1. 18 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  2. 14 Sep, 2018 1 commit
    • mchrusci's avatar
      [ONNX] ONNX CI on nGraph PRs (#1605) · d2b73f99
      mchrusci authored
      * [AIBT-446] Run nGraph-ONNX tests on nGraph PRs
      * Cloning nGraph from NervanaSystems
      * Updated CI path to "ngraph/.ci/onnx/jenkins"
      * Updated permissions
      * Fixed path in find command
      * Changes to notification message
      * Editing CMakeCache.txt instead of removing
      * Removing old ngraph wheels; cloning pybind11 if necessary
      * Fixed path in removing ngraph wheel
  3. 03 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  4. 31 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  5. 28 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  6. 16 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  7. 13 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • crlishka's avatar
      Implement new CI trigger to alleviate API rate issues (#1311) · 3ceb6499
      crlishka authored
      * Initial stab at a trigger script for Jenkins mult-branch pipeline
      * CHANGE_URL is not working, so disable for now
      * CHANGE_AUTHOR not found either, disabling
      * Disable some prints of vars that do not appear to be available
      * Add in node block
      * Correct the node-label expression
      * Put Jenkins repo in a subdirectory and use the requested branch
      * Fix groovy syntax error
      * Call ngraph-unittest.groovy
      * Corrected the branch name for cje-algo
      * Now that the GitHub plugin is working, try restoring CHANGE_URL and CHANGE_AUTHOR
      * Set an environment variable MB_PIPELINE_CHECKOUT, to trigger proper checkout command in runNgraphBuild()
      * Try alternate load mechanism
      * I've settled on using "load()" to directly run the code in ngraph-unittest.groovy, so remove vestigal loading of an ngraphUnitTest() function
      * Change parameter assignments to be of the form params.var = 'new value'
      * Try alternate method of setting parameter values for ngraph-unittest.groovy
      * Try parameters-setting syntax from https://qa.nuxeo.org/jenkins/pipeline-syntax/globals#params
      * Correct typo
      * Try to work around parameter expansion issue
      * Modify strategy for passing parameters and using MB Pipeline style checkouts, as per discussions with Nick
      * Fixed calling syntax
      * Simply call
      * Make job parameters as local variables and passed as parameters to ngraphCIPremerge() function, as many of these are used in the closure for parallel tasks, and the lexically scoped global vaiariables was causing function signature mismatches on runNgraphBuild() calls.
      * Remove prints
      * Move CI to working from Jenkins cje-algo master branch
      * Add standard header copyright message
      * Changes from suggestions in PR review
      * Revert env.WORKSPACE (requested in a review) because it wasn't working -- a "null" ending up in the load path, for unknown reasons
  8. 12 Aug, 2018 2 commits
    • rsketine's avatar
      Update Dockerfile (#1400) · 61c606e7
      rsketine authored
      * Update Dockerfile
      reverted the INTERPRETER CHANGES
      * Added a conditional for a prebuilt argument based on task type
      * Added default arg and also conditional cmake argument
      * Update .travis.yml
      * Update Dockerfile
    • Robert Kimball's avatar
      remove test that relies on CPU if CPU is not built (#1403) · b17b4066
      Robert Kimball authored
      * remove test that relies on CPU if CPU is not built
      * fix docker build
      * change onnx to use INTERPRETER
      * run unit-test-check
  9. 10 Aug, 2018 2 commits
  10. 28 Jul, 2018 1 commit
    • rsketine's avatar
      Rama/travis fixes fornow (#1272) · cd5fe431
      rsketine authored
      * Update Dockerfile
      took out make -j 8 as we are running out of virtual memory.
      added df -k for getting the disk space info in logs.
      * Update .travis.yml
      As we bring up 3 containers here i am reducing to 2 and trying to see if this is deployed on different  machines then should not matter.
      * Update .travis.yml
      3 in parallel should pass also 2 of then are passing so trying this out
  11. 23 Jul, 2018 4 commits
  12. 12 Jul, 2018 1 commit
    • Robert Kimball's avatar
      remove custom install path (#1164) · 41942f8b
      Robert Kimball authored
      * remove custom install path
      * fix travis build
      * Add NGRAPH_INSTALL_PREFIX as an alias for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to make our unit tests pass.
      * change install path setting
  13. 18 May, 2018 1 commit
  14. 15 May, 2018 1 commit
  15. 20 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  16. 10 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  17. 09 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  18. 05 Apr, 2018 1 commit