[tox] envlist = py27,py3 [testenv] skipdist=True skip_install=True deps = -rrequirements.txt -rtest_requirements.txt setenv = NGRAPH_CPP_BUILD_PATH = {env:NGRAPH_CPP_BUILD_PATH:{homedir}/ngraph_dist} NGRAPH_ONNX_IMPORT_ENABLE = {env:NGRAPH_ONNX_IMPORT_ENABLE:"FALSE"} LD_LIBRARY_PATH = {env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{homedir}/ngraph_dist/lib} DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH = {env:DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:{homedir}/ngraph_dist/lib} PYBIND_HEADERS_PATH = {env:PYBIND_HEADERS_PATH:} [testenv:py3] deps = -rrequirements.txt -rtest_requirements.txt mypy flake8-bugbear commands= {envbindir}/python setup.py develop flake8 {posargs:pyngraph/ ngraph/ examples/} flake8 --ignore=D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D105,D107,W503 test/ # ignore lack of docs in tests mypy --config-file=tox.ini {posargs:pyngraph/ ngraph/ examples/} # Use MyPy in Python 3 only pytest {posargs:test/} [testenv:py27] commands= {envbindir}/python setup.py develop flake8 {posargs:pyngraph/ ngraph/ examples/} flake8 --ignore=D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D105,D107,W503 test/ # ignore lack of docs in tests pytest {posargs:test/} [testenv:devenv] envdir = devenv usedevelop = True deps = -rrequirements.txt [flake8] max-line-length=100 max-complexity=7 # ignore: # D100 - Missing docstring in public module # D104 - Missing docstring in public package # D105 - Missing docstring in magic method # D107 - Missing docstring in __init__ # F401 - module imported but unused # W503 - line break before binary operator (prefer line breaks before op, not after) ignore=D100,D104,D105,D107,F401,W503 [mypy] strict_optional = True ignore_missing_imports=True follow_imports=normal disallow_untyped_defs = True disallow_untyped_calls = True check_untyped_defs = True show_error_context = False show_column_numbers = True show_none_errors = True # put custom per-file options here in sections that map their names into filenames, e.g. gta_workflow/filename.py is # [mypy-ngraph/filename] [mypy-test.*] disallow_untyped_defs = False