//***************************************************************************** // Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //***************************************************************************** // tool to benchmark any ngraph json model with given backend. // compile and run with: // g++ ./nbench.cpp -std=c++11 -I$HOME/ngraph_dist/include -L$HOME/ngraph_dist/lib -lngraph -o nbench // env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/ngraph_dist/lib env NGRAPH_INTERPRETER_EMIT_TIMING=1 ./nbench // sample models are under ../../test/models #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include "benchmark.hpp" #include "ngraph/distributed.hpp" #include "ngraph/except.hpp" #include "ngraph/file_util.hpp" #include "ngraph/graph_util.hpp" #include "ngraph/pass/liveness.hpp" #include "ngraph/pass/manager.hpp" #include "ngraph/pass/memory_layout.hpp" #include "ngraph/pass/visualize_tree.hpp" #include "ngraph/runtime/backend.hpp" #include "ngraph/serializer.hpp" #include "ngraph/util.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace ngraph; class PerfShape : public ngraph::runtime::PerformanceCounter { public: PerfShape(const runtime::PerformanceCounter& p, Shape s) : PerformanceCounter(p) , shape(s) { } Shape shape; }; vector<PerfShape> to_perf_shape(shared_ptr<Function> f, const vector<runtime::PerformanceCounter>& perf_data) { vector<PerfShape> result; for (const runtime::PerformanceCounter& p : perf_data) { auto node = p.get_node(); if (node == nullptr) { ostringstream os; os << "Can't find \"" << node->get_name() << "\" in Function \"" << f->get_name() << "\"."; throw runtime_error(os.str()); } Shape shape = node->output(0).get_shape(); result.push_back(PerfShape(p, shape)); } return result; } multimap<size_t, string> aggregate_timing_details(const vector<PerfShape>& perf_data) { unordered_map<string, size_t> timing; unordered_map<string, size_t> count; for (const PerfShape& p : perf_data) { auto node = p.get_node(); string op = node->description(); string shape_name = " {" + join(p.shape) + "} "; timing[op + shape_name] += p.microseconds(); count[op + shape_name] += 1; } multimap<size_t, string> rc; for (auto& t : timing) { rc.insert({t.second, t.first + to_string(count[t.first])}); } return rc; } multimap<size_t, string> aggregate_timing(const vector<PerfShape>& perf_data) { unordered_map<string, size_t> timing; for (const PerfShape& p : perf_data) { auto node = p.get_node(); string op = node->description(); timing[op] += p.microseconds(); } multimap<size_t, string> rc; for (auto& t : timing) { rc.insert({t.second, t.first}); } return rc; } void print_times(const multimap<size_t, string>& timing) { // set the column widths int name_width = 0; int time_width = 0; for (auto& p : timing) { name_width = max(name_width, static_cast<int>(p.second.size())); time_width = max(time_width, static_cast<int>(locale_string(p.first).size())); } for (auto it = timing.rbegin(); it != timing.rend(); it++) { cout << setw(name_width + 2) << left << it->second << " " << setw(time_width + 2) << right << it->first << "us\n"; } } void print_results(vector<PerfShape> perf_data, bool timing_detail) { sort(perf_data.begin(), perf_data.end(), [](const PerfShape& p1, const PerfShape& p2) { return p1.total_microseconds() > p2.total_microseconds(); }); multimap<size_t, string> timing = aggregate_timing(perf_data); multimap<size_t, string> timing_details = aggregate_timing_details(perf_data); if (timing_detail) { cout << "\n---- Aggregate times per op type ----\n"; print_times(timing); cout << "\n---- Aggregate times per op type/shape/count ----\n"; print_times(timing_details); } } element::Type get_op_element_type(const Node& op) { element::Type type; if (op.description() == "Convert") { type = op.input(0).get_element_type(); } else if (op.description() == "Equal" || op.description() == "Greater" || op.description() == "GreaterEq" || op.description() == "Less" || op.description() == "LessEq" || op.description() == "NotEqual") { // Get the type of the second input, not the first // All BinaryElementwiseComparision ops have the same type for inputs // Select has bool for first input and the type we are interested in for the second type = op.input(1).get_element_type(); } else { type = op.output(0).get_element_type(); } return type; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { string model_arg; string backend; string directory; int iterations = 10; bool failed = false; bool statistics = false; bool timing_detail = false; bool visualize = false; int warmup_iterations = 1; bool copy_data = true; bool dot_file = false; for (size_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) { string arg = argv[i]; if (arg == "-f" || arg == "--file") { model_arg = argv[++i]; } else if (arg == "-b" || arg == "--backend") { backend = argv[++i]; } else if (arg == "-i" || arg == "--iterations") { try { iterations = stoi(argv[++i]); } catch (...) { cout << "Invalid Argument\n"; failed = true; } } else if (arg == "-s" || arg == "--statistics") { statistics = true; } else if (arg == "--timing_detail" || arg == "--timing-detail") { timing_detail = true; } else if (arg == "--no_copy_data") { copy_data = false; } else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "--visualize") { visualize = true; } else if (arg == "--dot") { dot_file = true; } else if (arg == "-d" || arg == "--directory") { directory = argv[++i]; } else if (arg == "-w" || arg == "--warmup_iterations") { try { warmup_iterations = stoi(argv[++i]); } catch (...) { cout << "Invalid Argument\n"; failed = true; } } else { cout << "Unknown option: " << arg << endl; failed = true; } } if (!model_arg.empty() && !file_util::exists(model_arg)) { cout << "File " << model_arg << " not found\n"; failed = true; } else if (!directory.empty() && !file_util::exists(directory)) { cout << "Directory " << directory << " not found\n"; failed = true; } else if (directory.empty() && model_arg.empty()) { cout << "Either file or directory must be specified\n"; failed = true; } if (failed) { cout << R"###( DESCRIPTION Benchmark nGraph JSON model with given backend. SYNOPSIS nbench [-f <filename>] [-b <backend>] [-i <iterations>] OPTIONS -f|--file Serialized model file -b|--backend Backend to use (default: CPU) -d|--directory Directory to scan for models. All models are benchmarked. -i|--iterations Iterations (default: 10) -s|--statistics Display op statistics -v|--visualize Visualize a model (WARNING: requires Graphviz installed) --timing_detail Gather detailed timing -w|--warmup_iterations Number of warm-up iterations --no_copy_data Disable copy of input/result data every iteration --dot Generate Graphviz dot file )###"; return 1; } vector<string> models; if (!directory.empty()) { vector<PerfShape> aggregate_perf_data; file_util::iterate_files(directory, [&](const string& file, bool is_dir) { if (!is_dir) { models.push_back(file); } }, true); } else { // Error case where model is missing already checked above models.push_back(model_arg); } vector<PerfShape> aggregate_perf_data; int rc = 0; for (const string& model : models) { cout << "\n"; cout << "============================================================================\n"; cout << "---- Processing '" << model << "'\n"; cout << "============================================================================\n"; try { if (visualize) { shared_ptr<Function> f = deserialize(model); auto model_file_name = ngraph::file_util::get_file_name(model) + (dot_file ? ".dot" : ngraph::file_util::get_file_ext(model)); pass::Manager pass_manager; pass_manager.register_pass<pass::VisualizeTree>(model_file_name, nullptr, true); pass_manager.run_passes(f); } if (statistics) { shared_ptr<Function> f = deserialize(model); pass::Manager pass_manager; pass_manager.register_pass<pass::Liveness>(); pass_manager.register_pass<pass::MemoryLayout>(); pass_manager.run_passes(f); cout << "\n---- Source Graph Statistics ----\n"; cout << "Total nodes: " << locale_string(f->get_ops().size()) << endl; size_t total_constant_bytes = 0; size_t total_parameter_bytes = 0; size_t total_result_bytes = 0; size_t total_temporary_bytes = 0; size_t total_constant_count = 0; size_t total_parameter_count = 0; size_t total_result_count = 0; size_t total_temporary_count = 0; unordered_map<string, size_t> op_list; set<string> type_list; for (shared_ptr<Node> node : f->get_ordered_ops()) { for (descriptor::Tensor* tensor : node->liveness_new_list) { total_temporary_bytes += tensor->size(); total_temporary_count++; } string op_name = node->description(); string shape_name = "{" + join(node->output(0).get_shape()) + "}"; op_list[op_name + shape_name]++; auto et = get_op_element_type(*node); string type_string = et.c_type_string(); type_list.insert(type_string); if (op_name == "Constant") { total_constant_count++; const Shape& shape = node->output(0).get_shape(); size_t const_size = node->output(0).get_element_type().size(); if (shape.size() == 0) { total_constant_bytes += const_size; } else { total_constant_bytes += (const_size * shape_size(node->output(0).get_shape())); } } else if (op_name == "Parameter") { total_parameter_count++; const Shape& shape = node->output(0).get_shape(); size_t size = node->output(0).get_element_type().size() * shape_size(shape); total_parameter_bytes += size; } else if (op_name == "Result") { total_result_count++; const Shape& shape = node->input(0).get_shape(); size_t size = node->input(0).get_element_type().size() * shape_size(shape); total_result_bytes += size; } } cout << "--\n"; cout << "Total Constant size: " << locale_string(total_constant_bytes) << " bytes in " << total_constant_count << " constants\n"; cout << "Total Parameter size: " << locale_string(total_parameter_bytes) << " bytes in " << total_parameter_count << " parameters\n"; cout << "Total Result size: " << locale_string(total_result_bytes) << " bytes in " << total_result_count << " results\n"; cout << "Total Temporary size: " << locale_string(total_temporary_bytes) << " bytes in " << total_temporary_count << " temporaries\n"; cout << "Temporary size with reuse : " << locale_string(f->get_temporary_pool_size()) << " bytes\n"; cout << "--\n"; cout << "Types used:\n"; for (const string& type : type_list) { cout << " " << type << "\n"; } cout << "--\n"; for (auto& op_info : op_list) { cout << op_info.first << ": " << op_info.second << " ops" << endl; } } if (!backend.empty()) { cout << "\n---- Benchmark ----\n"; shared_ptr<Function> f = deserialize(model); auto perf_data = run_benchmark( f, backend, iterations, timing_detail, warmup_iterations, copy_data); auto perf_shape = to_perf_shape(f, perf_data); aggregate_perf_data.insert( aggregate_perf_data.end(), perf_shape.begin(), perf_shape.end()); print_results(perf_shape, timing_detail); } } catch (ngraph::unsupported_op& ue) { cout << "Unsupported op '" << ue.what() << "' in model " << model << endl; rc += 1; } catch (exception& e) { cout << "Exception caught on '" << model << "'\n" << e.what() << endl; rc += 1; } } if (models.size() > 1) { cout << "\n"; cout << "============================================================================\n"; cout << "---- Aggregate over all models\n"; cout << "============================================================================\n"; print_results(aggregate_perf_data, timing_detail); } return rc; }