//***************************************************************************** // Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //***************************************************************************** #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "ngraph/ngraph.hpp" #include "ngraph/op/embedding_lookup.hpp" #include <memory> using namespace std; using namespace ngraph; #define EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(haystack, needle) \ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(testing::IsSubstring, needle, haystack) TEST(type_prop, broadcast_deduce) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); Shape bc_shape{2, 3, 4}; auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), bc_shape); } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_axes_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto bc_shape = Shape{2, 3, 4}; try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1, 3}); FAIL() << "Broadcast axis out of bounds not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Broadcast axis index (3) exceeds specified output shape rank"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_shape_mismatch_wrong_rank) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto bc_shape = Shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1}); FAIL() << "Output shape mismatch (wrong rank) not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Broadcast argument shape, specified output shape, and axes are incompatible"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_shape_mismatch_wrong_size) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto bc_shape = Shape{2, 3, 5}; try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1}); FAIL() << "Output shape mismatch (wrong size) not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Broadcast argument shape, specified output shape, and axes are incompatible"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_partial_rank_dynamic_ok) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); Shape bc_shape{2, 3, 4}; auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), bc_shape); } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_partial_rank_dynamic_axes_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto bc_shape = Shape{2, 3, 4}; try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1, 3}); FAIL() << "Broadcast axis out of bounds not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Broadcast axis index (3) exceeds specified output shape rank"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4}); Shape bc_shape{2, 3, 4}; auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), bc_shape); } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axes_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4}); auto bc_shape = Shape{2, 3, 4}; try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1, 3}); FAIL() << "Broadcast axis out of bounds not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Broadcast axis index (3) exceeds specified output shape rank"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_partial_rank_static_dynamic_shape_mismatch_wrong_rank) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4}); auto bc_shape = Shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1}); FAIL() << "Output shape mismatch (wrong rank) not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Broadcast argument shape, specified output shape, and axes are incompatible"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, broadcast_partial_rank_static_dynamic_shape_mismatch_wrong_size) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4}); auto bc_shape = Shape{2, 3, 5}; try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Broadcast>(param, bc_shape, AxisSet{1}); FAIL() << "Output shape mismatch (wrong size) not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Broadcast argument shape, specified output shape, and axes are incompatible"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_rank_less_than_2) { auto dummy = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(dummy, dummy, dummy, 0.001); FAIL() << "BatchNorm c-tor should throw for tensors whose rank is less than 2"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Input argument must have rank of at least 2")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_zero_channel_check) { auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1, 0, 2, 3}); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0}); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, 0.001); FAIL() << "BatchNorm c-tor should throw for tensors w/ zero-dimension channels"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Channel count must be at least 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_et_check) { auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2, 2}); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f64, Shape{3}); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, 0.001); FAIL() << "BatchNorm c-tor should throw for different element types"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Input element types do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_shape_check) { auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2, 2}); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4}); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, 0.001); FAIL() << "BatchNorm c-tor should throw if gamma and beta shapes don't match"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shapes for gamma/beta do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_et_check) { auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2, 2}); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f64, Shape{3}); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2, 2}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, 0.001); FAIL() << "Deduced type should disagree with c-tor arguments"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Input element types do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_shape_check) { auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2, 2}); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4}); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2, 2}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, 0.001); FAIL() << "Deduced type should disagree with c-tor arguments"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shapes for gamma/beta/mean/variance do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_delta_check) { auto dummy = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto dummy2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4}); auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2, 2}); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2, 3}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( param, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, delta, 0.001); FAIL() << "Deduced type should disagree with c-tor arguments"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Shape of delta does not match the shape of the input data")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_all_rank_dynamic) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ 64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_zero_channels) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); FAIL() << "Zero channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Channel count must be at least 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_input_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_input_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_wrong_rank) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); FAIL() << "Wrong gamma/beta/mean/variance shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Shape for gamma/beta/mean/variance ({?,?}) does not have rank 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_input_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_inconsistent_rank) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent gamma/beta/mean/variance shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shapes for gamma/beta/mean/variance do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_input_rank_dynamic_some_static_inconsistent_channel_count) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{4}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent gamma/beta/mean/variance channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shapes for gamma/beta/mean/variance do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_some_static_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{3}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 224})); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_inference_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_some_static_inconsistent_channel_count) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 4, Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{3}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormInference>(data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent input/gamma/beta/mean/variance channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Input channel dimension (4) does not match " "shape for gamma/beta/mean/variance ({3})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_all_rank_dynamic) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_batch_size_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ 64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_channel_count_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape{3})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape{3})); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_zero_channels) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Zero channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Channel count must be at least 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_wrong_rank) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Wrong gamma/beta shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shape for gamma/beta ({?,?}) does not have rank 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_inconsistent_rank) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{Dimension::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent gamma/beta shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shapes for gamma/beta do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_dynamic_some_static_inconsistent_channel_count) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{4}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent gamma/beta channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shapes for gamma/beta do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_some_static_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{3}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 224})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape{3})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape{3})); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_some_static_inconsistent_channel_count) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 4, Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTraining>(data_batch, gamma, beta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent input/gamma/beta channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Input channel dimension (4) does not match shape for gamma/beta ({3})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } //// //// //// //// TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_all_rank_dynamic) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ 64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_zero_channels) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Zero channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Channel count must be at least 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_delta_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_delta_rank_static_dynamic_channels_known) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 5, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 5, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape{5})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape{5})); } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_delta_rank_static_dynamic_zero_channels) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Zero channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Channel count must be at least 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_and_delta_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic())); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); } TEST( type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_and_delta_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_wrong_rank) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Wrong gamma/beta/mean/variance shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Shape for gamma/beta/mean/variance ({?,?}) does not have rank 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_and_delta_rank_dynamic_some_rank_static_dynamic_inconsistent_rank) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Wrong gamma/beta/mean/variance shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shapes for gamma/beta/mean/variance do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_and_delta_rank_dynamic_some_static_inconsistent_channel_count) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{4}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); FAIL() << "nconsistent gamma/beta/mean/variance channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shapes for gamma/beta/mean/variance do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_and_delta_rank_static_dynamic_some_static_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{3}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, 448, 224}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(0), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(1), data_batch_et); ASSERT_EQ(bn->get_output_element_type(2), data_batch_et); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{64, 3, 448, 224})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme(PartialShape{3})); ASSERT_TRUE(bn->get_output_partial_shape(2).same_scheme(PartialShape{3})); } TEST( type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_and_delta_rank_static_dynamic_some_static_inconsistent_channel_count) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{3}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 448, 224}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent delta/gamma/beta/mean/variance channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Input channel dimension (4) does not match " "shape for gamma/beta/mean/variance ({3})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_and_delta_rank_static_dynamic_some_static_inconsistent_batch_size) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{3}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{128, 4, Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent input/delta batch size not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Shape of delta does not match the shape of the input data (input data " "shape: {64,3,?,224}, delta shape: {128,4,?,224})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, batchnorm_training_backprop_partial_input_and_delta_rank_static_dynamic_some_static_inconsistent_spatial_dims) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 224}; PartialShape gamma_shape{3}; PartialShape beta_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape mean_shape{3}; PartialShape variance_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape delta_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 448}; double epsilon = 0.001; element::Type data_batch_et = element::f32; element::Type gamma_et = element::f32; element::Type beta_et = element::f32; element::Type mean_et = element::f32; element::Type variance_et = element::f32; element::Type delta_et = element::f32; auto data_batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(data_batch_et, data_batch_shape); auto gamma = make_shared<op::Parameter>(gamma_et, gamma_shape); auto beta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(beta_et, beta_shape); auto mean = make_shared<op::Parameter>(mean_et, mean_shape); auto variance = make_shared<op::Parameter>(variance_et, variance_shape); auto delta = make_shared<op::Parameter>(delta_et, delta_shape); try { auto bn = make_shared<op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop>( data_batch, gamma, beta, mean, variance, delta, epsilon); FAIL() << "Inconsistent input/delta spatial dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Shape of delta does not match the shape of the input data " "(input data shape: {?,3,?,224}, delta shape: {?,3,?,448})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 7, 4}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2, 4}); auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 12, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, concat_deduce_wrong_rank) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 7, 4}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{ 2, 2, }); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Deduced type should disagree with specified type"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent; they must have the same rank, and must " "have equal dimension everywhere except on the concatenation axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_deduce_wrong_shape) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 7, 4}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2, 5}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Deduced type should disagree with specified type"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent; they must have the same rank, and must " "have equal dimension everywhere except on the concatenation axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_deduce_axis_oob) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 7, 4}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2, 5}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 3); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Deduced type should disagree with specified type"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Concatenation axis (3) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_deduce_axis_barely_in_bounds) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 8}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 12}); auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 2); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 3, 24})); } TEST(type_prop, concat_deduce_elem_type_mismatch) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 7, 4}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2, 4}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Deduced type should disagree with specified type"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument element types are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_et_consistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{2, 7, 4}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2, 4}); auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 12, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_et_inconsistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{2, 7, 4}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 2, 4}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Inconsistent element types not detected (some dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument element types are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_all_rank_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); ASSERT_TRUE(c->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_some_rank_dynamic_others_rank_static_dynamic_consistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); ASSERT_TRUE( c->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3})); } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_some_rank_dynamic_others_rank_static_dynamic_rank_inconsistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 4}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Inconsistent ranks not detected (some args rank-dynamic, some args rank-static " "dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent; they must have the same rank, and must " "have equal dimension everywhere except on the concatenation axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_some_rank_dynamic_others_rank_static_dynamic_dims_inconsistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Inconsistent dimensions not detected (some args rank-dynamic, some args " "rank-static dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent; they must have the same rank, and must " "have equal dimension everywhere except on the concatenation axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_some_rank_dynamic_others_rank_static_dynamic_dims_intransitively_inconsistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param3 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2, param3}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Inconsistent dimensions not detected (some args rank-dynamic, some args " "rank-static dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent; they must have the same rank, and must " "have equal dimension everywhere except on the concatenation axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_some_rank_dynamic_others_rank_static_with_concat_axis_static) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); ASSERT_TRUE( c->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3})); } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_some_rank_dynamic_others_rank_static_with_concat_axis_static_dims_inconsistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Inconsistent dimensions not detected (some args rank-dynamic, some args " "rank-static dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent; they must have the same rank, and must " "have equal dimension everywhere except on the concatenation axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_all_static_with_concat_axis_static_compatible_result_static) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 3}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 9, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_all_static_with_concat_axis_static_compatible_result_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); ASSERT_TRUE( c->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{2, 9, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, concat_partial_all_static_with_concat_axis_static_dims_incompatible) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 3}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); try { auto c = make_shared<op::Concat>(NodeVector{param0, param1, param2}, 1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Inconsistent dimensions not detected (some args rank-dynamic, some args " "rank-static dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent; they must have the same rank, and must " "have equal dimension everywhere except on the concatenation axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, convert_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 4}); auto c = make_shared<op::Convert>(param, element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 3, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_scalar_2d) { // Deduce type for scalar/matrix arguments auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 5}); auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), (Shape{4, 5})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_2d_scalar) { // Deduce type for matrix/scalar arguments auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 5}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), (Shape{4, 5})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_scalar_scalar) { // Deduce type for scalar/scalar arguments auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), (Shape{})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_scalar_1d) { // Deduce type for scalar/vector arguments auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), (Shape{6})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_1d) { // Deduce type for vector/vector arguments auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4}); auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), (Shape{})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_2d) { // Deduce type for matrix/matrix arguments auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 2}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3}); auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), (Shape{4, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_different_rank) { // Deduce type for different-rank tensor arguments auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 8, 4, 2}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 1, 3}); auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 8, 4, 1, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_element_type_mismatch) { // Type deduction fails due to element type mismatch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 2}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 5}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Element type mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Arguments do not have the same element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dot_deduce_reduction_axes_size_mismatch) { // Type deduction fails due to reduction axes size mismatch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 2}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 5}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Dot>(param1, param2); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Dot reduction axes size mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string( "Paired axes (axis 1 from arg0, axis 0 from arg1) do not have same length")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_both_rank_dynamic_axis_count_implicit) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1); ASSERT_TRUE(d->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_both_rank_dynamic_axis_count_explicit) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /*reduction axis count=*/1234); ASSERT_TRUE(d->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_axis_count_implicit) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1); ASSERT_TRUE(d->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_axis_count_explicit_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/3); ASSERT_TRUE(d->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_axis_count_explicit_too_many) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); try { auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/4); FAIL() << "Too many reduction axes not detected (rank-dynamic/rank-static dynamic operands)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Reduction axes count (4) is too large"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_dynamic_axis_count_implicit) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1); ASSERT_TRUE(d->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_dynamic_axis_count_explicit_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/3); ASSERT_TRUE(d->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_dynamic_axis_count_explicit_too_many) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); try { auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/4); FAIL() << "Too many reduction axes not detected (rank-dynamic/rank-static dynamic operands)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Reduction axes count (4) is too large"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_axis_count_implicit_1_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 2}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic(), 5}); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1); ASSERT_TRUE(d->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic(), 5})); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_axis_count_implicit_0_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic(), 5}); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1); ASSERT_TRUE(d->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic(), 5})); } TEST( type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_axis_count_explicit_too_many_for_left) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, 5, 6}); try { auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/4); FAIL() << "Too many reduction axes not detected (rank-static dynamic/rank-static dynamic " "operands)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Reduction axes count (4) is too large"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_axis_count_explicit_too_many_for_right) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, 5, 6}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); try { auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/4); FAIL() << "Too many reduction axes not detected (rank-static dynamic/rank-static dynamic " "operands)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Reduction axes count (4) is too large"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, dot_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_axis_count_explicit_too_many_for_both) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}); try { auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/4); FAIL() << "Too many reduction axes not detected (rank-static dynamic/rank-static dynamic " "operands)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Reduction axes count (4) is too large"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_left_et_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/3); ASSERT_EQ(d->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_right_et_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/3); ASSERT_EQ(d->get_output_element_type(0), element::i32); } TEST(type_prop, dot_partial_both_et_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto d = make_shared<op::Dot>(param0, param1, /* reduction axis count=*/3); ASSERT_EQ(d->get_output_element_type(0), element::dynamic); } // // Tests for binary elementwise ops. // void test_binary(std::string node_type, shared_ptr<Node>(f)(const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y)) { // Check for bad arguments auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_4_2_param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 2}); auto test_binary_bad_arguments_view_shapes = [&](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) { try { auto node = f(x, y); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible view arguments not detected."; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } }; test_binary_bad_arguments_view_shapes(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_4_2_param); auto test_binary_bad_arguments_view_element_types = [&](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) { try { auto node = f(x, y); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible view arguments not detected."; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument element types are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } }; test_binary_bad_arguments_view_element_types(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_2); auto test_binary_good_arguments = [&](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) { auto node = f(x, y); EXPECT_TRUE(node->has_same_type(node->get_arguments()[0])); }; test_binary_good_arguments(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1); } TEST(type_prop, add_bad_arguments) { test_binary("Add", [](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) -> shared_ptr<Node> { return make_shared<op::Add>(x, y); }); } TEST(type_prop, divide_bad_arguments) { test_binary("Divide", [](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) -> shared_ptr<Node> { return make_shared<op::Divide>(x, y); }); } TEST(type_prop, multiply_bad_arguments) { test_binary("Multiply", [](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) -> shared_ptr<Node> { return make_shared<op::Multiply>(x, y); }); } TEST(type_prop, subtract_bad_arguments) { test_binary("Subtract", [](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) -> shared_ptr<Node> { return make_shared<op::Subtract>(x, y); }); } // // Tests for binary elementwise logical ops. // void test_binary_logical(std::string node_type, shared_ptr<Node>(f)(const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y)) { // Check for bad arguments auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_3 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_4_2_param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{4, 2}); auto test_binary_bad_arguments_view_shapes = [&](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) { try { auto node = f(x, y); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible view arguments not detected."; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } }; test_binary_bad_arguments_view_shapes(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_4_2_param); auto test_binary_differ_arguments_view_element_types = [&](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) { try { auto node = f(x, y); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible view arguments not detected."; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument element types are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } }; auto test_binary_non_bool_arguments_view_element_types = [&](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) { try { auto node = f(x, y); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible view arguments not detected."; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "must have boolean element type"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } }; test_binary_differ_arguments_view_element_types(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_2); test_binary_differ_arguments_view_element_types(tv0_2_4_param_2, tv0_2_4_param_0); test_binary_non_bool_arguments_view_element_types(tv0_2_4_param_2, tv0_2_4_param_3); auto test_binary_good_arguments = [&](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) { auto node = f(x, y); EXPECT_TRUE(node->has_same_type(node->get_arguments()[0])); }; test_binary_good_arguments(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1); } TEST(type_prop, and_bad_arguments) { test_binary_logical( "And", [](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) -> shared_ptr<Node> { return make_shared<op::And>(x, y); }); } TEST(type_prop, or_bad_arguments) { test_binary_logical( "Or", [](const shared_ptr<Node>& x, const shared_ptr<Node>& y) -> shared_ptr<Node> { return make_shared<op::Or>(x, y); }); } TEST(type_prop, embedding_lookup_non_matrix_weights) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4, 5}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::EmbeddingLookup>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("weights are expected to be a matrix")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, embedding_lookup_static_shapes) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{8, 10, 12}); auto weights = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 10}); auto embed = make_shared<op::EmbeddingLookup>(data, weights); ASSERT_EQ(embed->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(embed->get_shape(), (Shape{8, 10, 12, 10})); } TEST(type_prop, embedding_lookup_dynamic_shape_arg0) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto weights = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 10}); auto embed = make_shared<op::EmbeddingLookup>(data, weights); ASSERT_EQ(embed->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(embed->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, embedding_lookup_dynamic_shape_arg1) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{8, 10, 12}); auto weights = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto embed = make_shared<op::EmbeddingLookup>(data, weights); ASSERT_EQ(embed->get_element_type(), element::f32); PartialShape expected{8, 10, 12, Dimension::dynamic()}; ASSERT_TRUE(embed->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(expected)); } TEST(type_prop, embedding_lookup_shape_arg1_dynamic_embedding_length) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{8, 10, 12}); auto weights = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{5, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto embed = make_shared<op::EmbeddingLookup>(data, weights); ASSERT_EQ(embed->get_element_type(), element::f32); PartialShape expected{8, 10, 12, Dimension::dynamic()}; ASSERT_TRUE(embed->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(expected)); } TEST(type_prop, comparison_good) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto eq = make_shared<op::Equal>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1); EXPECT_EQ(eq->get_element_type(), element::boolean); EXPECT_EQ(eq->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, binary_arithmetic_bad_argument_element_types) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Add>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Arguments cannot have boolean element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, unary_arithmetic_bad_argument_element_types) { auto tv0_2_4_param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Negative>(tv0_2_4_param); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Arguments cannot have boolean element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_deduce) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto bc = make_shared<op::Select>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1, tv0_2_4_param_2); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(bc->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, select_shape_mismatch_a) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{3, 5}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Select>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1, tv0_2_4_param_2); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_shape_mismatch_b) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 5}); auto tv0_2_4_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Select>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1, tv0_2_4_param_2); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_shape_mismatch_c) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 5}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Select>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1, tv0_2_4_param_2); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_elem_mismatch_a) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Select>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1, tv0_2_4_param_2); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument 0 does not have boolean element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_elem_mismatch_bc) { auto tv0_2_4_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto tv0_2_4_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto bc = make_shared<op::Select>(tv0_2_4_param_0, tv0_2_4_param_1, tv0_2_4_param_2); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument 1 and 2 element types are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_all_rank_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(sel->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_all_rank_dynamic_arg0_et_dynamic_arg1_arg2_et_mismatch) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, PartialShape::dynamic()); try { auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); FAIL() << "Did not detect mismatched element types for args 1 and 2 (element type-dynamic " "arg0)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument 1 and 2 element types are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_all_rank_dynamic_arg0_arg1_et_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(sel->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_all_rank_dynamic_arg0_arg2_et_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(sel->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_all_rank_dynamic_arg0_arg1_arg2_et_dynamic) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_element_type(0), element::dynamic); ASSERT_TRUE(sel->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_arg0_rank_dynamic_static_arg1_arg2_rank_dynamic_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE( sel->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3})); } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_arg1_rank_dynamic_static_arg0_arg2_rank_dynamic_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE( sel->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3})); } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_arg2_rank_dynamic_static_arg0_arg1_rank_dynamic_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE( sel->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3})); } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_all_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::boolean, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(sel->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(sel->get_output_shape(0), (Shape{2, 8, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, select_partial_all_rank_static_intransitive_incompatibility) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::boolean, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); try { auto sel = make_shared<op::Select>(param0, param1, param2); FAIL() << "Did not detect intransitive partial-shape incompatibility"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument shapes are inconsistent")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_deduce) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto r0 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0}); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_shape(), (Shape{4})); auto r1 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_shape(), (Shape{2})); auto r01 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_shape(), (Shape{})); auto r_none = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{}); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, reduce_nonscalar) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); try { auto r0 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect non-scalar initial value for reduce"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Argument for initial value is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_elem_type_mismatch) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); try { auto r0 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect element type mismatch for reduce"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Element types for reductee and initial values do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_function_return_element_type_mismatch) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Equal>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); try { auto r0 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element return type for reduction function"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ( error.what(), std::string("Return element type from reduction function does not match expected")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_function_return_shape_mismatch) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>( make_shared<op::Broadcast>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, Shape{1}, AxisSet{0}), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); try { auto r0 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect return shape for reduction function"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Return shape from reduction function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_function_arg0_type_mismatch) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); try { auto r0 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Argument 0 of reduction function has wrong type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_function_arg1_type_mismatch) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); try { auto r0 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Argument 1 of reduction function has wrong type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_function_arg_count_mismatch) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1 + f_param_2, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1, f_param_2}); try { auto r0 = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect incorrect element types for arithmetic operator"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Reduction function has wrong number of parameters (should be two)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_axis_oob) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Reduce>(param_0, param_1, f, AxisSet{0, 2, 1}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect out-of-bound axis for reduce"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Reduction axis is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, function_call_deduce) { // First create "f(A,B,C) = (A+B)*C". Shape shape{2, 2}; auto A = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape); auto B = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape); auto C = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape); auto f = make_shared<Function>((A + B * C), ParameterVector{A, B, C}); // Now make "f(X,Y,Z) + f(X,Y,Z)" auto X = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape); auto Y = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape); auto Z = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape); auto r = make_shared<op::FunctionCall>(f, NodeVector{X, Y, Z}); auto r_p_r = r + r; ASSERT_EQ(r_p_r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r_p_r->get_shape(), shape); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_s2v) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{}, Shape{1}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{1})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_s2m) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{}, Shape{1, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 1})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_s2t) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{}, Shape{1, 1, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 1, 1})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_v2s) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{0}, Shape{}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_m2s) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1, 1}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{0, 1}, Shape{}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_t2s) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1, 1, 1}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{0, 1, 2}, Shape{}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_m2v_01) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 4}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{0, 1}, Shape{12}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{12})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_m2v_10) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 4}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{1, 0}, Shape{12}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{12})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_t2v_012) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 4, 5}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{0, 1, 2}, Shape{60}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{60})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_t2v_120) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 4, 5}); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{1, 2, 0}, Shape{60}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{60})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_not_enough_axes) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 4, 5}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{1, 0}, Shape{60}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Not enough axes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Input axis order is not a permutation of argument's axis indices")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_too_many_axes) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 4, 5}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{1, 2, 0, 3}, Shape{60}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Too many axes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Input axis order is not a permutation of argument's axis indices")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_duplicate_axes) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 4, 5}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{1, 1, 0}, Shape{60}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Too many axes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Input axis order is not a permutation of argument's axis indices")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reshape_deduce_wrong_output_shape) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 4, 5}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{1, 2, 0}, Shape{3, 3, 3}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Too many axes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Product of output shape dimensions does not match " "product of argument shape dimensions")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } // // Input shape rank dynamic, so we should set the desired output shape if the axis vector is not // known invalid (invalid means it's not a permutation of {0,...,n-1} for any n). // TEST(type_prop, reshape_partial_rank_dynamic_axisvector_ok) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{2, 1, 0, 3}, Shape{3, 1, 8, 2}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(r->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{3, 1, 8, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_partial_rank_dynamic_axisvector_not_ok) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{2, 1, 0, 4}, Shape{3, 1, 8, 2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect malformed AxisVector (input shape rank dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Input axis order is not a permutation of argument's axis indices")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } // // Input shape rank static but input shape is dynamic, so should set desired output shape if the // axis vector is consistent with the static rank. // TEST(type_prop, reshape_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axisvector_ok) { auto param_shape = PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 6, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, param_shape); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{2, 1, 0, 3}, Shape{3, 1, 8, 2}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(r->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{3, 1, 8, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axisvector_not_ok) { auto param_shape = PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 6, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, param_shape); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{2, 1, 0}, Shape{3, 1, 8, 2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect AxisVector inconsistent with rank (rank-static dynamic shape)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Input axis order is not a permutation of argument's axis indices")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } // // Input shape rank static but input shape is dynamic, _but_ one of its static dimensions is zero, // so should set desired output shape only if it also has zero elements. // TEST(type_prop, reshape_partial_rank_static_dynamic_but_zero_ok) { auto param_shape = PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{2, 1, 0, 3}, Shape{3, 1, 0, 2}); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(r->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(r->get_shape(), (Shape{3, 1, 0, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, reshape_partial_rank_static_dynamic_but_zero_not_ok) { auto param_shape = PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, param_shape); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Reshape>(param, AxisVector{2, 1, 0}, Shape{3, 1, 8, 2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect inconsistent output shape with static-zero-element rank-dynamic" " static input shape"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Input axis order is not a permutation of argument's axis indices")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_vector) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{2}, Coordinate{5}); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{3})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{2, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{3, 6})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_strided) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{2, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}, Strides{3, 2}); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_strided_uneven) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{2, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}, Strides{3, 4}); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_vector_edge) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0}, Coordinate{6}); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{6})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_edge) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{6, 8}); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{6, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_zero_cols) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{6, 0}); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{6, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_zero_zero) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{0, 0}); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_vector_invalid_strides) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0}, Coordinate{7}, Strides{1, 2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid slice strides not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0}), upper bounds " "(Coordinate{7}) and strides (Strides{1, 2}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_vector_edge_upper_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0}, Coordinate{7}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Upper bound out of range not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Upper bound for slice at axis 0 is out of range")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_edge_upper_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{6, 9}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Upper bound out of range not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Upper bound for slice at axis 1 is out of range")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_vector_lower_above_upper) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{3}, Coordinate{2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Lower bound above upper not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Lower bound for slice is greater than upper bound at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_lower_above_upper) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0, 5}, Coordinate{6, 4}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Lower bound above upper not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Lower bound for slice is greater than upper bound at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_lower_missing) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0}, Coordinate{5, 5}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Missing lower bound coordinate not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0}), upper bounds " "(Coordinate{5, 5}) and strides (Strides{1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_upper_missing) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{5}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Missing upper bound coordinate not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0, 0}), upper bounds " "(Coordinate{5}) and strides (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_lower_extra) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0, 0, 0}, Coordinate{5, 5}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Extra lower bound coordinate not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0, 0, " "0}), upper bounds (Coordinate{5, 5}) and " "strides (Strides{1, 1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_deduce_matrix_upper_extra) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{5, 5, 5}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Extra upper bound coordinate not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0, 0}), " "upper bounds (Coordinate{5, 5, 5}) and " "strides (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_partial_arg_input_rank_dynamic_attribs_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{0, 1, 2, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_partial_arg_rank_dynamic_attribs_rank_mismatch) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Mismatch of lower-bounds/upper-bounds/strides ranks not detected (argument " "rank-dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{1, 2, 3, 4}), upper bounds " "(Coordinate{1, 3, 5}) and strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 2}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_partial_arg_rank_dynamic_attribs_bounds_crossing) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 8}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Crossing lower/upper bounds not detected (argument rank-dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Lower bound for slice is greater than upper bound at axis 3 (lower " "bounds: Coordinate{1, 2, 3, 8}, upper bounds: Coordinate{1, 3, 5, 7})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_partial_arg_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{0, 1, 2, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_partial_arg_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{2, 4, 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sl->get_shape(), (Shape{0, 1, 2, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, slice_partial_arg_rank_static_dynamic_attribs_rank_mismatches_arg) { PartialShape input_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Mismatch of attrib ranks with arg ranks not detected (argument rank-static " "dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Input rank does not match the " "rank of the lower bounds (Coordinate{1, 2, " "3, 4}), upper bounds (Coordinate{1, 3, 5, " "7}), and strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 2})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, slice_partial_arg_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_upper_bounds_oob) { PartialShape input_shape{2, 2, 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::Slice>(param, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Upper bounds out of bounds not detected (argument rank-static dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Upper bound for slice at axis 1 is out of " "range (upper bounds: Coordinate{1, 3, 5, " "7}, argument shape: {2,2,10,?})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, scalar_constant_deduce_float32) { auto c = op::Constant::create(element::f32, Shape{}, {208}); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{})); } TEST(type_prop, scalar_constant_deduce_bool) { auto c = op::Constant::create(element::boolean, Shape{}, {1}); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{})); } TEST(type_prop, tensor_constant_deduce_float32) { auto c = op::Constant::create(element::f32, Shape{2, 2}, {208, 208, 208, 208}); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, tensor_constant_deduce_bool) { auto c = op::Constant::create(element::boolean, Shape{2, 2}, {1, 1, 1, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(c->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, tensor_constant_bad_count) { try { auto c = op::Constant::create(element::boolean, Shape{2, 2}, {1, 1, 1}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incorrect number of literals not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Did not get the expected number of literals for a " "constant of shape Shape{2, 2} (got 3, expected 1 or 4)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_vector) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{2}, Coordinate{5}); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_shape(), (Shape{6})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 6}); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{2, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_shape(), (Shape{6, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_strided) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1, 3}); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>( param0, param1, Coordinate{2, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}, Strides{3, 2}); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_shape(), (Shape{6, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_strided_uneven) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1, 2}); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>( param0, param1, Coordinate{2, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}, Strides{3, 4}); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_shape(), (Shape{6, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_vector_edge) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0}, Coordinate{6}); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_shape(), (Shape{6})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_edge) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{6, 8}); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_shape(), (Shape{6, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_zero_cols) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 0}); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{6, 0}); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_shape(), (Shape{6, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_zero_zero) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0, 0}); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{0, 0}); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_shape(), (Shape{6, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_vector_invalid_strides) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4}); try { auto sl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>( param0, param1, Coordinate{0}, Coordinate{7}, Strides{1, 2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid slice strides not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0}), upper bounds " "(Coordinate{7}) and strides (Strides{1, 2}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_arg_rank_mismatch) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 6, 5}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{2, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Argument rank mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument ranks do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_arg_element_type_mismatch) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{3, 6}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{2, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Argument element type mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument element types do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_slice_shape_mismatch) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 6}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{1, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Slice shape mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string( "Shape of replacement tensor ({3,6}) does not match the slice shape ({4,6})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_slice_shape_mismatch_strided) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 6}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>( param0, param1, Coordinate{1, 1}, Coordinate{5, 7}, Strides{1, 2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Slice shape mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string( "Shape of replacement tensor ({4,6}) does not match the slice shape ({4,3})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_vector_edge_upper_oob) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{7}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0}, Coordinate{7}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Upper bound out of range not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Upper bound for slice at axis 0 is out of range")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_edge_upper_oob) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 9}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{6, 9}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Upper bound out of range not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Upper bound for slice at axis 1 is out of range")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_vector_lower_above_upper) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{3}, Coordinate{2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Lower bound above upper not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Lower bound for slice is greater than upper bound at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_lower_above_upper) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 0}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0, 5}, Coordinate{6, 4}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Lower bound above upper not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Lower bound for slice is greater than upper bound at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_lower_missing) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 6}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0}, Coordinate{5, 5}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Missing lower bound coordinate not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0}), upper bounds " "(Coordinate{5, 5}) and strides (Strides{1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_upper_missing) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 6}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{5}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Missing upper bound coordinate not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0, 0}), upper bounds " "(Coordinate{5}) and strides (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_lower_extra) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 6}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0, 0, 0}, Coordinate{5, 5}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Extra lower bound coordinate not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0, 0, " "0}), upper bounds (Coordinate{5, 5}) and " "strides (Strides{1, 1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_deduce_matrix_upper_extra) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 6}); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, Coordinate{0, 0}, Coordinate{5, 5, 5}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Extra upper bound coordinate not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{0, 0}), " "upper bounds (Coordinate{5, 5, 5}) and " "strides (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_dynamic_replacement_rank_dynamic_attribs_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(rsl->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_dynamic_replacement_rank_dynamic_attribs_rank_mismatch) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Mismatch of lower-bounds/upper-bounds/strides ranks not detected (argument " "rank-dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks of lower bounds (Coordinate{1, 2, 3, 4}), upper bounds " "(Coordinate{1, 3, 5}) and strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 2}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_dynamic_replacement_rank_dynamic_attribs_bounds_crossing) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 8}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Crossing lower/upper bounds not detected (argument rank-dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Lower bound for slice is greater than upper bound at axis 3 (lower " "bounds: Coordinate{1, 2, 3, 8}, upper bounds: Coordinate{1, 3, 5, 7})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_replacement_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(rsl->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_replacement_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{2, 4, 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE( rsl->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{2, 4, 10, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_replacement_rank_dynamic_attribs_rank_mismatches_input) { PartialShape input_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Mismatch of attrib ranks with arg ranks not detected (argument rank-static " "dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument ranks do not match the rank of the lower bounds " "(Coordinate{1, 2, 3, 4}), upper bounds (Coordinate{1, 3, " "5, 7}), and strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 2})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_replacement_rank_dynamic_upper_bounds_oob) { PartialShape input_shape{2, 2, 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Upper bounds out of bounds not detected (argument rank-static dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Upper bound for slice at axis 1 is out of " "range (upper bounds: Coordinate{1, 3, 5, " "7}, argument shape: {2,2,10,?})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_dynamic_replacement_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(rsl->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_dynamic_replacement_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 2}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); ASSERT_EQ(rsl->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(rsl->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_dynamic_replacement_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_attribs_mismatch_replacement_shape) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 2}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Mismatch of shape inferred from attributes with provided replacement shape not " "detected (rank-dynamic/rank-static dynamic inputs)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Shape of replacement tensor ({1,?,?,2}) does not match " "the slice shape ({0,1,2,2})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_dynamic_replacement_rank_static_dynamic_attribs_rank_mismatches_replacement) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Mismatch of attrib ranks with arg ranks not detected (arguments " "rank-dynamic/rank-static " "dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument ranks do not match the rank of the lower bounds " "(Coordinate{1, 2, 3, 4}), upper bounds (Coordinate{1, 3, " "5, 7}), and strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 2})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, replace_slice_partial_input_rank_static_dynamic_replacement_rank_static_dynamic_argument_ranks_mismatch) { PartialShape input_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape replacement_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Coordinate lower_bounds{1, 2, 3, 4}; Coordinate upper_bounds{1, 3, 5, 7}; Strides strides{1, 1, 1, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, replacement_shape); try { auto rsl = make_shared<op::ReplaceSlice>(param0, param1, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Mismatching input/replacement ranks not detected (arguments both rank-static " "dynamic)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument ranks do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_scalar) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{9}, 0); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_shape(), (Shape{9})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_vector_0) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{8}); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{9, 8}, 0); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_shape(), (Shape{9, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_vector_1) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{8}); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{8, 9}, 1); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_shape(), (Shape{8, 9})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_matrix_0) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{12, 24}); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{2, 12, 24}, 0); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 12, 24})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_matrix_1) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{12, 24}); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{12, 2, 24}, 1); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_shape(), (Shape{12, 2, 24})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_matrix_2) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{12, 24}); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{12, 24, 2}, 2); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_shape(), (Shape{12, 24, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_floating_point) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{12, 24}); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{12, 24, 8}, 2); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_shape(), (Shape{12, 24, 8})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_axis_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{12, 24}); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{12, 24, 8}, 3); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "One-hot axis out of bounds not detected."; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("One-hot axis (3) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_deduce_shape_incompatible) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{12, 24}); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, Shape{12, 22, 8}, 2); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible one-hot output shape not detected."; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shape {12,24} does not match the expected shape")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape requested_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; size_t one_hot_axis{3000}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Dynamic rank for requested result shape not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Requested result shape has dynamic rank")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape requested_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t one_hot_axis{2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(oh->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_one_hot_dim_dynamic) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape requested_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t one_hot_axis{3}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Dynamic one-hot dimension not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Requested result shape ({?,2,3,?}) has dynamic dimension " "at the one-hot axis (3)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_one_hot_axis_oob) { PartialShape input_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape requested_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t one_hot_axis{4}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "One-hot axis out of bounds not detected (rank-dynamic argument, rank-static " "dynamic result shape)"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("One-hot axis (4) is out of bounds (requested result shape: {?,2,3,?})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape input_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; PartialShape requested_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; size_t one_hot_axis{2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); ASSERT_EQ(oh->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(oh->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{3, 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 4})); } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_incompatible_rank_input_short) { PartialShape input_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape requested_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; size_t one_hot_axis{2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible input/output ranks not detected (rank-static dynamic argument, " "rank-static dynamic result shape)"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shape {3,?,?} does not match the expected shape of {?,2,?,4}")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_incompatible_rank_input_long) { PartialShape input_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 5}; PartialShape requested_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; size_t one_hot_axis{2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible input/output ranks not detected (rank-static dynamic argument, " "rank-static dynamic result shape)"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string( "Argument shape {3,?,?,4,5} does not match the expected shape of {?,2,?,4}")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_incompatible_dim) { PartialShape input_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 5}; PartialShape requested_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; size_t one_hot_axis{2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incompatible input/output dimensions not detected (rank-static dynamic " "argument, rank-static dynamic result shape)"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument shape {3,?,?,5} does not match the expected shape of {?,2,?,4}")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_one_hot_dim_dynamic) { PartialShape input_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; PartialShape requested_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 2, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; size_t one_hot_axis{2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Dynamic one-hot dimension not detected (rank-static dynamic argument, " "rank-static dynamic result shape)"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Requested result shape ({?,2,?,?,4}) has dynamic " "dimension at the one-hot axis (2)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, one_hot_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_one_hot_axis_oob) { PartialShape input_shape{3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; PartialShape requested_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 2, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 4}; size_t one_hot_axis{2}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, input_shape); try { auto oh = make_shared<op::OneHot>(param, requested_shape, one_hot_axis); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "One-hot axis out of bounds not detected (rank-static dynamic argument, " "rank-static dynamic result shape)"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Requested result shape ({?,2,?,?,4}) has dynamic " "dimension at the one-hot axis (2)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 91})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 91}); // output delta auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, Strides{1}, Strides{1}, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 10}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 91}); // output delta auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, Strides{1}, Strides{1}, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce_padded) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilation_strides = Strides{1}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>( param0, param1, move_strides, dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 96})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce_padded) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 96}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilation_strides = Strides{1}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, move_strides, dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce_padded) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 10}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 96}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilation_strides = Strides{1}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, move_strides, dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce_strided) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 46})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce_strided) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 46}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, move_strides, Strides{1}, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce_strided) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 10}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 46}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, move_strides, Strides{1}, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce_strided_padded) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto dilation_strides = Strides{1}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>( param0, param1, move_strides, dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 48})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce_strided_padded) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 48}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto dilation_strides = Strides{1}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, move_strides, dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce_strided_padded) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 10}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 48}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto dilation_strides = Strides{1}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, move_strides, dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce_strided_small_uneven) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 5}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 2}); auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce_strided_small_uneven) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 5}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 2}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 2}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, move_strides, Strides{1}, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce_strided_small_uneven) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 5}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 5}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 2}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, move_strides, Strides{1}, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce_strided_small_even) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 6}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 2}); auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce_strided_small_even) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 6}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 2}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 3}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, move_strides, Strides{1}, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce_strided_small_even) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 6}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 2}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 6}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 3}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, move_strides, Strides{1}, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce_window_dilated) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 82})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce_window_dilated) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 82}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce_window_dilated) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 10}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 82}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, CoordinateDiff{0}, CoordinateDiff{0}, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{0}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce_window_dilated_padded) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>( param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 87})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce_window_dilated_padded) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 87}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce_window_dilated_padded) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 10}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 87}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above, Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_deduce_window_dilated_data_dilated_padded) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto data_dilate_strides = Strides{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 285})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), Strides{3}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_data_batch_deduce_window_dilated_data_dilated_padded) { // Deduce type Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10}); // filters auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 285}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto data_dilate_strides = Strides{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropData>(data_batch_shape, param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), data_batch_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{3}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_1d_back_filters_deduce_window_dilated_data_dilated_padded) { // Deduce type // Shape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 100}; Shape filters_shape{128, 3, 10}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); // data batch auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 128, 285}); // output delta auto move_strides = Strides{1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{2}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3}; auto data_dilate_strides = Strides{3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::ConvolutionBackpropFilters>(param0, filters_shape, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), filters_shape); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides_forward(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides_forward(), Strides{3}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below_forward(), CoordinateDiff{2}); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above_forward(), CoordinateDiff{3}); } TEST(type_prop, conv_2d_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10, 20}); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 91, 131})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_2d_deduce_padded) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10, 20}); auto move_strides = Strides{1, 1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{1, 1}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2, 3}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3, 4}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>( param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 96, 138})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{3, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_2d_deduce_padded_neg) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10, 20}); auto move_strides = Strides{1, 1}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{1, 1}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{2, -3}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{3, -4}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>( param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 96, 124})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{2, -3})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{3, -4})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_2d_deduce_strided) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10, 20}); auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 46, 44})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_2d_deduce_strided_window_dilated) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10, 20}); auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{3, 2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 37, 38})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{3, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_2d_deduce_strided_window_dilated_data_dilated) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 10, 20}); auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{3, 2}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{0, 0}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{0, 0}; auto data_dilate_strides = Strides{2, 3}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 86, 137})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{3, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_2d_deduce_strided_window_dilated_small) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 7, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 2, 3}); auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{3, 2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 2, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{3, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_3d_deduce_strided_window_dilated_small) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 7, 8, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 2, 3, 2}); auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3, 4}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{3, 2, 2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 2, 2, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3, 4})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{3, 2, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{1, 1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_3d_deduce_strided_window_dilated_data_dilated_small) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 7, 8, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{128, 3, 2, 3, 2}); auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3, 4}; auto dilate_strides = Strides{3, 2, 2}; auto padding_below = CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}; auto padding_above = CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}; auto data_dilate_strides = Strides{2, 3, 2}; auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, move_strides, dilate_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilate_strides); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 128, 5, 6, 5})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3, 4})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_window_dilation_strides(), (Strides{3, 2, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_data_dilation_strides(), (Strides{2, 3, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_below(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(conv->get_padding_above(), (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_element_type_mismatch) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3, 3, 3, 3}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{3, 3, 2, 2}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with element type mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Element types for data batch and filters do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_0d_input) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 0D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch and filters must have rank of at least 3 " "(one batch axis, one input-channel axis, " "and at least one spatial dimension)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_1d_input) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 1D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch and filters must have rank of at least 3 " "(one batch axis, one input-channel axis, " "and at least one spatial dimension)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_2d_input) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 6}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 6}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 2D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch and filters must have rank of at least 3 " "(one batch axis, one input-channel axis, " "and at least one spatial dimension)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_0_batch_size) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0, 6, 1}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0, 6, 1}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0 batch size not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Batch size is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_0_input_channels) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 0, 1}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 0, 1}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0 input channels not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Data batch channel count and/or filter input channel count is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_wrong_number_of_filter_dimensions_too_many) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 2, 3, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with too many filter dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch and filters rank do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_wrong_number_of_filter_dimensions_too_few) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 2, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with too few filter dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch and filters rank do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_0_output_channels) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0 output channels not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Filter output channel count is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_input_channel_mismatch) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 3, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with channel count mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string( "Data batch channel count (2) does not match filter input channel count (3)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_movement_stride_rank) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{2, 3, 8}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong movement stride rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape " "{6,2,10,10}, so data item rank is 2 and filters have shape {6,2,3,3}, so " "filters spatial rank is 2), data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), filter " "strides (Strides{2, 3, 8}), and filter dilation (Strides{1, 1}) do not " "match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_window_dilation_stride_rank) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{2, 3}, Strides{2, 3, 8}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong window dilation stride rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape " "{6,2,10,10}, so data item rank is 2 and filters have shape {6,2,3,3}, so " "filters spatial rank is 2), data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), filter " "strides (Strides{2, 3}), and filter dilation (Strides{2, 3, 8}) do not " "match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_data_dilation_stride_rank) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{2, 3}, Strides{2, 3}, CoordinateDiff{0, 0}, CoordinateDiff{0, 0}, Strides{2, 3, 8}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong data dilation stride rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape " "{6,2,10,10}, so data item rank is 2 and filters have shape {6,2,3,3}, so " "filters spatial rank is 2), data dilation (Strides{2, 3, 8}), padding " "below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), " "filter strides (Strides{2, 3}), and filter dilation (Strides{2, 3}) do " "not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_padding_below_rank) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{2, 3}, Strides{1, 1}, CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}, CoordinateDiff{0, 0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong padding-below rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string( "Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape " "{6,2,10,10}, so data item rank is 2 and filters have shape {6,2,3,3}, so " "filters spatial rank is 2), data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}), padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), filter " "strides (Strides{2, 3}), and filter dilation (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_padding_above_rank) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{2, 3}, Strides{2, 3}, CoordinateDiff{0, 0}, CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong padding-above rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string( "Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape " "{6,2,10,10}, so data item rank is 2 and filters have shape {6,2,3,3}, so " "filters spatial rank is 2), data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}), filter " "strides (Strides{2, 3}), and filter dilation (Strides{2, 3}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_input_spatial_size_negative_after_padding) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{1, 1}, Strides{1, 1}, CoordinateDiff{-4, 0}, CoordinateDiff{-7, 0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with negative-length post-padding spatial axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data shape after padding and dilation has dimension less " "than 1 (dim: -1) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_input_spatial_size_zero_after_padding) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{1, 1}, Strides{1, 1}, CoordinateDiff{-4, 0}, CoordinateDiff{-6, 0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with zero-length post-padding spatial axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data shape after padding and dilation has dimension less " "than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_input_spatial_size_0) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 0, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with zero-length spatial axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data shape after padding and dilation has " "dimension less than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_window_size_0) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 0}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with zero-length window axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension less than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_window_dilation_stride_0) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{2, 3}, Strides{2, 0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong 0-length window dilation stride axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Window dilation (Strides{2, 0}) has zero dimension at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_data_dilation_stride_0) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{2, 3}, Strides{2, 3}, CoordinateDiff{0, 0}, CoordinateDiff{0, 0}, Strides{2, 0}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong 0-length data dilation stride axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Data dilation (Strides{2, 0}) has zero dimension at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_dilated_window_too_large) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 8, 8}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{1, 1}, Strides{4, 4}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with oversized dilated window not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension (dim: 9) larger than " "the data shape after padding (dim: 8) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_invalid_movement_stride_0) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 3, 3}); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, Strides{0, 1}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong 0-length movement stride axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Window strides (Strides{0, 1}) has zero dimension at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(4))); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_window_strides_rank_wrong) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Window stride rank mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape ?, so data " "item rank is ? and filters have shape ?, so filters spatial rank is ?), " "data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), " "padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), filter strides (Strides{1, 1, 1}), " "and filter dilation (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_window_strides_dim_zero) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 0}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Window stride with dimension zero not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Window strides (Strides{1, 0}) has zero dimension at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_window_dilation_rank_wrong) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Window dilation rank mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape ?, so data " "item rank is ? and filters have shape ?, so filters spatial rank is ?), " "data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), " "padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), filter strides (Strides{1, 1}), and " "filter dilation (Strides{1, 1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_window_dilation_dim_zero) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Window dilation with dimension zero not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Window dilation (Strides{1, 0}) has zero dimension at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_padding_below_rank_wrong) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Padding below rank mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape ?, so data " "item rank is ? and filters have shape ?, so filters spatial rank is ?), " "data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}), " "padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), filter strides (Strides{1, 1}), and " "filter dilation (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_padding_above_rank_wrong) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Padding above rank mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape ?, so data " "item rank is ? and filters have shape ?, so filters spatial rank is ?), " "data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), " "padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}), filter strides (Strides{1, 1}), " "and filter dilation (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_data_dilation_rank_wrong) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Data dilation rank mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape ?, so data " "item rank is ? and filters have shape ?, so filters spatial rank is ?), " "data dilation (Strides{1, 1, 1}), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), " "padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), filter strides (Strides{1, 1}), and " "filter dilation (Strides{1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_dynamic_data_dilation_dim_zero) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 0}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Data dilation with dimension zero not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Data dilation (Strides{1, 0}) has zero dimension at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(4)}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(4))); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_dynamic_data_batch_rank_wrong) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(5)}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Data batch rank mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape/filters shape (data batch has shape " "{?,?,?,?,?}, so data item rank is 3 and filters have shape ?, so filters " "spatial rank is ?), data dilation (Strides{1, 1}), padding below " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), padding above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), filter " "strides (Strides{1, 1}), and filter dilation (Strides{1, 1}) do not " "match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_dynamic_batch_size_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ 64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_dynamic_batch_size_known_zero) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Zero batch size not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Batch size is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_dynamic_input_channel_count_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(4))); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_dynamic_input_channel_count_known_zero) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Zero input channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Data batch channel count and/or filter input channel count is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_output_channel_count_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(4)}; PartialShape filters_shape{ 32, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 32, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_output_channel_count_known_zero) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(4)}; PartialShape filters_shape{0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Zero output channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Filter output channel count is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_input_channel_count_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(4)}; PartialShape filters_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(4))); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_input_channel_count_known_zero) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(4)}; PartialShape filters_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 0, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Zero input channel count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Data batch channel count and/or filter input channel count is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(4)}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(4)}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(4))); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_arg_ranks_mismatch) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(5)}; PartialShape filters_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(4)}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Argument rank mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch and filters rank do not match (data batch " "shape: {?,?,?,?,?}, filters shape: {?,?,?,?})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_input_channel_counts_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(4))); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_input_channel_counts_mismatch) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{ Dimension::dynamic(), 22, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Input channel count mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string( "Data batch channel count (3) does not match filter input channel count (22)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 100, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_known_ok) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 5, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 100, 196, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_known_filters_too_big) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 201, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Oversize filter not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension (dim: 201) larger " "than the data shape after padding (dim: 200) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_known_filters_not_too_big_after_padding) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 201, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{2, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{-1, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 100, 1, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_known_filters_not_too_big_after_data_dilation) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 201, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{2, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 100, 199, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_known_filters_not_too_big_after_data_dilation_strided) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 201, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{3, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{2, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 100, 67, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_known_filters_too_big_after_filter_dilation) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 101, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{2, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Oversize filter after window dilation not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension (dim: 201) larger " "than the data shape after padding (dim: 200) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_zero_data_batch_dim) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, 0}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 5, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Zero dimension in data batch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data shape after padding and dilation has " "dimension less than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_positive_data_batch_dim_after_padding) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, 0}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 5, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 2}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, -1}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_EQ(conv->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 100, 196, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_zero_data_batch_dim_after_padding) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, 20}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 5, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, -20}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Zero padded dimension in data batch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data shape after padding and dilation has " "dimension less than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, conv_partial_rank_static_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_all_nonspatial_some_spatial_negative_data_batch_dim_after_padding) { PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, 20}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 5, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{0, -1}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{0, -20}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, filters_shape); try { auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); FAIL() << "Negative padded dimension in data batch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data shape after padding and dilation has dimension less " "than 1 (dim: -1) at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, conv_partial_dynamic_et) { // For this test the exact shape parameters are kind of arbitrary---just copied and pasted // from some known-"OK" test above. We're only concerned about the element types. PartialShape data_batch_shape{64, 3, 200, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape filters_shape{100, 3, 201, Dimension::dynamic()}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1}; Strides window_dilation_strides{1, 1}; CoordinateDiff padding_below{2, 0}; CoordinateDiff padding_above{-1, 0}; Strides data_dilation_strides{1, 1}; auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, data_batch_shape); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, filters_shape); auto conv = make_shared<op::Convolution>(param0, param1, window_movement_strides, window_dilation_strides, padding_below, padding_above, data_dilation_strides); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_element_type(0).is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE(conv->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{64, 100, 1, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_1d_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); Shape window_shape{10}; auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 91})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_shape(), Shape{10}); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_1d_deduce_strided) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); Shape window_shape{10}; auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 46})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_shape(), Shape{10}); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_1d_deduce_strided_small_uneven) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 5}); Shape window_shape{2}; auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_shape(), Shape{2}); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_1d_deduce_strided_small_even) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 6}); Shape window_shape{2}; auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_shape(), Shape{2}); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_2d_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); Shape window_shape{10, 20}; auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 91, 131})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_shape(), (Shape{10, 20})); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_2d_deduce_strided) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); Shape window_shape{10, 20}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3}; auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 46, 44})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_shape(), (Shape{10, 20})); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_3d_deduce_strided_small) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 7, 8, 10}); Shape window_shape{2, 3, 2}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3, 4}; auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 3, 2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3, 4})); EXPECT_EQ(max_pool->get_window_shape(), (Shape{2, 3, 2})); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_0d_input) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape window_shape{}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 0D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch must have rank of at least 3")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_1d_input) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2}); Shape window_shape{}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 1D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch must have rank of at least 3")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_2d_input) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 6}); Shape window_shape{}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 2D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data batch must have rank of at least 3")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_0_batch_size) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0, 6, 1}); Shape window_shape{1}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0 batch size not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Batch size is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_0_channels) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 0, 1}); Shape window_shape{1}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0 channels not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Channel count is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_wrong_number_of_window_dimensions_too_many) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3, 3}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with too many window dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {6,2,10,10}, so data item " "rank is 2), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}), padding above " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}), window shape ({3,3,3}), and window strides " "(Strides{1, 1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_wrong_number_of_window_dimensions_too_few) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with too few window dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {6,2,10,10}, so data item " "rank is 2), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0}), padding above " "(CoordinateDiff{0}), window shape ({3}), and window strides (Strides{1}) " "do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_movement_stride_rank) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3, 8}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong movement stride rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {6,2,10,10}, so data item " "rank is 2), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), padding above " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), window shape ({3,3}), and window strides " "(Strides{2, 3, 8}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_input_data_size_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 0, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with zero-length spatial axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Data shape after padding and dilation has " "dimension less than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_window_size_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 0}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with zero-length window axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension less than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 1")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_dilated_too_large) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 8, 8}); Shape window_shape{9, 9}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with oversized window not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension (dim: 9) larger than " "the data shape after padding (dim: 8) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_invalid_movement_stride_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3}; auto move_strides = Strides{0, 1}; try { auto max_pool = make_shared<op::MaxPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0-length movement stride axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Window strides (Strides{0, 1}) has zero dimension at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_partial_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); auto mp = make_shared<op::MaxPool>( param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above); ASSERT_EQ(mp->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(mp->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(6))); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_partial_rank_dynamic_attrib_rank_mismatch) { PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); try { auto mp = make_shared<op::MaxPool>( param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above); FAIL() << "Mismatch of attribute ranks not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape ?, so data item rank is " "?), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0, 0}), padding above " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0, 0}), window shape ({2,3,4,5}), and window " "strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(6)}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); auto mp = make_shared<op::MaxPool>( param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above); ASSERT_EQ(mp->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(mp->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(6))); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_ok) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); auto mp = make_shared<op::MaxPool>( param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above); ASSERT_EQ(mp->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(mp->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 7, Dimension::dynamic(), 1, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_attrib_rank_mismatch) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); try { auto mp = make_shared<op::MaxPool>( param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above); FAIL() << "Mismatch of attribute ranks not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {5,?,8,?,4,7}, so data " "item rank is 4), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0, 0}), padding " "above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0, 0}), window shape ({2,3,4,5,6}), and " "window strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_window_not_too_big) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{9, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); try { auto mp = make_shared<op::MaxPool>( param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above); FAIL() << "Oversized window not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension (dim: 9) larger than " "the data shape after padding (dim: 8) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, max_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_padded_window_not_too_big) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{9, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{1, 0, 0, 0}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); auto mp = make_shared<op::MaxPool>( param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above); ASSERT_EQ(mp->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(mp->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 1, Dimension::dynamic(), 1, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_0d_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_1d_deduce_nochange) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_1d_deduce_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_2d_deduce_nochange) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_2d_deduce_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_2d_deduce_1) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{1}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_2d_deduce_01) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0, 1}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_nochange) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6, 7})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6, 7})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_1) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{1}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6, 7})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_2) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{2}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6, 7})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_01) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0, 1}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6, 7})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_02) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0, 2}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6, 7})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_12) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{1, 2}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6, 7})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_012) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0, 1, 2}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_shape(), (Shape{5, 6, 7})); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_3d_deduce_oob) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{5, 6, 7}); try { auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0, 3, 2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Axis out of bounds not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Reverse axis (3) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } // // If the input rank is dynamic, we should pass unconditionally. // TEST(type_prop, reverse_partial_rank_dynamic) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0, 2, 1776, 90909}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_TRUE(rev->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } // // If the input rank is static but the shape is dynamic, we should pass if the axis indices are // in bounds. // TEST(type_prop, reverse_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axes_ok) { PartialShape param_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, param_shape); auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0, 2}); EXPECT_EQ(rev->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_TRUE(rev->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(param_shape)); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axes_oob) { PartialShape param_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3}; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, param_shape); try { auto rev = make_shared<op::Reverse>(param, AxisSet{0, 4, 2}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Axis out of bounds not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Reverse axis (4) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_1_dim) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2}); auto seq_lenghts = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 4}); try { size_t batch_axis = 0; size_t seq_axis = 1; auto bc = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lenghts, batch_axis, seq_axis); FAIL() << "ReverseSequence c-tor should throw for seq_lenghts whose rank isn't equal to 1"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Sequence indices must be a 1-dimensional tensor")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_batch_index_oob) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2}); auto seq_lenghts = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); try { size_t batch_axis = 3; size_t seq_axis = 1; auto bc = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lenghts, batch_axis, seq_axis); FAIL() << "ReverseSequence c-tor should throw for out-of-bounds batch axis index"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Batch axis index (3) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_sequence_index_oob) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); try { size_t batch_axis = 1; size_t seq_axis = 3; auto bc = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); FAIL() << "ReverseSequence c-tor should throw for out-of-bounds sequence axis index"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Sequence axis index (3) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_seq_len_size_equal_to_batch_dim) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2}); auto seq_lenghts = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); try { size_t batch_axis = 0; size_t seq_axis = 1; auto bc = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lenghts, batch_axis, seq_axis); FAIL() << "ReverseSequence c-tor should throw when sequence length size isn't equal to " "batch dimension"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Sequence length (3) is not equal to batch axis dimension (4)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_both_rank_dynamic) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); // Unrealistic values, but they don't matter here. size_t batch_axis = 202; size_t seq_axis = 909; auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); EXPECT_TRUE(rs->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()); EXPECT_EQ(rs->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_left_rank_dynamic) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3}); // Unrealistic values, but they don't matter here. size_t batch_axis = 202; size_t seq_axis = 909; auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); EXPECT_TRUE(rs->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()); EXPECT_EQ(rs->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_right_rank_dynamic) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, 4, 6, 8}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); size_t batch_axis = 0; size_t seq_axis = 1; auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); EXPECT_TRUE(rs->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{2, 4, 6, 8})); EXPECT_EQ(rs->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_both_rank_static_dynamic) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); size_t batch_axis = 0; size_t seq_axis = 1; auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); EXPECT_TRUE(rs->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{ Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); EXPECT_EQ(rs->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_both_rank_static_dynamic_batch_axis_oob) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic()}); size_t batch_axis = 4; size_t seq_axis = 1; try { auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); FAIL() << "Batch axis out of bounds not detected (rank-static dynamic shape)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Batch axis index (4) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_both_rank_static_dynamic_sequence_axis_oob) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic()}); size_t batch_axis = 1; size_t seq_axis = 4; try { auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); FAIL() << "Sequence axis out of bounds not detected (rank-static dynamic shape)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Sequence axis index (4) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_static_left_seq_length_dynamic) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3}); size_t batch_axis = 2; size_t seq_axis = 1; auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); EXPECT_TRUE(rs->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()})); EXPECT_EQ(rs->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_both_rank_static_dynamic_right_seq_length_dynamic) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic()}); size_t batch_axis = 2; size_t seq_axis = 1; auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); EXPECT_TRUE(rs->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()})); EXPECT_EQ(rs->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); } TEST(type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_static_left_seq_length_static) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3}); size_t batch_axis = 2; size_t seq_axis = 1; auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); EXPECT_TRUE(rs->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()})); EXPECT_EQ(rs->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); } TEST( type_prop, reverse_sequence_partial_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_static_left_seq_length_static_inconsistent) { auto data = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto seq_lengths = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{4}); size_t batch_axis = 2; size_t seq_axis = 1; try { auto rs = make_shared<op::ReverseSequence>(data, seq_lengths, batch_axis, seq_axis); FAIL() << "Inconsistent sequence length not detected (rank-static dynamic shape)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Sequence length (4) is not equal to batch axis dimension (3)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_1d) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4}; Strides move_strides{1}; auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_shape(), (Shape{13})); } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_1d_strided_even) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4}; Strides move_strides{4}; auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_shape(), (Shape{4})); } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_1d_strided_uneven) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4}; Strides move_strides{4}; auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_shape(), (Shape{4})); } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_2d_strided_uneven) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2}; Strides move_strides{4, 3}; auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_shape(), (Shape{4, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_3d_strided_uneven) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(rw->get_shape(), (Shape{4, 3, 6})); } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_non_scalar_init) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{3}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Non-scalar initial value not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Argument for initial value is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_different_element_types) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Different element types not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Element types for reductee and initial values do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_bad_window_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Bad window shape not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Window shape has different rank from input tensor")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_bad_move_strides) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Bad window movement strides not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Window movement strides have different rank from input tensor")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_zero_length_axis) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 0, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Zero-length window axis not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Window shape has a zero-length axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_zero_length_stride) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 0, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Zero-length window movement stride not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Window movement stride for some axis is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_window_too_big) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 11, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Window too big not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Reduction window is bigger than input")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_param_count) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1, f_param_2}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Too many reduction function parameters not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Reduction function has wrong number of parameters (should be two)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_param_0_wrong_element_type) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Parameter 0 wrong type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 0 of reduction function has wrong element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_param_0_wrong_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_1, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Parameter 0 wrong type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 0 of reduction function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_param_1_wrong_element_type) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Parameter 1 wrong type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 1 of reduction function has wrong element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_param_1_wrong_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(f_param_0, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Parameter 1 wrong type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 1 of reduction function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_deduce_multi_output) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(NodeVector{f_param_0 + f_param_1, f_param_0 * f_param_1}, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Multiple-output reduction function not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Single-output reduction function was expected")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_reduction_function_return_element_type_mismatch) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Convert>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, element::i32), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Reduction function return element type mismatch not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ( error.what(), std::string("Return element type from reduction function does not match expected")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, reduce_window_reduction_function_return_shape_mismatch) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{18, 10, 15}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>( make_shared<op::Broadcast>(f_param_0 + f_param_1, Shape{1}, AxisSet{0}), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 2, 4}; Strides move_strides{4, 3, 2}; try { auto rw = make_shared<op::ReduceWindow>(param_0, param_1, f, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Reduction function return shape mismatch not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Return shape from reduction function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_1d) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{13}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4}; Strides move_strides{1}; auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_shape(), (Shape{16})); } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_2d) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{13, 14}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 5}; Strides move_strides{1, 1}; auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_shape(), (Shape{16, 18})); } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_3d) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{13, 14, 9}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 5, 2}; Strides move_strides{1, 1, 1}; auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_shape(), (Shape{16, 18, 10})); } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_3d_strided) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4, 3, 2}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{4, 3, 2}; Strides move_strides{4, 6, 5}; auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_shape(), (Shape{16, 18, 10})); } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_3d_strided_uneven) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(sas->get_shape(), (Shape{16, 18, 10})); } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_init_not_scalar) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{4}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Non-scalar init value not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Argument for initial value is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_init_elem_type_wrong) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incorrect init element type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Element types for selectee and initial values do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_source_elem_type_wrong) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Incorrect source tensor element type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Element types for selectee and source tensors do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_source_window_shape_wrong_rank) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong window shape rank not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Window shape has different rank from selectee tensor")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_source_window_strides_wrong_rank) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong window strides rank not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Window movement strides have different rank from selectee tensor")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_source_window_shape_zero_length_axis) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 0, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Zero-length window shape axis not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Window shape has a zero-length axis")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_source_window_strides_zero_length_axis) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 0, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Zero-length window strides axis not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Window movement stride for some axis is zero")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_source_window_too_big) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 19, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Window too big not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Reduction window is bigger than selectee tensor")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_source_tensor_wrong_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong source tensor shape not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Source tensor does not have expected shape")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_selection_function_wrong_param_count) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1, f_param_2}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong selection function parameter count not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Selection function has wrong number of parameters (should be two)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_selection_function_wrong_param_0_element_type) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_1, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong element type for selection function parameter 0 not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 0 of selection function has wrong element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_selection_function_wrong_param_0_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_1, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong shape for selection function parameter 0 not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 0 of selection function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_selection_function_wrong_param_1_element_type) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_0), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong element type for selection function parameter 1 not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 1 of selection function has wrong element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_selection_function_wrong_param_1_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_0), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong shape for selection function parameter 1 not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 1 of selection function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_selection_function_multi_output) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>( std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>{make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1)}, ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Multi-output selection function not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Single-output selection function was expected")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_selection_function_wrong_result_element_type) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Add>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong selection function result element type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Return element type from selection function is not boolean")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_selection_function_wrong_result_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>( make_shared<op::Broadcast>( make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), Shape{1}, AxisSet{0}), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong selection function result type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Return shape from selection function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_scatter_function_wrong_param_count) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1, g_param_2}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong scatter function parameter count not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Scatter function has wrong number of parameters (should be two)")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_scatter_function_wrong_param_0_element_type) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_1 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong element type for scatter function parameter 0 not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 0 of scatter function has wrong element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_scatter_function_wrong_param_0_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_1 + g_param_1, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong shape for scatter function parameter 0 not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 0 of scatter function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_scatter_function_wrong_param_1_element_type) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_0, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong element type for scatter function parameter 1 not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 1 of scatter function has wrong element type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_scatter_function_wrong_param_1_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(g_param_0 + g_param_0, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong shape for scatter function parameter 1 not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Parameter 1 of scatter function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_scatter_function_multi_output) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>( std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>{g_param_0 + g_param_1, g_param_0 + g_param_1}, ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Multi-output scatter function not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Single-output scatter function was expected")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_scatter_function_wrong_result_element_type) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(g_param_0, g_param_1), ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong scatter function result element type not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Return element type from scatter function does " "not match the init value type")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, select_and_scatter_deduce_scatter_function_wrong_result_shape) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{16, 18, 10}); auto param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 3}); auto param_2 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto f = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::Greater>(f_param_0, f_param_1), ParameterVector{f_param_0, f_param_1}); auto g_param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g_param_1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); auto g = make_shared<Function>( make_shared<op::Broadcast>(g_param_0 + g_param_1, Shape{1}, AxisSet{0}), ParameterVector{g_param_0, g_param_1}); Shape window_shape{5, 5, 3}; Strides move_strides{6, 6, 3}; try { auto sas = make_shared<op::SelectAndScatter>( param_0, param_1, param_2, f, g, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong scatter function result shape not detected"; } catch (const ngraph_error& error) { EXPECT_EQ(error.what(), std::string("Return shape from scatter function is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_1d_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); Shape window_shape{10}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 91})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{1}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_shape(), Shape{10}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_below(), Shape{0}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_above(), Shape{0}); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_1d_deduce_strided) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100}); Shape window_shape{10}; auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 46})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_shape(), Shape{10}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_below(), Shape{0}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_above(), Shape{0}); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_1d_deduce_strided_small_uneven) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 5}); Shape window_shape{2}; auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_shape(), Shape{2}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_below(), Shape{0}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_above(), Shape{0}); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_1d_deduce_strided_small_even) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 6}); Shape window_shape{2}; auto move_strides = Strides{2}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), Strides{2}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_shape(), Shape{2}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_below(), Shape{0}); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_above(), Shape{0}); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_2d_deduce) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); Shape window_shape{10, 20}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 91, 131})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{1, 1})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_shape(), (Shape{10, 20})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_below(), (Shape{0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_above(), (Shape{0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_2d_deduce_strided) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 100, 150}); Shape window_shape{10, 20}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 46, 44})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_shape(), (Shape{10, 20})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_below(), (Shape{0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_above(), (Shape{0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_3d_deduce_strided_small) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 7, 8, 10}); Shape window_shape{2, 3, 2}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3, 4}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 3, 2, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3, 4})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_shape(), (Shape{2, 3, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_below(), (Shape{0, 0, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_above(), (Shape{0, 0, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_3d_deduce_strided_padded_small) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{64, 3, 7, 8, 10}); Shape window_shape{2, 3, 2}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3, 4}; Shape padding_below{5, 6, 4}; Shape padding_above{6, 4, 5}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>( param, window_shape, move_strides, padding_below, padding_above, true); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_shape(), (Shape{64, 3, 9, 6, 5})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_movement_strides(), (Strides{2, 3, 4})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_window_shape(), (Shape{2, 3, 2})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_below(), (Shape{5, 6, 4})); EXPECT_EQ(avg_pool->get_padding_above(), (Shape{6, 4, 5})); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_0d_input) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape window_shape{}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 0D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Data batch must have rank of at least 3 (one batch axis, one " "input-channel axis, and at least one spatial dimension)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_1d_input) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2}); Shape window_shape{}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 1D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Data batch must have rank of at least 3 (one batch axis, one " "input-channel axis, and at least one spatial dimension)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_2d_input) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 6}); Shape window_shape{}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid 2D input not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Data batch must have rank of at least 3 (one batch axis, one " "input-channel axis, and at least one spatial dimension)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_0_batch_size) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{0, 6, 1}); Shape window_shape{1}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0 batch size not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Batch size is zero"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_0_channels) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 0, 1}); Shape window_shape{1}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0 channels not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Channel count is zero"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_wrong_number_of_window_dimensions_too_many) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3, 3}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with too many window dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {6,2,10,10}, so data " "item rank is 2), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}), padding " "above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0}), window shape ({3,3,3}), and window " "strides (Strides{1, 1, 1}) do not match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_wrong_number_of_window_dimensions_too_few) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with too few window dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {6,2,10,10}, so data " "item rank is 2), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0}), padding above " "(CoordinateDiff{0}), window shape ({3}), and window strides " "(Strides{1}) do not match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_movement_stride_rank) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3, 8}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong movement stride rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {6,2,10,10}, so data " "item rank is 2), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), padding above " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0}), window shape ({3,3}), and window strides " "(Strides{2, 3, 8}) do not match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_padding_below_rank) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3}; Shape padding_below{1, 2, 3}; Shape padding_above{1, 2}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>( param, window_shape, move_strides, padding_below, padding_above, false); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong below-padding rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {6,2,10,10}, so data " "item rank is 2), padding below (CoordinateDiff{1, 2, 3}), padding " "above (CoordinateDiff{1, 2}), window shape ({3,3}), and window " "strides (Strides{2, 3}) do not match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_padding_above_rank) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3}; auto move_strides = Strides{2, 3}; Shape padding_below{1, 2}; Shape padding_above{1, 2, 3}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>( param, window_shape, move_strides, padding_below, padding_above, false); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with wrong above-padding rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {6,2,10,10}, so data " "item rank is 2), padding below (CoordinateDiff{1, 2}), padding above " "(CoordinateDiff{1, 2, 3}), window shape ({3,3}), and window strides " "(Strides{2, 3}) do not match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_input_item_size_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 0, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with zero-length spatial axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Data shape after padding and dilation has dimension less than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 0"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_window_size_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 0}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with zero-length window axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Window after dilation has dimension less than 1 (dim: 0) at axis 1"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_dilated_too_large) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 8, 8}); Shape window_shape{9, 9}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with oversized window not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Window after dilation has dimension (dim: 9) larger than the data " "shape after padding (dim: 8) at axis 0"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_larger_than_pre_padding_but_fits_in_post_padding) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 8, 8}); Shape window_shape{9, 9}; Strides window_strides{1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0}; Shape padding_above{1, 1}; auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_strides, padding_below, padding_above); ASSERT_EQ(avg_pool->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(avg_pool->get_output_shape(0), (Shape{6, 2, 1, 1})); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_invalid_movement_stride_0) { // Deduce type auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6, 2, 10, 10}); Shape window_shape{3, 3}; auto move_strides = Strides{0, 1}; try { auto avg_pool = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, move_strides); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Invalid input with 0-length movement stride axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Window strides (Strides{0, 1}) has zero dimension at axis 0"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_partial_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; bool include_padding_in_average = false; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); auto ap = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above, include_padding_in_average); ASSERT_EQ(ap->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(ap->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(6))); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_partial_rank_dynamic_attrib_rank_mismatch) { PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; bool include_padding_in_average = false; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); try { auto ap = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above, include_padding_in_average); FAIL() << "Mismatch of attribute ranks not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape ?, so data item rank is " "?), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0, 0}), padding above " "(CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0, 0}), window shape ({2,3,4,5}), and window " "strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic(6)}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; bool include_padding_in_average = false; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); auto ap = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above, include_padding_in_average); ASSERT_EQ(ap->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(ap->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(6))); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_ok) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; bool include_padding_in_average = false; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); auto ap = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above, include_padding_in_average); ASSERT_EQ(ap->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(ap->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 7, Dimension::dynamic(), 1, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_attrib_rank_mismatch) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; bool include_padding_in_average = false; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); try { auto ap = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above, include_padding_in_average); FAIL() << "Mismatch of attribute ranks not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for data item shape (data batch has shape {5,?,8,?,4,7}, so data " "item rank is 4), padding below (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0, 0}), padding " "above (CoordinateDiff{0, 0, 0, 0}), window shape ({2,3,4,5,6}), and " "window strides (Strides{1, 1, 1, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_window_not_too_big) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{9, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; bool include_padding_in_average = false; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); try { auto ap = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above, include_padding_in_average); FAIL() << "Oversized window not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension (dim: 9) larger than " "the data shape after padding (dim: 8) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_padded_window_not_too_big) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{9, 3, 4, 5}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 0}; Shape padding_above{1, 0, 0, 0}; bool include_padding_in_average = false; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); auto ap = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above, include_padding_in_average); ASSERT_EQ(ap->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(ap->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 1, Dimension::dynamic(), 1, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, avg_pool_partial_rank_static_dynamic_window_in_padding) { PartialShape arg_shape{5, Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 7}; Shape window_shape{9, 3, 4, 3}; Strides window_movement_strides{1, 1, 1, 1}; Shape padding_below{0, 0, 0, 4}; Shape padding_above{0, 0, 0, 0}; bool include_padding_in_average = false; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, arg_shape); try { auto ap = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(param, window_shape, window_movement_strides, padding_below, padding_above, include_padding_in_average); FAIL() << "Window in padding not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Window after dilation has dimension (dim: 9) larger than " "the data shape after padding (dim: 8) at axis 0")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_1d_exterior) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{2}; Shape padding_above{3}; Shape padding_interior{0}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_shape(), (Shape{55})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_below(), (Shape{2})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_above(), (Shape{3})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_interior(), (Shape{0})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_1d_interior) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{0}; Shape padding_above{0}; Shape padding_interior{2}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_shape(), (Shape{148})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_below(), (Shape{0})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_above(), (Shape{0})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_interior(), (Shape{2})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_1d_interior_exterior) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{5}; Shape padding_above{6}; Shape padding_interior{2}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_shape(), (Shape{159})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_below(), (Shape{5})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_above(), (Shape{6})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_interior(), (Shape{2})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_2d_interior_exterior) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50, 40}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{5, 3}; Shape padding_above{6, 9}; Shape padding_interior{2, 3}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_shape(), (Shape{159, 169})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_below(), (Shape{5, 3})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_above(), (Shape{6, 9})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_interior(), (Shape{2, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_3d_interior_exterior) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50, 40, 20}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{5, 3, 0}; Shape padding_above{6, 9, 4}; Shape padding_interior{2, 3, 0}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_element_type(), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_shape(), (Shape{159, 169, 24})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_below(), (Shape{5, 3, 0})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_above(), (Shape{6, 9, 4})); EXPECT_EQ(pad->get_padding_interior(), (Shape{2, 3, 0})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_element_type_mismatch) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50, 40, 20}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{5, 3, 0}; Shape padding_above{6, 9, 4}; Shape padding_interior{2, 3, 0}; try { auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Element tpye mismatch not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument element types do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_nonscalar_pad_value) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50, 40, 20}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{6}); Shape padding_below{5, 3, 0}; Shape padding_above{6, 9, 4}; Shape padding_interior{2, 3, 0}; try { auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Non-scalar pad value not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Argument for padding value is not a scalar")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_below_padding_wrong_rank) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50, 40, 20}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{5, 3, 0, 6}; Shape padding_above{6, 9, 4}; Shape padding_interior{2, 3, 0}; try { auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong below-padding rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for padding below (Shape{5, 3, 0, 6}), padding above (Shape{6, 9, " "4}) and interior padding (Shape{2, 3, 0}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_above_padding_wrong_rank) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50, 40, 20}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{5, 3, 0}; Shape padding_above{6, 9}; Shape padding_interior{2, 3, 0}; try { auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong above-padding rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Ranks for padding below (Shape{5, 3, 0}), " "padding above (Shape{6, 9}) and interior " "padding (Shape{2, 3, 0}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, pad_deduce_interior_padding_wrong_rank) { // Deduce type auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{50, 40, 20}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{5, 3, 0}; Shape padding_above{6, 9, 4}; Shape padding_interior{2, 3, 0, 9, 3}; try { auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Wrong interior padding rank not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for padding below (Shape{5, 3, 0}), padding above (Shape{6, 9, 4}) " "and interior padding (Shape{2, 3, 0, 9, 3}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, pad_partial_data_rank_dynamic_padding_rank_dynamic_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); Shape padding_below{2, 4, 6}; Shape padding_above{8, 2, 3}; Shape padding_interior{1, 0, 1}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); ASSERT_EQ(pad->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(pad->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_partial_data_rank_dynamic_padding_rank_dynamic_attribs_rank_inconsistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); Shape padding_below{2, 4, 6}; Shape padding_above{8, 2, 3, 0}; Shape padding_interior{1, 0, 1}; try { auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); FAIL() << "Inconsistent attribute ranks not detected (rank-dynamic/rank-dynamic arguments)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for padding below (Shape{2, 4, 6}), padding above (Shape{8, 2, 3, " "0}) and interior padding (Shape{1, 0, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, pad_partial_data_rank_static_dynamic_padding_rank_dynamic_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); Shape padding_below{2, 4, 6}; Shape padding_above{8, 2, 3}; Shape padding_interior{1, 0, 1}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); ASSERT_EQ(pad->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(pad->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_partial_data_rank_static_dynamic_some_dims_known_padding_rank_dynamic_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{3, 5, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); Shape padding_below{2, 4, 6}; Shape padding_above{8, 2, 3}; Shape padding_interior{1, 0, 1}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); ASSERT_EQ(pad->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE( pad->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{15, 11, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_partial_data_rank_dynamic_padding_static_ok) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{2, 4, 6}; Shape padding_above{8, 2, 3}; Shape padding_interior{1, 0, 1}; auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); ASSERT_EQ(pad->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(pad->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, pad_partial_data_rank_dynamic_padding_static_wrong_padding_rank) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 3, 8}); Shape padding_below{2, 4, 6}; Shape padding_above{8, 2, 3}; Shape padding_interior{1, 0, 1}; try { auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); FAIL() << "Wrong padding rank not detected (rank-dynamic/static arguments)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Argument for padding value is not a scalar (shape: {2,3,8})")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, pad_partial_data_rank_dynamic_padding_static_attribs_rank_inconsistent) { auto param0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto param1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); Shape padding_below{2, 4, 6}; Shape padding_above{8, 2, 3, 4}; Shape padding_interior{1, 0, 1}; try { auto pad = make_shared<op::Pad>(param0, param1, padding_below, padding_above, padding_interior); FAIL() << "Wrong padding rank not detected (rank-dynamic/static arguments)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), std::string("Ranks for padding below (Shape{2, 4, 6}), padding above (Shape{8, 2, 3, " "4}) and interior padding (Shape{1, 0, 1}) do not match")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, sum_deduce) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); auto r0 = make_shared<op::Sum>(param_0, AxisSet{0}); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_shape(), (Shape{4})); auto r1 = make_shared<op::Sum>(param_0, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_shape(), (Shape{2})); auto r01 = make_shared<op::Sum>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_shape(), (Shape{})); auto r_none = make_shared<op::Sum>(param_0, AxisSet{}); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_element_type(), element::f32); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, sum_axis_oob) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Sum>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 2, 1}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect out-of-bound axis for sum"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Reduction axis (2) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, sum_partial_rank_dynamic) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto summation_axes = AxisSet{2385, 0, 4404}; // arbitrary auto sum = make_shared<op::Sum>(param, summation_axes); EXPECT_EQ(sum->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); EXPECT_TRUE(sum->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, sum_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok_result_static) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 5}); auto summation_axes = AxisSet{2, 3}; auto sum = make_shared<op::Sum>(param, summation_axes); EXPECT_EQ(sum->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); EXPECT_EQ(sum->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2, 5})); } TEST(type_prop, sum_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok_result_dynamic) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto summation_axes = AxisSet{2, 3}; auto sum = make_shared<op::Sum>(param, summation_axes); EXPECT_EQ(sum->get_output_element_type(0), element::f32); EXPECT_TRUE( sum->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, sum_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axes_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto summation_axes = AxisSet{2, 5, 1}; try { auto sum = make_shared<op::Sum>(param, summation_axes); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect out-of-bound axis for sum (rank-static dynamic input)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Reduction axis (5) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_scalar) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); try { auto argmin = make_shared<op::ArgMin>(a, 0, element::i32); FAIL() << "ArgMin c-tor should throw for scalar shapes"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument rank is zero"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_invalid_rank) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2}); try { auto argmin = make_shared<op::ArgMin>(a, 2, element::i32); FAIL() << "ArgMin c-tor should throw for axis out of bounds"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Reduction axis (2) is not less than argument rank (2)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_invalid_index_type) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2}); try { auto argmin = make_shared<op::ArgMin>(a, 1, element::f32); FAIL() << "ArgMin c-tor should throw for invalid index type"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Index element is neither i64 or i32"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_partial_rank_dynamic_output_et_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); size_t axis = 228; auto output_et = element::dynamic; try { auto argmax = make_shared<op::ArgMax>(a, axis, output_et); FAIL() << "Invalid output type of element::dynamic not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Index element is neither i64 or i32"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_partial_rank_dynamic_output_et_invalid) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); size_t axis = 228; auto output_et = element::dynamic; try { auto argmax = make_shared<op::ArgMax>(a, axis, output_et); FAIL() << "Invalid output type of element::f32 not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Index element is neither i64 or i32"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_partial_rank_dynamic_ok) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); size_t axis = 228; auto output_et = element::i32; auto argmax = make_shared<op::ArgMax>(a, axis, output_et); ASSERT_EQ(argmax->get_output_element_type(0), element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE(argmax->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axis_oob) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, 4}); size_t axis = 4; auto output_et = element::i32; try { auto argmax = make_shared<op::ArgMax>(a, axis, output_et); FAIL() << "Out-of-bounds reduction axis not detected (rank-static dynamic argument)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Reduction axis (4) is not less than argument rank (4)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, 4}); size_t axis = 2; auto output_et = element::i32; auto argmax = make_shared<op::ArgMax>(a, axis, output_et); ASSERT_EQ(argmax->get_output_element_type(0), element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE( argmax->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, index_reduction_partial_et_dynamic_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, 4}); size_t axis = 2; auto output_et = element::i32; auto argmax = make_shared<op::ArgMax>(a, axis, output_et); ASSERT_EQ(argmax->get_output_element_type(0), element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE( argmax->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, topk_invalid_rank) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{}); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(a, 0, element::i32, 1, true); FAIL() << "TopK c-tor should throw for scalar shapes"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument rank must be greater than 0"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_invalid_top_k) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2}); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(a, 2, element::i32, 1, true); FAIL() << "TopK c-tor should throw for invalid top k axis"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "TopK axis (2) is out of bounds"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_invalid_index_type) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2}); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(a, 0, element::f32, 1, true); FAIL() << "TopK c-tor should throw for invalid index element type"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Argument element type must be i64 or i32 (got element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_invalid_k) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{2, 2}); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(a, 0, element::i32, 3, true); FAIL() << "TopK c-tor should throw for invalid K"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "K (3) exceeds the dimension (2) of the TopK axis (axis 0)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_dynamic_ok) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 22; size_t k = 900; element::Type result_et{element::i32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(0) == element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(1) == element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(1).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_dynamic_result_et_dynamic) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 22; size_t k = 900; element::Type result_et{element::dynamic}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); FAIL() << "Dynamic result element type not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument element type must not be dynamic"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_dynamic_result_et_invalid) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 22; size_t k = 900; element::Type result_et{element::f32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); FAIL() << "Invalid result element type not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Argument element type must be i64 or i32 (got element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_static_dynamic_k_known_topk_dim_dynamic_ok) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 1; size_t k = 999; element::Type result_et{element::i32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(0) == element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(1) == element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 999, Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 999, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_static_dynamic_k_unknown_topk_dim_dynamic_ok) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 1; size_t k = 0; element::Type result_et{element::i32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(0) == element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(1) == element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_static_dynamic_axis_oob) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 22; size_t k = 900; element::Type result_et{element::f32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); FAIL() << "TopK axis out-of-bounds not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Argument element type must be i64 or i32 (got element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_static_dynamic_k_unknown_axis_oob) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 22; size_t k = 0; element::Type result_et{element::f32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); FAIL() << "TopK axis out-of-bounds not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Argument element type must be i64 or i32 (got element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_static_dynamic_k_known_too_big) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 1; size_t k = 4; element::Type result_et{element::f32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); try { auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); FAIL() << "Oversize K not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Argument element type must be i64 or i32 (got element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_static_dynamic_k_unknown_ok) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 1; size_t k = 0; element::Type result_et{element::i32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(0) == element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(1) == element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, topk_rank_static_dynamic_k_known_ok) { element::Type arg_et{element::f32}; PartialShape arg_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, Dimension::dynamic()}; size_t top_k_axis = 1; size_t k = 2; element::Type result_et{element::i32}; bool compute_max = true; auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(arg_et, arg_shape); auto topk = make_shared<op::TopK>(param, top_k_axis, result_et, k, compute_max); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(0) == element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_element_type(1) == element::f32); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, Dimension::dynamic()})); ASSERT_TRUE(topk->get_output_partial_shape(1).same_scheme( PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, param_partial_rank_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto& pshape = a->get_output_partial_shape(0); ASSERT_TRUE(pshape.is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE(pshape.rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, param_partial_rank_static) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{2, Dimension::dynamic(), 3, 4}); auto& pshape = a->get_output_partial_shape(0); ASSERT_TRUE(pshape.is_dynamic()); ASSERT_EQ(size_t(pshape.rank()), 4); ASSERT_TRUE(pshape[0].is_static() && size_t(pshape[0]) == 2); ASSERT_TRUE(pshape[1].is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE(pshape[2].is_static() && size_t(pshape[2]) == 3); ASSERT_TRUE(pshape[3].is_static() && size_t(pshape[3]) == 4); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_both_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_rank_dynamic_right_static) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1, 2, 3}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(add->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_static_right_rank_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1, 2, 3}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(add->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_static()); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE( add->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), 3})); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_rank_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_static()); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE( add->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), 3})); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_result_static) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), 3}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(add->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2, 3})); } TEST( type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_rank_static_dynamic_result_rank_static_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_static()); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()); ASSERT_TRUE( add->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_static_right_rank_static_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, 3}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(add->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_rank_static_dynamic_right_static) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, 3}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_static()); ASSERT_EQ(add->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2, 3})); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_rank_static_dynamic_inconsistent) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 3, 3}); try { auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); FAIL() << "Inconsistent partial shapes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument shapes are inconsistent"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_right_rank_static_dynamic_inconsistent) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 3, 3}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); try { auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); FAIL() << "Inconsistent partial shapes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument shapes are inconsistent"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_both_rank_static_dynamic_inconsistent) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 3, 3}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); try { auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); FAIL() << "Inconsistent partial shapes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument shapes are inconsistent"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_rank_static_dynamic_different_rank) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, 3, 4}); try { auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); FAIL() << "Inconsistent partial shapes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument shapes are inconsistent"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_right_rank_static_dynamic_different_rank) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); try { auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); FAIL() << "Inconsistent partial shapes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument shapes are inconsistent"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_both_rank_static_dynamic_different_rank) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), 3, 4}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()}); try { auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); FAIL() << "Inconsistent partial shapes not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Argument shapes are inconsistent"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_both_et_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(add->get_output_element_type(0).is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_left_et_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::u32, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_EQ(add->get_output_element_type(0), element::u32); } TEST(type_prop, binary_elementwise_arithmetic_right_et_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i64, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); ASSERT_EQ(add->get_output_element_type(0), element::i64); } TEST(type_prop, logic_arith_compare_partial_et) { auto test_logic = [](element::Type et0, element::Type et1) -> std::shared_ptr<Node> { auto param0 = std::make_shared<op::Parameter>(et0, Shape{1, 2, 3}); auto param1 = std::make_shared<op::Parameter>(et1, Shape{1, 2, 3}); return std::make_shared<op::And>(param0, param1); }; auto test_arith = [](element::Type et0, element::Type et1) -> std::shared_ptr<Node> { auto param0 = std::make_shared<op::Parameter>(et0, Shape{1, 2, 3}); auto param1 = std::make_shared<op::Parameter>(et1, Shape{1, 2, 3}); return std::make_shared<op::Add>(param0, param1); }; auto test_compare = [](element::Type et0, element::Type et1) -> std::shared_ptr<Node> { auto param0 = std::make_shared<op::Parameter>(et0, Shape{1, 2, 3}); auto param1 = std::make_shared<op::Parameter>(et1, Shape{1, 2, 3}); return std::make_shared<op::Greater>(param0, param1); }; auto test_not = [](element::Type et) -> std::shared_ptr<Node> { auto param = std::make_shared<op::Parameter>(et, Shape{1, 2, 3}); return std::make_shared<op::Not>(param); }; // Logical ops: // // int int -> ! // int boo -> ! // int dyn -> ! // boo int -> ! // boo boo -> boo // boo dyn -> boo // dyn int -> ! // dyn boo -> boo // dyn dyn -> boo ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_logic(element::i32, element::i32); }); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_logic(element::i32, element::boolean); }); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_logic(element::i32, element::dynamic); }); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_logic(element::boolean, element::i32); }); ASSERT_EQ(test_logic(element::boolean, element::boolean)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(test_logic(element::boolean, element::dynamic)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_logic(element::dynamic, element::i32); }); ASSERT_EQ(test_logic(element::dynamic, element::boolean)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(test_logic(element::dynamic, element::dynamic)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); // Arith ops: // // int int -> int // int boo -> ! // int dyn -> int // boo int -> ! // boo boo -> ! // boo dyn -> ! // dyn int -> int // dyn boo -> ! // dyn dyn -> dyn ASSERT_EQ(test_arith(element::i32, element::i32)->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_arith(element::i32, element::boolean); }); ASSERT_EQ(test_arith(element::i32, element::dynamic)->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_arith(element::boolean, element::i32); }); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_arith(element::boolean, element::boolean); }); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_arith(element::boolean, element::dynamic); }); ASSERT_EQ(test_arith(element::dynamic, element::i32)->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_arith(element::dynamic, element::boolean); }); ASSERT_EQ(test_arith(element::dynamic, element::dynamic)->get_element_type(), element::dynamic); // Comparison ops: // // int int -> boo // int boo -> ! // int dyn -> boo // boo int -> ! // boo boo -> boo // boo dyn -> boo // dyn int -> boo // dyn boo -> boo // dyn dyn -> boo ASSERT_EQ(test_compare(element::i32, element::i32)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_compare(element::i32, element::boolean); }); ASSERT_EQ(test_compare(element::i32, element::dynamic)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_ANY_THROW({ test_compare(element::boolean, element::i32); }); ASSERT_EQ(test_compare(element::boolean, element::boolean)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(test_compare(element::boolean, element::dynamic)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(test_compare(element::dynamic, element::i32)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(test_compare(element::dynamic, element::boolean)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(test_compare(element::dynamic, element::dynamic)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); // Logical negation op: // // Current behavior: // int -> int // boo -> boo // dyn -> dyn // // TODO(amprocte): I believe the behavior should actually be: // int -> ! // boo -> boo // dyn -> boo ASSERT_EQ(test_not(element::i32)->get_element_type(), element::i32); ASSERT_EQ(test_not(element::boolean)->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(test_not(element::dynamic)->get_element_type(), element::dynamic); } TEST(type_prop, get_output_element_partial_et_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); auto goe = make_shared<op::GetOutputElement>(add, 0); ASSERT_EQ(goe->get_output_element_type(0), element::dynamic); ASSERT_EQ(goe->get_output_shape(0), (Shape{1, 2, 3, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, get_output_element_partial_rank_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); auto goe = make_shared<op::GetOutputElement>(add, 0); ASSERT_EQ(goe->get_output_element_type(0), element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE(goe->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, get_output_element_partial_rank_static_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::i32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto b = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::i32, PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4}); auto add = make_shared<op::Add>(a, b); auto goe = make_shared<op::GetOutputElement>(add, 0); ASSERT_EQ(goe->get_output_element_type(0), element::i32); ASSERT_TRUE( goe->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{Dimension::dynamic(), 2, 3, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f32_to_i8_nchw_per_channel_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{3}; Shape offset_shape{3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{1}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f32_to_i8_nchw_per_image_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64}; Shape offset_shape{64}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f32_to_i8_nchw_per_row_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{480}; Shape offset_shape{480}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{2}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f32_to_i8_nchw_per_image_channel_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 3}; Shape offset_shape{64, 3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f32_to_i8_nchw_whole_batch_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f64_to_i8_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f64; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f64_to_u8_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f64; element::Type quantized_type = element::u8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f64_to_dyn_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f64; element::Type quantized_type = element::dynamic; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Attempt to quantize to dynamic type not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Output element type must not be dynamic"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_i8_to_u8_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::i8; element::Type quantized_type = element::u8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Attempt to quantize non-floating point type not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale/input element type (element::Type{8, 0, 1, 1, \"int8_t\"}) " "must be a floating point number"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_f32_to_f32_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::f32; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Attempt to quantize to non-quantized type not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Output element type (element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"}) must be a quantized type"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_batch_scale_type_mismatch_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = element::f64; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Mismatch of batch and scale element types not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale element type (element::Type{64, 1, 1, 0, \"double\"}) must " "match input element type (element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_offset_type_mismatch_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = element::u8; AxisSet axes{}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Mismatch of offset element type with offset argument not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Offset element type (element::Type{8, 0, 0, 1, \"uint8_t\"}) must " "match output element type (element::Type{8, 0, 1, 1, \"int8_t\"})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_oob_axis_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{320}; Shape offset_shape{320}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{3, 4}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Out-of-bounds quantization axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Quantization axis (4) must be less than input shape rank (4)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_scale_shape_mismatch_same_rank_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 4}; Shape offset_shape{64, 3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Mismatch of scale argument shape with required shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,4}) and offset shape ({64,3}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_scale_shape_mismatch_different_rank_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 3, 2}; Shape offset_shape{64, 3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Mismatch of scale argument shape with required shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,3,2}) and offset shape ({64,3}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_offset_shape_mismatch_same_rank_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 3}; Shape offset_shape{64, 4}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Mismatch of offset argument shape with required shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,3}) and offset shape ({64,4}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_offset_shape_mismatch_different_rank_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 3}; Shape offset_shape{64, 3, 2}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Mismatch of offset argument shape with required shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,3}) and offset shape ({64,3,2}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_partial_all_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 2000}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_TRUE(quant->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, quantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96}; PartialShape offset_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 2000}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_TRUE(quant->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST( type_prop, quantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_dynamic_axis_count_inconsistent) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96}; PartialShape offset_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Mismatch of scale/offset rank with axis count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Scale/offset rank (3) does not match the number of quantization axes (2)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, quantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{64, 22, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 5, 88}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_TRUE(quant->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST( type_prop, quantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_ranks_inconsistent) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{64, 22, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 5, 88}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Inconsistent scale/offset ranks not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,?,96,?}) and offset shape ({64,22,?,?,3}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, quantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_dims_inconsistent) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{65, 22, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 5, 88}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Inconsistent scale/offset dims not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,?,96,?}) and offset shape ({65,22,?,?}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, quantize_partial_input_static_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape batch_shape{2, 4, 6, Dimension::dynamic(), 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{4, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{1, 3, 5}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), quantized_type); ASSERT_TRUE(quant->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, quantize_partial_input_static_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_axis_oob) { PartialShape batch_shape{2, 4, 6, Dimension::dynamic(), 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{4, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{1, 3, 6}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Out-of-bound quantization axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Quantization axis (6) must be less than input shape rank (6)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, quantize_partial_input_static_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_dims_inconsistent) { PartialShape batch_shape{2, 5, 6, Dimension::dynamic(), 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{4, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = unquantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{1, 3, 5}; auto round_mode = op::Quantize::RoundMode::ROUND_NEAREST_TOWARD_INFINITY; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Quantize>(batch, scale, offset, quantized_type, axes, round_mode); FAIL() << "Inconsistent dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale/offset shape ({4,8,?}) must match input shape ({2,5,6,?,10,?}) " "at the quantization axes (AxisSet{1, 3, 5})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_f32_from_i8_nchw_per_channel_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{3}; Shape offset_shape{3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{1}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_f32_from_i8_nchw_per_image_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64}; Shape offset_shape{64}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_f32_from_i8_nchw_per_row_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{480}; Shape offset_shape{480}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{2}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_f32_from_i8_nchw_per_image_channel_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 3}; Shape offset_shape{64, 3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_f32_from_i8_nchw_whole_batch_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_f64_from_i8_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f64; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_f64_to_u8_ok) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f64; element::Type quantized_type = element::u8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_shape(0), batch_shape); } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_i8_from_u8_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::i8; element::Type quantized_type = element::u8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Attempt to dequantize to non-floating point type not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Output element type (element::Type{8, 0, 1, 1, \"int8_t\"}) must be " "a floating point type"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_f32_from_f32_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::f32; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Attempt to dequantize from non-quantized type not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Offset/input element type (element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"}) " "must be a quantized type"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_batch_offset_type_mismatch_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = element::u8; AxisSet axes{}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Mismatch of batch and offset element types not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Offset element type (element::Type{8, 0, 0, 1, \"uint8_t\"}) must " "match input element type (element::Type{8, 0, 1, 1, \"int8_t\"})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_scale_type_mismatch_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{}; Shape offset_shape{}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = element::f64; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Mismatch of scale element type with scale argument not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale element type (element::Type{64, 1, 1, 0, \"double\"}) must " "match output element type (element::Type{32, 1, 1, 0, \"float\"})" ); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_oob_axis_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{320}; Shape offset_shape{320}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{3, 4}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Out-of-bounds quantization axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Quantization axis (4) must be less than input shape rank (4)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_scale_shape_mismatch_same_rank_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 4}; Shape offset_shape{64, 3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Mismatch of scale argument shape with required shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,4}) and offset shape ({64,3}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_scale_shape_mismatch_different_rank_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 3, 2}; Shape offset_shape{64, 3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Mismatch of scale argument shape with required shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,3,2}) and offset shape ({64,3}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_offset_shape_mismatch_same_rank_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 3}; Shape offset_shape{64, 4}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Mismatch of offset argument shape with required shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,3}) and offset shape ({64,4}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_offset_shape_mismatch_different_rank_fails) { Shape batch_shape{64, 3, 480, 640}; Shape scale_shape{64, 3}; Shape offset_shape{64, 3, 2}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Mismatch of offset argument shape with required shape not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,3}) and offset shape ({64,3,2}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_partial_all_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 2000}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_TRUE(quant->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96}; PartialShape offset_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 2000}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_TRUE(quant->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST( type_prop, dequantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_dynamic_axis_count_inconsistent) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96}; PartialShape offset_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Mismatch of scale/offset rank with axis count not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Scale/offset rank (3) does not match the number of quantization axes (2)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, dequantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{64, 22, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 5, 88}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_TRUE(quant->get_output_partial_shape(0).rank().is_dynamic()); } TEST( type_prop, dequantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_ranks_inconsistent) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{64, 22, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 3}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 5, 88}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Inconsistent scale/offset ranks not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING( error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,?,96,?}) and offset shape ({64,22,?,?,3}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, dequantize_partial_input_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_dims_inconsistent) { PartialShape batch_shape{PartialShape::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{64, Dimension::dynamic(), 96, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{65, 22, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{0, 1, 5, 88}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Inconsistent scale/offset dims not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale shape ({64,?,96,?}) and offset shape ({65,22,?,?}) must match"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, dequantize_partial_input_static_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_ok) { PartialShape batch_shape{2, 4, 6, Dimension::dynamic(), 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{4, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{1, 3, 5}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); ASSERT_EQ(quant->get_output_element_type(0), unquantized_type); ASSERT_TRUE(quant->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme( PartialShape{2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST( type_prop, dequantize_partial_input_static_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_axis_oob) { PartialShape batch_shape{2, 4, 6, Dimension::dynamic(), 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{4, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{1, 3, 6}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Out-of-bound quantization axis not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Quantization axis (6) must be less than input shape rank (6)"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST( type_prop, dequantize_partial_input_static_rank_dynamic_scale_rank_static_dynamic_offset_rank_static_dynamic_dims_inconsistent) { PartialShape batch_shape{2, 5, 6, Dimension::dynamic(), 10, Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape scale_shape{4, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic()}; PartialShape offset_shape{Dimension::dynamic(), 8, Dimension::dynamic()}; element::Type unquantized_type = element::f32; element::Type quantized_type = element::i8; element::Type batch_type = quantized_type; element::Type scale_type = unquantized_type; element::Type offset_type = quantized_type; AxisSet axes{1, 3, 5}; auto batch = make_shared<op::Parameter>(batch_type, batch_shape); auto scale = make_shared<op::Parameter>(scale_type, scale_shape); auto offset = make_shared<op::Parameter>(offset_type, offset_shape); try { auto quant = make_shared<op::Dequantize>(batch, scale, offset, unquantized_type, axes); FAIL() << "Inconsistent dimensions not detected"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), "Scale/offset shape ({4,8,?}) must match input shape ({2,5,6,?,10,?}) " "at the quantization axes (AxisSet{1, 3, 5})"); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, shape_of) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto so = make_shared<op::ShapeOf>(a); ASSERT_EQ(so->get_output_element_type(0), element::u64); ASSERT_EQ(so->get_shape(), Shape{4}); } TEST(type_prop, shape_of_partial_et_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{1, 2, 3, 4}); auto so = make_shared<op::ShapeOf>(a); ASSERT_EQ(so->get_output_element_type(0), element::u64); ASSERT_EQ(so->get_shape(), Shape{4}); } TEST(type_prop, shape_of_partial_rank_static_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::f32, PartialShape{1, Dimension::dynamic(), Dimension::dynamic(), 4}); auto so = make_shared<op::ShapeOf>(a); ASSERT_EQ(so->get_output_element_type(0), element::u64); ASSERT_EQ(so->get_shape(), Shape{4}); } TEST(type_prop, shape_of_partial_rank_dynamic) { auto a = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto so = make_shared<op::ShapeOf>(a); ASSERT_EQ(so->get_output_element_type(0), element::u64); ASSERT_TRUE(so->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape::dynamic(1))); } TEST(type_prop, any_deduce) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto r0 = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{0}); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_shape(), (Shape{4})); auto r1 = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_shape(), (Shape{2})); auto r01 = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_shape(), (Shape{})); auto r_none = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{}); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, any_deduce_et_dynamic) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{2, 4}); auto r0 = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{0}); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_shape(), (Shape{4})); auto r1 = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_shape(), (Shape{2})); auto r01 = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_shape(), (Shape{})); auto r_none = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{}); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, any_et_non_boolean) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 1}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect invalid element type for Any"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Input element type must be boolean")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, any_axis_oob) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::Any>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 2, 1}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect out-of-bound axis for Any"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Reduction axis (2) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, any_partial_rank_dynamic) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto axes = AxisSet{2385, 0, 4404}; // arbitrary auto any = make_shared<op::Any>(param, axes); EXPECT_EQ(any->get_output_element_type(0), element::boolean); EXPECT_TRUE(any->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, any_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok_result_static) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 5}); auto axes = AxisSet{2, 3}; auto any = make_shared<op::Any>(param, axes); EXPECT_EQ(any->get_output_element_type(0), element::boolean); EXPECT_EQ(any->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2, 5})); } TEST(type_prop, any_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok_result_dynamic) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::boolean, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto axes = AxisSet{2, 3}; auto any = make_shared<op::Any>(param, axes); EXPECT_EQ(any->get_output_element_type(0), element::boolean); EXPECT_TRUE( any->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, any_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axes_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::boolean, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto axes = AxisSet{2, 5, 1}; try { auto any = make_shared<op::Any>(param, axes); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect out-of-bound axis for Any (rank-static dynamic input)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Reduction axis (5) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, all_deduce) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); auto r0 = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{0}); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_shape(), (Shape{4})); auto r1 = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_shape(), (Shape{2})); auto r01 = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_shape(), (Shape{})); auto r_none = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{}); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, all_deduce_et_dynamic) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::dynamic, Shape{2, 4}); auto r0 = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{0}); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r0->get_shape(), (Shape{4})); auto r1 = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{1}); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r1->get_shape(), (Shape{2})); auto r01 = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r01->get_shape(), (Shape{})); auto r_none = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{}); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_element_type(), element::boolean); ASSERT_EQ(r_none->get_shape(), (Shape{2, 4})); } TEST(type_prop, all_et_non_boolean) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 1}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect invalid element type for All"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Input element type must be boolean")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, all_axis_oob) { auto param_0 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, Shape{2, 4}); try { auto r = make_shared<op::All>(param_0, AxisSet{0, 2, 1}); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect out-of-bound axis for All"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Reduction axis (2) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } } TEST(type_prop, all_partial_rank_dynamic) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, PartialShape::dynamic()); auto axes = AxisSet{2385, 0, 4404}; // arbitrary auto all = make_shared<op::All>(param, axes); EXPECT_EQ(all->get_output_element_type(0), element::boolean); EXPECT_TRUE(all->get_output_partial_shape(0).is_dynamic()); } TEST(type_prop, all_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok_result_static) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::boolean, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, 5}); auto axes = AxisSet{2, 3}; auto all = make_shared<op::All>(param, axes); EXPECT_EQ(all->get_output_element_type(0), element::boolean); EXPECT_EQ(all->get_shape(), (Shape{1, 2, 5})); } TEST(type_prop, all_partial_rank_static_dynamic_ok_result_dynamic) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::boolean, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto axes = AxisSet{2, 3}; auto all = make_shared<op::All>(param, axes); EXPECT_EQ(all->get_output_element_type(0), element::boolean); EXPECT_TRUE( all->get_output_partial_shape(0).same_scheme(PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic()})); } TEST(type_prop, all_partial_rank_static_dynamic_axes_oob) { auto param = make_shared<op::Parameter>( element::boolean, PartialShape{1, 2, Dimension::dynamic(), 4, Dimension::dynamic()}); auto axes = AxisSet{2, 5, 1}; try { auto all = make_shared<op::All>(param, axes); // Should have thrown, so fail if it didn't FAIL() << "Did not detect out-of-bound axis for All (rank-static dynamic input)"; } catch (const NodeValidationError& error) { EXPECT_HAS_SUBSTRING(error.what(), std::string("Reduction axis (5) is out of bounds")); } catch (...) { FAIL() << "Deduced type check failed for unexpected reason"; } }