                arg = arg.strip()
                if len(arg) is 0:
                    no_args = True
                if ARG_MAP.has_key( arg ):
                    if ARG_MAP[arg] is "ignore":
                    typed_args.append( "%s %s"%( ARG_MAP[arg], arg ) )
                    sys.stderr.write( "\"%s\":\"?\", in macro '%s'\n" % (arg, macro_name) )
                    typed_args = []
            if not ignore and (no_args or len(typed_args)>0):
                decl = "%s %s(%s);" % (ret, macro_name, ",".join( typed_args) )
                MACROS[ macro_name ] = decl
                print decl
