// Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <climits>
#include <cmath>

#include "util/all_close_f.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace ngraph;

union FloatUnion {
    float f;
    uint32_t i;

union DoubleUnion {
    double d;
    uint64_t i;

constexpr uint32_t FLOAT_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL = UINT_MAX;
constexpr uint32_t FLOAT_MAX_DIFF = UINT_MAX - 1;
constexpr uint64_t DOUBLE_MAX_DIFF = ULLONG_MAX - 1;

uint32_t test::float_distance(float a, float b, float min_signal)
    if (std::isnan(a) && std::isnan(b))
        return 0;
    else if (std::isinf(a) && std::isinf(b))
        if (a > 0 && b > 0)
            return 0;
        else if (a < 0 && b < 0)
            return 0;
        return FLOAT_MAX_DIFF;

    FloatUnion a_fu{a};
    FloatUnion b_fu{b};
    FloatUnion min_signal_fu{min_signal};
    uint32_t a_uint = a_fu.i;
    uint32_t b_uint = b_fu.i;

    // A trick to handle both positive and negative numbers, see https://goo.gl/YbdnFQ
    // - If negative: convert to two's complement
    // - If positive: mask with sign bit
    uint32_t sign_mask = static_cast<uint32_t>(1U) << 31;
    uint32_t abs_value_bits_mask = ~sign_mask;
    a_uint = (sign_mask & a_uint) ? (~a_uint + 1) : (sign_mask | a_uint);
    b_uint = (sign_mask & b_uint) ? (~b_uint + 1) : (sign_mask | b_uint);

    uint32_t distance;
    uint32_t a_uint_abs = (abs_value_bits_mask & a_fu.i);
    uint32_t b_uint_abs = (abs_value_bits_mask & b_fu.i);
    uint32_t min_signal_uint_abs = (abs_value_bits_mask & min_signal_fu.i);
    if ((a_uint_abs < min_signal_uint_abs) && (b_uint_abs < min_signal_uint_abs))
        // Both a & b below minimum signal
        distance = FLOAT_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL;
        distance = (a_uint >= b_uint) ? (a_uint - b_uint) : (b_uint - a_uint);
        // We've reserved UINT_MAX to mean FLOAT_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL
        if (distance == UINT_MAX)
            distance = FLOAT_MAX_DIFF;

    return distance;

uint64_t test::float_distance(double a, double b, double min_signal)
    if (std::isnan(a) && std::isnan(b))
        return 0;
    else if (std::isinf(a) && std::isinf(b))
        if (a > 0 && b > 0)
            return 0;
        else if (a < 0 && b < 0)
            return 0;
        return DOUBLE_MAX_DIFF;

    DoubleUnion a_du{a};
    DoubleUnion b_du{b};
    DoubleUnion min_signal_du{min_signal};
    uint64_t a_uint = a_du.i;
    uint64_t b_uint = b_du.i;

    // A trick to handle both positive and negative numbers, see https://goo.gl/YbdnFQ
    // - If negative: convert to two's complement
    // - If positive: mask with sign bit
    uint64_t sign_mask = static_cast<uint64_t>(1U) << 63;
    uint64_t abs_value_bits_mask = ~sign_mask;
    a_uint = (sign_mask & a_uint) ? (~a_uint + 1) : (sign_mask | a_uint);
    b_uint = (sign_mask & b_uint) ? (~b_uint + 1) : (sign_mask | b_uint);

    uint64_t distance;
    uint64_t a_uint_abs = (abs_value_bits_mask & a_du.i);
    uint64_t b_uint_abs = (abs_value_bits_mask & b_du.i);
    uint64_t min_signal_uint_abs = (abs_value_bits_mask & min_signal_du.i);
    if ((a_uint_abs < min_signal_uint_abs) && (b_uint_abs < min_signal_uint_abs))
        // Both a & b below minimum signal
        distance = DOUBLE_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL;
        distance = (a_uint >= b_uint) ? (a_uint - b_uint) : (b_uint - a_uint);
        // We've reserved ULLONG_MAX to mean DOUBLE_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL
        if (distance == ULLONG_MAX)
            distance = DOUBLE_MAX_DIFF;

    return distance;

bool test::close_f(float a, float b, int tolerance_bits, float min_signal)
    if (std::isnan(a) && std::isnan(b))
        return true;
    else if (std::isinf(a) && std::isinf(b))
        if (a > 0 && b > 0)
            return true;
        else if (a < 0 && b < 0)
            return true;
        return false;

    uint32_t distance = float_distance(a, b, min_signal);

    // e.g. for float with 24 bit mantissa, 2 bit accuracy, and hard-coded 8 bit exponent_bits
    // tolerance_bit_shift = 32 -           (1 +  8 + (24 -     1         ) - 2             )
    //                       float_length    sign exp  mantissa implicit 1    tolerance_bits
    uint32_t tolerance_bit_shift = 32 - (1 + 8 + (FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS - 1) - tolerance_bits);
    uint32_t tolerance = static_cast<uint32_t>(1U) << tolerance_bit_shift;

    return (distance <= tolerance) || (distance == FLOAT_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL);

bool test::close_f(double a, double b, int tolerance_bits, double min_signal)
    if (std::isnan(a) && std::isnan(b))
        return true;
    else if (std::isinf(a) && std::isinf(b))
        if (a > 0 && b > 0)
            return true;
        else if (a < 0 && b < 0)
            return true;
        return false;

    uint64_t distance = float_distance(a, b, min_signal);

    // e.g. for double with 52 bit mantissa, 2 bit accuracy, and hard-coded 11 bit exponent_bits
    // tolerance_bit_shift = 64 -           (1 +  11 + (53 -     1         ) - 2             )
    //                       double_length   sign exp   mantissa implicit 1    tolerance_bits
    uint64_t tolerance_bit_shift = 64 - (1 + 11 + (DOUBLE_MANTISSA_BITS - 1) - tolerance_bits);
    uint64_t tolerance = static_cast<uint64_t>(1U) << tolerance_bit_shift;

    return (distance <= tolerance) || (distance == DOUBLE_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL);

    test::float_distances(const vector<float>& a, const vector<float>& b, float min_signal)
    if (a.size() != b.size())
        throw ngraph_error("a.size() != b.size() for float_distances comparison.");
    vector<uint32_t> distances(a.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
        distances[i] = float_distance(a[i], b[i], min_signal);

    return distances;

    test::float_distances(const vector<double>& a, const vector<double>& b, double min_signal)
    if (a.size() != b.size())
        throw ngraph_error("a.size() != b.size() for float_distances comparison.");
    vector<uint64_t> distances(a.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
        distances[i] = float_distance(a[i], b[i], min_signal);

    return distances;

uint32_t test::matching_mantissa_bits(uint32_t distance)
    uint32_t tolerance_bit_shift = 0;
    uint32_t num_bits_on = 0;

    // Do some bit probing to find the most significant bit that's on,
    // as well as how many bits are on.
    for (uint32_t check_bit = 0; check_bit < 32; ++check_bit)
        if (distance & (1 << check_bit))
            tolerance_bit_shift = check_bit;

    // all_close_f is <= test for tolerance (where tolerance is uint32_t with single bit on)
    // So if more than one bit is on we need the next higher tolerance
    if (num_bits_on > 1)

    // all_close_f calculation of tolerance_bit_shift:
    // e.g. for float with 24 bit mantissa, 2 bit accuracy, and hard-coded 8 bit exponent_bits
    //  tolerance_bit_shift   =     32 -          (1 +  8 + (24 -                    1         ) - 2             )
    //                              float_length   sign exp  matching_matissa_bits   implicit 1    tolerance_bits
    // Assuming 0 tolerance_bits and solving for matching_matissa_bits yields:
    //  tolerance_bit_shift   =     32 -          (1 +  8 + (matching_matissa_bits - 1         ) - 0             )
    //  tolerance_bit_shift   =     32 -          (1 +  8 + (matching_matissa_bits - 1         )                 )
    //  matching_matissa_bits =     32 -          (1 +  8 + (tolerance_bit_shift   - 1         )                 )
    uint32_t matching_matissa_bits =
        tolerance_bit_shift < 24 ? (32 - (1 + 8 + (tolerance_bit_shift - 1))) : 0;
    return matching_matissa_bits;

uint32_t test::matching_mantissa_bits(uint64_t distance)
    uint32_t tolerance_bit_shift = 0;
    uint32_t num_bits_on = 0;

    // Do some bit probing to find the most significant bit that's on,
    // as well as how many bits are on.
    for (uint32_t check_bit = 0; check_bit < 64; ++check_bit)
        if (distance & (1ull << check_bit))
            tolerance_bit_shift = check_bit;

    // all_close_f is <= test for tolerance (where tolerance is uint64_t with single bit on)
    // So if more than one bit is on we need the next higher tolerance
    if (num_bits_on > 1)

    // all_close_f calculation of tolerance_bit_shift:
    // e.g. for double with 53 bit mantissa, 2 bit accuracy, and hard-coded 8 bit exponent_bits
    //  tolerance_bit_shift   =     64 -          (1 +  11 + (53 -                    1         ) - 2             )
    //                              double_length  sign exp   matching_matissa_bits   implicit 1    tolerance_bits
    // Assuming 0 tolerance_bits and solving for matching_matissa_bits yields:
    //  tolerance_bit_shift   =     64 -          (1 +  11 + (matching_matissa_bits - 1         ) - 0             )
    //  tolerance_bit_shift   =     64 -          (1 +  11 + (matching_matissa_bits - 1         )                 )
    //  matching_matissa_bits =     64 -          (1 +  11 + (tolerance_bit_shift   - 1         )                 )
    uint32_t matching_matissa_bits =
        tolerance_bit_shift < 53 ? (64 - (1 + 11 + (tolerance_bit_shift - 1))) : 0;
    return matching_matissa_bits;

::testing::AssertionResult test::all_close_f(const vector<float>& a,
                                             const vector<float>& b,
                                             int tolerance_bits,
                                             float min_signal)
    if (tolerance_bits < MIN_FLOAT_TOLERANCE_BITS)
        tolerance_bits = MIN_FLOAT_TOLERANCE_BITS;
    if (tolerance_bits >= FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS)
        tolerance_bits = FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS - 1;

    bool rc = true;
    stringstream msg;
    if (a.size() != b.size())
        return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "a.size() != b.size() for all_close_f comparison.";
    if (a.size() == 0)
        return ::testing::AssertionSuccess() << "No elements to compare";
    vector<uint32_t> distances = float_distances(a, b, min_signal);

    // e.g. for float with 24 bit mantissa, 2 bit accuracy, and hard-coded 8 bit exponent_bits
    // tolerance_bit_shift = 32 -           (1 +  8 + (24 -     1         ) - 2             )
    //                       float_length    sign exp  mantissa implicit 1    tolerance_bits
    uint32_t tolerance_bit_shift = 32 - (1 + 8 + (FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS - 1) - tolerance_bits);
    uint32_t tolerance = static_cast<uint32_t>(1U) << tolerance_bit_shift;
    uint32_t max_distance = 0;
    uint32_t min_distance = FLOAT_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL;
    size_t max_distance_index = 0;
    size_t min_distance_index = 0;
    size_t diff_count = 0;
    size_t below_min_count = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
        if (distances[i] == FLOAT_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL)
            // Special value that indicates both values were below min_signal

        if (distances[i] > max_distance)
            max_distance = distances[i];
            max_distance_index = i;
        if (distances[i] < min_distance)
            min_distance = distances[i];
            min_distance_index = i;
        bool is_close_f = distances[i] <= tolerance;
        if (!is_close_f)
            if (diff_count < 5)
                msg << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits10 + 1) << a[i]
                    << " is not close to " << b[i] << " at index " << i << "\n";

            rc = false;
    if (!rc)
        msg << "diff count: " << diff_count << " out of " << a.size() << "\n";
    // Find median value via partial sorting
    size_t middle = distances.size() / 2;
    std::nth_element(distances.begin(), distances.begin() + middle, distances.end());
    uint32_t median_distance = distances[middle];
    if (distances.size() % 2 == 0)
        // Find middle-1 value
        uint64_t median_sum = static_cast<uint64_t>(median_distance) +
                              *max_element(distances.begin(), distances.begin() + middle);
        median_distance = median_sum / 2;

    bool all_below_min_signal = below_min_count == distances.size();
    if (rc && (std::getenv("NGRAPH_GTEST_INFO") != nullptr))
        // Short unobtrusive message when passing
        std::cout << "[   INFO   ] Verifying match of <= " << (FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS - tolerance_bits)
                  << " mantissa bits (" << FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS << " bits precision - "
                  << tolerance_bits << " tolerance). ";
        if (all_below_min_signal)
            std::cout << "All values below min_signal: " << min_signal << "\n";
            std::cout << below_min_count << " value(s) below min_signal: " << min_signal
                      << " Loosest match found is " << matching_mantissa_bits(max_distance)
                      << " mantissa bits.\n";

    msg << "passing criteria - mismatch allowed  @ mantissa bit: "
        << (FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS - tolerance_bits) << " or later (" << tolerance_bits
        << " tolerance bits)\n";
    if (all_below_min_signal)
        msg << "All values below min_signal: " << min_signal << "\n";
        msg << below_min_count << " value(s) below min_signal: " << min_signal << "\n";
        msg << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits10 + 1)
            << "tightest match   - mismatch occurred @ mantissa bit: "
            << matching_mantissa_bits(min_distance) << " or next bit (" << a[min_distance_index]
            << " vs " << b[min_distance_index] << " at [" << min_distance_index << "])\n";
        msg << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits10 + 1)
            << "loosest match    - mismatch occurred @ mantissa bit: "
            << matching_mantissa_bits(max_distance) << " or next bit (" << a[max_distance_index]
            << " vs " << b[max_distance_index] << " at [" << max_distance_index << "])\n";
        msg << "median match     - mismatch occurred @ mantissa bit: "
            << matching_mantissa_bits(median_distance) << " or next bit\n";

    ::testing::AssertionResult res =
        rc ? ::testing::AssertionSuccess() : ::testing::AssertionFailure();
    res << msg.str();
    return res;

::testing::AssertionResult test::all_close_f(const vector<double>& a,
                                             const vector<double>& b,
                                             int tolerance_bits,
                                             double min_signal)
    if (tolerance_bits < 0)
        tolerance_bits = 0;
    if (tolerance_bits >= DOUBLE_MANTISSA_BITS)
        tolerance_bits = DOUBLE_MANTISSA_BITS - 1;

    bool rc = true;
    stringstream msg;
    if (a.size() != b.size())
        return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "a.size() != b.size() for all_close_f comparison.";
    if (a.size() == 0)
        return ::testing::AssertionSuccess() << "No elements to compare";
    vector<uint64_t> distances = float_distances(a, b, min_signal);

    // e.g. for double with 52 bit mantissa, 2 bit accuracy, and hard-coded 11 bit exponent_bits
    // tolerance_bit_shift = 64 -           (1 +  11 + (53 -     1         ) - 2             )
    //                       double_length   sign exp   mantissa implicit 1    tolerance_bits
    uint64_t tolerance_bit_shift = 64 - (1 + 11 + (DOUBLE_MANTISSA_BITS - 1) - tolerance_bits);
    uint64_t tolerance = static_cast<uint64_t>(1U) << tolerance_bit_shift;
    uint64_t max_distance = 0;
    uint64_t min_distance = DOUBLE_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL;
    size_t max_distance_index = 0;
    size_t min_distance_index = 0;
    size_t diff_count = 0;
    size_t below_min_count = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
        if (distances[i] == DOUBLE_BELOW_MIN_SIGNAL)
            // Special value that indicates both values were below min_signal

        if (distances[i] > max_distance)
            max_distance = distances[i];
            max_distance_index = i;
        if (distances[i] < min_distance)
            min_distance = distances[i];
            min_distance_index = i;
        bool is_close_f = distances[i] <= tolerance;
        if (!is_close_f)
            if (diff_count < 5)
                msg << a[i] << " is not close to " << b[i] << " at index " << i << "\n";

            rc = false;
    if (!rc)
        msg << "diff count: " << diff_count << " out of " << a.size() << "\n";
    // Find median value via partial sorting
    size_t middle = distances.size() / 2;
    std::nth_element(distances.begin(), distances.begin() + middle, distances.end());
    uint64_t median_distance = distances[middle];
    if (distances.size() % 2 == 0)
        uint64_t median_distance2 = *max_element(distances.begin(), distances.begin() + middle);
        uint64_t remainder1 = median_distance % 2;
        uint64_t remainder2 = median_distance2 % 2;
        median_distance =
            (median_distance / 2) + (median_distance2 / 2) + ((remainder1 + remainder2) / 2);

    bool all_below_min_signal = below_min_count == distances.size();
    if (rc && (std::getenv("NGRAPH_GTEST_INFO") != nullptr))
        // Short unobtrusive message when passing
        std::cout << "[   INFO   ] Verifying match of >= "
                  << (DOUBLE_MANTISSA_BITS - tolerance_bits) << " mantissa bits ("
                  << DOUBLE_MANTISSA_BITS << " bits precision - " << tolerance_bits
                  << " tolerance). ";
        if (all_below_min_signal)
            std::cout << "All values below min_signal: " << min_signal << "\n";
            std::cout << below_min_count << " value(s) below min_signal: " << min_signal
                      << " Loosest match found is " << matching_mantissa_bits(max_distance)
                      << " mantissa bits.\n";

    msg << "passing criteria - mismatch allowed  @ mantissa bit: "
        << (DOUBLE_MANTISSA_BITS - tolerance_bits) << " or later (" << tolerance_bits
        << " tolerance bits)\n";
    if (all_below_min_signal)
        msg << "All values below min_signal: " << min_signal << "\n";
        msg << below_min_count << " value(s) below min_signal: " << min_signal << "\n";
        msg << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits10 + 1)
            << "tightest match   - mismatch occurred @ mantissa bit: "
            << matching_mantissa_bits(min_distance) << " or next bit (" << a[min_distance_index]
            << " vs " << b[min_distance_index] << " at [" << min_distance_index << "])\n";
        msg << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits10 + 1)
            << "loosest match    - mismatch occurred @ mantissa bit: "
            << matching_mantissa_bits(max_distance) << " or next bit (" << a[max_distance_index]
            << " vs " << b[max_distance_index] << " at [" << max_distance_index << "])\n";
        msg << "median match     - mismatch occurred @ mantissa bit: "
            << matching_mantissa_bits(median_distance) << " or next bit\n";

    ::testing::AssertionResult res =
        rc ? ::testing::AssertionSuccess() : ::testing::AssertionFailure();
    res << msg.str();
    return res;

::testing::AssertionResult test::all_close_f(const std::shared_ptr<runtime::Tensor>& a,
                                             const std::shared_ptr<runtime::Tensor>& b,
                                             int tolerance_bits,
                                             float min_signal)
    // Check that the layouts are compatible
    if (*a->get_tensor_layout() != *b->get_tensor_layout())
        return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "Cannot compare tensors with different layouts";
    if (a->get_shape() != b->get_shape())
        return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "Cannot compare tensors with different shapes";

    return test::all_close_f(
        read_float_vector(a), read_float_vector(b), tolerance_bits, min_signal);

    test::all_close_f(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<runtime::Tensor>>& as,
                      const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<runtime::Tensor>>& bs,
                      int tolerance_bits,
                      float min_signal)
    if (as.size() != bs.size())
        return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "Cannot compare tensors with different sizes";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < as.size(); ++i)
        auto ar = test::all_close_f(as[i], bs[i], tolerance_bits, min_signal);
        if (!ar)
            return ar;
    return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();