1. 12 Jul, 2018 1 commit
    • Robert Kimball's avatar
      remove custom install path (#1164) · 41942f8b
      Robert Kimball authored
      * remove custom install path
      * fix travis build
      * Add NGRAPH_INSTALL_PREFIX as an alias for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to make our unit tests pass.
      * change install path setting
  2. 09 Apr, 2018 1 commit
    • DawnStone's avatar
      add GPU backend support for contrib/docker make process (#814) · 24afb41e
      DawnStone authored
      * adding support for GPU backend to contrib/docker
      added gpu dockerfiles
      renamed Dockerfile for centos74
      fixed NGRAPH_GPU_ENABLE cmake flag name
      * Check for GPU support on the host system and fall back to CPU if not present
      * removed double option for PREBUILT_LLVM
      * updated README.md with additional references for GPU support
      * added clarifying comments
      cleaned up duplicate settings
      * removed deprecated targets from the contrib/docker/Makefile
      * resolved absolute vs. conditional assignment for variables based on reference OS
      * removed example using a custom DOCKERFILE from README file
  3. 04 Apr, 2018 1 commit
    • DawnStone's avatar
      simplify contrib/docker Makefile and make targets (#797) · 86f88126
      DawnStone authored
      * saved a simplified contrib/docker/Makefile and helper scripts
      * fixed flow for make targets
      * restored original definition for setting the PARALLEL option on the command line per github comments
      * remove double build for make install targets
      * added a save for the ngraph_dist_gcc.tgz to maintain existing behavior
      * fixed passing the PARALLEL value to the make targets
      * integrated latest working build-ngraph-and-test script
      * integrated the latest working Makefile
      * removed reference to the THIRD_PARTY_CACHE_DIR (for future)
      * updated the contrib/docker/README.md file