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// Set LABEL variable if empty or not declared
try{ if(LABEL.trim() == "") {throw new Exception();} }catch(Exception e){LABEL="onnx && ci"}; echo "${LABEL}"
// CI settings and constants
PROJECT_NAME = "ngraph-onnx"            
CI_ROOT = "ngraph/.ci/onnx/jenkins"
NGRAPH_GIT_ADDRESS = "https://www.github.com/NervanaSystems/ngraph.git"
ONNX_GIT_ADDRESS = "https://www.github.com/NervanaSystems/ngraph-onnx.git"
JENKINS_GITHUB_CREDENTIAL_ID = "6887a177-8c4d-4fe9-9c3b-fcd71b22bfba"

def CloneRepository(String jenkins_github_credential_id, String ngraph_git_address, String onnx_git_address) {
    stage('Clone Repos') {
        try {
            checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
                branches: [[name: "$ghprbSourceBranch"]],
                doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption', timeout: 30]], submoduleCfg: [],
                userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${jenkins_github_credential_id}",
                url: "${onnx_git_address}"]]])
        catch (Exception e) {
            WARNING = "WARNING! Failed to clone ngraph-onnx branch $ghprbSourceBranch ! Falling back to master."
            sh """
                echo ${WARNING}
            checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
                branches: [[name: "master"]],
                doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption', timeout: 30]], submoduleCfg: [],
                userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${jenkins_github_credential_id}",
                url: "${onnx_git_address}"]]])
        dir ("ngraph") {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
                    branches: [[name: "$ghprbSourceBranch"]],
                    doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption', timeout: 30]], submoduleCfg: [],
                    userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${jenkins_github_credential_id}",
                    url: "${ngraph_git_address}"]]])

def BuildImage(configurationMaps) {
    Closure buildMethod = { configMap ->
        sh """
            ${CI_ROOT}/utils/docker.sh build \
                                --name=${configMap["projectName"]} \
                                --version=${configMap["name"]} \
    UTILS.CreateStage("Build_Image", buildMethod, configurationMaps)

def RunDockerContainers(configurationMaps) {
    Closure runContainerMethod = { configMap ->
        UTILS.PropagateStatus("Build_Image", configMap["name"])
        sh """
            mkdir -p ${HOME}/ONNX_CI
            ${CI_ROOT}/utils/docker.sh start \
                                --name=${configMap["projectName"]} \
                                --version=${configMap["name"]} \
                                --container_name=${configMap["dockerContainerName"]} \
                                --volumes="-v ${WORKSPACE}/${BUILD_NUMBER}:/logs -v ${HOME}/ONNX_CI:/home -v ${WORKDIR}:/root"
    UTILS.CreateStage("Run_docker_containers", runContainerMethod, configurationMaps)

def PrepareEnvironment(configurationMaps) {
    Closure prepareEnvironmentMethod = { configMap ->
        UTILS.PropagateStatus("Run_docker_containers", configMap["dockerContainerName"])
        sh """
            docker cp ${CI_ROOT}/utils/docker.sh ${configMap["dockerContainerName"]}:/home
            docker exec ${configMap["dockerContainerName"]} bash -c "/root/${CI_ROOT}/prepare_environment.sh"
    UTILS.CreateStage("Prepare_environment", prepareEnvironmentMethod, configurationMaps)

def RunToxTests(configurationMaps) {
    Closure runToxTestsMethod = { configMap ->
        UTILS.PropagateStatus("Prepare_environment", configMap["dockerContainerName"])
        sh """
            NGRAPH_WHL=\$(docker exec ${configMap["dockerContainerName"]} find /root/ngraph/python/dist/ -name 'ngraph*.whl')
            docker exec -e TOX_INSTALL_NGRAPH_FROM=\${NGRAPH_WHL} ${configMap["dockerContainerName"]} tox -c /root/
            mkdir -p ${HOME}/ONNX_CI/onnx_models/
            if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/.onnx ]; then
                docker cp ${configMap["dockerContainerName"]}:/root/.onnx/ ~/ONNX_CI/onnx_models/
    UTILS.CreateStage("Run_tox_tests", runToxTestsMethod, configurationMaps)

def Cleanup(configurationMaps) {
    Closure cleanupMethod = { configMap ->
        sh """
            cd ${HOME}/ONNX_CI
            ./docker.sh chmod --container_name=${configMap["dockerContainerName"]} --directory="/logs" --options="-R 777" || true
            docker exec ${configMap["dockerContainerName"]} rm -rf /root/* || true
            ./docker.sh stop --container_name=${configMap["dockerContainerName"]} || true
            ./docker.sh remove --container_name=${configMap["dockerContainerName"]} || true
            ./docker.sh clean_up || true
            rm ${HOME}/ONNX_CI/docker.sh
            rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/${BUILD_NUMBER}
    UTILS.CreateStage("Cleanup", cleanupMethod, configurationMaps)

def Notify() {
    configurationMaps = []
        "name": "notify"
    String notifyPeople = "$ghprbPullAuthorEmail, $ghprbActualCommitAuthorEmail"
    Closure notifyMethod = { configMap ->
        if(currentBuild.result != "FAILURE") {
            currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
        if(currentBuild.result == "FAILURE" || WARNING != "") {
            emailext (
                subject: "NGraph-Onnx CI: NGraph PR $ghprbPullId $currentBuild.result!",
                body: """
                    <table style="width:100%">
                        <tr><td>Status:</td> <td>${currentBuild.result}</td></tr>
                        <tr><td>Repository</td> <td>$ghprbGhRepository</td></tr>
                        <tr><td>Branch:</td> <td>$ghprbSourceBranch</td></tr>
                        <tr><td>Pull Request:</td> <td>$ghprbPullId</td></tr>
                        <tr><td>Commit SHA:</td> <td>$ghprbActualCommit</td></tr>
                        <tr><td>Link:</td> <td>$ghprbPullLink</td></tr>
                to: "${notifyPeople}"
    UTILS.CreateStage("Notify", notifyMethod, configurationMaps)

def main(String label, String projectName, String projectRoot, String dockerContainerName, String jenkins_github_credential_id, String ngraph_git_address, String onnx_git_address) {
    node(label) {
        timeout(activity: true, time: 60) {        
            def configurationMaps;
            try {
                dir ("${WORKDIR}") {
                    CloneRepository(jenkins_github_credential_id, ngraph_git_address, onnx_git_address)
                    // Load CI API
                    UTILS = load "${CI_ROOT}/utils/utils.groovy"
                    result = 'SUCCESS'
                    // Create configuration maps
                    configurationMaps = UTILS.GetDockerEnvList(projectName, dockerContainerName, projectRoot)
                    // Execute CI steps
            finally {