Commit fb7e61da authored by Sergey Shalnov's avatar Sergey Shalnov Committed by Robert Kimball

IntelGPU backend: Relu operation fix with int32_t (#2596)

parent 8095c8ca
......@@ -1227,9 +1227,14 @@ shared_ptr<runtime::Executable>
case OP_TYPEID::Relu:
const string zero_const =
"convert_" + get_opencl_type_name(get_output_type(op)) + "(0)";
do_universal_unary(topology, op, "max(" + zero_const + ", input_var)", activation_relu);
const string output_type_name = get_opencl_type_name(get_output_type(op));
const string convert_to_type = "convert_" + output_type_name;
const string zero_const = convert_to_type + "(0)";
"max(" + zero_const + ", " + convert_to_type + "(input_var))",
case OP_TYPEID::Sigmoid:
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