Unverified Commit fd2bf807 authored by Scott Cyphers's avatar Scott Cyphers Committed by GitHub

Doc the A-ops. (#482)

* Doc the A-ops.

* Better structure for ops and the docs around them, based on cyphers branch for doc-the-a-ops

* More edits for merge into preview branch

* Update link to framework integration guide page on testing libngraph

* Better arcbackprops, review comments

* Make ``input`` consistent.

* Uniform formatting.
parent 636cce2d
......@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ doc/source/generated
# emacs
# vim
......@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ See our [install] docs for how to get started.
For this early release, we provide framework integration guides to compile
MXNet and TensorFlow-based projects.
[install]: doc/sphinx/source/installation.rst
[install]: http://ngraph.nervanasys.com/docs/cpp/installation.html
\ No newline at end of file
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.. api.rst:
.. Don't add Python APIs that will break the build.
.. autodiff.rst
The ``autodiff`` ...
.. TODO update for cpp
.. glossary:
......@@ -3,8 +3,22 @@
Graph Basics
This section describes the basic concepts you need to know when constructing
a graph.
This section describes the basic concepts you need to know when
constructing a graph.
Framework Bridges
Frontends (or users who require the flexibility of constructing
Ops directly) can utilize a set of graph construction functions
to construct graphs.
A framework bridge constructs a function which is compiled/optimized
by a sequence of graph transformations that replace subgraphs of the
computation with more optimal subgraphs. Throughout this process, ops
represent tensor operations.
......@@ -150,38 +164,3 @@ After the graph is constructed, we create the function, passing the
`Function` constructor the nodes that are results and the parameters
that are arguments.
Defining ops
A framework bridge constructs a function which is compiled/optimized
by a sequence of graph transformations that replace subgraphs of the
computation with more optimal subgraphs. Throughout this process, ops
represent tensor operations.
*Core ops* are ops that are available and generally useful to all
framework bridges and that can be compiled by all transformers. A
framework bridge may define framework-specific ops to simplify graph
construction, provided that the bridge can enable every transformer to
replace all such ops with equivalent subgraphs composed of core
ops. Similary, transformers may define transformer-specific ops to
represent kernels or other intermediate operations. If a framework
supports extending the set of ops it offers, a bridge may even expose
transformer-specific ops to the framework user.
It is easiest to define a new op by adapting an existing op. Some of
the tasks that must be performed are:
- Op constructor:
* Checking type-consistency of arguments
* Specifying the result type for a call
- Serializer/Deserializer
- Transformer handlers:
* Interpreter (reference) implementation of behavior. The
implementation should favor clarity over efficiency.
......@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ of :abbr:`Deep Learning (DL)` (DL) systems. Here you will find a suite of
components, APIs, and documentation that can be used to compile and run
:abbr:`Deep Neural Network (DNN)` (DNN) models defined in a variety of frameworks.
.. figure:: graphics/ngraph-hub.png
For this early release, we provide :doc:`framework-integration-guides` to compile
and run MXNet and TensorFlow-based projects.
......@@ -32,54 +35,26 @@ Architecture CPUs (CPU), the Intel® Nervana Neural Network Processor™ (NNP),
and NVIDIA\* GPUs. Currently-supported compiler optimizations include efficient
memory management and data layout abstraction.
Further overview details can be found on our :doc:`about` page.
Further project details can be found on our :doc:`project/about` page.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Table Of Contents
:name: tocmaster
:caption: Table of Contents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Algorithms
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Reference API
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Ops
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Project Docs
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 0
Indices and tables
......@@ -87,4 +62,5 @@ Indices and tables
* :ref:`search`
* :ref:`genindex`
......@@ -4,23 +4,32 @@
Elementwise absolute value operation.
Produces a single output tensor of the same element type and shape as the input,
where the value at each coordinate of the output is the absoloute value of the
value at each input coordinate.
Produces a single output tensor of the same element type and shape as ``arg``,
where the value at each coordinate of ``output`` is the absoloute value of the
value at each ``arg`` coordinate.
| Input Name | Element Type | Shape |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``input`` | Any | Any |
| ``arg`` | Any | Any |
| Output Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``output`` | Same as ``input`` | Same as input. |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``output`` | Same as ``arg`` | Same as ``arg``. |
Mathematical Definition
......@@ -28,14 +37,15 @@ Mathematical Definition
.. math::
output_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} = \mathrm{abs}(input_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}})
\mathtt{output}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} = \left|\mathtt{arg}_{i_0,
\ldots, i_{n-1}}\right|
.. math::
\overline{input} \leftarrow \mathrm{sgn}(input)\Delta
\overline{\texttt{arg}} \leftarrow \Delta\ \mathrm{sgn}(\texttt{arg})
C++ Interface
......@@ -43,8 +53,3 @@ C++ Interface
.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::Abs
Python Interface
is not merged yet, but could go here!
.. acos.rst:
Elementwise acos operation.
Produces a tensor of the same element type and shape as ``arg``,
where the value at each coordinate of ``output`` is the inverse cosine of the
value at the corresponding coordinate of ``arg`` .
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``arg`` | Any | Any |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``output`` | Same as ``arg`` | Same as ``arg``. |
Mathematical Definition
.. math::
\texttt{output}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} = \cos^{-1}(\texttt{arg}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}})
.. math::
\overline{\texttt{arg}} \leftarrow -\frac{\Delta}{\sqrt{1-\texttt{arg}^2}}
C++ Interface
.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::Acos
.. add.rst:
Elementwise add operation.
Produces tensor of the same element type and shape as the two inputs,
where the value at each coordinate of ``output`` is the sum of the
value at the corresponding input coordinates.
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``arg0`` | any | any |
| ``arg1`` | same as ``arg0`` | same as ``arg0`` |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``output`` | same as ``arg0`` | same as ``arg0`` |
Mathematical Definition
.. math::
\texttt{output}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} = \texttt{arg0}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} + \texttt{arg1}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}}
.. math::
\overline{\texttt{arg0}} &\leftarrow \Delta \\
\overline{\texttt{arg1}} &\leftarrow \Delta
C++ Interface
.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::Add
.. asin.rst:
Elementwise asin operation.
Produces a tensor of the same element type and shape as ``arg``,
where the value at each coordinate of ``output`` is the inverse sine of the
value at the corresponding coordinate of ``arg`` .
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``arg`` | Any | Any |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``output`` | Same as ``arg`` | Same as ``arg``. |
Mathematical Definition
.. math::
\texttt{output}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} = \sin^{-1}(\texttt{arg}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}})
.. math::
\overline{\texttt{arg}} \leftarrow \frac{\Delta}{\sqrt{1-\texttt{arg}^2}}
C++ Interface
.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::Asin
.. atan.rst:
Elementwise atan operation.
Produces a tensor of the same element type and shape as ``arg``,
where the value at each coordinate of ``output`` is the inverse tangent of the
value at the corresponding coordinate of ``arg`` .
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``arg`` | Any | Any |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``output`` | Same as ``arg`` | Same as ``arg``. |
Mathematical Definition
.. math::
\texttt{output}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} = \tan^{-1}(\texttt{arg}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}})
.. math::
\overline{\texttt{arg}} \leftarrow \frac{\Delta}{1+\texttt{arg}^2}
C++ Interface
.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::Atan
.. avg_pool.rst:
Average Pooling operation.
Average pooling windows its input and produces an average for each window.
| Name | Element Type | Shape | Notes |
| ``data`` | Any | :math:`(N,C,d_1,\ldots,d_n)` | :math:`n>0, d_i>0` |
| Name | Type | Notes |
| ``w`` | ``Shape[n]`` | Window shape. :math:`w_i\le d_i` |
| ``s`` | ``Strides[n]`` | Window strides. |
| ``p`` | ``Shape[n]`` | Padding below. |
| ``q`` | ``Shape[n]`` | Padding above. |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``output`` | Any | :math:`(N,C,d'_1,\ldots,d'_n)` |
Average pooling takes as its input a batch tensor `data` of shape
:math:`(N,C,d_1,\ldots,d_n)` where where :math:`N` is the batch
size, and :math:`C > 0` is the
number of channels (sometimes called features). The dimensions
:math:`(d_1,\ldots,d_n)` correspond to the shape of an
:math:`n`-dimensional data item in a batch. For example, where
:math:`n=2`, the data may represent a two-dimensional image. It also
takes four attributes:
1. *window shape*,
2. *window movement strides*, (optional)
3. *padding below*, (optional)
4. *padding above*, (optional).
The shape of `output` is :math:`(N,C,d'_1,\ldots,d'_n)`, where
:math:`d'_n = \lceil \frac{p_i + d_i + q_i - w_i + 1}{s_i} \rceil`.
*In the absence of padding*, given an input data batch tensor
:math:`T_\textit{in}`, the output tensor is defined by the equation
.. math::
T_\textit{out}[a,c,i_1,\ldots,i_n] =
\frac{\sum_{j_1 = s_1 i_1, \ldots, j_n = s_n i_n}^{j_1 = s_1 i_1 + w_1 - 1, \ldots, j_n = s_n i_n + w_n - 1}
*In the presence of padding*, we do not always want to divide by a
reciprocal equal to the number of elements in the window, since some
of the output points are determined by a window that is partly hanging
beyond the edge of the tensor. In this case we can define the output
via a few intermediate steps.
First define the *sum tensor* :math:`T_\textit{sum}`, with shape
:math:`(N,C,d'_1,\ldots,d'_n)`, as follows.
.. math::
T_\textit{sum}[a,c,i_1,\ldots,i_n] =
\frac{\sum_{j_1 = s_1 i_1, \ldots, j_n = s_n i_n}^{j_1 = s_1 i_1 + w_1 - 1, \ldots, j_n = s_n i_n + w_n - 1}
.. math::
\textit{val}[a,c,j_1,\ldots,j_n] =
T_\textit{in}[a,c,j_1,\ldots,j_n]&\text{if for all } k, p_k \le j_k < p_k + d_k\\
Second, define the *divisor tensor* :math:`T_\textit{div}`, with shape :math:`(N,C,d'_1,\ldots,d'_n)`, as follows.
.. math::
T_\textit{div}[a,c,i_1,\ldots,i_n] =
\frac{\sum_{j_1 = s_1 i_1, \ldots, j_n = s_n i_n}^{j_1 = s_1 i_1 + w_1 - 1, \ldots, j_n = s_n i_n + w_n - 1}
.. math::
\textit{val}[a,c,j_1,\ldots,j_n] =
1&\text{if for all }k, p_k \le j_k < p_k + d_k\\
Finally, define :math:`T_\textit{out}` as the result of elementwise
dividing :math:`T_\textit{sum}` by :math:`T_\textit{div}`. Note that
at positions where :math:`T_\textit{div}` is zero, values may be
infinity or nan. (This corresponds to a condition where the pooling
window is completely out of bounds, encompassing no valid values.)
C++ Interface
.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::AvgPool
.. avg_pool_backprop.rst:
Average Pooling backprop operation.
C++ Interface
.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::AvgPoolBackprop
Python Interface
is not merged yet, but could go here!
......@@ -4,21 +4,50 @@
A batched convolution operation.
Basic Operation
| Input Name | Element Type | Shape |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``image_batch`` | Any | ``(N, C_in, d_1, ..., d_n)`` |
| ``filters`` | Same as ``image_batch`` | ``(N, C_in, df_1, ..., df_n)`` |
| Name | Type | Notes |
| ``window_movement_strides`` | ``Strides[n]`` | How far to slide the window along |
| | | each axis at each step. |
| ``window_dilation_strides`` | ``Strides[n]`` | Per-axis dilation to apply to the |
| | | filters. |
| ``padding_below`` | ``Shape[n]`` | How many padding elements to add |
| | | below the 0-coordinate on each axis. |
| ``padding_above`` | ``Shape[n]`` | How manny padding elements to add |
| | | above the max-coordinate on each axis.|
| ``image_dilation_strides`` | ``Strides[n]`` | Per-axis dilation to apply to the |
| | | image batch. |
| Output Name | Element Type | Shape |
| Name | Element Type | Shape |
| ``features_out`` | Same as ``image_batch`` | ``(N, C_in, d_1 - df_1 + 1, ..., d_n - df_n + 1)`` |
......@@ -27,38 +56,6 @@ It must be the case that after dilation and padding are applied, the filter fits
.. TODO image add
Window Parameters
| Parameter Name | Type | Meaning |
| ``window_movement_strides`` | ``Strides`` of length ``n`` | How far to slide the window along |
| | | each axis at each step. |
+-----------------------------+ +------------------------------------+
| ``window_dilation_strides`` | | Per-axis dilation to apply to the |
| | | filters. |
.. TODO: pictorial example of the effect of window movement stride.
.. TODO: pictorial example of window before and after dilation.
Image Batch Parameters
| Parameter Name | Type | Meaning |
| ``padding_below`` | ``Padding`` of length ``n`` | How many padding elements to add |
| | | below the 0-coordinate on each axis. |
+----------------------------+ +---------------------------------------+
| ``padding_above`` | | How manny padding elements to add |
| | | above the max-coordinate on each axis.|
| ``image_dilation_strides`` | ``Strides`` of length ``n`` | Per-axis dilation to apply to the |
| | | image batch. |
Mathematical Definition
.. ops/index.rst
Core Ops
An ``Op``'s primary role is to function as a node in a directed acyclic graph
dependency computation graph.
*Core ops* are ops that are available and generally useful to all framework
bridges and that can be compiled by all transformers. A framework bridge may
define framework-specific ops to simplify graph construction, provided that the
bridge can enable every transformer to replace all such ops with equivalent
subgraphs composed of core ops. Similary, transformers may define
transformer-specific ops to represent kernels or other intermediate operations.
If a framework supports extending the set of ops it offers, a bridge may even
expose transformer-specific ops to the framework user.
Our design philosophy is that the graph is not a script for running kernels;
rather, our compilation will match ``ops`` to appropriate kernels for the
backend(s) in use. Thus, we expect that adding of new Core ops should be
infrequent and that most functionality instead gets added with new functions
that build sub-graphs from existing core ops.
It is easiest to define a new op by adapting an existing op. Some of the tasks
that must be performed are:
- Op constructor:
* Checking type-consistency of arguments
* Specifying the result type for a call
- Serializer/Deserializer
- Transformer handlers:
* Interpreter (reference) implementation of behavior. The
implementation should favor clarity over efficiency.
Alphabetical list of Core ``ops``
Not currently a comprehensive list.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ of :abbr:`Deep Learning (DL)` (DL) systems. Here you will find a suite of
components, APIs, and documentation that can be used to compile and run
:abbr:`Deep Neural Network (DNN)` models defined in a variety of frameworks.
.. figure:: ../graphics/ngraph-hub.png
The nGraph library translates a framework’s representation of computations into
an :abbr:`Intermediate Representation (IR)` designed to promote computational
efficiency on target hardware. Initially-supported backends include Intel
......@@ -15,8 +17,6 @@ Architecture CPUs, the Intel® Nervana Neural Network Processor™ (NNP),
and NVIDIA\* GPUs. Currently-supported compiler optimizations include efficient
memory management and data layout abstraction.
.. figure:: graphics/fig.jpeg
The *nGraph core* uses a strongly-typed and platform-neutral stateless graph
representation for computations. Each node, or *op*, in the graph corresponds
to one step in a computation, where each step produces zero or more tensor
.. branding-notice:
Branding Notice
The Intel® nGraph™ library is an open source project providing code and component
reference for many kinds of machine learning, deep learning, and DNN applications.
Documentation may include references to frontend frameworks, modules, extensions,
or other libraries that may be wholly or partially open source, or that may be
claimed as the property of others.
Intel nGraph library core documentation
.. note:: The branding notice below applies to code and documentation
contributions intended to be added directly to Intel nGraph library core.
Use the first or most prominent usage with symbols as described below.
Subsequent references on the same document, or on a file with an
already-present prominent form (such as Sphinx\* documentation sidebars),
may be done as an abbreviated form (sub-bullet items) and/or without the
repeated use of the trademark / branding symbols.
* Intel® Nervana™ Neural Network Processor
* Intel® Nervana™ NNP
* Intel® Xeon Phi™ (CPU processor)
* Intel® Xeon® (CPU processor)
* Intel® nGraph™
* Intel® nGraph™ library
* nGraph library
* ``ngraph`` API
* ``ngraph`` library
* ``ngraph`` backend
* nGraph abstraction layer
* neon™ frontend framework
* Intel® Math Kernel Library
* Intel® MKL
* Intel® Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks
* Intel® MKL-DNN
* Intel® Nervana™ Graph (deprecated)
......@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ source file (``.rst``):
.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/ngraph/descriptor/primary_tensor_view.cpp
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../src/ngraph/descriptor/primary_tensor_view.cpp
:language: cpp
:lines: 20-31
And the raw code will render as follows
.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/ngraph/descriptor/primary_tensor_view.cpp
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../src/ngraph/descriptor/primary_tensor_view.cpp
:language: cpp
:lines: 20-31
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ line numbers, and add a caption "One way to define neon axes within the dqn_atar
.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/ngraph/descriptor/primary_tensor_view.cpp
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../src/ngraph/descriptor/primary_tensor_view.cpp
:language: cpp
:lines: 20-31
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ line numbers, and add a caption "One way to define neon axes within the dqn_atar
and the generated output will show readers of your helpful documentation
.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/ngraph/descriptor/primary_tensor_view.cpp
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../src/ngraph/descriptor/primary_tensor_view.cpp
:language: cpp
:lines: 20-31
.. project/index.rst
Project Docs
This section contains documentation about the project and how to contribute.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
......@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ After building and installing the nGraph library to your system, the next
logical step is to compile a framework that you can use to run a
training/inference model with one of the backends that are now enabled.
For this early |release| release, we're providing integration guides for:
For this early |release| release, we're providing :doc:`framework-integration-guides`,
* `MXNet`_,
* `TensorFlow`_, and
* :doc:`framework-integration-guides` framework,
* :doc:`framework-integration-guides` framework, and
* neon™ `frontend framework`_.
Integration guides for other frameworks are tentatively forthcoming.
......@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \brief Constructs an absolute value operation.
/// Output `[d1, ...]`
/// \param arg Node that produces the input tensor.<br>
/// `[d1, ...]`
/// Output `[d1, ...]`
Abs(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg)
: UnaryElementwiseArithmetic("Abs", arg)
......@@ -26,23 +26,16 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \brief Elementwise inverse cosine (arccos) operation.
/// ## Inputs
/// | | Type | Description |
/// | ----- | --------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
/// | `arg` | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]~(n \geq 0)\f$ | A tensor of any shape and numeric element type. |
/// ## Output
/// | Type | Description |
/// | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/// | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]\f$ | The tensor \f$T\f$, where \f$T[i_1,\dots,i_n] = \arccos(\texttt{arg}[i_1,\dots,i_n])\f$ |
class Acos : public UnaryElementwiseArithmetic
/// \brief Constructs an arccos operation.
/// \param arg Node that produces the input tensor.
/// \param arg Node that produces the input tensor.<br>
/// `[d1, ...]`
/// Output `[d1, ...]`
Acos(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg)
: UnaryElementwiseArithmetic("Acos", arg)
......@@ -26,25 +26,18 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \brief Elementwise addition operation.
/// ## Inputs
/// | | Type | Description |
/// | ------ | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
/// | `arg0` | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]~(n \geq 0)\f$ | A tensor of any shape and numeric element type. |
/// | `arg1` | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]~(n \geq 0)\f$ | A tensor of the same shape and element type as `arg0`. |
/// ## Output
/// | Type | Description |
/// | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/// | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]\f$ | The tensor \f$T\f$, where \f$T[i_1,\dots,i_n] = \texttt{arg0}[i_1,\dots,i_n] + \texttt{arg1}[i_1,\dots,i_n]\f$ |
class Add : public BinaryElementwiseArithmetic
/// \brief Constructs an addition operation.
/// \param arg0 Node that produces the first input tensor.
/// \param arg1 Node that produces the second input tensor.
/// \param arg0 Node that produces the first input tensor.<br>
/// `[d0, ...]`
/// \param arg1 Node that produces the second input tensor.<br>
/// `[d0, ...]`
/// Output `[d0, ...]`
Add(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg0, const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg1)
: BinaryElementwiseArithmetic("Add", arg0, arg1)
......@@ -26,23 +26,16 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \brief Elementwise inverse sine (arcsin) operation.
/// ## Inputs
/// | | Type | Description |
/// | ----- | --------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
/// | `arg` | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]~(n \geq 0)\f$ | A tensor of any shape and numeric element type. |
/// ## Output
/// | Type | Description |
/// | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/// | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]\f$ | The tensor \f$T\f$, where \f$T[i_1,\dots,i_n] = \arcsin(\texttt{arg}[i_1,\dots,i_n])\f$ |
class Asin : public UnaryElementwiseArithmetic
/// \brief Constructs an arcsin operation.
/// \param arg Node that produces the input tensor.
/// \param arg Node that produces the input tensor.<br>
/// `[d1, ...]`
/// Output `[d1, ...]`
Asin(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg)
: UnaryElementwiseArithmetic("Asin", arg)
......@@ -26,23 +26,16 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \brief Elementwise inverse tangent (arctan) operation.
/// ## Inputs
/// | | Type | Description |
/// | ----- | --------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
/// | `arg` | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]~(n \geq 0)\f$ | A tensor of any shape and numeric element type. |
/// ## Output
/// | Type | Description |
/// | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/// | \f$N[d_1,\dots,d_n]\f$ | The tensor \f$T\f$, where \f$T[i_1,\dots,i_n] = \arctan(\texttt{arg}[i_1,\dots,i_n])\f$ |
class Atan : public UnaryElementwiseArithmetic
/// \brief Constructs an arctan operation.
/// \param arg Node that produces the input tensor.
/// \param arg Node that produces the input tensor.<br>
/// `[d1, ...]`
/// Output `[d1, ...]`
Atan(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg)
: UnaryElementwiseArithmetic("Atan", arg)
......@@ -24,55 +24,21 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \brief Batched average pooling operation, with optional padding and window stride.
/// Average pooling takes as its input an data batch tensor of shape \f$(N,C,d_1,\dots,d_n)\f$ where \f$n > 0\f$, every \f$d_i > 0\f$, and where \f$N\f$ is
/// the batch size, and \f$C > 0\f$ is the number of channels (sometimes called features). The dimensions \f$(d_1,\dots,d_n)\f$ correspond to the shape of
/// an \f$n\f$-dimensional data item in a batch. For example, where \f$n=2\f$, the data may represent a two-dimensional image. It also takes four parameters:
/// 1. <i>(the window shape)</i> a size vector \f$(w_1,\dots,w_n)\f$ where every \f$w_i \le d_i\f$; and
/// 2. <i>(the window movement strides, optional)</i> a vector of positive integers \f$(s_1,\dots,s_n)\f$.
/// 3. <i>(the padding below, optional)</i> a vector of positive integers \f$(p_1,\dots,p_n)\f$.
/// 4. <i>(the padding above, optional)</i> a vector of positive integers \f$(q_1,\dots,q_n)\f$.
/// The output has the shape \f$(N,C,d'_1,\dots,d'_n)\f$, where \f$d'_n = \lceil \frac{p_i + d_i + q_i - w_i + 1}{s_i} \rceil\f$.
/// *In the absence of padding*, given an input data batch tensor \f$T_\textit{in}\f$, the output tensor is defined by the equation
/// \f[
/// T_\textit{out}[a,c,i_1,\dots,i_n] = \frac{\sum_{j_1 = s_1 i_1, \dots, j_n = s_n i_n}^{j_1 = s_1 i_1 + w_1 - 1, \dots, j_n = s_n i_n + w_n - 1} T_\textit{in}[a,c,j_1,\dots,j_n]}{\prod_{i=1}^n{w_n}}
/// \f]
/// *In the presence of padding*, we do not always want to divide by a reciprocal equal to the number of elements in the window, since some of the output points are
/// determined by a window that is partly hanging beyond the edge of the tensor. In this case we can define the output via a few intermediate steps.
/// First define the <i>sum tensor</i> \f$T_\textit{sum}\f$, with shape \f$(N,C,d'_1,\dots,d'_n)\f$, as follows.
/// \f[
/// T_\textit{sum}[a,c,i_1,\dots,i_n] = \frac{\sum_{j_1 = s_1 i_1, \dots, j_n = s_n i_n}^{j_1 = s_1 i_1 + w_1 - 1, \dots, j_n = s_n i_n + w_n - 1} \textit{val}[a,c,j_1,\dots,j_n]}{\prod_{i=1}^n{w_n}}
/// \f]
/// where \f$\textit{val}[a,c,j_1,\dots,j_n] = T_\textit{in}[a,c,j_1,\dots,j_n]\f$ if for all \f$k\f$, \f$p_k \le j_k < p_k + d_k\f$; else \f$0\f$.
/// Second, define the <i>divisor tensor</i> \f$T_\textit{div}\f$, with shape \f$(N,C,d'_1,\dots,d'_n)\f$, as follows.
/// \f[
/// T_\textit{div}[a,c,i_1,\dots,i_n] = \frac{\sum_{j_1 = s_1 i_1, \dots, j_n = s_n i_n}^{j_1 = s_1 i_1 + w_1 - 1, \dots, j_n = s_n i_n + w_n - 1} \textit{val}[a,c,j_1,\dots,j_n]}{\prod_{i=1}^n{w_n}}
/// \f]
/// where \f$\textit{val}[a,c,j_1,\dots,j_n] = 1\f$ if for all \f$k\f$, \f$p_k \le j_k < p_k + d_k\f$; else \f$0\f$.
/// Finally, define \f$T_\textit{out}\f$ as the result of elementwise dividing \f$T_\textit{sum}\f$ by \f$T_\textit{div}\f$.
/// Note that at positions where \f$T_\textit{div}\f$ is zero, values may be infinity or nan. (This corresponds to a condition where the pooling window is completely
/// out of bounds, encompassing no valid values.)
class AvgPool : public RequiresTensorViewArgs
/// \brief Constructs a batched average pooling operation.
/// \param arg The node producing the input data batch tensor.
/// \param window_shape The window shape.
/// \param window_movement_strides The window movement strides.
/// \param padding_below The below-padding shape.
/// \param padding_above The above-padding shape.
/// \param arg The node producing the input data batch tensor.<br>
/// `[d1, dn]`
/// \param window_shape The window shape.<br>
/// `[n]`
/// \param window_movement_strides The window movement strides.<br>
/// `[n]`
/// \param padding_below The below-padding shape.<br>
/// `[n]`
/// \param padding_above The above-padding shape.<br>
/// `[n]`
AvgPool(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg,
const Shape& window_shape,
const Strides& window_movement_strides,
......@@ -81,17 +47,22 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \brief Constructs a batched, unpadded average pooling operation (i.e., all padding shapes are set to 0).
/// \param arg The node producing the input data batch tensor.
/// \param window_shape The window shape.
/// \param window_movement_strides The window movement strides.
/// \param arg The node producing the input data batch tensor.<br>
/// `[d1, ..., dn]`
/// \param window_shape The window shape.<br>
/// `[n]`
/// \param window_movement_strides The window movement strides.<br>
/// `[n]`
AvgPool(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg,
const Shape& window_shape,
const Strides& window_movement_strides);
/// \brief Constructs an unstrided batched convolution operation (i.e., all window movement strides are 1 and all padding shapes are set to 0).
/// \param arg The node producing the input data batch tensor.
/// \param window_shape The window shape.
/// \param arg The node producing the input data batch tensor.<br>
/// `[d1, ..., dn]`
/// \param window_shape The window shape.<br>
/// `[n]`
AvgPool(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& arg, const Shape& window_shape);
virtual std::shared_ptr<Node> copy_with_new_args(
......@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \brief Constructs a batched convolution operation.
/// Output `[N, C_OUT, R1, ... Rf]`
/// \param data_batch The node producing the input data batch tensor.<br>
/// `[N, C_IN, D1, ... Df]`
/// \param filters The node producing the filters tensor.<br>
......@@ -45,6 +43,9 @@ namespace ngraph
/// `[f]`
/// \param data_dilation_strides The data dilation strides.<br>
/// `[f]`
/// Output `[N, C_OUT, R1, ... Rf]`
Convolution(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& data_batch,
const std::shared_ptr<Node>& filters,
const Strides& window_movement_strides,
......@@ -67,6 +68,9 @@ namespace ngraph
/// `[f]`
/// \param padding_above The padding-above sizes.<br>
/// `[f]`
/// Output `[N, C_OUT, R1, ... Rf]`
Convolution(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& data_batch,
const std::shared_ptr<Node>& filters,
const Strides& window_movement_strides,
......@@ -84,6 +88,9 @@ namespace ngraph
/// `[f]`
/// \param window_dilation_strides The window dilation strides.<br>
/// `[f]`
/// Output `[N, C_OUT, R1, ... Rf]`
Convolution(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& data_batch,
const std::shared_ptr<Node>& filters,
const Strides& window_movement_strides,
......@@ -97,6 +104,9 @@ namespace ngraph
/// `[C_OUT, C_IN, F1, ... Ff]`
/// \param window_movement_strides The window movement strides.<br>
/// `[f]`
/// Output `[N, C_OUT, R1, ... Rf]`
Convolution(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& data_batch,
const std::shared_ptr<Node>& filters,
const Strides& window_movement_strides);
......@@ -107,6 +117,9 @@ namespace ngraph
/// `[N, C_IN, D1, ... Df]`
/// \param filters The node producing the filters tensor.<br>
/// `[C_OUT, C_IN, F1, ... Ff]`
/// Output `[N, C_OUT, R1, ... Rf]`
Convolution(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& data_batch,
const std::shared_ptr<Node>& filters);
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