#!/bin/bash # INTEL CONFIDENTIAL # Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved. # The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to the # source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers or # licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its # suppliers and licensors. The Material may contain trade secrets and proprietary # and confidential information of Intel Corporation and its suppliers and # licensors, and is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and # treaty provisions. No part of the Material may be used, copied, reproduced, # modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed # in any way without Intel's prior express written permission. # No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual # property right is granted to or conferred upon you by disclosure or delivery of # the Materials, either expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or # otherwise. Any license under such intellectual property rights must be express # and approved by Intel in writing. readonly PARAMETERS=( 'name' 'version' 'container_name' 'volumes' 'env' 'ports' 'dockerfile_path' 'directory' 'docker_registry' 'options' 'tag' 'engine' 'frontend' 'new_tag' 'image_name' 'repository_type' 'build_cores_number') readonly WORKDIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" #Example of usage: login ${docker_registry} docker.login() { local registry="${1}" local i local parameters for i in $(cat ${HOME}/tokens/docker) do parameters+=" --${i}" done docker login ${parameters} ${registry} } #Example of usage: get_image_name ${docker_registry} ${name} ${version} ${tag} ${engine} ${repository_type} ${frontend} docker.get_image_name() { local registry="${1}" local name="${2}" local version="${3}" local tag="${4}" local engine="${5}" local repository_type="${6}" local frontend="${7}" if [ "${repository_type,,}" == "private" ]; then repository_type="${repository_type,,}/" else repository_type="" fi if [ ! -z ${engine} ]; then engine="/${engine}" fi if [ ! -z ${frontend} ]; then frontend="/${frontend}" fi echo "${registry,,}/aibt/aibt/${name,,}/${repository_type,,}${version,,}${engine,,}${frontend,,}:${tag}" } docker.get_git_token() { local token=$(cat ${HOME}/tokens/private_git) echo "${token}" } #Example of usage: build ${image_name} ${dockerfile} docker.build() { local image_name="${1}" local dockerfile_path="${2}" local repository_type="${3}" local build_cores_number="${4}" if [ ${repository_type} == "private" ]; then BUILD_ARGS="--build-arg REPOSITORY_TYPE=private --build-arg TOKEN=$(docker.get_git_token)" fi # Add http_proxy if exists if [ -n ${http_proxy} ]; then BUILD_ARGS+="--build-arg http_proxy=${http_proxy} " fi # Add https_proxy if exists if [ -n ${https_proxy} ]; then BUILD_ARGS+="--build-arg https_proxy=${https_proxy} " fi # If build_cores_number was not passed - detect number of build cores if [ -z ${build_cores_number} ]; then BUILD_ARGS+="--build-arg BUILD_CORES_NUMBER=$(lscpu --parse=CORE | grep -v '#' | sort | uniq | wc -l) " fi docker build ${BUILD_ARGS} -f "${WORKDIR}/${dockerfile_path}" -t "${image_name}" . local exit_code=${?} if [ ${exit_code} != "0" ]; then exit ${exit_code} fi } #Example of usage: push ${image_name} docker.push() { local image_name="${1}" docker push "${image_name}" } #Example of usage: pull ${image_name} docker.pull() { local image_name="${1}" docker pull "${image_name}" } #Example of usage: shell ${image_name} ${container_name} ${volumes} ${env} ${ports} docker.shell() { local image_name=${1} local container_name="${2}" local volumes="${3}" local env="${4}" local ports="${5}" docker run -h "$(hostname)" --rm --privileged --name "${container_name}" -i -t "${ports}" "${volumes}" "${env}" \ "${image_name}" /bin/bash } #Example of usage: run ${image_name} ${container_name} ${volumes} ${env} ${ports} docker.run() { local image_name="${1}" local container_name="${2}" local volumes="${3}" local env="${4}" local ports="${5}" local engine="${6}" DOCKER_COMMAND="docker" if [ ${engine,,} == "cudnn" ]; then DOCKER_COMMAND="nvidia-docker" fi ${DOCKER_COMMAND} run -h "$(hostname)" --rm --privileged --name "${container_name}" "${ports}" "${volumes}" "${env}" "${image_name}" } #Example of usage: start ${image_name} ${container_name} ${volumes} ${env} ${ports} docker.start() { local image_name="${1}" local container_name="${2}" local volumes="${3}" local env="${4}" local ports="${5}" local engine="${6}" docker ps -a | grep "${container_name}" &> /dev/null if [ $? == 0 ]; then docker.stop "${container_name}" docker.remove "${container_name}" fi DOCKER_COMMAND="docker" if [ ${engine,,} == "cudnn" ]; then DOCKER_COMMAND="nvidia-docker" fi CMD="${DOCKER_COMMAND} run -h "$(hostname)" -id --privileged --name "${container_name}" "${ports}" "${volumes}" "${env}" "${image_name}" tail -f /dev/null" eval "${CMD}" } #Example of usage: commit ${image_name} ${container_name} docker.commit() { local image_name="${1}" local container_name="${2}" docker commit "${container_name}" "${image_name}" } #Example of usage: tag ${image_name} ${new_tag} docker.tag() { local image_name="${1}" local new_tag="${2}" docker tag "${image_name}" "${image_name/:*/:${new_tag}}" } #Example of usage: release ${image_name} docker.release() { local image_name="${1}" docker.tag "${image_name}" "latest" } #Example of usage: stop ${container_name} docker.stop() { local container_name="${1}" docker stop "${container_name}" || true } #Example of usage: clean_workdir ${container_name} ${directory} ${options} docker.chmod() { local container_name="${1}" local directory="${2}" local options="${3}" docker start ${container_name} docker exec ${container_name} bash -c "cd ${directory}; chmod ${options} \$(ls -a | tail -n +3)" } #Example of usage: remove ${container_name} docker.remove() { local container_name="${1}" docker rm "${container_name}" || true } #Example of usage: prune docker.format() { docker system prune --all --force } #Example of usage: clean_up docker.clean_up() { #list of all container local -r containers_list="$(docker ps -a -q)" #list of wrongly taged images local -r images_list="$(docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}->{{.ID}}" | grep '<none>')" if [[ ! -z "${containers_list}" ]]; then #Stop containers docker stop ${containers_list} #Remove containers docker rm ${containers_list} fi if [[ ! -z "${images_list}" ]]; then # Delete images for image in ${images_list} do docker rmi ${image/->*/} #remove by name docker rmi ${image/*->/} #remove by id done fi #Clean docker system printf 'y' | docker system prune } #Script help usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: $0 [options] EOF } main() { local pattern='[-a-zA-Z0-9_]*=' local i local action=${1}; shift #assign first argument and remove from the argument list #parse arguments for i in "${@}" do local parameter_name for parameter_name in "${PARAMETERS[@]}" do if [[ ${i} == "--${parameter_name}="* ]]; then local value="${i//${pattern}/}" eval "local ${parameter_name}=\"${value}\"" fi done done if [ -z ${image_name} ]; then local image_name="$(docker.get_image_name ${docker_registry} ${name} ${version} ${tag:-"ci"} ${engine:-"base"} ${repository_type:-"public"} ${frontend})" fi case "${action}" in build) docker.build "${image_name}" "${dockerfile_path}" "${repository_type:-"public"}" "${build_cores_number}";; push) docker.push "${image_name}";; pull) docker.pull "${image_name}";; shell) docker.shell "${image_name}" "${container_name}" "${volumes}" "${env}" "${ports}";; run) docker.run "${image_name}" "${container_name}" "${volumes}" "${env}" "${ports}" "${engine:-"base"}";; start) docker.start "${image_name}" "${container_name}" "${volumes}" "${env}" "${ports}" "${engine:-"base"}";; commit) docker.commit "${image_name}" "${container_name}";; tag) docker.tag "${image_name}" "${new_tag}";; stop) docker.stop "${container_name}";; remove) docker.remove "${container_name}";; chmod) docker.chmod "${container_name}" "${directory}" "${options}";; format) docker.format;; clean_up) docker.clean_up;; login) docker.login "${docker_registry}";; release) docker.release "${image_name}";; *) usage;; esac } if [[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} == "${0}" ]]; then main "${@}" fi