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Half is a class that encapsulates our 16-bit floating-point format.

IlmThread is a thread abstraction library for use with IlmImf.  It
currently supports pthreads and Windows threads.

IlmImf is our "EXR" file format for storing 16-bit FP images.

Imath is a math library.  IlmImf only uses a subset of it,
but we're releasing the full library because it's easier for us to 
maintain, and we think it'll be useful to others.

Iex is an exception-handling library.

See the IlmImfExamples directory for some code that demonstrates how
to use the IlmImf library to read and write OpenEXR files.  The doc
directory contains some high-level documentation and history about the
OpenEXR format.

If you have questions about using the OpenEXR libraries, you may want
to join our developer mailing list.  See for


The OpenEXR source code distribution is free software.  See the file
named COPYING (included in this distribution) for details.


Besides the core OpenEXR libraries, the release includes several 
utilities for reading, writing, viewing, and manipulating OpenEXR 
images.  These include:

  * exrdisplay, an image viewer.
  * exrheader, a utility for dumping header information.
  * exrstdattr, a utility for modifying OpenEXR standard attributes.
  * exrmaketiled, for generating tiled and rip/mipmapped images.
  * exrenvmap, for creating OpenEXR environment maps.
  * exrmakepreview, for creating preview images for OpenEXR files.

exrdisplay requires FLTK 1.1 or greater and OpenGL.  exrdisplay
supports fragment shaders if you have the Nvidia Cg SDK and a graphics
card capable of running fp30 profile fragment shaders.  See
exrdisplay/README for details.

We have also released an OpenEXR display driver for Renderman, a file
I/O plugin for Shake, and a file I/O plugin for Adobe Photoshop (on
both Windows and MacOS).  These are packaged separately.  Go to to download them.  NOTE: the most recent
versions of these applications now have native support for OpenEXR, so
you should only use our open-source versions of the plugins if you
have an older version of the application.


Building OpenEXR requires the zlib library.  If you want to build the
'exrdisplay' image viewer, you'll also need FLTK 1.1, but this program
is not required to use OpenEXR's libraries in your application.
exrdisplay can also accelerate the display of OpenEXR images if you
have the NVIDIA Cg SDK.

Your OS distribution may already include these libraries, or supply
packages for them.  That is the preferred way to obtain them for use
with OpenEXR.  If not, you can obtain the source code for zlib and
FLTK from:

and you can download the NVIDIA Cg SDK from

If you're building OpenEXR on a Windows platform, see README.win32 for
instructions on how to build OpenEXR.  The remainder of this file
applies only to GNU/Linux or other UNIX-like systems.

After installing the required libraries, to build OpenEXR on
GNU/Linux or other UNIX-like systems, do this:

make install

unless you obtained OpenEXR directly from CVS, in which case you
should first read README.CVS.

If you have the Nvidia Cg SDK and you want to build support for
fragment shaders into exrdisplay, specify the path to the SDK using
the "--with-cg-prefix" flag.  There are some additional compile-time
configuration options available; type `./configure --help` for more

See README.OSX for details on building OpenEXR in MacOS X.

Do `make check` to run the OpenEXR confidence tests.  They should all
pass; if you find a test that does not pass on your system, please let
us know.

Other UNIX variants haven't been tested, but should be easy to build.
Let us know if you're having problems porting OpenEXR to a particular

All include files needed to use the OpenEXR libraries are installed in the 
OpenEXR subdirectory of the install prefix, e.g. /usr/local/include/OpenEXR.


On systems with support for pkg-config, use `pkg-config --cflags
OpenEXR` for the C++ flags required to compile against OpenEXR
headers; and `pkg-config --libs OpenEXR` for the linker flags required
to link against OpenEXR libraries.