.. install.rst:


Build Environments

The |release| version of |project| supports Linux\*-based systems  
with the following packages and prerequisites: 

.. csv-table::
   :header: "Operating System", "Compiler", "Build System", "Status", "Additional Packages"
   :widths: 25, 15, 25, 20, 25
   :escape: ~

   CentOS 7.4 64-bit, GCC 4.8, CMake 3.4.3, supported, ``wget zlib-devel ncurses-libs ncurses-devel patch diffutils gcc-c++ make git perl-Data-Dumper`` 
   Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS) 64-bit, Clang 3.9, CMake 3.5.1 + GNU Make, supported, ``build-essential cmake clang-3.9 git curl zlib1g zlib1g-dev libtinfo-dev``
   Clear Linux\* OS for Intel Architecture, Clang 5.0.1, CMake 3.10.2, experimental, bundles ``machine-learning-basic dev-utils python3-basic python-basic-dev``

Other configurations may work, but should be considered experimental with
limited support. On Ubuntu 16.04 with ``gcc-5.4.0`` or ``clang-3.9``, for 
example, we recommend adding ``-DNGRAPH_USE_PREBUILT_LLVM=TRUE`` to the 
:command:`cmake` command in step 4 below. This fetches a pre-built tarball 
of LLVM+Clang from `llvm.org`_, and will substantially reduce build time.

If using ``gcc`` version 4.8, it may be necessary to add symlinks from ``gcc`` 
to ``gcc-4.8``, and from ``g++`` to ``g++-4.8``, in your :envvar:`PATH`, even 
if you explicitly specify the ``CMAKE_C_COMPILER`` and ``CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER`` 
flags when building. (**Do NOT** supply the ``-DNGRAPH_USE_PREBUILT_LLVM`` 
flag in this case, because the prebuilt tarball supplied on llvm.org is not 
compatible with a gcc 4.8-based build.)

Installation Steps

The CMake procedure installs ``ngraph_dist`` to the installing user's ``$HOME`` 
directory as the default location. See the :file:`CMakeLists.txt` file for 
details about how to change or customize the install location.

The instructions below also presume cloning the nGraph source via an SSH-enabled 
Github account. If you don't have SSH keys set up on your GitHub account, you can 
still follow the instructions below and clone via HTTPS.


The process documented here will work on Ubuntu\* 16.04 (LTS)

#. (Optional) Create something like ``/opt/libraries`` and (with sudo), 
   give ownership of that directory to your user. Creating such a placeholder 
   can be useful if you'd like to have a local reference for APIs and 
   documentation, or if you are a developer who wants to experiment with 
   how to :doc:`../howto/execute` using resources available through the 
   code base.

   .. code-block:: console

      $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/libraries
      $ sudo chown -R username:username /opt/libraries
      $ cd /opt/libraries

#. Clone the `NervanaSystems` ``ngraph`` repo:

   .. code-block:: console

      $ git clone https://github.com/NervanaSystems/ngraph.git
      $ cd ngraph

#. Create a build directory outside of the ``ngraph/src`` directory 
   tree; somewhere like ``ngraph/build``, for example:

   .. code-block:: console

      $ mkdir build && cd build

#. Generate the GNUMakefiles in the customary manner (from within the 
   ``build`` directory). If running ``gcc-5.4.0`` or ``clang-3.9``, remember 
   that you can also append ``cmake`` with the prebuilt LLVM option to 
   speed-up the build. Another option if your deployment system has IntelĀ®
   Advanced Vector Extensions (IntelĀ® AVX) is to target the accelerations 
   available directly by compiling the build as follows during the cmake 
   step: ``-DNGRAPH_TARGET_ARCH=skylake-avx512``.

   .. code-block:: console


#. Run ``$ make`` and ``make install`` to install ``libngraph.so`` and the 
   header files to ``$HOME/ngraph_dist``:

   .. code-block:: console
      $ make   # note: make -j <N> may work, but sometimes results in out-of-memory errors if too many compilation processes are used
      $ make install          

#. (Optional, requires `doxygen`_, `Sphinx`_, and `breathe`_). Run ``make html`` 
   inside the ``doc/sphinx`` directory of the cloned source to build a copy of 
   the `website docs`_ locally. The low-level API docs with inheritance and 
   collaboration diagrams can be found inside the ``/docs/doxygen/`` directory.    


The process documented here will work on CentOS 7.4.

#. (Optional) Create something like ``/opt/libraries`` and (with sudo), 
   give ownership of that directory to your user. Creating such a placeholder 
   can be useful if you'd like to have a local reference for APIs and 
   documentation, or if you are a developer who wants to experiment with 
   how to :doc:`../howto/execute` using resources available through the 
   code base.

   .. code-block:: console

      $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/libraries
      $ sudo chown -R username:username /opt/libraries

#. Update the system with :command:`yum` and issue the following commands: 
   .. code-block:: console

      $ sudo yum update
      $ sudo yum install zlib-devel install ncurses-libs ncurses-devel patch diffutils wget gcc-c++ make git perl-Data-Dumper

#. Install Cmake 3.4:

   .. code-block:: console
      $ wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.4/cmake-3.4.3.tar.gz      
      $ tar -xzvf cmake-3.4.3.tar.gz
      $ cd cmake-3.4.3
      $ ./bootstrap
      $ make && sudo make install  

#. Clone the `NervanaSystems` ``ngraph`` repo and use Cmake 3.4.3 to 
   install the nGraph libraries to ``$HOME/ngraph_dist``.

   .. code-block:: console

      $ cd /opt/libraries 
      $ git clone https://github.com/NervanaSystems/ngraph.git
      $ cd ngraph && mkdir build && cd build
      $ cmake ../
      $ make && sudo make install 

macOS\* development

.. note:: Although we do not offer support for the macOS platform; some 
   configurations and features may work.

The repository includes two scripts (``maint/check-code-format.sh`` and 
``maint/apply-code-format.sh``) that are used respectively to check adherence 
to ``libngraph`` code formatting conventions, and to automatically reformat code 
according to those conventions. These scripts require the command 
``clang-format-3.9`` to be in your ``PATH``. Run the following commands 
(you will need to adjust them if you are not using bash):

.. code-block:: bash

   $ brew install llvm@3.9
   $ mkdir -p $HOME/bin
   $ ln -s /usr/local/opt/llvm@3.9/bin/clang-format $HOME/bin/clang-format-3.9
   $ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bash_profile


The |InG| library code base uses GoogleTest's\* `googletest framework`_ 
for unit tests. The ``cmake`` command from the :doc:`install` guide 
automatically downloaded a copy of the needed ``gtest`` files when 
it configured the build directory.

To perform unit tests on the install:

#. Create and configure the build directory as described in our 
   :doc:`install` guide.

#. Enter the build directory and run ``make check``:
   .. code-block:: console

      $ cd build/
      $ make check

Compile a framework with ``libngraph``

After building and installing nGraph on your system, there are two likely 
paths for what you'll want to do next: either compile a framework to run a DL 
training model, or load an import of an "already-trained" model for inference 
on an Intel nGraph-enabled backend.

For the former case, this early |version|, :doc:`framework-integration-guides`, 
can help you get started with a training a model on a supported framework. 

* :doc:`neon<framework-integration-guides>` framework,  
* :doc:`MXNet<framework-integration-guides>` framework,  
* :doc:`TensorFlow<framework-integration-guides>` framework, and

For the latter case, if you've followed a tutorial from `ONNX`_, and you have an 
exported, serialized model, you can skip the section on frameworks and go directly
to our :doc:`../howto/import` documentation. 

Please keep in mind that both of these are under continuous development, and will 
be updated frequently in the coming months. Stay tuned!  

.. _doxygen: https://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/
.. _Sphinx:  http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/
.. _breathe: https://breathe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
.. _llvm.org: https://www.llvm.org 
.. _NervanaSystems: https://github.com/NervanaSystems/ngraph/blob/master/README.md
.. _googletest framework: https://github.com/google/googletest.git
.. _ONNX: http://onnx.ai
.. _website docs: http://ngraph.nervanasys.com/docs/latest/