.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
..      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

.. This documentation is available online at 
.. http://ngraph.nervanasys.com/docs/latest/


Welcome to the nGraph™ documentation site. nGraph is an open-source C++ library 
and runtime / compiler suite for :abbr:`Deep Learning (DL)` ecosystems. Our goal 
is to empower algorithm designers, data scientists, framework architects, 
software engineers, and others with the means to make their work :ref:`portable`, 
:ref:`adaptable`, and :ref:`deployable` across the most modern 
:abbr:`Machine Learning (ML)` hardware available today: optimized Deep Learning
computation devices.

.. figure:: graphics/ngraph-ecosystem.png
   :width: 650px   

.. _portable:


One of nGraph's key features is **framework neutrality**. While we currently 
support :doc:`three popular <framework-integration-guides>` frameworks with 
pre-optimized deployment runtimes for training :abbr:`Deep Neural Network (DNN)`, 
models, you are not limited to these when choosing among frontends. Architects 
of any framework (even those not listed above) can use our documentation for how
to :doc:`compile and run <howto/execute>` a training model and design or tweak 
a framework to bridge directly to the nGraph compiler. With a *portable* model 
at the core of your :abbr:`DL (Deep Learning)` ecosystem, it's no longer 
necessary to bring large datasets to the model for training; you can take your 
model -- in whole, or in part -- to where the data lives and save potentially 
significant or quantifiable machine resources.  

.. _adaptable: 


We've recently begun support for the `ONNX`_ format. Developers who already have 
a "trained" :abbr:`DNN (Deep Neural Network)` model can use nGraph to bypass 
significant framework-based complexity and :doc:`import it <howto/import>` 
to test or run on targeted and efficient backends with our user-friendly 
Python-based API. See the `ngraph onnx companion tool`_ to get started. 

.. csv-table::
   :header: "Framework", "Bridge Code Available?", "ONNX Support?"
   :widths: 27, 10, 10

   TensorFlow, Yes, Yes
   MXNet, Yes, Yes
   neon, none needed, Yes
   PyTorch, Not yet, Yes
   CNTK, Not yet, Yes
   Other, Not yet, Doable

.. _deployable:


It's no secret that the :abbr:`DL (Deep Learning)` ecosystem is evolving 
rapidly. Benchmarking comparisons can be blown steeply out of proportion by 
subtle tweaks to batch or latency numbers here and there. Where traditional 
GPU-based training excels, inference can lag and vice versa. Sometimes what we
care about is not "speed at training a large dataset" but rather latency 
compiling a complex multi-layer algorithm locally, and then outputting back to 
an edge network, where it can be analyzed by an already-trained model. 

Indeed, when choosing among topologies, it is important to not lose sight of 
the ultimate deployability and machine-runtime demands of your component in
the larger ecosystem. It doesn't make sense to use a heavy-duty backhoe to 
plant a flower bulb. Furthermore, if you are trying to develop an entirely 
new genre of modeling for a :abbr:`DNN (Deep Neural Network)` component, it 
may be especially beneficial to consider ahead of time how portable and 
mobile you want that model to be within the rapidly-changing ecosystem.  
With nGraph, any modern CPU can be used to design, write, test, and deploy 
a training or inference model. You can then adapt and update that same core 
model to run on a variety of backends:  

.. csv-table::
   :header: "Backend", "Current nGraph support", "Future nGraph support"
   :widths: 35, 10, 10

   Intel® Architecture Processors (CPUs), Yes, Yes
   Intel® Nervana™ Neural Network Processor™ (NNPs), Yes, Yes
   NVIDIA\* CUDA (GPUs), Yes, Some 
   :abbr:`Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)` (FPGAs), Coming soon, Yes
   `Movidius`_, Not yet, Yes
   Other, Not yet, Ask

The value we're offering to the developer community is empowerment: we are
confident that Intel® Architecture already provides the best computational 
resources available for the breadth of ML/DL tasks.  We welcome ideas and 
`contributions`_ from the community.  

Further project details can be found on our :doc:`project/about` page, or see 
our :doc:`install` guide for how to get started.   

.. note:: The library code is under active development as we're continually 
   adding support for more kinds of DL models and ops, framework compiler 
   optimizations, and backends. 



.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
   :name: tocmaster
   :caption: Documentation


Indices and tables

   * :ref:`search`   
   * :ref:`genindex`

.. _ONNX:  http://onnx.ai
.. _ngraph onnx companion tool: https://github.com/NervanaSystems/ngraph-onnx
.. _Movidius: https://www.movidius.com/
.. _contributions: https://github.com/NervanaSystems/ngraph#how-to-contribute