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.. _Linux_Eclipse_Usage:

Using OpenCV with Eclipse (plugin CDT)

.. note::
   Two ways, one by forming a project directly, and another by CMake


1. Having installed `Eclipse <>`_ in your workstation (only the CDT plugin for C/C++ is needed). You can follow the following steps:

   * Go to the Eclipse site  

   * Download `Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers <>`_ . Choose the link according to your workstation.

#. Having installed OpenCV. If not yet, go :ref:`here <Linux-Installation>`.

Making a project

1. Start Eclipse. Just run the executable that comes in the folder. 

#. Go to **File -> New -> C/C++ Project**

   .. image:: images/a0.png
      :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 0
      :align: center

#. Choose a name for your project (i.e. DisplayImage). An **Empty Project** should be okay for this example. 

   .. image:: images/a1.png
      :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 1
      :align: center

#. Leave everything else by default. Press **Finish**. 

#. Your project (in this case DisplayImage) should appear in the **Project Navigator** (usually at the left side of your window).

   .. image:: images/a3.png
      :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 3
      :align: center

#. Now, let's add a source file using OpenCV:

   * Right click on **DisplayImage** (in the Navigator). **New -> Folder** . 

     .. image:: images/a4.png
        :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 4
        :align: center

   * Name your folder **src** and then hit **Finish**

   * Right click on your newly created **src** folder. Choose **New source file**:

   * Call it **DisplayImage.cpp**. Hit **Finish**

     .. image:: images/a7.png
        :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 7
        :align: center

#. So, now you have a project with a empty .cpp file. Let's fill it with some sample code (in other words, copy and paste the snippet below):

   .. code-block:: cpp

      #include <cv.h>
      #include <highgui.h>

      using namespace cv;

      int main( int argc, char** argv )
        Mat image;
        image = imread( argv[1], 1 );

        if( argc != 2 || ! )
            printf( "No image data \n" );
            return -1; 

        namedWindow( "Display Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
        imshow( "Display Image", image );


        return 0;

#. We are only missing one final step: To tell OpenCV where the OpenCV headers and libraries are. For this, do the following:

    * Go to  **Project-->Properties**

    * In **C/C++ Build**, click on **Settings**. At the right, choose the **Tool Settings** Tab. Here we will enter the headers and libraries info:

      a. In **GCC C++ Compiler**, go to **Includes**. In **Include paths(-l)** you should include the path of the folder where opencv was installed. In our example, this is ``/usr/local/include/opencv``.

         .. image:: images/a9.png
            :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 9
            :align: center

         .. note::
            If you do not know where your opencv files are, open the **Terminal** and type: 

            .. code-block:: bash

               pkg-config --cflags opencv

            For instance, that command gave me this output:

            .. code-block:: bash

               -I/usr/local/include/opencv -I/usr/local/include 

      b. Now go to **GCC C++ Linker**,there you have to fill two spaces:

         First in **Library search path (-L)** you have to write the path to where the opencv libraries reside, in my case the path is:
         Then in **Libraries(-l)** add the OpenCV libraries that you may need. Usually just the 3 first on the list below are enough (for simple applications) . In my case, I am putting all of them since I plan to use the whole bunch:


         .. image:: images/a10.png
             :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 10
             :align: center 
         If you don't know where your libraries are (or you are just psychotic and want to make sure the path is fine), type in **Terminal**:

         .. code-block:: bash
            pkg-config --libs opencv

         My output (in case you want to check) was:
         .. code-block:: bash
            -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann  

         Now you are done. Click **OK**

    * Your project should be ready to be built. For this, go to **Project->Build all**   

      In the Console you should get something like 

      .. image:: images/a12.png
         :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 12
         :align: center 

      If you check in your folder, there should be an executable there.

Running the executable

So, now we have an executable ready to run. If we were to use the Terminal, we would probably do something like:

.. code-block:: bash

   cd <DisplayImage_directory>
   cd src
   ./DisplayImage ../images/HappyLittleFish.png

Assuming that the image to use as the argument would be located in <DisplayImage_directory>/images/HappyLittleFish.png. We can still do this, but let's do it from Eclipse:

#. Go to **Run->Run Configurations** 

#. Under C/C++ Application you will see the name of your executable + Debug (if not, click over C/C++ Application a couple of times). Select the name (in this case **DisplayImage Debug**). 

#. Now, in the right side of the window, choose the **Arguments** Tab. Write the path of the image file we want to open (path relative to the workspace/DisplayImage folder). Let's use **HappyLittleFish.png**:

   .. image:: images/a14.png
      :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 14
      :align: center 

#. Click on the **Apply** button and then in Run. An OpenCV window should pop up with the fish image (or whatever you used).

   .. image:: images/a15.jpg
      :alt: Eclipse Tutorial Screenshot 15
      :align: center 

#. Congratulations! You are ready to have fun with OpenCV using Eclipse.

V2: Using CMake+OpenCV with Eclipse (plugin CDT)

(See the `getting started <>` section of the OpenCV Wiki)

Say you have or create a new file, *helloworld.cpp* in a directory called *foo*:

.. code-block:: cpp

   #include <cv.h>
   #include <highgui.h>
   int main ( int argc, char **argv )
     cvNamedWindow( "My Window", 1 );
     IplImage *img = cvCreateImage( cvSize( 640, 480 ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
     CvFont font;
     double hScale = 1.0;
     double vScale = 1.0;
     int lineWidth = 1;
                 hScale, vScale, 0, lineWidth );
     cvPutText( img, "Hello World!", cvPoint( 200, 400 ), &font,
                cvScalar( 255, 255, 0 ) );
     cvShowImage( "My Window", img );
     return 0;

1. Create a build directory, say, under *foo*: ``mkdir /build``.  Then ``cd build``.

#. Put a *CmakeLists.txt* file in build:

.. code-block:: bash

   PROJECT( helloworld_proj )
   ADD_EXECUTABLE( helloworld helloworld.cxx )
   TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( helloworld ${OpenCV_LIBS} )

#. Run: ``cmake-gui ..`` and make sure you fill in where opencv was built. 

#. Then click ``configure`` and then ``generate``. If it's OK, **quit cmake-gui**

#. Run ``make -j4``   *(the ``-j4`` is optional, it just tells the compiler to build in 4 threads)*. Make sure it builds.

#. Start ``eclipse`` . Put the workspace in some directory but **not** in ``foo`` or ``foo\\build``

#. Right click in the ``Project Explorer`` section. Select ``Import``  And then open the ``C/C++`` filter. Choose *Existing Code* as a Makefile Project``

#. Name your project, say *helloworld*. Browse to the Existing Code location ``foo\\build`` (where you ran your cmake-gui from). Select *Linux GCC* in the *"Toolchain for Indexer Settings"* and press *Finish*.

#. Right click in the ``Project Explorer`` section. Select ``Properties``. Under ``C/C++ Build``, set the *build directory:* from something like ``${workspace_loc:/helloworld}`` to ``${workspace_loc:/helloworld}/build`` since that's where you are building to.

 a. You can also optionally modify the ``Build command:`` from ``make`` to something like ``make VERBOSE=1 -j4`` which tells the compiler to produce detailed symbol files for debugging and also to compile in 4 parallel threads.

#. Done!