.. convolution.rst: ########### Convolution ########### .. code-block:: cpp Convolution // A batched convolution operation Description =========== .. TODO Long description Inputs ------ +-----------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Name | Element Type | Shape | +=================+=========================+================================+ | ``image_batch`` | Any | ``(N, C_in, d_1, ..., d_n)`` | +-----------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ | ``filters`` | Same as ``image_batch`` | ``(N, C_in, df_1, ..., df_n)`` | +-----------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+ Attributes ---------- +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Notes | +=============================+=============================+========================================+ | ``window_movement_strides`` | ``Strides[n]`` | How far to slide the | | | | window along each axis at each step | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``window_dilation_strides`` | ``Strides[n]`` | Per-axis dilation to apply to the | | | | filters | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``padding_below`` | ``Shape[n]`` | How many padding elements to add | | | | below the 0-coordinate on each axis | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``padding_above`` | ``Shape[n]`` | How many padding elements to add above | | | | the max-coordinate on each axis | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``image_dilation_strides`` | ``Strides[n]`` | Per-axis dilation to apply to the | | | | image batch | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ Outputs ------- +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Element Type | Shape | +==================+=========================+====================================================+ | ``features_out`` | Same as ``image_batch`` | ``(N, C_in, d_1 - df_1 + 1, ..., d_n - df_n + 1)`` | +------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ It must be the case that after dilation and padding are applied, the filter fits within the image. .. TODO image add Mathematical Definition ======================= Padding ------- Let :math:`p` (the padding below) and :math:`q` (the padding above) be a sequence of :math:`n` integers, and :math:`T` be a tensor of shape :math:`(d_1,\dots,d_n)`, such that for all :math:`i`, :math:`p_i + d_i + q_i \ge 0`. Then :math:`\mathit{Pad}[p,q](T)` is the tensor of shape :math:`(p_1 + d_1 + q_1,\dots,p_n + d_n + q_n)` such that .. math:: \mathit{Pad}[p,q](T)_{i_1,\dots,i_n} \triangleq \begin{cases} T_{i_1 - p_1,\dots,i_n - p_n} &\mbox{if for all }j, i_j \ge p_j\mbox{ and }i_j < p_j + d_j \\ 0 &\mbox{otherwise.} \end{cases} Dilation -------- Let :math:`l` (the dilation strides) be a sequence of :math:`n` positive integers, and :math:`T` be a tensor of shape :math:`(d_1,\dots,d_n)`. Then :math:`\mathit{Dilate}[l](T)` is the tensor of shape :math:`(d'_1,\dots,d'_n)` where :math:`d'_i = \mathit{max}(0,l_i(d_i - 1) + 1)` such that .. math:: \mathit{Dilate}[l](T)_{i_1,\dots,i_n} \triangleq \begin{cases} T_{i_1/l_1,\dots,i_n/l_n} &\mbox{if for all }j, i_j\mbox{ is a multiple of }l_j \\ 0 &\mbox{otherwise.} \end{cases} Striding -------- Let :math:`s` (the strides) be a sequence of :math:`n` positive integers, and :math:`T` be a tensor of shape :math:`(d_1,\dots,d_n)`. Then :math:`\mathit{Stride}[s](T)` is the tensor of shape :math:`(d'_1,\dots,d'_n)` where :math:`d'_i = \left\lceil \frac{d_i}{s_i} \right\rceil` such that .. math:: \mathit{Stride}[s](T)_{i_1,\dots,i_n} \triangleq T_{s_1i_1,\dots,s_ni_n} :math:`s` is the how far, not the unit of farness. Convolution ----------- .. image possibly imported soon; they are not big files but they are svg .. figure:: ../graphics/classngraph_1_1op_1_1Convolution__coll__graph_org.svg :height: 500px Padded, Dilated, Strided Convolution ------------------------------------ .. math:: \mathit{PDSConv}[g,p,q,l,s](T_\mathit{image},T_\mathit{filter} \triangleq \mathit{Stride}[s](\mathit{Conv}(\mathit{Pad}[p,q](\mathit{Dilate}[g](T_\mathit{batch})),\mathit{Dilate}[l](T_\mathit{filter}))) Batched, Padded, Dilated, Strided Convolution --------------------------------------------- .. TODO C++ Interface ============= .. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::v0::Convolution :project: ngraph :members: