HOGfeatures.cpp 7.65 KB
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#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
3 4 5 6

#include "HOGfeatures.h"
#include "cascadeclassifier.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
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    maxCatCount = 0;
    name = HOGF_NAME;
    featSize = N_BINS * N_CELLS;

void CvHOGEvaluator::init(const CvFeatureParams *_featureParams, int _maxSampleCount, Size _winSize)
    CV_Assert( _maxSampleCount > 0);
    int cols = (_winSize.width + 1) * (_winSize.height + 1);
    for (int bin = 0; bin < N_BINS; bin++)
        hist.push_back(Mat(_maxSampleCount, cols, CV_32FC1));
    normSum.create( (int)_maxSampleCount, cols, CV_32FC1 );
    CvFeatureEvaluator::init( _featureParams, _maxSampleCount, _winSize );

void CvHOGEvaluator::setImage(const Mat &img, uchar clsLabel, int idx)
    CV_DbgAssert( !hist.empty());
    CvFeatureEvaluator::setImage( img, clsLabel, idx );
    vector<Mat> integralHist;
    for (int bin = 0; bin < N_BINS; bin++)
        integralHist.push_back( Mat(winSize.height + 1, winSize.width + 1, hist[bin].type(), hist[bin].ptr<float>((int)idx)) );
    Mat integralNorm(winSize.height + 1, winSize.width + 1, normSum.type(), normSum.ptr<float>((int)idx));
    integralHistogram(img, integralHist, integralNorm, (int)N_BINS);

//void CvHOGEvaluator::writeFeatures( FileStorage &fs, const Mat& featureMap ) const
//    _writeFeatures( features, fs, featureMap );

void CvHOGEvaluator::writeFeatures( FileStorage &fs, const Mat& featureMap ) const
    int featIdx;
    int componentIdx;
    const Mat_<int>& featureMap_ = (const Mat_<int>&)featureMap;
    fs << FEATURES << "[";
    for ( int fi = 0; fi < featureMap.cols; fi++ )
        if ( featureMap_(0, fi) >= 0 )
            fs << "{";
            featIdx = fi / getFeatureSize();
            componentIdx = fi % getFeatureSize();
            features[featIdx].write( fs, componentIdx );
            fs << "}";
    fs << "]";

void CvHOGEvaluator::generateFeatures()
    int offset = winSize.width + 1;
    Size blockStep;
    int x, y, t, w, h;

    for (t = 8; t <= winSize.width/2; t+=8) //t = size of a cell. blocksize = 4*cellSize
        blockStep = Size(4,4);
        w = 2*t; //width of a block
        h = 2*t; //height of a block
        for (x = 0; x <= winSize.width - w; x += blockStep.width)
            for (y = 0; y <= winSize.height - h; y += blockStep.height)
                features.push_back(Feature(offset, x, y, t, t));
        w = 2*t;
        h = 4*t;
        for (x = 0; x <= winSize.width - w; x += blockStep.width)
            for (y = 0; y <= winSize.height - h; y += blockStep.height)
                features.push_back(Feature(offset, x, y, t, 2*t));
        w = 4*t;
        h = 2*t;
        for (x = 0; x <= winSize.width - w; x += blockStep.width)
            for (y = 0; y <= winSize.height - h; y += blockStep.height)
                features.push_back(Feature(offset, x, y, 2*t, t));

    numFeatures = (int)features.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < N_CELLS; i++)
        rect[i] = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);

CvHOGEvaluator::Feature::Feature( int offset, int x, int y, int cellW, int cellH )
    rect[0] = Rect(x, y, cellW, cellH); //cell0
    rect[1] = Rect(x+cellW, y, cellW, cellH); //cell1
    rect[2] = Rect(x, y+cellH, cellW, cellH); //cell2
    rect[3] = Rect(x+cellW, y+cellH, cellW, cellH); //cell3

    for (int i = 0; i < N_CELLS; i++)
        CV_SUM_OFFSETS(fastRect[i].p0, fastRect[i].p1, fastRect[i].p2, fastRect[i].p3, rect[i], offset);

void CvHOGEvaluator::Feature::write(FileStorage &fs) const
    fs << CC_RECTS << "[";
    for( int i = 0; i < N_CELLS; i++ )
        fs << "[:" << rect[i].x << rect[i].y << rect[i].width << rect[i].height << "]";
    fs << "]";

//cell and bin idx writing
//void CvHOGEvaluator::Feature::write(FileStorage &fs, int varIdx) const
//    int featComponent = varIdx % (N_CELLS * N_BINS);
//    int cellIdx = featComponent / N_BINS;
//    int binIdx = featComponent % N_BINS;
//    fs << CC_RECTS << "[:" << rect[cellIdx].x << rect[cellIdx].y <<
//        rect[cellIdx].width << rect[cellIdx].height << binIdx << "]";

//cell[0] and featComponent idx writing. By cell[0] it's possible to recover all block
//All block is nessesary for block normalization
void CvHOGEvaluator::Feature::write(FileStorage &fs, int featComponentIdx) const
    fs << CC_RECT << "[:" << rect[0].x << rect[0].y <<
        rect[0].width << rect[0].height << featComponentIdx << "]";

void CvHOGEvaluator::integralHistogram(const Mat &img, vector<Mat> &histogram, Mat &norm, int nbins) const
    CV_Assert( img.type() == CV_8U || img.type() == CV_8UC3 );
    int x, y, binIdx;

    Size gradSize(img.size());
    Size histSize(histogram[0].size());
    Mat grad(gradSize, CV_32F);
    Mat qangle(gradSize, CV_8U);

    AutoBuffer<int> mapbuf(gradSize.width + gradSize.height + 4);
    int* xmap = (int*)mapbuf + 1;
    int* ymap = xmap + gradSize.width + 2;

    const int borderType = (int)BORDER_REPLICATE;

    for( x = -1; x < gradSize.width + 1; x++ )
        xmap[x] = borderInterpolate(x, gradSize.width, borderType);
    for( y = -1; y < gradSize.height + 1; y++ )
        ymap[y] = borderInterpolate(y, gradSize.height, borderType);

    int width = gradSize.width;
    AutoBuffer<float> _dbuf(width*4);
    float* dbuf = _dbuf;
    Mat Dx(1, width, CV_32F, dbuf);
    Mat Dy(1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width);
    Mat Mag(1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width*2);
    Mat Angle(1, width, CV_32F, dbuf + width*3);

    float angleScale = (float)(nbins/CV_PI);

    for( y = 0; y < gradSize.height; y++ )
190 191 192 193 194
        const uchar* currPtr = img.ptr(ymap[y]);
        const uchar* prevPtr = img.ptr(ymap[y-1]);
        const uchar* nextPtr = img.ptr(ymap[y+1]);
        float* gradPtr = grad.ptr<float>(y);
        uchar* qanglePtr = qangle.ptr(y);
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228

        for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
            dbuf[x] = (float)(currPtr[xmap[x+1]] - currPtr[xmap[x-1]]);
            dbuf[width + x] = (float)(nextPtr[xmap[x]] - prevPtr[xmap[x]]);
        cartToPolar( Dx, Dy, Mag, Angle, false );
        for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
            float mag = dbuf[x+width*2];
            float angle = dbuf[x+width*3];
            angle = angle*angleScale - 0.5f;
            int bidx = cvFloor(angle);
            angle -= bidx;
            if( bidx < 0 )
                bidx += nbins;
            else if( bidx >= nbins )
                bidx -= nbins;

            qanglePtr[x] = (uchar)bidx;
            gradPtr[x] = mag;
    integral(grad, norm, grad.depth());

    float* histBuf;
    const float* magBuf;
    const uchar* binsBuf;

    int binsStep = (int)( qangle.step / sizeof(uchar) );
    int histStep = (int)( histogram[0].step / sizeof(float) );
    int magStep = (int)( grad.step / sizeof(float) );
    for( binIdx = 0; binIdx < nbins; binIdx++ )
229 230 231
        histBuf = histogram[binIdx].ptr<float>();
        magBuf = grad.ptr<float>();
        binsBuf = qangle.ptr();
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250

        memset( histBuf, 0, histSize.width * sizeof(histBuf[0]) );
        histBuf += histStep + 1;
        for( y = 0; y < qangle.rows; y++ )
            histBuf[-1] = 0.f;
            float strSum = 0.f;
            for( x = 0; x < qangle.cols; x++ )
                if( binsBuf[x] == binIdx )
                    strSum += magBuf[x];
                histBuf[x] = histBuf[-histStep + x] + strSum;
            histBuf += histStep;
            binsBuf += binsStep;
            magBuf += magStep;