Commit ef0ec4c6 authored by Fenglei's avatar Fenglei Committed by Robert Kimball

bug fix, hang for compiling (#2082)

parent 4a08feb1
......@@ -1645,11 +1645,9 @@ tensorflow test failures*/
writer << "gpu::invoke_primitive(ctx, " << sum_index << ", ";
writer << "std::vector<void*>{" << args[0].get_name() << "}.data(), ";
writer << "std::vector<void*>{" << out[0].get_name() << "}.data()";
writer << ");\n";
writer << "void* input[] = {" << node_names(args) << "};\n";
writer << "void* output[] = {" << node_names(out) << "};\n";
writer << "gpu::invoke_primitive(ctx, " << sum_index << ", input, output);\n";
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