.. product.rst:


.. code-block:: cpp

   Product // Product reduction operation.


Reduces the tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes by taking the product.


| Name            | Element Type            | Shape                          |
| ``arg``         | Any                     | Any                            |

| Name               | Description                                                    |
| ``reduction_axes`` | The axis positions (0-based) on which to calculate the product |


| Name            | Element Type            | Shape                                             |
| ``output``      | Same as ``arg``         | Same as ``arg``, with ``reduction_axes`` removed. |

Mathematical Definition

.. math::

   \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
   1 & 2 \\
   3 & 4 \\
   5 & 6 \end{array} \right]\right) &=
   \left[ (1 * 3 * 5), (2 * 4 * 6) \right] =
   \left[ 15, 48 \right]&\text{ dimension 0 (rows) is eliminated} \\
   \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
   1 & 2 \\
   3 & 4 \\
   5 & 6 \end{array} \right]\right) &=
   \left[ (1 * 2), (3 * 4), (5 * 6) \right] =
   \left[ 2, 12, 30 \right]&\text{ dimension 1 (columns) is eliminated}\\
   \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
   1 & 2 \\
   3 & 4 \\
   5 & 6 \end{array} \right]\right) &=
   (1 * 2) * (3 * 4) * (5 * 6) =
   720&\text{ both dimensions (rows and columns) are eliminated}

C++ Interface

.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::v0::Product
   :project: ngraph