.. testing-libngraph: ######################## Test the nGraph library ######################## The |InG| library code base uses the `GTest framework`_ for unit tests. CMake automatically downloads a copy of the required GTest files when configuring the build directory. To perform the unit tests: #. Create and configure the build directory as described in our :doc:`installation` guide. #. Enter the build directory and run ``make check``: .. code-block:: console $ cd build/ $ make check Compiling a framework with ``libngraph`` ======================================== After building and installing the nGraph library to your system, the next logical step is to compile a framework that you can use to run a training/inference model with one of the backends that are now enabled. For this early |release| release, we're providing :doc:`framework-integration-guides`, for: * :doc:`MXNet<framework-integration-guides>` framework, * :doc:`Tensorflow<framework-integration-guides>` framework, and * neon™ `frontend framework`_. Integration guides for other frameworks are tentatively forthcoming. .. _GTest framework: https://github.com/google/googletest.git .. _frontend framework: http://neon.nervanasys.com/index.html/