// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2017 Nervana Systems Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "ngraph/function.hpp"
#include "ngraph/graph_util.hpp"
#include "ngraph/ngraph.hpp"
#include "util/all_close.hpp"
#include "util/ndarray.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace ngraph;

TEST(util, split)
        string s1 = "this,is,a,test";
        auto r1 = split(s1, ',');
        ASSERT_EQ(4, r1.size());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("this", r1[0].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("is", r1[1].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("a", r1[2].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("test", r1[3].c_str());

        string s1 = "this,is,a,test,";
        auto r1 = split(s1, ',');
        ASSERT_EQ(5, r1.size());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("this", r1[0].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("is", r1[1].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("a", r1[2].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("test", r1[3].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("", r1[4].c_str());

        string s1 = ",this,is,a,test";
        auto r1 = split(s1, ',');
        ASSERT_EQ(5, r1.size());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("", r1[0].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("this", r1[1].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("is", r1[2].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("a", r1[3].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("test", r1[4].c_str());

        string s1 = "this,,is,a,test";
        auto r1 = split(s1, ',');
        ASSERT_EQ(5, r1.size());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("this", r1[0].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("", r1[1].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("is", r1[2].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("a", r1[3].c_str());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("test", r1[4].c_str());

        string s1 = "this";
        auto r1 = split(s1, ',');
        ASSERT_EQ(1, r1.size());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("this", r1[0].c_str());

        string s1 = "";
        auto r1 = split(s1, ',');
        ASSERT_EQ(1, r1.size());
        EXPECT_STRCASEEQ("", r1[0].c_str());

TEST(DISABLED_util, dump)
    string text = "this is a text string used to test the dump function.";

    dump(cout, text.data(), text.size());

TEST(util, stopwatch)
    stopwatch t1;




    EXPECT_EQ(3, t1.get_call_count());

    EXPECT_GT(t1.get_total_microseconds(), t1.get_microseconds());

TEST(util, trim)
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim("test").c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim(" test").c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim("test ").c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim(" test ").c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim("           test            ").c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim("\ttest").c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim("test\t").c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim("\ttest\t").c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ("test", trim(" \t test \t ").c_str());

TEST(util, contains)
    vector<int> v1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};

    EXPECT_TRUE(contains(v1, 1));
    EXPECT_TRUE(contains(v1, 4));
    EXPECT_TRUE(contains(v1, 6));
    EXPECT_FALSE(contains(v1, 8));

TEST(util, remove_from)

TEST(util, reduce)
        std::vector<size_t> x = {};
        size_t actual =
            ngraph::reduce(x.begin(), x.end(), [](size_t a, size_t b) { return a + b; });
        EXPECT_EQ(actual, 0);
        std::vector<size_t> x = {10};
        size_t actual =
            ngraph::reduce(x.begin(), x.end(), [](size_t a, size_t b) { return a + b; });
        EXPECT_EQ(actual, 10);
        std::vector<size_t> x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
        size_t actual =
            ngraph::reduce(x.begin(), x.end(), [](size_t a, size_t b) { return a + b; });
        EXPECT_EQ(actual, 21);
        std::vector<size_t> x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
        size_t actual = ngraph::reduce(x.begin(), x.end(), ngraph::plus<size_t>);
        EXPECT_EQ(actual, 21);
        std::vector<size_t> x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
        size_t actual = ngraph::reduce(x.begin(), x.end(), ngraph::mul<size_t>);
        EXPECT_EQ(actual, 720);

TEST(util, all_close)
    auto manager = runtime::Manager::get("INTERPRETER");
    auto backend = manager->allocate_backend();

    // Create some tensors for input/output
    auto a = backend->make_primary_tensor_view(element::f32, Shape{2, 3});
    auto b = backend->make_primary_tensor_view(element::f32, Shape{2, 3});

    copy_data(a, test::NDArray<float, 2>({{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}).get_vector());
    copy_data(b, test::NDArray<float, 2>({{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}).get_vector());

    EXPECT_TRUE(ngraph::test::all_close<float>(a, b));

    auto c = backend->make_primary_tensor_view(element::f32, Shape{2, 3});
    copy_data(c, test::NDArray<float, 2>({{1.1f, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}).get_vector());

    EXPECT_FALSE(ngraph::test::all_close<float>(c, a, 0, .05f));
    EXPECT_TRUE(ngraph::test::all_close<float>(c, a, 0, .11f));

    EXPECT_FALSE(ngraph::test::all_close<float>(c, a, .05f, 0));
    EXPECT_TRUE(ngraph::test::all_close<float>(c, a, .11f, 0));

TEST(util, traverse_functions)
    // First create "f(A,B,C) = (A+B)*C".
    auto shape = Shape{2, 2};
    auto A = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto B = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto C = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto f = make_shared<Function>((A + B) * C, op::Parameters{A, B, C}, "f");

    // Now make "g(X,Y,Z) = f(X,Y,Z) + f(X,Y,Z)"
    auto X = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto Y = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto Z = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto g = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::FunctionCall>(f, Nodes{X, Y, Z}) +
                                       make_shared<op::FunctionCall>(f, Nodes{X, Y, Z}),
                                   op::Parameters{X, Y, Z},

    // Now make "h(X,Y,Z) = g(X,Y,Z) + g(X,Y,Z)"
    auto X1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto Y1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto Z1 = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    auto h = make_shared<Function>(make_shared<op::FunctionCall>(g, Nodes{X1, Y1, Z1}) +
                                       make_shared<op::FunctionCall>(g, Nodes{X1, Y1, Z1}),
                                   op::Parameters{X1, Y1, Z1},

    vector<Function*> functions;
    traverse_functions(h, [&](shared_ptr<Function> fp) { functions.push_back(fp.get()); });
    ASSERT_EQ(3, functions.size());

class CloneTest : public ::testing::Test
    // (A + B) * C
    Shape shape = Shape{2, 2};
    std::shared_ptr<op::Parameter> A = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    std::shared_ptr<op::Parameter> B = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    std::shared_ptr<op::Parameter> C = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    std::shared_ptr<Node> AplusB = A + B;
    std::shared_ptr<Node> AplusBtimesC = AplusB * C;

    NodeMap node_map;
    std::list<std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Node>> nodes;
    std::shared_ptr<Function> func =
        make_shared<Function>(AplusBtimesC, op::Parameters{A, B, C}, "f");

    void SetUp()

    bool CompareNodes(const std::list<std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Node>>& orig,
                      const std::list<std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Node>>& clone,
                      const NodeMap& nm)
        if (orig.size() != clone.size())
            return false;
        auto origit = orig.begin();
        auto cloneit = clone.begin();
        while (origit != orig.end() && cloneit != clone.end())
            if (*cloneit != nm.get_node_map().at(*origit))
                return false;
        return true;

TEST_F(CloneTest, clone_nodes_full)
    auto cloned_nodes = clone_nodes(nodes, node_map);
    ASSERT_TRUE(CompareNodes(nodes, cloned_nodes, node_map));

    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<op::Parameter>(node_map.get(A)));
    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<op::Parameter>(node_map.get(B)));
    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<op::Parameter>(node_map.get(C)));
    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<op::Add>(node_map.get(AplusB)));
    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<op::Multiply>(node_map.get(AplusBtimesC)));

    auto sorted_nodes = topological_sort(nodes);
    auto sorted_cloned_nodes = topological_sort(cloned_nodes);
    ASSERT_TRUE(CompareNodes(sorted_nodes, sorted_cloned_nodes, node_map));

TEST_F(CloneTest, clone_nodes_partial)
    // map A -> A' prior to clone
    auto Aprime = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape);
    node_map.add(A, Aprime);

    auto cloned_nodes = clone_nodes(nodes, node_map);
    ASSERT_TRUE(CompareNodes(nodes, cloned_nodes, node_map));

    // ensure A -> A' after clone
    ASSERT_EQ(Aprime, node_map.get(A));

TEST_F(CloneTest, clone_function_full)
    auto cloned_func = clone_function(func, node_map);
    ASSERT_TRUE(CompareNodes(func->get_ops(), cloned_func->get_ops(), node_map));

TEST(util, round_up)
    EXPECT_EQ(0, round_up(0, 4));
    EXPECT_EQ(4, round_up(1, 4));
    EXPECT_EQ(4, round_up(2, 4));
    EXPECT_EQ(4, round_up(3, 4));
    EXPECT_EQ(4, round_up(4, 4));
    EXPECT_EQ(8, round_up(5, 4));